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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25017696 No.25017696 [Reply] [Original]

Where my WFH chads at?

>get assigned task 2 months ago
>new to being a wfh chad rather than a chump, decide to ignore it
>there's a lot of back and forth over the last two months
>lie and say I'm working hard on it while I EV train all my pokemans
>get an email this morning that my boss wound up doing it himself with someone else
>I'll still get credit for two months of work anyway

What "project" are all my chads working on?

>> No.25017815
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Done fuck all for 9 months. Got feedback yesterday from 3 clients commending me for my efforts and to keep up the great work in 2021.

Little do they know I'm just relaxing here and will leave in a few months for a more high paying comfier job.

>> No.25017875
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I got a bonus for doing a lot of work but all I did was dial into meetings and watch TV

>> No.25017932

How do I get a comfy WFH job? Currently an IT fag

>> No.25017978
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>Quit my job two months ago.
>Told my parents that I work from home
>Play vidya and shitpost on /biz/ all day long
Guys, I think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.25017995
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Living the dream gents.

Nah even wfh you'll be forced to work on helpdesk tickets and other bullshit. You want some kind of analyst/paperpushing/bureaucrat job. Governments and banks are the best in my opinion.

>> No.25018003
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I've worked from home since March, but I had all my vacation and floating holidays saved up, and at my company it's "use it or lose it", so I just took this week off. I didn't vacation for most of the year, I don't see the point if I can't go anywhere. This week I'll primarily be shitposting and working through some Philip Roth novels.

>> No.25018025

>get paid $30 p/h to play Runescape

Yeah this is the best timeline

>> No.25018052
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Morning WFH Kings.
>been wfh since March
>every day has consisted of 1 hour zoom call in the morning with team, which I do on mute playing Apex Legends on other monitor the whole time. Talk maybe 10 whole minutes
>Do nothing else rest of day
>next day: wake up 1.5 hrs before work. Do all of yesterday’s workload
>repeat for 9 months. Also got a small raise this year and bonus soon

>> No.25018067

I'm a data scientist and all I've done in the last year is browse /biz/ and play ping pong in the office. I automated my job. With WFH I'm focusing on my business and getting a salary for doing nothing.

>> No.25018151

Same! Made so many gains these past 9 months. 200m Arch was the highlight

>> No.25018185
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Classy. I got an extension on use or lose leave so I'm saving up literally as much as possible so that when we come back I can take off every Wednesday from then until I quit.

You're working too hard anon, I think you could do better!

Based but don't forget to make it look like you're working hard. Miss a deadline or two to make it look like you're a little overwhelmed and ask for a raise!

>> No.25018206
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>reassigned to office
immediately filed leaves

>> No.25018215

>wfh since april
>workload increased 50%
>have to train a new guy on top of this
yeah these niggers are making me 100% remote or i'm quitting and finding a new job for a 25% raise.

>> No.25018364


>> No.25018369
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>be me
>work maybe 2-3 hours a day tops
>sometimes barely do shit for a week
>terrified I might lose my job because of corona
>company actuallyh ires more
>yearly review comes up
>boss compliments me all aruond, gives me juicy raise

>> No.25018526
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Stress management is key anon, polish your resume and be ready to bounce at the first sign of suspicion about what you're doing while wfh. In the meantime, I highly recommend vidya to keep you busy, or starting your own business.

>> No.25018805
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Oh yeah,I've been finishing off my entitled sick leaves now before the year ends.A few people overseas who I work closely with asked if everything was alright, and I pretended to be overloaded and stressed out. Since my performance is still top notch, they all wrote lengthy appreciation mails to my boss

>> No.25018890
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Based, good job anon.

>> No.25018906

Got laid off a pretty cushy contract in July, been unemployed since taking in the max unemployment possible. Thankfully I just landed a wfh 6 fig salary senior position with a new company. Pretty excited to be able to start living my life.

>> No.25019665
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>Pretty excited to be able to start living my life.
Anon, you're already living your life. It's the real thing. Don't waste it "waiting for life to start". Start working on your bucket list now!

