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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1252x823, union-finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25022308 No.25022308 [Reply] [Original]

Hey kid, heard you missed out on GRT

>> No.25022814
File: 15 KB, 300x216, template-digital-marketing-consulting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I heard about this

>> No.25022864

Stacking more as we speak

>> No.25023532

5c eow

>> No.25023656

what even is this shit

>> No.25023774

already on 80k, moved some of my GRT gains to our next lottery ticket.

>> No.25023812

Lmao based

>> No.25023823

$1 is easy when the binance listing hits

>> No.25023828

how do I buy them on uniswap?

>> No.25023861

This is the contract:


>> No.25023889

Not on clownbase? I sleep.

>> No.25023936

The new backbone of DeFi


>> No.25024032

Post links to reliable sources instead of just pasting the contract here, you come across a scammer doing that.

>> No.25024092

Should I go all in anons?


>> No.25024095

New to crypto can anyone explain how I can take part in this stuff

>> No.25024208


Use metamask and buy on uniswap. For token adress always use a reputable source. I use coingecko.

>> No.25024284

Good entry, it hovers around at current support. seed investors partially sold at 4 cents already.

>> No.25024417

I have a 50k suicide bag
what's a realistic projection for this?

>> No.25024479

Imagine missing out on the next GRT. Shit isn't even on gecko yet

>> No.25024528

try to do it when the americans are sleeping anon. Otherwise you'll be raped in gas fees

>> No.25024562

of course it's on gecko

>> No.25024562,1 [INTERNAL] 


0.1-0.2 short term max, other than that who knows.

>> No.25024594

it's not even ranked.

>> No.25024657

2k stack, literally can't loose. 10 cents will feel like the moon.

>> No.25024954

just bought around 37k UNN, this shit better moon

>> No.25025126

what's the make it stack and price predeictions here?

>> No.25025153

What does this shitcoin even do? Why is the token needed?

I read the whitepaper and it's just a bunch of nonsensical buzzwords to fill the space.

ELI5 faggots?

>> No.25025216

Had the same feeling honestly. Seems to have a decent hype and a professional team but I'll pass

>> No.25025222

fucking binance can't move my eth into uni to buy

>> No.25025256

>"The UNN token is used for governance purposes, such as voting on
protection claims and related conflict resolution protocols, adjusting risk parameters, or
adjusting incentive programs."

>> No.25025282

I have 7k

>> No.25025321


It might be a good buy this this is super hard to shill when hardly anyone understands what's this about. I'm an SWE at FAANG and I write design papers for complex systems, if I turned up with something like this I'd be laughed out of my comfy wagecuck job.

There's nothing specific in there. GRT has the normie appeal, you can shill it as "Google for blockchain" and all that shit. How can this be shilled?

>> No.25025340

Does anyone even know anything about UNN or do all of you buy into it because Ellio shilled it?

>> No.25025408


Do you even understand that yourself? How does this answer "why is the token needed"? What is "protection" specifically? This is the problem with this project. The pajeets that roam TG can't even explain this to noobs, the shills on biz so far have been posting the screencaps of advizor team because that's the best they can come up to shilling this.

I've seen the interview with Michael [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb8nQEy-H1A] and still can't understand what this shit is about, all his answers where typical corp speak non-answers with the interviewer too afraid to look dumb and dig in.

>> No.25025822

it seems more complicated than it is, this is purely an incentivized governance token.

The actual project, is just like gap insurance for smart contract fulfillment.

>> No.25026139

holy fuck stop shilling this shit I need time to load up you asshole

>> No.25026163

>holy fuck stop shilling this shit I need time to load up you asshole
What a generic bullshit shill post

>> No.25026261
File: 85 KB, 1140x969, Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. We need to nuke India. Who's with me?

>> No.25026291

good. dump. need more. more good.

>> No.25026342
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 1538358948778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good. dump. need more. more good
I hope it goes to zero so I can fill my bags. More coins for me!

>> No.25027251

This shit is going X4 this week minimum.

