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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25029035 No.25029035 [Reply] [Original]

>let go of job in march because of covid
>being declined by all banks and financial firms for spring internships
>lost my whole stack of crypto
>can't find a job, not WFH or in person
>sold all my stocks so i could have money to live
>1k in overdraft, bills and debts to pay
>still young

what the fuck happened /biz/, i was supposed to be destined and now everything has gone to shit and i am at rock bottom
how the fuck am i supposed to stay motivated and driven when everything just fucking turns on me at every point

>> No.25029088

>$1200? what do you need $600 for?

>> No.25029105

>still young
so you can fix it

>> No.25029119

britfag, no job means no stimulus

>> No.25029129

>whyt ppl problems

>> No.25029146

Have you considered HVAC or CS?

>> No.25029162

get a job. If you go there every day, you will get money

>> No.25029201

you and me both buddy. I lost every dollar i had which was all in crypto yesterday night due to scamwicks and sudden extreme volatility but that's leveraged gambling for you.

>> No.25029236

how am i ever going to get a respectable job if nobody will even accept me for an entry-level job, or a week-long internship with a bank (one which is required to progress your career, whether getting a full internship the following year or just giving you a general career boost)

all of the other things will fix themselves in time of course, the state of some people in retail says it all, but it's more the fact that everything i have ever had has fizzled out, and now it feels as though there's no hope left for me to stay driven
(even though there is still SOME, right now, it doesn't FEEL like there is)

>> No.25029244
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I was walking down the street yesterday and forgot to put a mask on. A couple almost walked into the street trying to avoid me. They looked at me as though I were a nigger.

Getting real tired of this shit boys

>> No.25029254 [DELETED] 


>> No.25029273

what did you waste your unemployment on?

>> No.25029283

i am doing a small course in programming, it's very hard to keep at it now because i've been so mentally fried
feel guilt when i'm not actively working on that or something else (like study) but i can't stay motivated, and any work i put in isn't effective enough to stick into my head right now

>> No.25029342

university, applying to spring internships, investing/trying to learn about investment and trying to increase my knowledge in markets

going to university isn't the same as being unemployed

>> No.25029349

I'm sorry OP, I don't know what to tell you other than cut all your costs down (move back in with parents) and try to find a job Asap.

>> No.25029361

if you can't get a respectable job at the moment, get an easy job so you can build your assets back up. there's no pressure on "gap year" because millions are going through this shit currently. find a way to buy at least 1 btc.

>> No.25029362

>paying for knowledge

>> No.25029422

my mum lives in a different city from my university and is shielding, therefore i would also have to shield, meaning no job
i'm going to grind to try and find a job in my city of study, i'm sure i'll find one if i keep at it

>> No.25029452

britfag, university is basically free, we have false debt that means nothing

>> No.25029489

it's more that i can't get a spring week right now, which will factor into whether i get a respectable job in the future

but i also can't get an easy job lol

>> No.25029594

do amazon delivery, it pays decent and you can lose weight walking around all day

>> No.25029622

can't drive, had to cancel my driving test because i couldn't afford any more lessons and needed the money

you name it, it's gone wrong this year

>> No.25029646
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>> No.25029661

i'm poor enough as it is, thanks

>> No.25029936

did you lose your stack by leverage trading, shorting, or betting on trump? if so you deserve it

>> No.25030135

>the entire point is to get a "respectable" job

>> No.25030163

i don't know that i deserve it
getting caught in a vicious loss-chasing cycle is horrid. it started with a measly leftover £10 sitting in my account from transactions and gradually developed into everything i had after i got sucked in and almost crazed, desperate to get my money back

it could've been further in the future when i did actually have a sizeable amount of money, but it wasn't so i'm thankful for it

but get off of your pedestal, don't say anyone who gets caught into a vicious cycle of gambling deserves it.
i'm glad that our government is banning crypto derivatives next month so no more poor suckers have to suffer

>> No.25030206

by respectable, i mean something that earns me at least 60k to start with. financially respectable, let's say

i have a notebook of business ideas and plans for when i save up enough capital

we'll see if i make it

>> No.25030223

>>25029035OP will sentinel will outprform bitcoin this year ?

