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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 388 KB, 1600x1033, 0_D7Qsgr9P2g3FoTvU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25022907 No.25022907 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like I'm the only one holding this now..

>> No.25022978

hello fren, I hold bag too

>> No.25022979

nah, you just need to get off /biz/ if they're demoralizing you

I'm for sure holding on like many people will. Strong hands bro, play the long

>> No.25022983

well yeah binance took it all

>> No.25023025

Why did the shilling stop as soon as the price went down?

>> No.25023030

I didnt want my money locked into a falling coin ill buy when its further down the line

>> No.25023042

sitting on an 8k stack, bought back when it was 10c. holding on for dear life.

>> No.25023051

I'm holding till 4, will happen in 2021, just need to be more patient than the shaking hands of gamblers after literally 3 days

>> No.25023069

When people 3x and 4x their money they come here to shout it from the rooftops at all the seething faggots calling them pajeets, idk

>> No.25023092

150k chad checking in, comfy hold for 2021 not gonna look at this for 12 months

>> No.25023091

Don't worry about what happens on /biz/ too much. If it makes you feel better, Coinbase Ventures and DCG have invested in graph so make of that what you will...

>> No.25023117

My platinum gauntlets are gripping a six figure bag.

>> No.25023129

I already see a wall of threads in a year "shit I had xxx k why did I sell I could have made it seeethe"

History repeats itself, don't be that guy

>> No.25023168

yeah this situation is eerily similar to chainlink, lots of people back then thought it would never pass $1

>> No.25023172

Musical chairs negro

>> No.25023197

Nope. Still sitting on my 1500 stack that I bought at 14 cents.
I'm still far in the green, and will continue to hodl. Don't be such a pessimist.

>> No.25023218

im comfortably hodling with you

>> No.25023259

Exactly. This is literally 4 days old. If anyone thinks this was the only pump this thing had in it, they're in for a surprise

>> No.25023286
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I’m holding too but my hands are shaking. XRP weekly candle closed above support and past 2 days everyone everywhere is predicting the second leg up and I’m scared of it shooting up and being priced out because I’m bag holding GRT

>> No.25023290

Just bought more and holding, went from 1427 to a1900 stacklet.

My dick is hard for the graph

>> No.25023291

I paid everyone here to shill for another day or two yet so you should have company.

>> No.25023317

If I was in this (I'm not) and I thought it still had a few multipliers left (I do). I'd look into token release schedule and get out before the dump in 6ish mo.

>> No.25023330

anyone have that pic with that anon having over 400k GRT?

>> No.25023427
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my fucking long cant close fuuuckk

>> No.25023447

where are my bitcorns sir

>> No.25023535

when there are no shills, BUY
when there are too many shills, HODL
when shills are going away, SELL AND GET OUT
dont be so greedy next time

>> No.25023607

Happily holding a 10k stack I bought at an average of 0.22 I will never ever ever sell.

>> No.25023756

>eerily similar to chainlink
Except that link has 1B tokens and the graph has 10B. Buying right now is like buying link at $5.50.

>> No.25023829

Total amount of GRT staked: 407,815,810.56 GRT
Total value of GRT staked: 294,936,472.36 USD


Close to half the current circ supply. There's going to be more staked tokens than circulating tokens soon because vested tokens can be staked.

I’m thinking the market irrationality was the price at which the token launched and not the move up
This GRT price movement toward the upside has been the rational move unironically as counter intuitive as it seems.

Potentially massive cope not financial advice for falling for the FDV meme. These people will get BTFO.

If chainlink launched today at 10 cents with the network it has today I’m thinking the chart would look something like GRT

>> No.25023830

4k here, not ever selling. A lot of fud going around but you cant break these iron hands $1 eom

>> No.25023938

>my break even price is 0.53

>it's hovering around 0.55

God help me

>> No.25023987

same fren. I actually would have sold at 65c if CZ let me.

>> No.25024019


but , isn't it that if there is more tokens, the price gets down?

