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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 1080x1118, 7923CC43-E443-4023-AFCA-B13250AC27F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25007231 No.25007231 [Reply] [Original]

How should I respond?

>> No.25007262

"how normal r u?"
(works 100% positive, I promise, used to be PUA)

>> No.25007269

You’ve got a weak personality, lift weights, watch Donovan sharpe(based nigger) and don’t ever act like it took a lot of courage to do anything. Why do you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad

>> No.25007283

Send her a picture of a giant dick that looks like it was yours and say "I am SO sorry -- I was drunk and love you as a friend. Don't worry -- I don't think of you like that normally. Please just take it as a compliment. I am so sorry -- I can't believe my disgusting behavior. Fuck. I am so sorry." in the morning after she craves your fake dick and never ever mention it again.

>> No.25007288

Cat's out da bag. Let her know what's up at the risk of never getting that poon. Otherwise, accept friend zone for the foreseeable future, or at worse, the deterioration of your relationship as you know it.

>> No.25007292
File: 89 KB, 1024x943, 991EBF29-33B7-4F65-A6CD-EB2860746D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respond with “lol jk”

>> No.25007293

>How should I respond?
Like this
>Just kidding, I was trying to boost your self- esteem since no one will take you to dinner. Lol

>> No.25007305

Weird, man. Asking someone on a post-hoc date?

>> No.25007320

Tell her how much link you're holding

>> No.25007323

say "damn didnt realize you were so stuck up."

>> No.25007334
File: 119 KB, 710x760, 36ADF78D-D94E-4D3F-87F5-BBEAF727FD3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damage has been done. Move on, be happy with yourself.

>> No.25007338

You are already friend zoned, this girl views you as a weak pal and not as a mate. Do not even try to advance this relationship, girls will not change how they view you

>> No.25007343

No wait say "bitch I didnt ask you to suck me off it's a fucking dinner date"

>> No.25007356

Delete and block her number

>> No.25007357

this is actually a really beta move women see through.
That said, OP, you have shit female friends. I've asked a few good friend females out in my day. I've never gotten an "omg ew". Decent women don't say that, they fabricate a soft leftdown story, and you need to find a better circle of people to surround yourself with, likely bros included.

>> No.25007361

Immediately say the most passive-aggressive and whiny thing you can think of

>> No.25007366

>my best friend is some dumb bitch named gabby.
Tell her your step dad is driving you to Planned Parenthood tomorrow evening to finish what he started so she'll have to ride the bus to McDonald's by herself.

>> No.25007379

send her a picture of your dick

>> No.25007382

Remember that once you've told her you're a friend (with signals not words,) she believes it. And its mutually exclusive with sex, which is for snagging passing chads and conquering productive betas.

>> No.25007384


Or this

>> No.25007394

Ask her why that’s gross? Then just be straight up with her. I think your really awesome of whatever bullshit. Just sound confident in whatever you say. She will second guess herself

>> No.25007400
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please be fake.

>> No.25007411

Shut the fuck up bitch you'll suck my dick when I tell you to

>> No.25007419

Both previous things you said were bad yikes. She's also being incredibly rude to your feelings though, so are you sure you want someone like that?

Just say "Damn alright, wanna cancel?", if she's still interested in being friends and wants to hang that's fine, but don't ever pine after someone who reacts to anything you say with "ew", I'd personally drop her as a friend but it's up to you.

>> No.25007433

look. the only reason she ever talked to you was because you weren't trying to fuck her. you were never sexually attractive to her and she probably thought you were gay. she will never date you. men and women can not be friends. you should block her number and move on. next time don't be a pussy and ask her on a date before you put yourself in the friendzone.

>> No.25007443

well she said no so theres nothing u can do just cut off all contact and find new girl

>> No.25007452

it was clearly never a friendship for you anyway so don't back out now to try salvage it. Tell her how you feel, you either win or lose and move on

>> No.25007458
File: 123 KB, 1400x700, 1607530502582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I even begin anon?

1. Don't ask a woman out on a date over text, do it in person.
2, It sounds like shes your friend and you'll probably stay that way because you took to long to make a move and she no longer see you as a serious partner
3. You should have asked her out to coffee and not dinner.