>> No.25030235

You getting the nigger bucks? It's £70 a week JSA i think. It's something.

>> No.25030268

anon you are the very typical business school student I meet when I was back in school. ambitious yet trying too hard
if you don't give up your gambling habit, you ngmi even if you find your "respectable" job
btw you will soon understand those "respectable" finance jobs are a rat race. trust me I have been there

>> No.25030269

i totally forgot about this, i get money for looking for a job, something i'm doing anyway


>> No.25030365

what would you suggest the alternative is? i'm trying to learn to code on the side in hopes of doing freelance work in a few years time

financial work is the only chance i have at making it out of this dump of a lifestyle. yes, it may be a rat race, but for good reason.

regarding the gambling habit, you're correct.

>> No.25030422

The hard times have only just begun.

>> No.25030540

No worries. Get that bag, it's not much but it's something.

Use a calculator. Because there are different extra bennies you can get, housing being the big one.

Whats you housing situation? Also just search for a bullshit part time job, I worked Curry's PC World for 9 months on that desk where people just shout at you because some paki delivery driver smashed their TV or drove through their flowerbeds. It's shit but now i'm a software dev. Could do better but i'm up off my arse atleast.

Also the biggest mistake i made was giving up my bullshit job when i got the career job, move the bullshit job to part time or Saturdays. More security, more money.


>> No.25030634

Know this zoomer. You’ve tasted just 10% of the ass fucking millennials received at your age.

>> No.25030661

based guy, thanks for the help

lockdown means difficult to find a physical job so i've been applying to a bunch of WFH, call centres, chat mods, etc.
any bag is a useful one at the moment, thanks again

>> No.25030685

So close to realizing it.

>> No.25030796

Millenials had it easy.

>> No.25030920

I did the entitled to thing, and if i lived at a friends or parents i would get £94.59 / weekly. Nothing really, but something.

£185.98 / weekly if i'm renting.

>> No.25030923

>£60k wfh with your background
Get fucking real mate

>> No.25030924

obviously lol, they're experiencing this ON TOP OF 2008-09

doesn't make my situation (or anyone my age for that matter) any worse. let's just wait for the suicide rates for 2020 alone to come out, and then discuss this

>> No.25030996

wfh is for now, 60k+ is for after uni

>> No.25031130

just checked, not eligible for UC basically because i'm a student
i tried applying for the welfare fund but i got rejected for that earlier this year
one of the debit accounts i own is with a crypto card and they don't give out bank statements, so i couldn't even apply for my university's welfare fund

i think JSA is the only thing i'll get but it's also better than nothing

>> No.25031391

Wait. As a Student you get Student Finance? What did you do, spend it all? It's like 3.5k every 3 months? Better than some people are getting at the moment.

Get a bullshit job in a shop or supermarket, take a dose of humility. You'll have plenty of money to study and buy a small, no gamble, no sell, crypto stack.

>> No.25031460

pro tip: if you can't get a job in a recession that means your profession is fucking useless. unless you're in the service industry, those jobs are not coming back because employers will have realized this too. maybe you shouldn't have made career decisions based on anonymous "advice" on an anime forum.

>> No.25031480

You'll never get £60k out of uni unless you are in London

>> No.25031509

put most into crypto stack and that ended in the same way. i'm of the opinion that it should be allocated monthly rather than 3x quarterly, it allows students to budget better and is also more realistic. ROUK students get it this way

the past is done, time to rebuild

>> No.25031596

Wait so you lost all you had on literal gambling? Like not even crypto?

Let me get this straight, at one point you thought it right to sell your stacks, your investments, to throw a coin on getting back your gambling losses?