>> No.25024200

I could've sold a bit last night, buy back in the morning, and would've pocketed 80 extra.

>> No.25024242

>falls for a coinbase vc pump and dump
its like you idiots haven't learned a damn thing from BCH

>> No.25024263
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I bought at 0.37, pls, no more

>> No.25024313

Providing a decent apy for 0.3B$ staked capital is no simple matter.

Yes. I'm saying 55¢ GRT is the equivalent of $5.50 LINK

>> No.25024537
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GRT profits ====> PRQ

>> No.25024546
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>> No.25024586

I assume half of the inflation (which is known) is priced in, and half isn't because many buyers are short term.

2 Billion supply to 10 Billion supply means 8 billion inflation of which 4 billion is not priced in. So the priced in supply is 6 billion, with 4 billion inflation not priced in.
So expect 66% inflation (6 to 10), a minus 60% price impact.

If you believe it will grow +60% in a shorter time, then it's worth holding.

>> No.25024621


you might want to read that very carefully.

"The seed rounds were from .001 - .003."

VC investors already up 20,000%

>> No.25024736


Their token unlocks in 6 months.

So, not talking about the FDV meme. Im talking straight profits from early VC whales.

There is a massive campaign right now telling everyone that GRT is the next LINK, impenetrable monopoly, the next WEB3 Stack etc etc... and all one has to do is fact check every single claim. Just a quick look and all of it is 100% false. Whale games are in full effect.

>> No.25024838

Grabbed 12k USD worth at 11 cents, easy 5x my money why should I need to keep shilling when I got my fill?

>> No.25024911


because when people start to understand the tokenomics you might be the last one selling back at 11 cents.

>> No.25024928

dude sorry you have to wait till friday to get your mcdonalds pay check to dca into graph. Good luck to you

>> No.25024938

as soon as anyone starts talking about "staking" its time to cut and run. i have never seen a coin survive from this buzzword

>> No.25024961

You got it wrong, the price went down when the shilling stopped

>> No.25025107

read my posts. see my strategy. Was a nice run. made 6x. im done with it now.

Don't be mad at facts and research. trade with knowledge.

>> No.25025217
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Why is everyone freaking out over the first correction?
Did you expect it to green forever?

>> No.25025302

They don’t see the health factor

>> No.25025349
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Literal shitskins fuding this don't fall for it

>> No.25025377

Imagine a corrective sell off. Then a day later a pumpu. Those crying for the sell off sell, then cry when pumpu. Salties never learn.

>> No.25025403

>there are niggers giving me advice on /biz/
The absolute state of this board

>> No.25025419

Because we made money and moved on lol

>> No.25025468

what's false about it specifically? There are 10 BILLION monthly queries.

>> No.25025479

let the weak hands go away, volume profile shows most people bought at 54 cents, so you have practically guaranteed at least $1.30 per token

Imagine not delegating your graphies for even more money

>> No.25025496

I bought at $.15 and I'm holding my six figure stack for at least a year and staking it.

>> No.25025579


>> No.25025593

congrats on the make it stack. Takes big balls to go in on listing heavily

>> No.25025602

This Rajneesh looks like he’s created at least 4 Pajeet uniswap scam coins

>> No.25025619

Bro, stop withe the negative crap vibes. You get what you put out there.

>> No.25025643

I'm liquidating as much as possible to get more. My main bag was purchased under .20... I am happy to purchase it at .55 right now. It's not going anywhere but up. Anybody who talks shit about it, hasn't learned a thing about who they are and what they are already doing.

>> No.25025647

And the 6 month mark is 12/30...

>> No.25025708


1. GRT is no competition to LINK. The comparison is 100% false

LINK literally SECURES over $100 Billion of financial products a day. LINK is so much the standard that a whole financial system is being built on top of it.

If LINK failed tomorrow all of Defi would collapse. Think about that for a minute.
2. Graph doesn't even have a working decentralized platform yet.