>> No.25020198
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>completely titted up code for a massive sports betting brand we are working on
>still fucked
>get massive christmas bonus

>> No.25020433
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>work meh sales job wfh
>pay sucks but comfy
>boss calls me over the weekend
Hey anon, i am taking over another firm and want to make you new director. Here is a raise for doing the same shit you havent been doing for months
>just play vidya and smoke dudeweed while making easy ass sales calls, will end up making 6 figures this year

Wtf is this timeline bros? Not mad just confused how its going this well.

Pic related, where i started

>> No.25020495
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Anon at this point I honestly believe that we are G-d's chosen people. Us, the crypto NEETs and WFH chads. There's no other explanation.

>> No.25020863
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All I do anymore is get drunk and high. Haven't been to the barbers in 9 months. Just 15-30 minutes of work in the mornings and then straight to it. Feel like shit when I'm not on something. Have to chug a bottle of soda just to feel awake most of the time. And the worst part - I kind of really enjoy living like this.

>> No.25021247


>> No.25021431


>> No.25021532


>> No.25022530


>> No.25022589


>> No.25022610


>> No.25022627


>> No.25022649


>> No.25022658
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>Florida corona cases going back up
I just keep winning

>> No.25022670

what degrees do you wfh chads have?

>> No.25022728

Collected neetbux over the summer for the first time in my life and now I'm working a job that I enjoy from my room while everyone else slaves away or gets sick. I almost snapped at a wagie for fucking up my burrito the other day but then a wave of compassion came over me. This life ain't bad.

>> No.25022765
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>Done fuck all for 9 months.
This. My typical day:
>get up
>log into time tracker, check and reply to emails (5 minutes)
>move around tasks on the company trello, add some tags and flares to make it look like i'm busy (5 minutes)
>turn off the lights, lean back, and listen to Ray Lynch CDs for 4 hours
>eat lunch, fuck around on 4chan for a few hours
>watch a movie
>call it a day, log out of time tracker, and hang out with gf
Feels good anons

>> No.25022791

Reach out to friends or family lad. This isn’t healthy or based

>> No.25022863

i'm literally playing video gales all week and doing all my work on Sundays
this has been going on for past 6 months while I'm pretending to be hard at work the entire week
still getting paid for 40h/week too
never been more comfy

>> No.25022870

I would be with you 100% except that I went to rehab last November and got clean just in time for the day drinking WFH utopia to hit. It sucks but I've already accepted sobriety, so enjoy it while you can anon. Try not to get addicted.

>> No.25022879

How do i find WFH jobs? i have a degree. Im doing some stupid ass wageslave work right now which is 25% WFH not too bad.

>> No.25022898

Cheers king

>> No.25023037

Full time WFH, don't have to work hard at all, everything is done weeks before deadlines. Plus, I just got notice of mandatory WFH for years to come.

It isn't making it but it sure feels comfy as fuck and miles ahead of wagecuckoldry.

>> No.25023063
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I really wish I could set aside a day officially to not have to respond to emails with the understanding that I'm focusing on getting tasks done. It makes me reluctant to try to focus during the week because I'm expected to immediately answer emails and get distracted, even though that almost never happens. Then on the weekends I feel no pressure to be present and I suddenly feel like getting work done, it sucks. Oh well, still not working and still getting paid, life is good.

Just request to be fulltime WFH because you have an at-risk relative you're caring for. Boom, done, should get approved. Alternatively apply for government jobs and request fulltime WFH.

>> No.25023105

based. yeah there's like 2 projects I just stopped working on and nobody cares. WFH is chad af

>> No.25023210

If my co worker wasn't a female, I'd swear she posts in these threads. I wfh and its been comfy but some people abuse the fuck out of it. If it doesn't affect my work then I dont care but unfortunately this bitch being a lazy pos is making me do extra. Ive told my boss twice now and they don't do anything so I've drastically cut back working. I knock some shit out in the morning and before I log off but otherwise I just lay in bed.

>> No.25023292


>> No.25023298

Big corporations / govt jobs are full telework at least til Q3 2021. You will find it hard to get in without an advanced degree though. I busted my ass off doing grad math.

>> No.25023304

This but unironically.