>> No.25007481

Agreed with this, but also send the massive cock pic. Like a huge, throbbing dick. Make her want is and subsequently friend zone her as a power play just for fun. Never let her see your actual dick. Her interest will, in turn, create interest from other females.

>> No.25007494

Don’t respond at all jfc just lift weights and find a better girl

>> No.25007497

is biz an r9k affiliate board?

>> No.25007507

lawyer up, hit the gym, delete facebook

>> No.25007513


>> No.25007534

Swing and a miss dude.

>> No.25007540

This. Send her joe Bidens cock massively oversized cock. She won’t need three of its final inches but she will relish it’s domineering presence and throbbing sensation.

>> No.25007545


>> No.25007551

Tell her there is only one God and it is Allah
and to buy Link

>> No.25007558

"Eww? You should look in the mirror you grotesque whore..."

>> No.25007566

Kek women are so evil
She knows exactly what you mean and her sudden Free Shit AT Risk alert went off.

>> No.25007568

this is so beta cringe. Just next this bitch, aquire more currency, lift weights.

>> No.25007589

Yeah, sorry the EW is the dagger. You don't really love a dumb ho like this anyway right?

>> No.25007591

Time to move on bro, she's a future roastie and a waste of time, been there.

>> No.25007592

Just have to be a man about it, none of this 'it took a lot of courage' stuff. Just be straight up about what you want, don't apologize, and be straight to the point. If she doesn't give you a real response, just ignore her. If you're really her 'best friend', she'll come back with a real response one way or the other. Or she won't - in which case you've saved yourself a lot of time and stress

>> No.25007600

God tier advice

>> No.25007609

Kudos to you for finally trying a move though. But try to be less of a weak simp in the future and grow from this anon you have a long road ahead of you. Read up on the redpill.

>> No.25007614

>being this new
>not realising crypto is just to fill the hole left by the lack thereof

>> No.25007639

If a roastie wont have you at your worst, she doesn't deserve you at your best. avoid women and eat weed.

>> No.25007645

For example talked to some bitch on a dating app. She said I have bigger issues to fight on than empying your balls. I said well how about emptying a wine bottle. And now its moved on to IPA and Twister date. And Ill be pounding her poon.

>> No.25007648

>having a girl as a friend
Haha good one

>> No.25007655

in future, just cut to the chase
>i want to take you out, when are u free?
whereas you were basically asking her permission to ask her out

best to ask them out in person
if you're too timid to do that, you'll probably be a pussy on the date too

also, get used to being rejected,
don't dwell on any girl or try to change their mind

accept that you may be a total beta loser right now,
focus on improving yourself in every way possible
>wealth (buy BTC, ADA and PNK)
until you're a fit, rich chad
date women below your league,
so you always have the upper hand in the relationship

listen to these ^

too aggressive,
OP should act unfazed by her rudeness

>> No.25007676

notice how i never apologised or said no not my balls of course. She knows whats coming I know it and I didnt try to be nice and explain or justify it.
never DEER.

>> No.25007685

this CANT be real

>> No.25007698

Girls like chads. You’re not a chad. You’re a giant pussy and every girl can smell your estrogen from a mile away. commit sudoku rope and kys

>> No.25007709

>I got a date on tinder im kind of the expert around here

>> No.25007712

Oh, to be twelve again. Cut your losses and give up on that stuck up bitch. Women will come to you some day. Don't waste your time until then.

>> No.25007720

Tell her you’re a faggot and was joking. Offer to take her out shopping and be a simp for life

>> No.25007815

i know its shit but at least im a neet introvert getting some thot poon.

>> No.25007836

>OP should act unfazed by her rudeness

This. Even if it feels warranted, responding aggressively will NOT make you look good or help you feel better. A mans true colors shine when they are at their lowest point, and if you're toxic about it, that tells her she was in the right for saying no to you.

OP, you are worthy of dignity just like any other man.

>> No.25007846

>thot poon
big girls don't really count as thots

>> No.25007868


how'd you get yourself so cucked? i'm guessing by friend she means "emotional sponge?"