If Graph went away tomorrow there would be a dozen companies any project dev could go to to querrie the data they need to make their front end work. Yeah, think about that for a second. Theres so many companies that do what Graph does. Graph is dominant. Im not saying it isn't. Just that anyone can do it.

3. There is no such thing as "network effects" for Graph. It is a network. A large network but anyone can enter the space and challenge Graph if provided a better service for cheaper AND token needed. How many companies out there do you know that want to hold a token for service they can go next door for.

Networkd effect is truely a Chainlink attribute. The data providers and users work harmoniously. and it is near impossible for everyone to jump to another oracle network all at the same time. Cause thats what it would take for an oracle competitor to take over LINK.

I can go on and on about all the stupid false Graph memes. I myself bought and then sold it for a nice profit. Im just not stupid enough to fall for VC games. I put all profits in PRQ. Watch what happens this week. Follow the money.

>> No.25025733

I just bought some more at the dip, hold on anon. Togheter we will make it.

>> No.25025809

This poorfag just wants to flip it and buy some other altcoins eventually (2k GRT at .19)

>> No.25025836

10k here, hodl

>> No.25025845


*token not needed

>> No.25025858
File: 43 KB, 507x533, Screenshot_2020-12-21 GRTUSDT on Binance live on Cryptowatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no volume, this shitcoin is dead.

>> No.25025901

Aren't you the same faggot from a previous thread who we completely BTFO and bailed on that thread? And now you're back repeating the exact same arguments we shot down last time?

>> No.25025940

It’s not our fault your .onion exchanges from India are fake volume pieces of shit.

>> No.25026001

I think it is. The one that got btfo by a 400k stack.

>> No.25026078

>posts binance chart of when it was shutdown

>> No.25026079

you funny man!

>> No.25026090

I'm holding 4200

>> No.25026189

>There is no such thing as "network effects" for Graph.
well here's the last time we rekt your argument, you just gonna leave again?

As a blockchain project you currently have the choice of: use GRT subgraphs or write your own.
So let's say a new indexing protocol gets born today, this very moment, how is it going to take market share?
Well if it's operating on the same principle of an incentivised market of subgraph indexers, then the first thing is has to do is recruit a shitton of people to do the indexing, which people are doing on The Graph already. Thousands of indexers and curators already lined up to use The Graph, what is this putative new product (which doesn't even exist yet) going to do to incentivise indexers across AND offer a better product, than the project that is already doing it at scale?
In the same way that Chainlink has an absolutely immense moat because of the training and calibre of its node operators, so The Graph has literally everyone who wants to, and knows how, to do the profitable work of indexing a subgraph already doing it on their platform.

>> No.25026214

sold 1% of my stack yesterday to buy a new bed. got back pain from my old one, seems like the timing was great before the dip. 100 usd eony

>> No.25026424

Hi Fren, I went through thousands of dollars finding a bed. It wasn't the bed, it was me. I was weak, not tight.... Check this shit out. One simple stretch and strength training. https://youtu.be/Agc2mOW4p1U

>> No.25026499

thanks ill take a look. i was sleeping without a mattress tho, so hopefully having one will fix the problems kek

>> No.25026501

i got in at $0.26. im holding until $2.

bitcoin fucked up the moon mission to $1 last night

>> No.25026504

Why do you dumbasses always bank on moonmissions? If you were just slightly smarter and sold after a "small" 2x-5x, you'd all be close to being millionaires by now. But instead you choose to just hold onto to coins hoping theyll do a 10000x..

Fucking stupid. Biz gives me a headache sometimes. Are there any other 4chan like boards out there that talk about crypto/business with a higher collective IQ score?

I sold GRT early in the morning at 0.75 and made a shitload of money ( I invested more than a poorfag stack). Anyone looking at the order books could have guessed that GRT wasn't going to make it past 0.80.

>> No.25026544

I did same and rebought. Selling at 90c will net me $200k

>> No.25026555

Thats because you are, faggot.
Joking, me also.