>> No.25023561

LMFAO you are her work cuck

>> No.25023621
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Did you guys ever realize your supervisors are probably also doing nothing from home? I bet that's why they always just say "good job" and "keep up the good work."

>> No.25023872

WFH chad here
Still laying in bed. Might go make some coffee now and start working in a couple hours

>> No.25024061

Can I weasel my way into that type of thing with certifications and minimal university? Besides my degree I already have I don't want to go back.

>> No.25024315

I've worked from home for the last 6 years. I get plenty of naps in.

>> No.25024355
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Oh yeah man, it's a total scam. In my case my boss is angling for a promotion which is why he took care of the project on his own rather than waiting for my lazy ass, but I'm 100% sure he's also skating as hard as he can.

>> No.25024374
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Political science.

Feeling pretty comfy gents. I got my 7k raise a few weeks ago. There’s rumours of a juicy bonus too. I’ve never been paid to do less in my life. Sometimes I miss the camaraderie of being a retail wagie, but then I remember that If I was there’s no way I’d be paid to watch Star Trek and have sex with my wife.

Today I have:
>our single weekly meeting, 30 mins
>finish some forecasting and POs for next year, 15 minutes
>send a few more emails, and a call, 30 minutes

Naturally I’ll put timers on all my emails so they send out at different points of the day, even though I get them all done at once.

Stay cosy.

>> No.25024411

I'm going to spend a week learning python, apply for unpaid internships in tech claiming to be a minority and gain experience while collecting unemployment and stock trading.

>> No.25024515


>> No.25024860

I get the feeling that one purpose of the corona deception is insolate you from this sort of opulence with all the insane hoops you have to jump through to actually do anything now. If you didn't attain it before the psyop began, I have no idea how you would get in now.

>> No.25025157
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>Work IT from home
>In charge of a pajeet call center and 50+ phone systems that break because the software blows
>Boss always wants more side projects done

I've been doing this shit for a year. I think that's enough experience for me to easily pick up another remote gig. I've even got about 6 customers or so that I know I could use as references. Any suggestions bros, I've been leaning towards Database; security seems interesting but I know that industry is filling up with spergs/competition.

>> No.25025578

Security IT jobs are entirely about compliance with some kind of regulation. All you'll do is run scans based on criteria somebody else sends you, which you will document so that when shit gets hacked the company has a paper trail showing that they tried to prevent it for liability purposes. It's really not a bad gig but it's not interesting in the slightest.

Just apply for whatever will pay you 25% more than you're getting paid now. Lie on your resume, do what you have to do. Make sure to insist on WFH.

>> No.25026665

>completed large website build in August
>was putting in long hours
>Unity project I could have worked on gets started by someone else but I'm busy on another project
>my smaller project finishes in October
>have done less than 3 hours of work a week for the past 3 months

I like it but I need to overcome the constant anxiety of getting a teams call, or that I'm stealing time from my company and just stop caring.

>> No.25026792

Anxiety and not caring are my biggest problems too. I wasted so much time not just playing vidya the last two months that I actually made a commitment to myself to play a set amount of vidya during working hours this week, and God rewarded me with my project being completed anyway.

I think the best way to handle it is to have a resume ready to go to get another job at the drop of a hat in case people start asking questions about what you do all day. I'm fortunate in that I can spout jargon about training and regulations I'm researching, but I'd feel way more secure if I could just give 4 weeks notice and find another job real quick. Then it'd just be a matter of waiting for them to notice nothing's actually getting done.

>> No.25026887


>> No.25027577

>Graduated in June
>Started job in Aug as IT dev
>Have written 10 lines of code the last 5 months. Rest was copy and paste
>Was anxious at the start, but 100% comfy mode now.
>Putting 70% of salary into BTC since then
>Wish I could have had this job since the start of rona.
>Contemplating to quit working once WFH is over unless I find another WFH job or just beeing a crypto NEET

>> No.25027594

> t. unpaid janitor

>> No.25027743

>be paid hourly
>track my work hours, including the time I'm chilling in bed ofc
>then multiply by 4
>get praised constantly for having such a good pace

>> No.25027887
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Alright, my two hour lunch is complete. Now to play minecraft until I'm done digesting, at which point I'll take off work early to go to the gym. Frankly, I think I deserve a bonus for all this hard work.