>> No.25007872

...isn't he?

>> No.25007894

Roastie alert

>> No.25007895

Ghost her completely

>> No.25007910

I mean its something, but trust me once you've done it for a while you'll realize its meaningless and it becomes impossible to romance girls you meet irl (its been like that for me forever, but I was extremely successful off tinder)

no, tinder isnt real anon im 50+ bodies deep off of it alone but I still have no idea how girls work or how to talk to them irl or even find decent ones for a relationship. its shallow and meaningless

>> No.25007911


>> No.25007940

>im 50+ bodies deep off of it alone

>> No.25007951

/r9k/ isn’t even an /r9k/ board anymore. Mods refused to ever enforce the no normalfag rules and now it’s /soc/ but with depression

>> No.25007976

you talk too nice, stop using fuarking emojis and stop texting bitches. ONLY text to set up time to hang out

>> No.25007994
File: 30 KB, 545x409, 1604530895648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a real hero and you're in for a treat in this life! You should celebrate cause you're a good guy, and good things will come to you buddy! Just eat right and meditate big guy. Never act confident or masculine, just be yourself.

>> No.25008017

id respond with a shitty watermark that says @downbadpatrol on top of the "im not joking about the date" message

>> No.25008021

Its not impossible, anon. Especially if you live in a liberal college town full of california girls. Its just as crazy as people here starting with 1k and becoming millionaires. It happens..

>> No.25008032

Tell her about the old days of Monero, and the new frontier of privacy, EPIC

>> No.25008036

OP posted 4h ago.

this was 12h ago

>> No.25008045

Haha Gaby gomez???

>> No.25008073

/soc/ is full of dick pics. Do not want

>> No.25008078

>he didn't hit reverse as soon as she called him "best friend"
She gave you a chance to unfuck yourself but you then followed up with outing yourself as weak (muh courage). You should respond by fixing your life

>> No.25008079

the absolute state of this thread

>> No.25008083

are you a chad?

>> No.25008089
File: 97 KB, 750x747, EBBF1E78-9FC2-47F2-A5EC-2DEE0C479B4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips? I think she’s in my league, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to break the ice.

>> No.25008098

It's at least gone back to being a depression board, I remember the hell period after the last election when it read like /b/

>> No.25008123

she not into u, also stop sending paragraphs

>> No.25008132

damage done move on

>> No.25008133

you already fucked up

>> No.25008142

Its over bro might as well message her "pls respond" at this point. Or you could say "I have some coke wanna party?" You have a higher chance of success with the latter

>> No.25008148

reply with sneed and ignore

>> No.25008158

What’s some witty banter I could say to make her laugh and nullify the cringe? Or should I apologize for being awkward?

>> No.25008185

OP is a larp but the correct response here is to not make one. Put your energy into someone else who wouldnt think you are 'ew' .

>> No.25008195

never apologize

>> No.25008212

pretty much cut her out of your life immediately, your irreparably friend zoned

>> No.25008218

You don't want to date any girl who says fr.

>> No.25008225

Never apologize

>> No.25008230


>> No.25008237

OP are you from Mass?

>> No.25008249

She gave you an out in the first text dude oof
It's over
Hold peace in the knowledge that you didn't fuck it up today, you fucked it up way back when you started a platonic relationship with her

>> No.25008255
File: 629 KB, 1019x709, 360-3601159_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-drsi-mmvsaaammw-grotesque-steve-sans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to structally fuck society?

Its only because of society pushing the relationship sex mariage meme that poor saps like Brian get fucked in these situations.
the incel problem only exits because they feel they must fuck like evryone else to be normal.
but this is the new normal, sex and women (Or men if youre opposite gender or gay) arent needed.
you just need yourself.

we need to kill the movie directors and other parties promoting this forced aspect of western culture so that we can do other things besides obsess over the opposite gender.
fuck society.

