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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25046294 No.25046294 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25046321

Wait, you didn't think the hundreds of threads spamming the board were legit, did you? Hahahaha

>> No.25046348

your problem was listening too late, easiest x3 of my life

>> No.25046352

then you'll miss all the good shit and action. GRT was a fluke. biztards be talking about shit like bonded and link all the time lol

>> No.25046365

Pretty much. By the time everyone is spamming the board with money celebrations, in most cases, it is too late, or you can maybe get out with minimal profits.
There are also scammers on this board, so common sense.

>> No.25046383

I sold. I had made a great profit when GRT price hit $0.7. But I was too greedy. I bought more, much more than the amount I bought at $0.3. So I deserve it, I lost about $10,000 on this project because of my greed.

>> No.25046387

You sold at a loss, didn’t you? Who’s fault is that now?

>> No.25046421
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>bought at .37
>not much like 8000 coins
>sold small amounts like 1k-2k at .60-.75 range, would then buy back in on dips
>decided to sell other coins and purchase another 12000 at .55
>now im here...

>> No.25046436

>Mfw I only made a 180% profit because I thought it would go up again.

>> No.25046447

A gain is a gain, chin up

>> No.25046463

What'll hit 0.30 first; this or XRP?

>> No.25046465
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Have fun bagholding, it just broke 43c btw

>> No.25046477
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>bought at .13
>sold at .68
snooze ya looze bucko

>> No.25046489

stop jumping on stupid fucking pumps for a quick 3x
think longterm and get 1000x

>> No.25046507
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Me too, fren

>huge profit buying at 20c and selling at 70c
>lose most of it again trying to catch the falling knife

It'll bounce back eventually, r-right? It's still a promising coin, right? This won't turn out like XLM back in 2017, right?

>> No.25046533

We're going to reach $10 in a week keep hodling don't listen to the FUD :)

>> No.25046550

Hahaahahah ahhahah

>> No.25046562


>> No.25046563

It's not too late to swap your GRT for PRQ.
If you can't tell by looking at the PRQ chart that it's going to pump than you are ngmi.

>> No.25046594

The thing is everything is tanking right now. Everyone saying "oh you believed the shlling?!" Yet are here fudding their asses off are disingenuous pricks who more than likely want to buy in lower.

>> No.25046610

It's by far the most promising project since LINK. Take a step back from your emotional response to the price going down. Listed on all major exchanges day 1. $3 billion daily volume for a project at launch. These are unprecedented.
It's a massively adopted working product transitioning to an incentivised node "pay to play" structure very similar to LINK. I don't shill stupid bullshit, I bought LINK at ICO and have bought very little else since then. I own a shit ton of GRT and I'll be delegating it when more indexes come out.
If you feel uncertain don't come to /biz/, it's a psyop shitshow. If you feel uncertain go and actually read about The Graph.

>> No.25046619

Made about 5-10% in the end. Could've sold when I was 2.5x up, but I waited until last minute because I still had high hopes. I still have about 5k GRT, which I will keep just to see what happens with it.

>> No.25046623

I told you fags to buy when it was crabbing around 0.12-0.15. But you fags were like "oh the mcap is too high!."

>> No.25046647

thanks anon I will try

>> No.25046655

Based reasonable anon. May blessed gains come to you.

>> No.25046668

I did read about it, and it sounds promising.
But in the end it's a crapshoot, just like Link. No one could have guessed back in the day it would shoot some high, anon. I remember investing in XLM instead of LINK after reading about both. Sold Link at <1$ and still holding XLM after buying in at 50c
I bet the most valuable coin will turn out to be some obscure shit like Chameleon Coin (COON) or somethin

>> No.25046670

you listened to delusional retards while anons with a brain kept telling you pump can stop any second and it will go straight back to its listing price
its only your problem

>> No.25046690

i told you you're buying too early, dum dum

>> No.25046698

why did you listen a group of paid shillers anon?

>> No.25046729

why would you ever listen to this shithole or 4chan in general
most "people" here are stuck up assholes who want to force their worldview down peoples throats humiliating "lesser" people all while crying like the little retarded babies they are

>> No.25046752

you fucking idiot, the future is built on graph.

>> No.25046755
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>Trading Volume $1,321,393,092
Honestly, sell. I am done trying to convince you idiots this isn't a scam.

>> No.25046790

>bought back in like a retard instead of quitting while I was ahead
Not sure if I should ride it out or not.

>> No.25046803

if you were smart enough you could make money out of it
buy the rumor, sell the news, faggot

>> No.25046806

The entire market dipped. People who never read about this project but bought because it was shilled sold. Weak hands.
If you don't need that money right this instant, hold.