>> No.25026589

3x cannot satisfy me.
I'm not selling until it breaks $1

>> No.25026591

My gut always knows when to sell but my brain is always slowing me down.

>> No.25026858

>If you were just slightly smarter and sold after a "small" 2x-5x, you'd all be close to being millionaires by now
Fucking richfags

>> No.25026916

Same faggot fudding grt. Guess what? I'm never fucking selling.

>> No.25027034

>thinks he's better than everyone else here and calls the board biz
Fuck off you cock sucking reddit fag

>> No.25027091

You would have sold link at a dollar or eth at 10 dollars. Shut your mouth faggot

>> No.25027115

You're not alone sir

>> No.25027364

We're going back up it looks like. Too early to tell though

>> No.25028023


>As a blockchain project you currently have the choice of: use GRT subgraphs or write your own.

this is false. GRT isn't the only choice for blockchain projects. there are several others in use. GRT is the dominant choice so far...

>In the same way that Chainlink has an absolutely immense moat because of the training and calibre of its node operators, so The Graph has literally everyone who wants to, and knows how, to do the profitable work of indexing a subgraph already doing it on their platform.

It is NOT the same way as Chainlink has an immense moat. Your basically saying the way Graph has set up its infrastructure there is a moat. Well yes, its Graphs infastrucutre. My point saying "network effects" doesn't apply to Graph (yes this is me just different cpu) was that anyone can enter this space and hop a different subgraph, if they so choose to.

To not use Chainlinks oracle network puts peoples funds at risk. thats because the "network effect" has taken hold and it takes ALL of the network to make this oracle project work. that is NOT the same for Graph.

If im a blockchain project I have choice to use Graph or someone else. There are other options as GRAPH is the dominant player they do not service 100% of the projects out there. Am I correct on this? yes I am.

See, what you guys fail to accept is that users of Graph and users of other services aren't effected. They are literally just choosing a different service. again, they can't do that with an oracle network.

prove me wrong.

>> No.25028057

no, it was the ledger leak shit, it scared the hell out of people. that news spread everywhere and it affected the whole market.

>> No.25028112

>this is false. GRT isn't the only choice for blockchain projects. there are several others in use.
strange that you would make this point without listing them...

You didn't reply to any of my points about the fact that the human pool of talented indexers are already working on the Graph and would need to be coaxed across to a competitor product. You're not very good at this...

>> No.25028116


There is currently an already decentralized project that does what Graph does. Is it popular? not as popular but they do have integration with some pretty big companies so far.

Its been a long time since I researched them. Let me see if I can find them.

>> No.25028213

You didn't reply to any of my points about the fact that the human pool of talented indexers are already working on the Graph and would need to be coaxed across to a competitor product. You're not very good at this...

I did. I told you this was Graphs infastructure. So what? this is the way they are setting up. what you describe has nothing to do with "network effects".

They have a bunch of people waiting in the wings to try and make thier platform work. Yes, they still have to show that it works and can sustain. But what does that mean exactly. That doesn't give them a "moat" of any kind.

>> No.25028335


If anything this sounds like Augur. You got humans indexers and categorizers. it sounds pretty laborous to me. seriously.

How does this even sound like a platform that can sustain long term. I mean we are in the age of automated functions. think blockchain, miners, ETH BTC etc.... plug and play for the largest computer in the word. Even chainlinks oracle network. Its automated function after its set up.

Graph is telling me a bunch of humans can do the same job. How does this sound good to anyone?

>> No.25028342

sentinel is the only anti tranny coin

>> No.25028851
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>> No.25029138

Now i want leave

>> No.25029701
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No its not.

>> No.25029802
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i was doing research on [redacted] months ago and it turned out to be in the same space as Graph except its building its infrastructure with decentralization in mind from the ground up. They currently offer their service to large enterprises since that is their focus right now.

why [redacted]? because you baboons were talking so much crap and doubted me. you don't deserve to know this gem.