>> No.25008295


>> No.25008304
File: 268 KB, 1024x984, 5E60AE0D-B17E-49B1-BAE6-BE7D15E9B855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think you’re right. This was back in High School and this girl wouldn’t even look at me in the halls anymore. I’ve been fucking up since day 1

>> No.25008338


>> No.25008340

>>2 5007231
The key is to not give a fuck. Exude confidence or even some arrogance. “It took a lot of courage...” delete all of this needy shit from your way of thinking. Women do not care about your feelings. It’s all about the way you make them feel. Don’t try too hard and don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s over with this gabi bitch. Just act like nothing happened. Be non chalant. Start bringing other chicks around and say they’re your friends. The only way to get her now is through jealousy. Even then make her earn your attention now.

>> No.25008342

"Is it becuz ur trans?"

>> No.25008352
File: 16 KB, 250x208, 84D81B1D-D4A8-4E02-9400-21957F8F1225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhffhhfhghg fuckin go back to r9k bro i literralt have so much vagina sex on my penis this is literally the only thing that can conceivably matter you fuckin chud. i will literally harvest and sell my children’s organs for fucking hot tang dude there’s something fuckin wrong with your brain brah. big oof, major yikes, ok go off

>> No.25008363


>> No.25008366

Say "Eh, worth a shot." and then move on to become something she'd want and if she approaches you, you say "Sure" and then you BAM you get the girl heyyyyy good job you became worthwhile and now you get the girl you obviously like and you get to mate however fruitlessly or fruitfully as you want.
Gross name though, fuckin Gabi like yeuch.

>> No.25008382

do you have the vid of french anon trans tinder experiment? I lost it

>> No.25008397

you sound like you need a fuckin BEER, some VOKDA, and some fuckin COCAINE to get a hot fuckin dame on your fuckin cock brah, if youre not fucking a new random hole zombie every 12 hours youre fucking defective man

>> No.25008421

just wait till u got the crypto money

>> No.25008427

r9k is fucking corny. but its the truth, if the elite could stop pushing this sex meme, more niggas would be happy

>> No.25008437

>you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
Holy fucking kek

>> No.25008444

Just move on and don’t be such a bitch next time. Also, improve yourself.

>> No.25008449

You say nothing. Mission failed. Become more attractive to max your chances next time

>> No.25008467
File: 35 KB, 500x478, 6541166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You in particular are a massive normie faggot who is trying to fit in by acting like a fucking retard.
Go back you cuck. You don't blend in, you are not funny, you are a fucking loser and I hate you with all my passion.
Kill yourself.

>> No.25008474

you’d be less mad if you got laid

>> No.25008486

Why western girls act as if they are fucking Emma Watsons. I mean, slav girls can be crazy but holy shit they at least treat you like a fucking human being

>> No.25008493

tell her you are transitioning.

>> No.25008527

Why do you even respond to this shit? Just type ok and forget the bitch

>> No.25008610

I would keep the plans of going to dinner and not show up or talk to her ever again.

>> No.25008643

>voluntarily being “friends” with a woman you aren’t fucking

holy fuck you couldn’t pay me enough money

>> No.25008674

>1 post by this ID

>> No.25008690

You mean hunter Biden?

>> No.25008693

base is $0.70 and fucking rebase will make it even higher, who is in? All threads are in this shilling

>> No.25008724

>like you never had a dad

>> No.25008748


>> No.25008752

This is a tenet I live by in all parts of my life. Most importantly, never apologize to a roastie or a superior at work. Acknowledge fuckups if needed, but never apologize.

>> No.25008841

Hell no. Joe Biden's veiny 11" monster cock. Apple never falls far from the tree.

>> No.25008937
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>IPA and Twister date

>> No.25008949
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Pic related, all you need to know

>> No.25008960


>> No.25008969
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>becoming friends with a woman

>> No.25008984


>> No.25008993

you fucked up Brian.
move and change your name, this shit can't be salvaged.
>You’ve got a weak personality, lift weights, watch Donovan sharpe
If that works for you, I guess....I doubt it.
Really, I grew up around cool people with a good sense of humor, so I've had it easy.

>> No.25009023
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1590213188556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ does /adv/

>> No.25009025

say "anyways u want to go arbies ? I've been fucking heavy with their ham"

>> No.25009029

Respond “that’s what I thought. I guess Erica was right about you.”