>> No.25031611

idk what you've been smoking but i've been talking about getting an entry-level job through this whole thread
if you're referring to the internships/spring weeks, they're highly competitive because they're desirable jobs. of course, the banking and finance sector will die out in the next 10-15yrs but for now, it's still a well-paid sector, and provides you with a good career boost.

>> No.25031652

You gambled your student gibs away... And no budgeting is the same between 3 or 1 month. It's more important with 3 months...

Take this as a lesson. Get some humility. Go work in a shop.

>> No.25031672

LMAO are you actually retarded? Average graduate salaries are in the mid 20K region. Even in London you'd have to be something special to get 60K right off the bat. You might as well insist your first job gives you a lambo as a company car whilst you're at it you dumbfuck.

>> No.25031700

It's off to the local gloryhole for you. They need staff.

>> No.25031761

binance futures
like i said before, getting caught in a cycle of chasing losses is vicious. you go on biz, or you go on telegram, and it's flooded with people trading on futures markets, some showing off their 75x/100x wins. sitting on years of losses in cryptocurrencies, a simple £10 bet from leftover money can take you a lot further than you'd expect to go, as you desperately struggle to get back everything you've lost

and then the general attitude is that you're just a gambler, and there's no hope for you. no wonder people fucking kill themselves, because society views these people as wrong-doers, not addicts

the shame of stepping too far into the rabbit hole is enough to drive me insane, on top of the losses

>> No.25031852

>i was supposed to be destined
no you weren't. You're not special. Lots of people go through hard times. You could be way worse off

>> No.25031871


london is the ultimate goal, but i live in a city that offers very similar starting salaries. why aim low when it's feasible for you to aim high? it's not fucking impossible, and if you have to end up settling, you end up settling for something that's less than 50-60k, but is still a higher starting salary than you would've got if you aimed for 30k and settled there

>> No.25031889

Don't get into finance.
Learn 2 code.

>> No.25031916

Stop crying, get a job wagie and slave.

>> No.25031931

hahah must suck. I can imagine being there, in that frenzy.

But you realize the hate exists because such people, in such frenzy, won't hesitate to gamble away even their children? Must be a scary condition, for they can't even trust themselves. I have a bit of that touch so I can relate, but fortunately I'm far too boring to gamble with investments.

>> No.25031957

Oof. You're retarded. Hopefully you'll learn from this. Go get a shelf stacking shop.
You are Manchester aren't you. Delusional. GET REAL.

>> No.25031960
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Lmao N.

Get back your own business to get rich nowadays, stupid uni faggots.

22 and 100k a year cus own business, MUH DEGREE

>> No.25031979

but just like you said, in the current economic climate it's near impossible to score a finance job
if you interviewed enough firms, you will realize that there is minimal qualification for a finance job. all that takes to get hired is being liked by your interviewer, which isn't something you can decide by a lot, unless you have some prior connection to that firm
honestly your best bet now is learn smart contract, learn blockchain, and try to find some opportunities in those blockchain startups

>> No.25031987



don't worry sir, that's the backup plan

>> No.25032040

thats what u get for letting fear run your life sorry

>> No.25032045

at least you understand though
i mentioned earlier that i was lucky to have that happen while i was this age and still had very little (relatively) to lose

>> No.25032061

It's the now plan.

>> No.25032107

when did you take such a turn?

no, not manchester, manchester has barely any banking opportunities in comparison
would be a nice place to live though

>> No.25032113
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Don't even get them started on the "plan".

>> No.25032122

>even their children
Not even an exaggeration, in antiquity it was common to sell your own children into slavery to pay off debt, or what was even more likely; you sold yourself. jfl
>Crassus WILL come out of the dessert, reeeeee I put all my money into this shit COME BACK

>> No.25032146

it's the now plan, but on the side
secondary weapon

>> No.25032218

Why would you sell yourself into slavery lmao. More like they got sold by creditor?

>> No.25032256

I got bullshit a job. Built up savings and portfolio. Then got a real job. Nobody is going to look down on you for working.

