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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 544x452, JewCentral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25043179 No.25043179 [Reply] [Original]

There are a bunch of discord pump and dump groups that are fucking people up. The reason why GRT pumped like crazy was partly because of that group. It has ten thousands of members if not even more and huge fucking whales. They use a snowball invitation type system to dump on the newcomers, meaning only those with high rank / invitation sent out- numbers will get noticed in very far advanced which the next coin is gonna be that is going to be pumped. Those who are the new plebs will be noticed only many seconds after the higher ranked ones already dumped their bags.

It's absolutely fucked how they played the people who bought GRT.

Don't believe me ? Twitter search: " $grt discord " or " pump dump discord " Absolutely fucked ...

I was lucky AF to get out of GRT in time to still come out with profit, i found out about GRT luckily on my own when these fuckers hadn't started pumping yet.

There is a screenshot floating around of the mod posting his pumping signal with the exact timestamp.

I hope they get ass cancer, all of em.

>> No.25043247

This exact type of scam used to be a thing in runescape

>> No.25043283

unironically fake news

>> No.25043287

It smelled like a scam so I stayed away

>> No.25043317
File: 56 KB, 1024x865, EatLead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who want to save their soul and others, i highly encourage you to bump this thread as to net let this important warning disappear. These fucking discord jews are on biz 100% and will try to refute me or simply not reply here as to not let this stay on top.

>> No.25043338

Smoking Mils CC

>> No.25043360

t. group member and grt holder

>> No.25043376

i still cant tell if this is terrible FUD or if its just an amazing shill campaign

>> No.25043392

Have a bump anon, everyone please get out of grt now

>> No.25043393

Yup! I remember that name was the top cc that all casuals flocked to on a daily basis

>> No.25043407

I want so smell my GRT

>> No.25043439
File: 54 KB, 1031x639, GasTheseKikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not necessarily calling to get out of GRT, just that the pump to almost 0.80 USD was extremely artificial and made possible mainly because of these kikes trying to profit off of you. Once the price is closer to original starting price, you can get some in hopes it might go up, i'll do that myself if it goes really low, but what i'm saying is be extremely careful with FOMOing in on something and search twitter for these fuckers before buying in.

>> No.25043498

those discord groups do not have the money to pump shit. There's 3 or 4 guys that run the servers then a bunch of idiots that buy their bags hoping to dump them on each other. Most of the accounts on those servers are fake because they get rewards for inviting new people (like 1 a sec head start to dump). They have the patience for about a 30 second pump before the server owners just market sell their bags.

>> No.25043502

I KNEW there was something fishy about the GRT shilling here. I’ve been here for coinbase listings before and it’s never been as crazy as the last few days have been for GRT (and the shilling was also incredibly coordinated with everyone shouting the same $1 target)

>> No.25043533

If you wanna try swimming with whales.


>> No.25043551

only niggers would bag until 1$

>> No.25043562

thanks, buying more

>> No.25043571

I wish the ledger hacker can dox these motherfuckers if they weren't exposed already.
I hope some hood negros stomp them the fuck out

>> No.25043580

We had like what, 3B volume? Those apes have chump change. The price will never be bellow .45

>> No.25043583
File: 961 KB, 500x281, DIEBITCHDIE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody who tries to get in on this. You'll regret it. They even monitor the general chat for the plebs and deduce actively when to swing based on the reactions of the people in the general chat.

Get raped by niggers you discord kikes.

>> No.25043586

I don't think they influenced grt that much. Everyone in that discord knows how the game works. They have no coordination, hence them just shilling that they are responsible for grt to get new people in the discord.

>> No.25043640

>those discord groups do not have the money to pump shit
>We had like what, 3B volume? Those apes have chump change
This. Now if the volume was only 1 BTC or less I'd agree with OP that it's 100% pajeetery. But 3B? Come the fuck on. Use your heads. Don't sell because this FUD is illogical.

>> No.25043655
File: 65 KB, 600x516, GasTheDiscordKikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about timed coordination and manipulating the order book in a certain way, it's not necessarily the amount of people or the money but a combination of those. The top ranks are in the hundreds and are legit whales while the lower ranks are thousands.

>> No.25043754

Holy shit it was being shilled at like 10 cents. Anyone who listened made a shit load assuming they dumped at that .67 or so dip when it was fucking obviously going to crash. Oh God I sure hope they don't do THAT again!

>> No.25043783

Oh noes anon, you’re telling me 2 GRT threads per minute was not organic?!?!!!?
Getting scammed by inorganic shilling is a rite of passage around here. Those who stay learn from it. Those who don’t just leave. Like it’s always been.

>> No.25044129
File: 937 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_0685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this Discord played a part in the pump, but they weren't the reason for the sustained continuous dump yesterday at 70 cents.

That dump was thanks to t.me/Crypto_Binance_Trading Group with 1 MILLION members, not 135,000 members.
This group got the signal to mass sell GRT yesterday at 3:00 PM until the price of GRT hit 2500 satoshi (~$0.56 USD).

Always a bigger fish.

>> No.25044226

If you look at this picture, the point when they started selling was 2372 sats (~$0.54 USD). And the timestamp on the message is December 19, but the price climbed all the way to $0.81 and crashed on December 20. And 10% selling from 135000 people did not move the market like 1 million people being told to short and dump until it was back to 56 cents.