>> No.25009071

Blew it with the second text

>> No.25009096

Ask her if she is trans

>> No.25009121

he blew it with the first one. it reeks of insecurity. next time you want to ask a girl on a date, just ask her on a date. everything about what he did is fucking cringey and vagina-drying.

>> No.25009160

Nothing would make a girls pussy dryer then hearing that a guy is 'scared' to ask her something.

Asking a girl out on a date should be as if you are asking her to wipe your ass.

>> No.25009181

Women want men who will keep the family safe, nothing else matters beyond that.

>> No.25009209

Yeah it was shit but he could have easily recovered. The second text truly fucked him

>> No.25009219

Call her a whore

>> No.25009226

based af man

>> No.25009233

>you never had a dad
haha just imagine not having a dad haha......

>> No.25009240
File: 512 KB, 1000x559, apu hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fren that must hurt

>> No.25009242

but why tf are you even posting this into /biz/?

>> No.25009260

but better

>> No.25009289

>1 post by this homo

>> No.25009322

>well what would you say if I wanted us to treat...

Don't obfuscate, it sounds pathetic. You're trying to ask a girl out, not ask her for a favour. Your language should make her think she's gaining, not you. You're not shilling her a coin, anon.

>it took a lot of courage to say that

WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF! Do you think chad has to work up the courage to talk to girls? Do you think chad succeeds more than you do? Why aren't you signalling that you're a chad? Don't admit weakness unless you're sarcastically self-effacing (but that's an advanced move).

You've burnt your bridges with this bitch anon.

>> No.25009361

Did..did you actually liked her “ok”?

>> No.25009420


>> No.25009454

Say your friend took the and wrote that

>> No.25009497

/adv/ board is one of the boards that has the most women on it behind/soc/. Best place for advice on women is /biz/ and /fit/ and /pol/.

>> No.25009594

this is correct

>> No.25009736


>> No.25009800

No thats why he's projecting so hard

>> No.25009884

“Oh fuck off gabi you stuck up cunt”

>> No.25009995
File: 20 KB, 225x224, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to typical modern brainless roasties
retard you will never make it
look out for better women (if they even exist anymore lol and europe is the biggest hedonistic degenerate shitbag on this planet"

>> No.25010094

>You should have asked her out to coffee and not dinner
The point of getting coffee is to establish initial contact with someone. Why not just go out to dinner with someone you already know as a friend? There's no difference between getting coffee and just hanging out at that point.

>> No.25010111

>/biz/- random and gambling

>> No.25010158

I would find a sugar baby on Seeking Arrangement and fuck her and make sure to post a picture in bed together after on social media so Gabi will see.

>> No.25010174
File: 573 KB, 573x573, 1606567849021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of something weird that happened to me in college. My dorm room was on the first floor and I was sitting with my back to the window playing EU3 one night. Then I got the feeling of being watched, looked up and there were like 4-5 people in the window looking in at me. I was confused as shit but assumed they were locked out, since my room was at the end of the building near the back exit. So I got up to let them in only to find them all coming in the exit anyway. I was confused but just went back into my room.

Later I was getting a soda from one of the machines on the third (?) floor and two of the girls who were looking in my fucking window at me walked past and one whispered to the other "that was that creepy guy".

I've always been kind of confused and pissed about that because it's such a weird fucking takeaway she had. They were looking MY WINDOW at ME and apparently I'm the creepy one? What the fuck, man.

>> No.25010215

Give up, she's not worth it, OP.

>> No.25010286

ghost her

>> No.25010441

>no dad
Ouch anon...

>> No.25010484


>> No.25010500

It's creepy because EU3 is not an approved activity.

>> No.25010529

Never try to score girls over electronic devices
Just surprise then, for some reason this makes it way easier to conquer the good girls

>> No.25010606

>Ask her if she is trans
This is unironically the only thing to write her to assert dominance

>> No.25010613

now you call her a whore and tell her you were only joking and shes fat and ugly

>> No.25010615

>surprise them

It's actually because women are pussies and if you put them on the spot they'll feel pressured and be more likely to oblige.

>> No.25010642

>didn't want to come off weird

This is probably the number 1 way to come off weird.