>> No.25032276

Find a way to acquire some UNN (500k should do it) hold it for 2-3 months and see how you're doing.

Not even a larp.

>> No.25032288

linkies wish they were as relevant on /biz as sentinels

>> No.25032318

I get it.

>> No.25032382

Many industries are cyclical.

>> No.25032480
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To be fair, most recessions don't involve mandatory socialist lockdowns, like in the UK.

These businesses that would be fine in a normal recession or credit crunch are forced to close by Government order.

Very dumb comment, it only takes a few brain cells to figure that out..

>> No.25032734

so you are a burguer who lost everything at the start of the bull run. you are on easy mode in life and you still fucked up everything, kill yourself

>> No.25033057

strategy for finance entry depends on what uni you go to anon, I'm assuming brum/edinburgh based on your comments in this thread

>> No.25033137

it's not a target university nor a russell group, but you're correct

it's a good uni for finance/business/economics. the strategy is to try and secure a spring week or an internship, or as much as possible in that sort of route (with the ultimate goal being a job in london), and then have that as support for my application/CV, along with coding experience and a portfolio

>> No.25033260

what kind of firms have you applied for? I went through the finance spring week/internship wringer when I was in my second/third year of undergrad and decided I wasn't suited for it after I got a 100% rejection rate despite being oxbridge

>> No.25033301

this isn't to be discouraging, just to clarify, only that I realised that so much of it is about the process/stupid bullshit of jobseeking, plus diversity statistics/desire to get women into IB/finance in general meaning that the cards were stacked against me

>> No.25033322

how is that even possible? i'm suprised, what do you do now?

i've applied for the top london IBs, regional IBs, smaller regional finance firms in wealth/investment management and consultancy, then i also tried for a few names in accounting

not being able to secure a spring week is shit

>> No.25033329

I can't find job anywhere either, even though finished my bachelor in business. Gonna prob have to move out of this small shit city but it's so hard relocating

>> No.25033382

relocating would've been easier whilst at university, but maybe consider asking any of your friends who have moved away themselves (whether for university, or anywhere else) and ask to stay with them
failing that, get housing benefit and a retail job just to escape, and then work at finding somewhere decent in the new city. you'll make it, getting out of the city is the easy part.

>> No.25033459

this anon gets it
after some interviews you gonna realize that it isn't worth it. it's basically a crap shoot if you aren't in the LGBTQ or minority group
kinda expected though, since all it takes to do well in finance is to be liked by your clients (which include your boss)

>> No.25033497

have i set myself up for a ticking timebomb

how 2 escape

>> No.25033530

>what do you do now
doctoral research

it's extremely demoralising with the spring week shit, I know. I literally saw the most vapid/idiotic people I knew get schemes and then jobs purely based on their ability to game the application process + the fact that they were a relatively attractive woman/a minority. Both finance and consultancy tailor their recruitment practices to inflate the diversity statistics for hr/external watchdogs, then as the absolutely brutal hours and working culture winnows out the people that got in the door on the basis of their gender/race instead of their merit, it's mostly whites/high caste indians/jews who end up staying to be associates and partners etc. I got very disillusioned with the entire thing, just asked myself if the effort of reapplying and working on application shit was worth it for a company that so clearly doesn't give a fuck about people like me

I genuinely think for your purposes accounting would probably be better, I know people who completely struck out in all of their other job search stuff who now have comfy af jobs on qualification track at kpmg, pwc, deloitte etc. Best thing about that, is that you can apply to a local office, probably massively stand out compared to other applicants (esp. because they try to market to sixth formers so much, whereas you're a graduate), easily get an internship/job there, then either a) spin it for later applications to london office/other sectors or b) try your best to get transferred to the london office of whatever accountancy you're at.

I literally have a mate from school who had b) happen exactly to him. He was a graduate with a shit degree who ended up as a grad schemer at a big 4 consultancy in the regions and moved to london in less than a year.