I posted a picture of the telegram conversation i found. should be good enough. good luck.

>> No.25029905

so my point being.

muh graph "network effects" is bull honky

muh graph monopoly is bull honky

stop falling for VC games. Graph is dominant but an impennatrable moat??? no. any competitor can walk into this space and offer a better service.

there is no moat like a chainlink moat.

>> No.25030207
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What am I in for biz ?

>> No.25030221

Hey rajeesh cool and elaborate story, but I am not buying your rugpull

>> No.25030310

we sold and will rebuy at bottom. probably 10-20 cents

>> No.25030408


you don't have to buy it. posters just wanted proof others are offering what Graph is offering.

but this is why [redacted] will stay redacted.

>> No.25030431


>> No.25030442

A fun memory

>> No.25030471

making it

>> No.25030506

green ID checked, thx bro, among all this FUD, you made my day better

>> No.25030586

It's the heavy fud so soon that lets you know you're actually on to something. I'm sitting on 37k grt and pretty comfy.

>> No.25030587

Remember anon, the more of your own independent research you do, the less you rely on /biz/tards to tell you you'll make it, because you know you'll make it.
There is no substitute for your own research.

>> No.25030606

This is the best time to buy.

>> No.25030799
File: 9 KB, 201x251, TAKE AND HODL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not alone, brother.

>> No.25030937



>> No.25030982

Im not feeling too good frens

>> No.25031057

Kys faggot and sell your bags and FOMO in later like you always do.

>> No.25031063
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Buy the Dip!

>> No.25031077
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Is there any hope for $1

>> No.25031100

First week on /biz/?

>> No.25031115

>we're going to the moon poorfag

>> No.25031256

hahaha, I'm poor and I did the same as you, replyguys bought your bags, many such cases

>> No.25031259

HAHAHAHA a new generation of GRT bag holders have been borned just like with LINK, this is it Faggots, the party is Over .

>> No.25031318

look at how this shitcoin is taking boys i mean honestly

>> No.25031355

don't care, these staking rewards are retarded

>> No.25031694

So what the fuck do we do now
Nothing is fucking pumping
Not even prq or unn iz fucking pumping
Garbage ass market

That's it, never buying anything over 10 cents, and if I see it's legit I'm only buying it immediately, fuck this, fuck this coin, fuck this dump, fuck bears, and fuck me for playing this game thinking I can win a semi simple life

>> No.25031727


maybe it will all look better next month

>> No.25031789

You're not. I sold my initial plus 50% and I'm letting the rest ride. If it reached sub .40 I'm buying a big bag though.

>> No.25031813

Prq is pumping anon

>> No.25031839
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>> No.25031873

nothing is easy anon

>> No.25031877

good anon, let the rage flow in

>never buying anything over 10 cents
same here brooo
a shitcoin moving from 3 cents to 10 cents in a day will do way more than some meme coin crabbing from 3 $ to 5$

>> No.25031883
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>the price went down when the shilling stopped

>> No.25031899


>> No.25031959

I'm all tethered, you too?
How many days to wait on this crash?

>> No.25031991

Graphies, im fucking financially ruined

>> No.25032048

I spent 6k and now at a 2k loss...that’s about 8 hookers I could have fcked, damn it

>> No.25032051

Don't worry anons
I'll be here to buy your bags at $.10

>> No.25032118

that was the bottom

>> No.25032211

>So what the fuck do we do now
Stake and wait.
What else?

>> No.25032212

Its all uphill from here frens

>> No.25032236

soon you will be

>> No.25032240

green ID based thanks

>> No.25032247

>seed funding at $0.003
>it’s trading at 50 cents a few days after ico

>> No.25032278

As one of the members of the discord pnd, On our behalf I want to thank you as well to tell you, please keep doing what you're doing. You're making us a ton of money. See yeah for the next pnd ya gullible twats

>> No.25032280

Seed don't get their tokens for 6 months or more.