>> No.25011272

>I meant that in a joking way

Nice save.

>> No.25011304

and that is why more and more white women want a second sexual partner and cheat on their husbands and today even openly so
they are brainwashed beyond repair
burn it all down

>> No.25011393

>1 post by this ID
probably a troll.

>> No.25011407

don't take it to heart man. women and men especially the young ones grown up in a shitty society which promotes vapidity are like that. it says much more about them than about you. they are just retarded as fuck and don't realize it. NPCs

>> No.25011503
File: 23 KB, 640x559, 1473215458930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25011570

men are ruined too.
women are unsatisfied. men are low-t cucks.
women want to be dominated like some 50 shades of grey shit. i think that's some kind of biological wiring. instead, men these days let their women string them along, they cooperatively join their stupid yoga classes, try their stupid vegan diets, tag along with all their stupid ideas, hoping to be rewarded for their good behavior by being allowed to touch their vaginas. then they act all surprised that their gf creamed for some chad who doesn't put up with that stuff.
so for fuck's sake, if you ever have a gf, don't let her drag you to her dumb yoga class.

>> No.25011592

>Why do you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
Technically I did but he was never there for me emotionally

>> No.25011662

Post selfie thanks

>> No.25011680

You’re not friendzoned yet mate. I’ve had the nice guy syndrome before and I eventually got to a point where I could mail any of my female friends - you’ve got a good footing as you’ve shown direct interest. Now, take a back step and start replying slower. Respond with ‘Yeah, I can’t do any other day apart from tomorrow for a few weeks so let me know’. At which point she’ll reject the offer. Make yourself unavailable. She’ll start questioning herself and start sending snaps or Instagram messages (away from the main channel of communication which appears to be iMessage). From here you play the medium-term game, where it’s no instant responses, straight answers and the odd bit of flirtation. Then, when you feel it’s ready, you go in for the kill

>> No.25011707

block number or kys lol

>> No.25011718

>Didn't want
>como out as weird

>what would you say
>if i wanted
>as a date
>it took a lot of courage
>that fucking emoji




>> No.25011767

this guy



Shit is over, stop having female """FRIENDS""" and starting having men as friends MEN, not pussyfied retards.

>> No.25011786

also having female friends is literally for faggots

>> No.25011896

pure autism

>> No.25012538

what exactly is that question supposed to elicit in her?

>> No.25012545

And never sell your btc

>> No.25012607

>1 post by this ID
everytime. sage nigger

>> No.25012789

Save dinner for when you already have a romantic relationship established. Having a good time on a date, especially if you’re already not good with women, is very hard to do on a date, and a woman is very likely to get overwhelmed if she’s stuck at a table in public with someone who isn’t great socially and associate you with the negative situation. Do something spontaneous like rock climbing(if she’s active but won’t show you up), a walk through the park, hiking(if she’s into photography/nature), a movie at your place, but never something where you are expected to be exciting and fun in a situation where you can’t make any moves and spend a lot of money without knowing if it’s even worth it.

>> No.25012819

This is obviously bait

>> No.25012944

Sorry anon, I’m just irritated by men who act so weak and ask for pity from women. Just lift weights and look up some red pill dating guys on YouTube, don’t buy all their shit, but it will fix your perspective on dating. One anon already said women like to be dominated like 50 shades of gray shit, this is 100% true, if you aren’t fat and are even slightly attractive then you could keep a woman, just be rough as fuck and slap her around in the sack, not even joking

>> No.25012988
File: 51 KB, 512x512, WKgBcrEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How should I respond?

>> No.25013031

The fact she said "Ew" means shes a complete dickhead, would you ever speak to a woman like that? If the answer is No then you are too good for her

>> No.25013040

LMAO. Brilliant

>> No.25013054

Same :')

>> No.25013081
File: 88 KB, 1024x614, 1537762239776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this is you.

>> No.25013089

>asking dating advice on an autistic pony grooming forum
Like the blind leading the blind

>> No.25013104
File: 97 KB, 1400x880, 65DBA649-A5AF-4E66-9796-4301AAA84246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but it’s absolute bait anyway, but let’s pretend it was a genuine message, that bitch is a cunt and isn’t even worthy of having a friendship with

>> No.25013137

>"how normal r u?"
Brilliantly subtle neg. These autists won't understand. fpbp

>> No.25013212

top kek

>> No.25013270

This guy is a genius. That will sweep her off her feet for sure.