>> No.25033588

not to mention my cousin who is a complete fuckup who did nothing with his degree for six years other than play vidya in his parents' house, then managed to get on qualification track at an accountancy firm in the north. they pay his salary, pay for him to take exams, and he earns way more than basically any other job he would have been capable of doing with his background

>> No.25033616

by not getting too obsessed with your "respectable" finance jobs
I seriously considered suicide after not getting a return offer after interning for a hf during my third year of college. the 2017 bull cycle saved me
just have your plan Bs. you are on the right track learning to code, and you are already investing in crypto by browsing /biz. just give up on leverage trading and start dca into bitcoin and ethereum

>> No.25033669

with a finance job, your success is largely tied to your firm not your personal capabilities. thus the companies can afford to hire people not based on merit but based on their color of skin (ironic considering the whole scheme is supposed to make the system more fair)

>> No.25033687


this is insane. but it shows that not securing a spring week isn't the end of the world. it's probably still worth trying, but you've reassured me.

might also be worth lying about being gay and BAME

inb4 "lying"

>> No.25033732


thanks for the advice and words. all of my money that doesn't go on food rent and bills will be DCA'd into BTC/ETH/one or two alts

>> No.25034015

Lie on your CV, everyone does it

>> No.25034084

>not securing a spring week isn't the end of the world
this is ultimately the realisation you need to have, it is demoralising to receive so many "thank you for your applications but this was a very competitive year" emails, at the end of the day the entire thing is run by retarded hr drones who go down a box of checklists and distribute points to applicants on the basis of a number of factors. rejection says nothing about you personally, just that you're in a rigged game that's run by people who are fucking idiotic, who largely base hiring decisions on factors that have nothing to do with your potential utility to the firm.

lying about gay/bame stuff has limited mileage desu, I know people who have done it and they just get shadowfiltered after interview. if you put "somalian" on your application and you turn up being obviously as white as the driven snow, obviously they won't cite your dishonesty as the result of the rejection but you will nonetheless not be asked back.

have you considered law at all? I had no success with finance, a little success with consultancy interviews, then a lot of success with law. especially in london, they all draw their business from the same well, so if you're interested in markets and business in general, it might be something to consider. most firms will pay for your conversion course and give you a living stipend until you're actually working for them, at which point you're working on the same deals as ibers/consultants but from a legal angle. it's also, as an industry, not been as heavily affected by the diversity stuff, probably because the bar is quite a lot higher in terms of intelligence to actually function as a legal professional and not just coast along on buzzwords or performing gimp work for some partner in their 50s.

>> No.25034277

as if they could make such an already competitive industry even more competitive by having you consider lying about your own sexuality just to score an interview

i've thought about it, but it didn't really pique my interest. wasn't a fan of the legal jargon or the day to day work of anyone in law.
saying that, the pay is great, and they have some stunning offices at the big law firms like linklaters

>> No.25034348

I am so eternally grateful that everything you described already happened to me years ago and I was able to bounce and become self-sufficient perfectly in time to thrive in the current environment.

I can't imaging how utterly fucked I would be if I was facing all of that for the first time right now.

>> No.25034390

so it gets better then?

>> No.25034645
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you can do it anon. a job is a job. take whatever you can get and keep striving for higher earnings.

i never thought i’d be doing construction, but it pays $60,000 a year (more than I was making in entry level IT)

>> No.25034686

how much do you keep after taxes in the USA of those $60,000?