>> No.25027971

Based and positivity pilled. In all honesty ive worked very hard over the past years to get here, very thankful. I'm looking forward to buying a house in the next few years.

>> No.25028111

As someone who works in blue team cyber security I can say this is not true. If you are in cyber security and do not work for a red (offensive) or blue (defensive) team then you are most likely correct.

>> No.25028223
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I get all my actual work done in 2-3 hours and take about 2 hours phone call each day now without common office distractions. The rest of the day is replying emails and just keeping an open line.

> Renovated my home office/battle station so now it's comfy
> All money saved on gas/eating out at restaurants goes toward debt/investing
> With all coworkers in such disarray with WFH and with customers/vendors delayed by COVID all my deadlines are super spaced apart now and reassures my job security.
> Constantly getting praised by team and management for moving projects forward "despite unprecedented time"
> Best part is Wife still goes to her office and the kids still have daycare

It's like retirement-lite with benefits.
My current employer has bought a LOT of loyalty from me by keeping me employed through all this. I am so grateful for my current situation bros.

>> No.25028714

>crypto NEET
Small hedge fund manager*

>> No.25028887
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> Up at 10AM
> Switch laptop on
> Answer an email or two
> Open up ticket system for infrastructure issues so it shows me as online
> Open up Youtube, play video on silent so Teams never gets set to away
> Play wow all morning
> Take a 2 hour nap
> Wake up and go to have lunch
> Get ready to go to gym
> Work out
> Get home at 4pm
> Complain to my boss there's too many tickets and others aren't pulling their weight
> She sends out a group email about trying to keep on top of our work and commends me for bringing it to her attention
> Log off for the day

>> No.25028890

this nigga really do be making this thread every other day
i live for it though
i got out of bed at noon and started half coding, will probably close the lappy at 6 after having done a realistic 3 hours of work, feels nice

>> No.25028950

Was in tears laughing reading this. Thanks anon

>> No.25028971

oh also i make 250k plus a year lmao

i feel like this too but i don't really like it. i stopped drinking as much and it's been nice. i also started to workout more regularly in my apartment (just hiit, cardio) and i feel much better. love weed tho

>> No.25029039

>>get an email this morning that my boss wound up doing it himself with someone else
This is not a cozy sign, anon. You're going to get fired.
In fact, this entire thread is full of people that will be culled.

>> No.25029047
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I actually managed to rank up to High Warlord in WoW Classic (A 3 month 16 hour a day grind) during lockdown "Working from home"

>> No.25029216

>Nah even wfh you'll be forced to work on helpdesk tickets and other bullshit. You want some kind of analyst/paperpushing/bureaucrat job
As someone in the software development industry, I'll second that it's like a trade. You can't just bullshit the building part of a trade, even if you pad the hours out 5:1

>> No.25029398

>this bitch being a lazy pos is making me do extra
>LMFAO you are her work cuck
Most "women in tech" seem to

>> No.25029691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25029769

Here comes my story guys, I am the comfiest motherfucker in this entire thread:
>be me
>"""work from home""" during the first wave of lockdown (Germany)
>go back to "work" and use up all of my holidays throughout late summer and early fall.
>leave my government job and pursue a degree (going to teach history and english)
>now get paid my full salary for a whole year (september 2020-2021) because of my good work the last four years
>studying from home, sleeping all day, putting all those free euros to work, cook food, work out, shitpost
I am living the dream, while every wagiecuck has to slave away during the pandemic

>> No.25030239

You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA

>> No.25030813

somehow I evaded the big round of layoffs earlier this year, I was pissed because I hate my job and missed out on the $600/week extra unemployment bux. believe me I look forward to the day I get let go but until then I'll just keep cashing these checks.

>> No.25031137
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>schedule send my boss an email bright and early every morning, actually sleep late
>clear out inbox then vidya for a couple hours
>finish everything in the last hour of the workday
Fuck going back to the office, I wasted 90% of the time I spent there and now I can do whatever I want all day. I'm never going back