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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 400x400, TNET-TW-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25045309 No.25045309 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Anons, its me again, the XRP Insider from the other day that announced that Ripple is going to be IPOing. I want to formally apologize to everyone for being a massive faggot. The Ripple IPO was a complete LARP. I do not have insider information. To prove it I can FUD the insider data that I posted..

The trinet image you saw was fake and real at the same time. Trinet has nothing to do with XRP. Trinet is a PPO (People PRocess Organization) that in short is an outsourced HR firm. Companies use companies such as trinet to allow them to hire remote employees in states where they do not have a business presence. When you work for one of these companies you technically work for both the hiring company and Trinet at the same time, because trinet pays tax in all 50 states in the US and other countries.

The Paystub you saw was both real and fake..If you look in the top right hand corner you can see words cut off. The words if you takea closer look say August of 2020.. I forgot to cut it out when doing photoshop... Additionally if you look at a real trinet paystub there is a company code assigned to it (that ids the companny you work for). That was clearly removed and not censored.

TLDR I'm a faggot and now karma has gotten the best of me because of the SEC news..

XRP Schizos.. I kneel.. I betrayed us. I firmly believe XRP will beat this lawsuit and we will reach 2k end of the year.

>> No.25045323

Dont care, will always be a schizo (unlike you)

>> No.25045331

Typos due to phone posting. But yes. No timestamp necessary here, all the information above can be verified online.. I lost alot of money due to the SEC news and so did alot of you. I'm a massive faggot

>> No.25045374
File: 196 KB, 800x680, 5B5B1359-9A2C-458E-ADFF-11F43CB9BBDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xrp holders will say bullish
Crazy shit is babacugs and the other ripple riddlers do this shit Hahahahahahahhaha

>> No.25045394
File: 710 KB, 803x637, a0dcf0af43598423b169434f1f496f29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news
not the same anon
Different style of writing

>> No.25045405

>posts 100 threads about XRP
>no, I am not coping, not at all
>40 cents and falling


>> No.25045423

Whole markets falling
Ok retard

>> No.25045425

Sigh hold on I'll time stamp..this is not fake news

>> No.25045496
File: 21 KB, 600x600, 1579327259205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course op, it was all a larp.

>> No.25045535
File: 702 KB, 644x545, confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


open envelope that i had laying around.

>> No.25045542

oh, wasn't your precious little shitcoin going to take over the world like any day now?

nobody copes like cripple fags

>> No.25045571

Had a feeling it was larp. If anything thank you because I tethered up on one of my alts but didnt pull the trigger on xrp

>> No.25045582

Press S to spit on my portfolio which is now destroyed due to me being 100% into XRP

>> No.25045640

Blink twice if they have a gun to your dogs head right now.

>> No.25045664
File: 324 KB, 959x234, 1608541168849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>different style of writing
>different background

>> No.25045696

I'm not sure what you mean by either of those.. The different background is because I use the "Tomorrow" theme on my laptop, where I originally posted the thread. And to be fair I was drinking yesterday night when I made it.

>> No.25045721
File: 374 KB, 720x720, 1602557673914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure what you mean by either of those.. The different background is because I use the "Tomorrow" theme on my laptop, where I originally posted the thread. And to be fair I was drinking yesterday night when I made it.

>> No.25045734

This is no doubt BASE go the mars now! My lucky shot was here and am ready to make even more

>> No.25045739

Got em fucking kek

>> No.25045748

This doesn't make any sense... I make a fake thread about me living in the tenderloin in san francisco and working at a private equity firm (which I said was trinet) and everyone believes me..

Now when i come clean and admit that I was larping, and prove that I was larping via a physical letter with timestamp I have from trinet (because you know, who has those laying around randomly) and now anons think I'm lying...

There's really no hope for biz.. I guess we are all retarded..

>> No.25045760

that background they are referring to is the online portal of the trinet page...

>> No.25045805

>I don't get it
>these delusional retards believed me when I was telling them what they wanted to hear
>but now that I'm not, they don't want to hear it!

Truly a mystery for the ages

>> No.25045853

Good point.

Well, I tried. I believe Kantian Philosophy dictates that an action is good as long as the intended of outcome of the action was meant to be good. My hands are clean of my sins now.. On the other hand, I think I should go to school for Marketing and Communications. I wasn't aware how of easy it is to trick people until yesterday...Now I understand why people fall for pump and dumps on this board.

>> No.25045940


Your karma's measured by outcomes as well as intentions. If you burn down a house trying to build a hearth fire, you're responsible for making the owner homeless.

It is amazing how people are willing to believe the most outlandish shit though, if it means they're going to get a lot for a little.

>> No.25046012
File: 69 KB, 1200x797, 1605911127666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so just post another timestamp with the same paystub

>> No.25046366

>when you don't even need weaponized autism to out you and a normie btfo you

>> No.25046801
File: 8 KB, 209x250, 1604683167469s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh, wasn't your precious little shitcoin going to take over the world like any day now?
>nobody copes like cripple fags
What is it about XRP that makes beta males seethe?

>> No.25047019

No one cares fag why is everyone being directed to this godawful fud-LARP faggotry?