>> No.25027396
File: 8 KB, 277x182, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ in general is uncapable of seeing good projects before they pop. Most will fomo in close to the top again like with grt at 0.70$.

>> No.25027659

this project in general isn't doing a good job at selling itself, and releasing when GRT finally went public kept it under the radar. This is going to boom to a minimum 25c when the market stops crabbing, get in now.

>> No.25027689

How the fuck do you even predict this shit? Where does everyone learn to distinguish what's just a pajeet scamcoin and a legitimate investment?

>> No.25027793

if you read the white papers, and DYOR you'll find actual cause behind the good projects. scam coins are becoming easier to spot if you actually deep dive into the projects; especially the dev team's social media.

>> No.25027928


You need to learn thinking critically. Too critical and you'll fud yourself out of good investments because at the core all of this marked is a bullshit pyramid scheme.

Never accept arguments like good team and "they wouldn't risk their reputation". Remember in this market there's no penalty for failing, and even if you never did anything except for launching the copy paste ethereum token no one will know. In fact "fail fast" is celebrated in startup community and in the end they can walk from this clean. Degrees don't matter. Ex jobs don't matter (see Harmony).

Look only at their track record, have they delivered anything? This team hasn't. They don't list any devs, they have no product, no MVP. Their site is just a WP with a theme;

Read the whitepaper, do you have questions? Can anyone answer? Do you fully understand what's this about? If you can't understand how will others?

Sure in a bull market you might get lucky with a whale pump but that's pure luck, you want to minimize luck factor by actually investing into good projects that have longevity.

Never accept arguments like "it's so new it hasn't mooned yet". It's common to have an initial dump and never recover, see old shit like aXpire. Do you think the boomers there had any issues or "damaged" their reputation? No, it's wild west with no consequences full of scams.

>> No.25028012


You are obviously NGMI.

>> No.25028110


See how pajeets never engage in a conversation but attack the messenger? That's because their baby brain can't think critically, they are the plankton controlled by whale pnds.

Good projects stand on their own feet, shitcoins need pajeets shilling but this one is unshillable ngl.

>> No.25028171


Oh, I'm not investing in this coin. The word press site was a red flag, lack of accountability, the lack of understanding I have about crypto, etc. A common trick used by con-artists is to sound like they know what they're talking about by throwing all kinds of complicated buzzwords at you.

>Look only at their track record, have they delivered anything? This team hasn't. They don't list any devs, they have no product, no MVP. Their site is just a WP with a theme;

This is the #1 thing I always look out for when checking out these coins. Do these guys have any actual influence in this market? Or are they just another case of "HEY GUYZ, GET OUR NEW COIN N GET RICH XDDD"

>> No.25028244


All the fud you just listed is 100 percent bogus. In fact you sound like a copy and paste paid fudder to me. How much they paying you pajeet?

>> No.25028338

Maybe actually try to tell us why this coin is worth a damn instead of mindlessly babble, then we'll talk, pajeet.

>> No.25028375

Absolute shit advice. Reading whitepapers is one thing but the most important thing is understanding if a project adresses an actual problem and if the crypto community sees this as an important problem. How many defi players got hacked this summer? You think people feel comfortable putting in a lot of money if some pajeet can just take their money and no one is responsible? No. Thats why a solid insurance for defi is needed and thats the niche UNN is trying to fill and thats why it will pump.

Next advice is to take profits when the project goes x and never overleverage yourself a.k.a dont put in more than you can comfortably loose.

I'm bullish on UNN and i have my bags packed already. /biz/ will sleep again for a long time until it already pumped 5x.

>> No.25028449

Lmao anything with a rugpull warning on coingecko is a scam

>> No.25028456


I dont have to tell you shit you little limp dick bany handed retard. Learn to DYOR instead of spouting off basic noob 101 cookie cutter advice to try and make it sound like you actually have a clue as to what you are talk about because you clearly dont.

>> No.25028489


You try to sell this using buzzwords again: DeFI + Hack = problem, UNN = solution. Can you see why this is flawed? There's no track record, no devs, no MVP, no github, what even says they're capable of being the solution besides the whitepaper filled with "will"s?

