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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 536 KB, 577x579, Bilzerian-jordan-carver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25021353 No.25021353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kek at the biz cucks. All you will manage to do is retire at 30 years old with 1 million dollars? Holy shit, then they will just play vydia and coom to porn all day, what a fucking life.

>> No.25021403

What else are you gonna do? Bilzerian is a fraud.

>> No.25021429

Imagine actually posting this bullshit with a Dan Blizerin photo. OP is a confirmed faggot lmfaoooo everyone laugh at OP

>> No.25021441

Yet he had a life 10x better then yours

>> No.25021459

no proof he was ever good at playing poker, but had rich parents and probably inherited it all

>> No.25021461

yeah what's wrong with that? beats the hell out of wagecucking for the rest of my life

>> No.25021477

No he doesn’t you fucking moron he was a trust fund baby fraud and he paid women to hang out with him. He’s also a manlet, and he’s broke as fuck now that’s why he stopped posting. Kill yourself you autistic retard

>> No.25021514

I don’t think that’s true, he has talked about how hedonism is empty. He went on record saying friendship is the source of happiness, and you don’t have to be rich to have that.

>> No.25021522

Instagram photos are not an accurate reflection of someone's life.

>> No.25021560

> just be born into a family with more wealth than 99.9999999% of humanity bro, it's ez

>> No.25021580

All of them are ugly as fuck

>> No.25021611
File: 24 KB, 399x388, UBWiC1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.25021621
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>> No.25021639

All their faces are fucked, is this the best he could afford? Is he broke??

>> No.25021668

I think bottom right is cute. The rest look like trannies or something though.

>> No.25021724

Dan is a con artist who eventually got caught. He was always a poser, never truly a millionaire. So yes, that's all he could afford.

>> No.25021739 [DELETED] 

Still happy that I have sold fucking eth on top price
Now these stupid tards try to impress me with their shitcoins
Wow, check Duckdao and don’t ask me where I got my new gold bag

>> No.25021777
File: 49 KB, 640x640, BsqmnLHCYAEqVzX.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, he had better looking chicks also

>> No.25021806

>"ok everyone im going to ask you to each take your clothes off and pose with some guns"
>"grab whatever tou like from this big box of guns here"
>general sounds of ammo jingling, a bit of murmuring in the room but other than this total silence
>"ok are we ready, everybody pose, 1, 2, 3" click
>girls look around at eachother all naked as Dan taps away in his phone
>it takes him 5 minutes to come up with the caption and all the hashtags
>"ok everyone you can all go and relax now"
>girls begin awkwardly putting their clothes back on and dispersing
>Dan doesn't take his eyes off his phone the whole time, biting his nails and anxiously twitching like a meth addict

>> No.25021826

honestly id rather be a poor wagie than armenian lol

>> No.25021842


Cleveland Cliffs
Stock up significantly on a down market day is a very bullish signal for $CLF

Steel has become a “flight to safety” play. Any decrease in iron ore pricing starting in Q2 2021, if it happens at all, will be more than offset by Biden infrastructure spending. CNBC millionaire survey expects equities to be positive in 2021 led by healthcare, tech and banks.

>> No.25021947

I mean i am 30, my dick works, i dont look bad 7/10. I get called cute by gay/trans people irl and in cams i dont know why. I only want a house and i like my chill job. Making it means that i have a half a million dollars in savings.
I like my car
I like my clothes from Walmart
I cook food, but i splurge on ingredients.
I dont game anymore. I limit porn
Life is good.
Wish i could go outside find a cutie, but that has to wait

>> No.25021977

I highly doubt that
> wake up at 10pm
> wife brings you coffee in bed
> cuddles you while you're still groggy
> stumble out of bed by 11pm
> have a leisurely 45 minute shit, reading /biz/ on the toilet
> come out and have breakfast made by wife
> maid comes at 12:30pm to clean the house
> start the computer by 1pm
> check crypto prices, make a few stop loss trades
> reply to clients
> check Amazon seller central for yesterday's sales
> check Google Analytics for affililate website + clients' sales
> shitpost some more on /biz/
> lunch with wife by 2:30pm
> wife makes green tea after lunch
> go for run in the park in the evening
> come back, shitpost more on /biz
> make a few more trades
> check Amazon inventory
> dinner
> play 1hr Civ V after dinner (fuck Civ VI)
> sleep

>> No.25022017

Get out nigger

>> No.25022027

You dont need multimillions to do (you) pic related retard.