>> No.25032299 [DELETED] 
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Unironically yes, unless .... they plan to do this shit again and try to induce a major swing from 0.80 USD +-0.10 again. Anyways, i'm ready for that jewish trick again. Titanium hands. No fucks given.

>> No.25032303

What discord has $3 billion in volume? And if you guys have $3 billion why the hell are you still doing PnDs? Go and live your life anon, buy a yacht or something.

>> No.25032862

Were made of a collective of people. It's a big group. I'll spell it out for you retard since you think we have 3 billion. We don't need 3 billion to move it. We look for good projects with lower end of the market caps. Within we look for road maps, big news, releases, press conference, etc... We pick a project that has the most potential of people buying up the news. We fill our bags, start talking about it early on biz, so it's already a familiar name. We create a ton of memes for the pnd. We tell you we told you so, yada yada yada. Im not going to get into the psychological part of it. You would understand. Over 30 of us creating and talking into eachothers threads making it look like a lot of people are buying to convince you to buy. Biz has a lot of traffic more then you realize. People put way more money then they can afford(which I want to thank you) as well as spread information to other places and friends. We create the mentality of that it will always pump. One of our members is in contact with a few huge whales some that are on the inside of exchanges. So it will always be a lose lose for you. You're gambling against the house and when you do, you will always bag hold. The best part, you guys never learn. To answer no i dont have a billion, yes I do live my life. But I love coming back the day after to get a good laugh. Nothing like see the struggle of pink wojaks to make you feel more on top. Think of this as your Christmas present. Also were not the only group on here. Sayonara.

>> No.25032964 [DELETED] 

How would one go about joining such a group? I've been browsing here almost all my waking hours and would be more than happy to get in on some shilling

>> No.25033004

Of course the rocket needs to refuel after the nonstop face-melting pump. Next one will blast through $1

>> No.25033516

If you're saying to yourself this is the next google or something and that's why you're holding.
I wouldn't be.

>> No.25033727

Post picture of a sharpie in butthole with face in it. With time stamp on paper and a peace sign and shoe on head. And discord username. Do it and I'll message on discord. Pay your dues faggit

>> No.25033774

bought at .33, sold at .53 and regretted...

bought back at .49

holding now

>> No.25034489

Bought at 0.17, 0.28, and 0.45. Sold what I put in at 0.45 mid-way through the dump last night and made a good profit. Holding my two earlier buys for a long time, like at least one million years. Hoping it dips lower so I can buy more. If you don't see this going to $3 eoy 2021 you're retarded.

>> No.25034724

Same fuck it, I dont see a better opportunity for now on a clean new project.

>> No.25034802
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curator here who got 30k for free, 60k from the sale, and bought the rest as soon as it listed, didn't sell a dime, a -30% after a x25 from ICO is a fucking blessing for a correction

>> No.25034881

why did you not sell any?

>> No.25034950

Why didn't you sell something so you at least secured the money you put into it? Obviously you're still doing well, but I would've absolutely gotten my initial money off at x25

>> No.25034988

maybe he wants to be a whale. He is a top 360 holder. Has more than Poloniex

>> No.25034991

i get the take profits meme, but if i believe this thing is 3bil mkcap why would i? i don't need any cash right now
if i sold .7 and it went higher i would have went against what i believe, and if i sell now that only makes it worse lmao

>> No.25035005

I'm still holding, I'm not all that far up on my initial tho

>> No.25035076


>> No.25035087


Sir I think the best thing you could do right now is telling us why you think this project is 3bn mkcap.

>> No.25035105

I have over 1 million GRT and people keep filling my buy orders without me having to beg. Idk why they keep doing this but then they’ll ask me to sell them their GRT back at $2. Cycle repeats

>> No.25035128

There's no way you're that retarded

>> No.25035164

Why are you such a fag?

>> No.25035166

You got a big bad there, congratulations

>> No.25035171

Nice larp

>> No.25035174

if it replaces link

>> No.25035175

Explain? I am slightly retarded yes.