Again this might pump whales willing, but that's just lottery.

>> No.25028533


You tell others to buy but when questioned resort to crying DYOR?

- "Give me money?"
- "Why?"
- "DYOR"

How dumb are you seriously?

>> No.25028542


How many moon missions did you miss these past two weeks anon? Your nose for market sentiment and momentum is clearly dog shit.

>> No.25028598

How new are you?

>> No.25028602


Im not telling you anything faggot. Not until after we rip past 10 to 15 cents this week. I enjoy watching pajeet fudders like yourself miss the next train before it takes off. People like you were literally born to be and stay poor.

>> No.25028621

Whats the MC on this thing?
Suicide stack?

>> No.25028645

Massive sell signal

>> No.25028646

>Requires Uniswap.

Normies cannot fomo / be fed marketing to go into this. This coin will go nowhere.

>> No.25028671


Alright anon, have a good one. You're obviously attempting to whiteknight this shitcoin out of goodness of your heart, too bad you're doing such a bad job.

In exactly a week I'll post a screenshot and laugh as the price is hovering around 2c, see you then!

>> No.25028747

What is the problem with WordPress?

>> No.25028788



>> No.25028809
File: 4 KB, 214x236, 141343134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25028840


Nothing desu, the only problem is that site itself can't be used as validator of their dev ability because any pajeet can click a few buttons and download a theme from themeforest and have something like this.

>> No.25028907

kek, i just loaded up. chainlink integration coming. team is legit.

t. Graph and Link whale

>> No.25029153


What's your target ~? I may load up on this still because shits retarted. Team is legit business guys I get it, if you have any linkedins of their devs share

>> No.25029285

Team is legit? So uh a chink who went to school is all it takes for biz to be satisfied...

>> No.25029373


Lol the poverty is strong with this one.

>> No.25029524

Why reinvent the wheel and code a theme from scratch? Also, there's a way to hide wp paths so it's not obvious that a website was built with it.

Anyway, there are prominent crypto projects that use wordpress (and probably customized pre-made themes):

polkadot.network (possibly)

>> No.25030150

yeah buddy

>> No.25030263

Fuck it.

Deadass considering just buying in. Even IF this is a scam, I'd still at least double my money off all the pajeets shilling it to panic buyers on here who only buy in when it hits binance and coinbase.

>> No.25030373


Same. Double might be pushing it but I can see this going to 1.5x, it's currently in accumulation phase.

>> No.25030381

Price prediction EOY?

>> No.25030666

10c easy

>> No.25030777


>> No.25030795

Read the first 5 pages of the whitepaper.


Everything is so vague, I UNDERSTAND NOTHING AND I TRIED

Please redpill me without this jargon that sounds more bullshit than anything else

>> No.25030873


There is no substance there, turn off your brain if you want to succeed with shitcoins. Whitepaper is made to sound smart whilst not saying anything at all. They even have a few pages dedicated to 1st. grader insurance calculations kek.

It's like buying a lottery, you depend on your luck + having enough dumb buyers to buy higher than you, that's it anon.

>> No.25031614


>turn off your brain if you want to succeed with shitcoins.

>It's like buying a lottery, you depend on your luck + having enough dumb buyers to buy higher than you, that's it anon.

For now, until I fully understand how crypto works, this is exactly what I've been going by.

It's just some basic quick research and intuition with no real guarantees.

>> No.25031920

That's what I thought.

I'll pass, GRT is less than a billion and will go to 50 billion in less than 16 month, who cares

>> No.25031981
File: 944 KB, 777x501, yeeteth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The UNN token is used for governance purposes, such as voting on...

>> No.25032066


This is some real bullshit here.

>> No.25032075

Token literally not needed.
It's just a fucking governance token.

>> No.25032373

uh hum. stay poor

>> No.25032395


We're all just shooting our loads in the wind here OP

>> No.25033117

Its below pre sale price which was 1.29
Room temperature iq people would pass up this buy

>> No.25033151

based project

>> No.25033224

You must be new to crypto