>> No.25022102

How can a man be this based

>> No.25022107
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more nigger. No one's impressed with your 100k

>> No.25022173

what are you like 75 years old. that sounds boring as fuck

>> No.25022231

1. Be born in a 3rd world shithole where conservative values ensure the high school sweetheart who you married will always be devoted to you
2. Be born in a conservative shithole where you can leverage your knowledge of tech + English to swing trade low cost of living for $$$.

I make a comfortable living by American standards ($80-120k profit each year) but I'm rich as fuck by local standards.

>> No.25022246

>not frankensteining a sex doll with voodoo and murdered thots

>> No.25022288

>retire at 30 years old
Im already 35 ;(

>> No.25022316

Lets all sit in a hot tub with no water in it.

>> No.25022355

What country? Like Thailand? Wish I could do this

>> No.25022409

>wife is a cooking bot
lmao turbo virgin who never talked with a girl detected

>> No.25022416

Anon on the thread be like

>I'am anon. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

>> No.25022436
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25022439

Top kek wtf, I assumed it was a boat

>> No.25022492

Why do you care about what other people do with their free time if it's not hurting you? Grow up, man.

>> No.25022551

If you unironically think Dan Bilzerian is cool for paying whores to hang out and take pictures with him, you are a spiritual virgin and will nmi

>> No.25022636

lmao you will never make it, you do not even begin to understand what it truly means to make it

>> No.25022685

yes except with weed and traveling instead. i just want to buy a decent house in a nice area in one payment and one or two cool cars and then put everything else in an index fund and use the gains to pay bills and slowly play around with stocks and hold bitcoin

2 million dollars PLEASE NOW

>> No.25022714

everyone here calling him a manlet or the bitches ugly is purest cope
he's more man than you will ever be

>> No.25022764

Who cares, faggot. He’s a fun guy that likes to enjoy his wealth. What’s it to you, you resentful old hag?

>> No.25022779

she's actually an associate professor of English anon
just teaching from home so has lots of free time

I cook in the evenings anon. I do the more fancy cooking

>> No.25022782

what are you selling on amazon? share some insights, don't worry I'm in EU most likely can't steal your idea

>> No.25022787

can you tell me how you sell shit on amazon? do you just buy a million of any cheap shit from china and list it there and send it to a warehouse?

>> No.25022803

What a fucking CHAD

>> No.25022807


>> No.25022811

>fuck 1 girl that night instead of 5, share money
>90 homeless people don't die
jesus has failed so hard, i mean 2020 years and we're still killing eachother

>> No.25022824
File: 116 KB, 900x900, Dan-Bilzerian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugghh let me guess, making it to you is being le spiritually awakened and living like a queer.
>I just improve my self by working out and reading books
>Hedonism is wrong!
BTWO again

>> No.25022881
File: 7 KB, 194x259, index.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25022932

Keep endlessly chasing pleasures while never finding ultimate fulfilment. Then you will die. Also I'm still richer than you.

>> No.25022952

I get cheap Moleskine ripoff notebooks from china, use my own brand, and sell them on Amazon.
The only thing you need to do is crate a good brand. And bribe your friends to do initial reviews

>> No.25022982

>eating slop out of a cardboard box
why does literally anyone except peasants do this? disgusting. im relatively poor but i eat well. only reason i can afford to is that most people apparently prefer to eat aids. bizarre.

>> No.25023005

man is making it on your own.
man is being responsible for yourself and others.
man is having children who you teach to be high quality people to carry on your ideas, knowledge and genetics.
fucking gold digging whores, losing all your trust money and getting a heart attack at a young age is not being a man but a lowlife or an idiot.

>> No.25023108

>All you will manage to do is retire at 30 years old with 1 million dollars?
I don't want to retire I just want to afford a couple years to become my own boss or at least own properties that will earn me good money. I don't care if I have to do all of the repairs myself, better than sitting at my fucking desk all day.

>> No.25023154

thanks man im thinking of doing this with jewelry or clothes. was thinking either shopify or amazon

>> No.25023222

>He went on record saying friendship is the source of happiness, and you don’t have to be rich to have that.
Not having to wagecuck is the source of happiness.

>> No.25023453

focus on branding anon
that's the one thing chink knock off products on amazon can't do

>> No.25023511

Hi Dan

>> No.25023542

Please alter your diet if your shits are 45min

>> No.25023557

how do you know that you're buying the 0.000000000001% of things from china which aren't shit in the first place? just buy 10,000 individual items and see which don't fall apart and give you aids? fuck me how tedious.

>> No.25023556

based asf. Big respect.