>> No.25035198

why would it replace link
doesnt it work WITH link?

>> No.25035226

I solded at the bottom... get ready guys, it's gonna pump any second now... JUSTTTTTTTT. I got too fucking delusionial with that $1.

>> No.25035275

Lol thx

>> No.25035292

there is nothing im gonna tell you that hasnt been said in the hundreds of threads here, this projects utility + already massive adoption by hundreds of projects is what puts it at 3bil
as a curator i can assure you the ways not only indexers, but even the average holders can profit are insane, "staking" as a curator is a completely different beast, and they're coming sooner than you think
when the token starts being used, it will make not just clients buy in, but even yield farming whales that are interested in an %apy kind of token, so id wait at least until q1 2021 when this thing actually launches before id even think of selling

>> No.25035357

thanks for the info. the fuck is a "curator" anyway?

>> No.25035403

What do you think it will be EOY 2021? 2.. 4? I bought mine at .4 with full intent in backing the product, not chasing short term memes

>> No.25035437

Going back to 0.25 in a flash crash, don't worry it's okay.

It's a 25$ coin in the next 18 month, and I've never been so unironical

>> No.25035453

>a subgraph is the link that serves the blockchain data of something specific (uniswap subgraph, aave subgraph, etc..)
>a curator stakes his money on this subgraph, so with enough stake, indexers get interested in said subgraph and index it
>this staking is on a bonding curve, so think something like adding uniswap liquidity
>you profit from fees too

>> No.25035480

I bought 20k at 39c, holding. i hope this dips to 20c so i can accumulate more desu

>> No.25035502

nice sounds like a pretty sweet setup.

>> No.25035504

honestly with no substance out yet, its hard to valuate it, i need to know how much the token is worth when all its utility is priced in
its even harder because i already believe the entire crypto market will explode this next year, something like 2017

>> No.25035536


Thank you anon.

>> No.25036235

Sell right fucking now you fool. If BTC shits the bed this will do a -90%.

>> No.25037076

>it’s like buying the best blue chip crypto that will 100X over the next few years at $5

Imagine this being the only FUD you have available

>> No.25037283

Every shit coin is an instrument to buy more BTC.

>> No.25037326

wow, sold my entire stack at £0.50
this stuff just keeps going down lol!
i will buy back at £0.02 :)
i think its a great project!

>> No.25037344
File: 41 KB, 344x314, 76 - J5nbk4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a nice long position about 10K

>> No.25037362 [DELETED] 

>first day on /biz/ and crypto in general
>buy 500 dollars worth of grt at .3
>convert 400 gains to PRQ when it hit .7
>now sitting to see what happens
>have 1355 GRT

did i do it rite. im also a poorfag and retarded

>> No.25037786

If it keeps crashing I'll throw some money at it. Worst case I lose some of my money. Best cast I make much more.

>> No.25038467
File: 253 KB, 700x394, Pepe Punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a sentinel meme thread

>> No.25038653

I bought a few thousand at .30 and am still holding. I'll just make it a 6mnth minimum hold. It kind of sucks because I wanted to throw this side money around and try to multiply it as much as possible but trying to time the market and speed up the process is folly. Patience is everything.

>> No.25038658

I like that it was a slow steady crash. Plenty of time to see what was happening. Used to the brutal fuck you rugpull.

>> No.25038667
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 42b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry frens, it's going back up.
The high IQ move was opening a long at 0.47

>> No.25038691

ive heard its going to go back up at every cent from .56 downwards kekw

>> No.25038697

fuck this better not bounce back yet....

>> No.25038715

You’re are going to make it. You know the way.

>> No.25038816

There is so much cope and seething in this thread from newfags who didn’t cash out at least 70% of their stack at 0.80c .
>imagine my shock

>> No.25038894

honestly how did you retards not get a position in at least under 20c? are you fuckers mentally retarded or something?

>> No.25038936

I was playing bideo games and didn't see it until it was at .36