>> No.25046875
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Bought at .48, sold at .58. Not my smartest or best trade, but whatever...

>> No.25046959
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>The entire market dipped.

>> No.25047126

its true though

>> No.25047196

you're absolutely delusional, it will dump another 25% in the next 5 hours

>> No.25047226

If you bought early you would still be in profit

>> No.25047248

ive lost as well but i dont bitch about it

>> No.25047281


>> No.25047751


>> No.25047853

I am only buying bitcoin from now on. Fuck all these shitcoins

>> No.25048127

It's true, but GRT is suffering more than other coins.
Don't kid yourself. GRT isn't done dumping yet, while other coins are already recovering.

>> No.25048222
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>> No.25048253

Hahahahahaha the moonshot is back

See you at 1 dollar fags

>> No.25048304

in your dreams

>> No.25048309

you're gonna get fucked just buy $albt actually good not some pajeet shit

>> No.25048336


>> No.25048402

Enjoy those bags!

>> No.25048433

Just bought 6k usdt more
Weeeeeee moooninnnn

>> No.25048481

Iron fuckinggggg handsssssss
Were gonna fucking make it graphites

>> No.25048489



>> No.25048505

fuck off with your shit faggot. I am now a bitcoin maxipad

>> No.25048537

Pump it!
Pump it!

>> No.25048562

Hahahahahaha i cannot stop Cummings just broke 50

>> No.25048623

If the virus never mutated, where would we be at? $1.10?

>> No.25048712

Next stop 40 cents

>> No.25048776

I don't care about moon to $1, just go to $0.6 so I can sell without losses and forget about this shitcoin

>> No.25048798

Just hit 50 fag next stop 80s

>> No.25048815

I finally capitulated and bought a suicide stack of 10k. What am I in store for?

>> No.25048832

The greatest mooning ever son
This was a correction now we go to the moon

>> No.25048839
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Can't make this shit up. Also GRT TA shills are even worse than usual.

>> No.25048882

Guys, I found a way to filter out pajeet scammers off this board with a relatively simple way.
The pajeets really shit all over this board and make it LQ. We can't prevent them from posting but with this method we can have them prove they are not pajeets. If anyone's interested how to expose pajeets let me know, i'll write the instructions

>> No.25048921

Not a pajeet
Get fucked Bobo
We are mooning

Eat shit nigger

>> No.25048931

Go on friendo

>> No.25048982

At 05.

>> No.25048990

Wtf I sold almost 20% of my stack at 0.49 and it's going up now.

>> No.25049013

thanks retard just got in

>> No.25049020

REJECTED as we speak

Enjoy the next bottom

>> No.25049032

/bant/ allows to see the flags of users and allows all kinds of shit threads. Just make a "decoy" thread on /bant/ and ask the potential pajeet to post a keyword in that thread to prove he's not a pajeet. This way you will get to see the flag of the poster and if he's a pajeet he is to be discarded immediately. If he's reluctant to post there (literally a 10 seconds job) he is a potential pajeet or a shill and should not be listened to and his thread saged.
Enjoy exposing jeets frendo.

>> No.25049047


LIFT OFF ! See you on Jupiter !

>> No.25049088

Yo mamma got rejected u fat nigger

>> No.25049094

Lol No. Stay poor

>> No.25049106

Noo it is really going up, I had buy order at 0.3. Fuck me

>> No.25049171

fucked loser

>> No.25049207

Whoa, we have a genius in the thread

>> No.25049213

This is terrible, did you even think it through when writing it?

>> No.25049273

Fucking idiot kek

>> No.25049283

Why is it terrible? Would you rather have them ask for their IP or their passport? There is no other way to find where a 4chan user is from.

>> No.25049300

Fucking pajeet. gtfo

>> No.25049331

Go make your little /bant/ thread you retarded cunt

>> No.25049343


>> No.25049409

I did it for you

>> No.25049474
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>> No.25049548

i am upset with myself because i got in at .14 but sold at .20 because i decided it was going to be a .10 token. i ws very mad when i woke up the next few days and checked price. long story short i bought back in when it crashed to .50 again, if it reaches a dollar i will get my 2x and some closure

>> No.25049741

The next hours will show. We might be looking at a reverse H&S and if the pattern is confirmed retest 0.60 or even 0.65 temporarily. If not, we might wedge down a bit more before trying to break out again. If that also fails we might revisit 0.30ish.
A lot of it depends on how Bitcoin moves and maybe even news about the mutated corooner.