>> No.25023639

They all look like drug addled whores

>> No.25023726

honestly most suppliers on alibaba with not shit scores have decent products
the problem is that many amazon sellers are lazy and will just resell the products without any branding
I get my notebooks from one supplier and get packaging boxes from another. the boxes are extremely well designed and instantly makes the notebooks appear "premium"

find any product category with poorly marketed products on amazon, find a supplier for them on alibaba, figure out some way to up the brand value (different packaging, great logo, great colors, great copy.) and then put it on amazon

>> No.25023746
File: 80 KB, 516x774, be05098fc03a23fe1f0e351c8a091770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all look like drug addled whores
Cope, pic related anons wife

>> No.25023860

Your life seems amazing judging by this post lmao. Absolute state of your poorfag cope.

>> No.25023918

thanks sincerely anon.

>> No.25024148

unironically kill yourself

>> No.25024326

dan bilz is a real life pink wojak

>> No.25024363
File: 62 KB, 600x400, 1602115863165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I don't know about you guys but this looks like a fucking nightmare to me. I don't want to have vapid women around me 24/7 if I "make it". I am 100% into fucking hot bimbos but having them around all the time when I'm trying to chill? Can you imagine the noise? The insecurities? Just the constant "oh my god! look what stacy posted!" and then they all start screeching...

They are there for a nut. Once that is done, get the fuck on and let me relax with friends.

>> No.25024400

I see someone read the 4 hour workweek too.
Pretty based desu, congrats

>> No.25024405

>wife is a cooking bot
my wife is a cooking bot for real

>> No.25024460

>different people have different needs, wants and aspirations in life
are you 12 op?

>> No.25024640

Honestly most shit from China is fine. Most of the shit you use on a daily basis is from there. Finding quality is the easy part, the hard part is everything else.

>> No.25024644

never read that book but am familiar with his work
desu it's so easy to do the amazon shit if you're willing to do a little due diligence and branding. I can't believe how stupidly easy amazon makes it

>> No.25024920

This is unironicallt the most plausible version of what transpired

>> No.25024951

Envision the stench!

>> No.25024965

How much u profiting and how many products? I want to get into it once I find a good product.

>> No.25025014

about $12k/month revenue, $5k/month profit. 12 SKUs. Just got selected for Amazon Launchpad.
This is babby tier but remember I'm operating in a third world market where $5k/month is like making $20k/month in America
> Also have a website that makes $2k/month off amazon affiliate ads

>> No.25025020

Idk I’ve never had to pay a woman to be in the same room as me.

>> No.25025081

I don't know about the guy but he looks pretty insecure. I usually don't have such negative thoughts about people richer than me but he reeks of validation and attention issues

>> No.25025095

Damn not bad at all. I have a good idea but it would cost me like $10-15k to conduct research, since it’s an accessory for another product. But I suppose it would pay off... hopefully.

>> No.25025162

kek retard, he's a manlet no-chin that used other people's money for these shoots to the point where he's in massive debt. once he eventually goes bankrupt the only thing he'll have going for him is his beard genetics. i bet you are the type that get suckered by politicians and believe their lies too

>> No.25025182

Imagine paying a group of retired porn stars to take these photos with you so that you can post them to try and impress complete strangers on the internet.

>> No.25025254

i'm jealous of you :(

>> No.25025293

Retiring is a meme for brainlets that think that a large bank account is going to be worth anything after hyperinflation. Blue-chip cryptos will increase in value during your entire lifetime in this clown world.

>> No.25025300
File: 444 KB, 799x792, 0F67A5A9-1444-43C9-8DA1-EBB88B1E11EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that money and those “girls” Are really not that hot

>> No.25025303
File: 26 KB, 618x412, 455F5134-9647-411A-96F5-09844518F032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I’ll never have that much money

>> No.25025393

Hmmmm i wonder who got laid more? You or him? Anyway keep coping

>> No.25025443

>Blue-chip cryptos

>> No.25025493

do you have any idea how many hookers I can buy right now? because that's all what he did amounts to on top of being sad enough to post his life for online approval. What's funny is that you're borderline being a cuck right now defending some attention whore on 4chan

>> No.25025524

Now this is some classic 2016 biz shit. Do you guys need to know any coding?
What about social media marketing? I’m unironically socially autistic.

>> No.25025541

Ur still broke compared to him. Wow congratz on your 800k from link man, that's really cool

>> No.25025600

HAHAHAHA Dan blizerian
If you fall for that guy you’re 100<IQ<130