>> No.25013348
File: 30 KB, 1200x628, 1607676873912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually played a lot as Munster and would rush colonization techs by 1428 so I could take over the eastern seaboard of the USA before the English could attack me after they ate the other Irish principalities and willingly give up Munster to the Anglo invaders so I could peacefully conquer the Indians and form a massive Irish homeland in the new world, preparing to launch a new invasion of Europe to liberate my KELTIC BROTHERS from the French and English oppressors.

I would also play as Trebizond and do a reverse-Byzantium, taking over Anatolia by blocking the straits from Europe.

I actually never played Germoney.

>> No.25013437

respond :
oh well, theres plenty of fish in the sea
later friend, hehe
and block her

>> No.25013453

this. Mystery level PUA game here.

>> No.25013498

>Why do you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
what did he mean by that

>> No.25013503


>> No.25013529

you should delete and ghost them

>> No.25013725

With slav girls you have no idea if they are actually playing hard to get or trying to get away :D Just my experience

>> No.25013769

>all these newfags acting like OPs image is actually his text convo
Huge sell signal

>> No.25013822

>Why do you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
Stop throwing salt on the injuries anon

>> No.25013837

Buy sent$ frens or eat bugs.

>> No.25013847

that's genius

>> No.25013849

This is why the market crashed

>> No.25013851
File: 93 KB, 1111x600, 4893205j4325290v3424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ew, weirdo

>> No.25013855

"What do you mean by 'ew' you pretentious bitch? Even if I'm disgusting at least my pennis is short

>> No.25013927

you know what just send her this pic

>> No.25013932

id says (you)

>> No.25013967

What kind of bitch responds to that with ew. You need to tell her you like her and want to be with her, and if she doesn’t then game over move on.

>> No.25013995

6 hours later, still 1 post by OP. Stop replying you disgusting faggots SAGE

>> No.25014029

>you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
i talk like OP and you profiled me so accurately

>> No.25014051

You should respond with "I know, right?".

>> No.25014290

Seconded. This is the powerplay. Or just never contact her ever again.

>> No.25015324
File: 103 KB, 200x227, 1577984541493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how new are you?
pic related

having to do all this shit just because they can't act like a mature human being

>> No.25015453

>1 post by this ID
Newfags fall for this every single time

>> No.25015528


>> No.25015630

tell hear you want to wear his skin.

>> No.25015718

Tell her you were just trying to poke her brain as an experiment because you read girls don't like to date their friends or something.
Then go to /fit/ start lifting, start dressing well, improve your body language, etc...

>> No.25015837


>also named Brian

God damnit Brian go man the fuck you and work out, you're making us other Brian's look bad.

>> No.25015860

What have you guys done for the great privacey war? Do you run an XMR node, perhaps and SENT node?

>> No.25016045

>Got a man, sorry
how the fuck do you deal with women acting as if the only possible reason you would go out of your way to greet them would be because you find them attractive? advice appreciated. it fucking pisses me off

>> No.25016093

lol perfect

>> No.25016244

Why the fuck would you interact with a women if not for her to bear your children?
To have a talk? to spend good time? to have a friend?
That's what bros are for if you want serious non retarded entertainment.

>> No.25016352

You got rejected harder than bitcoin rejected 24000. I'm gonna short your life expectancy lol

>> No.25016353

I know this is a fake screencap but whatever. How do you guys fuck up the women thing so bad? I have a few (attractive) women friends and before corona we played a game where they pretended to be my girlfriend so I could more effectively hit on other girls in the club. You do the same online: go get drinks with a girl who friendzoned you, take a picture of her drinking, put it on your Story. Congratulations, all the girls you added from Tinder/Bumble/etc think you're on a date with a girl (and thus, that you're a sought after male). It's not hard at all.

>> No.25016364

Damn dude, that first reply was brutal enough, should have just ghosted her.