>> No.25034690

anon you will suffer a little bit during the job seeking season, but just remember what other anons have said in this thread, it's none of your fault and don't get too obsessed if you didn't get the respectable job you wanted
you gonna be fine if you keep exploring your alternatives in programming, accounting, or crypto

>> No.25034960

Goodluck anon, you’re still young so you’ve got plenty of opportunities to turn it around. I’ve got the same gambling bug, my parents did to but I don’t gamble with investments and I keep it mostly under control. It’s the most insidious at all cause anyone can spot an alcoholic, anyone can spot a junkie but someone who’s just pissed their weeks wages nobody can see that until its way too late and they’ve lost everything they had and more

>> No.25035015

today is the day to stop
do it in the name of my sunken investments, if anything comes from this, hopefully at least someone will stop trading futures/gambling

>> No.25035045

thanks for the kind words, chaps

>> No.25035530
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50,000. on a regular $1,250 weekly check I net $1,002.

your “per diem” (daily travel expense pay) is non-taxable, so it helps to reduce the overall tax burden.

>> No.25035582

Join the military

>> No.25035671

Get a TEFL and go abroad. You can save $2k pm easy.
>t done it for years

>> No.25035765

Start your own bank. Get small business loan. Cash out. EZPZ

>> No.25035911

your last name has to end with "stein" or "berg" to pull this off

>> No.25036110

Same op. Other anons are right. Close the gap on your resume with a job of something, part-time work at a shot hole gas station you name it. Volunteering looks good to close the gap as well. Unless you are a sraight white male, employers will understand your situation when you approach them for positions. I bet you know this already, but shill your resume everywhere. Good luck and godspeed

>> No.25036938

thank you for your kind words also
yep, i think it's decided that a part-time job is the first step, blessings

>> No.25037824

stop jacking off, start eating better and go to the gym bro. check out a /sig/ thread

>> No.25037972

at least ur not a nigger

>> No.25038077

already done, workout at home and have resistance bands for travel away

appearance is a key factor, it's the first thing people will see, after all

>> No.25038109

would've been nicer if you hadn't

>> No.25038134

amazon is hiring anyone if you're truly that desperate for a job, you gotta stop being picky and go do something until what you want comes along.

>> No.25038259

this thread is so despressing it makes me want to die. its not worth living on earth

>> No.25038307

>let's just wait for the suicide rates for 2020 alone to come out,
>just men
>all covid

>> No.25038372

definitely wasn't the intent
take 5 minutes to think of all the good things about right now
we have christmas around the corner, the days are only going to get longer from today, and hell we're on /biz/ during the bull market

big smiles chaps

>> No.25039488

just a reminder that this actually happened for anyone browsing ^^^^

>> No.25039508

Buy pnk

>> No.25039593
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s it true that there is gonna be an economic apocalypse in the next five years? How safe is my accountant career??

>> No.25039653

oh mate, we're all fucked
if you don't prepare a back up, you're putting yourself at risk
do what i'm doing and start to learn a programming language, and get good at it. it's the best backup you can have for a world that's going to be dominated by technology and autonomy very very soon

accountancy, finance, economics, all ruined by tech. calling it now, we're not safe.

>> No.25039669

dont give up, its the best job in the world

>> No.25039716

>i was supposed to be destined
welcome to adulthood. 98/100 people you meet over the age of 30 have already had this reckoning. at some point you have to face reality. get on the fucking wheel goy.

>> No.25039725

letting a bunch of steam off on here has helped me relax, so i'll be a lot more motivated now, i'm working through a lecture as we speak

>> No.25039768

Can we stop responding to this clown and let this thread die please. Gambled your student money on crypto futures and now we are supposed to listen to your woe is me story.

>> No.25040058

>retard moves out of parents place to feel like a big boy, then bug boy problems happen and ge asks Asian basket weaving board for help

>> No.25040533

entry level positions are getting automated away. only senior level positions can't be automated (i.e. AI can't take your clients out for a golf)

>> No.25040623
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>quit job in May because I was fed up
>live off of LINK fot 2 months from $9 to $20
>one of my pals comes through on a 40 hour a week remote job
>just chilling at home and playing runescape and collecting $15 an hour
>already back up on LINK from the loss of job sales

>> No.25040686

this is how i expected my life would go after i got let go
it didn't
well done good sir

>> No.25040851

What's your business anon

>> No.25041033

Lol your not wrong!