>> No.25016388

They realised you weren’t a chad CK2 player and GTFOd.

>> No.25016477

This was actually before CK2 was released.

>> No.25016507

If you're really Machiavellian (and desperate) you could even pull this off with pictures from the internet or believable escorts

>> No.25016605

lmfao fucking demolished

>> No.25016628

“That was my little brother with my phone, sorry” kek

>> No.25016727

>like you never had a dad
This hurt my feelings (this took a lot of courage to post btw)

>> No.25016821


>> No.25016975

No need to small talk these sloots they know what we want when we hit them up, just cut to the chase you’ll strike out more often then not but you’ll get more then the man who doesn’t swing

>> No.25017045

audible kek

>> No.25017088
File: 85 KB, 800x450, here_it_comes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you Faggots talk to girls like you never had a dad
I love you anon

>> No.25017093

you're ugly or off-putting
simple as that

>> No.25017109

>"haha just joking, April f-fools.."

>> No.25017159

Just respond with *name-of-school*? She either say yes or names another school. And don't fucking haha like a sperg.

>> No.25017218

> It took a lot of courage.
women are not like men you need to learn this before talking to them. If you're being called a best friend just stop talking to her all together unless you can fuck her friend

>> No.25017244

Anon, DO NOT RESPOND at all
just leave it fren, please
and slowly start to ignore her and move on to different people

>> No.25017274

this isn't how you try to fuck your lady friends. you don't call it a date. you just ask if they want to go grab dinner or drinks or smoke weed at your house or whatever and see where it goes. putting her pussy on a pedestal is beta as fuck

>> No.25017311
File: 86 KB, 588x391, 1603859678419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25017319

>like you never had a dad
Lmao stop hitting him he’s already dead anon yeesh show dome mercy

>> No.25017371

Well you already weirdly lied by saying you were just going through friends , if you ask her out you look retarded

>> No.25017523 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 2115x1501, 1607820819427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been on there in years, thank god
when I left it turned it was turning into /lgbt/ and was getting raided by estrogen merchants

>> No.25017546
File: 1.34 MB, 2115x1501, 1607820819427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been on there in years, thank god
when I left it was turning into /lgbt/ and was getting raided by estrogen merchants

>> No.25017606


>> No.25017715

>They were looking MY WINDOW at ME and apparently I'm the creepy one? What the fuck, man.
yes you are right anon.

>> No.25017788

>off by 1
Fuck it still insanely based

>> No.25017812

This pic has been on Instagram for a few days. Op’s coins will now be bearish for 7 days and 7 nights.
It is written.

>> No.25017818
File: 656 KB, 1200x1560, richard-newton-treason-that-is-treason-johnny-1798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send her this and say "haha, just joshing you good buddy." Then never speak to her again unless she has a cute friend and wants to hook you up with her.

>> No.25017950

>he has a cute friend and wants to hook you up with her.
There is not a single guy in the friendzone who ever had this happen. The reason you're in the friendzone in the first place, is because she doesn't see you as a sexual guy. She won't refer her girlfriends to you for the same reason.

>> No.25018190


>> No.25018296
File: 21 KB, 400x400, y9E9WTOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How should I respond?
Just write "ouch!"

>> No.25018307

This is so true, feels bad man.

>> No.25018359

wrong. the friend you get set up with isn't going to be hot, though.

>> No.25018445

How the fuck is this thread still up?

>> No.25018460

What’s wrong with haha?

>> No.25018901

Wtf Brian

>> No.25018957


>> No.25019016

You're subconsciously trying to hide your insecurity, very obvious in that situation where the person is seeking the woman's "approval" for just asking a simple question.

>> No.25019017
File: 93 KB, 520x622, 1581698702972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drop a C bomb.

Just say "cunt" and ignore her for a week.

>> No.25019095

Yes or the rest of her life

>> No.25019097


You fucked up big time. You're in the friend zone because you never said this to her when you first met her. Now that you're her gay best friend, it obviously comes off weird to her.

What do you do at this point? Move on to the next girl man. And NEVER take girls on a dinner date when you're first seeing them.

>> No.25019162

Twister the movie not the game, right?