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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25011349 No.25011349 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25011380

>Give yourself peace of mind by knowing your cryptocurrency is safe

>> No.25011414

make your own path to success. That's unironically what ARPA is doing now. And Bella Protocol have been listening and have enabled a decent return function if you provide liquidity to any ARPA pool. go check it out and dyor

>> No.25011511

>ledger hack fud
>new kyc regulations in the US fud
>covid 2.0 in europe fud
>stocks dumping because it's end of the year and people are selling the news on stimulus
>BTC already beyond overbought so even memelines are against us
i have a bad feeling about this bros

>> No.25011543

Why would I entrust my money to some privatized gadget some faggot made?

>> No.25011610

We have known about it since July.

>> No.25011612

How do you store your crypto then

>> No.25011694

paper wallets and encrypted containers. Every SD card or phone I use gets a copy. I put them on SD cards and give to family to put in their safes. The paper wallets get buried in the backyard.

>> No.25011829

I mean the hack doesn't really affect me. Sure they have my address, but they have no idea how much crypto I have. Besides, I carry a gun on me 100% of the time I am outside my home, and whenever I am in my home there is always a gun within arms reach.

I'd enjoy being able to score some free kills on anyone trying to steal my crypto. I doubt I'd ever be a target for anything other than phishing though since I my total crypto is ~5k at the moment. Rest of my worth is stocks and real estate.

>> No.25011866

Dangerously based and autism pilled

I think the phishing attacks are the bigger risk here

>> No.25011869

Because it happens every fucking week. Trezor chads where u at?

>> No.25011892

Nothing Burger

Smarties bought from 3rd Parties not Ledger direct.

>> No.25011923

Its more risky to buy from a 3rd party because they can tamper with it. And you are the dumbass that bought it, you wont know shit.

>> No.25011966

Kek. You realise you can verify your device.

Scared little bitch.

>> No.25012024

Verify it how?

>> No.25012076

It's really funny how every time BTC soars new FUD conveniently shows out of nowhere.

>> No.25012089

Everyone on the list is busy moving home and changing their legal name atm.

>> No.25012101

lol he doesn't know

>> No.25012118

With Software from Ledger....

>> No.25012126

This is your ledger expert thats here to put your mind at ease.

>> No.25012316

I don't have one so I never verified it of course.

Just wanted to know if there's a safety mechanism involved to check if it was tampered with

>> No.25012448

where is the data coming from? Why would ledger have every customers' address and phone number anyway? is taht for people who bought from their website? i got mine on amazon so why would they have my info?

>> No.25012488

Its shipping data. If yo bought from Amazon you most likely aren't on any lists because Amazon do their on shipping.

>> No.25012515

This is why I use signata. Fuck their overpriced single purpose devices. Buy a couple of yubikeys for less than the cost of a ledger.


>> No.25012603

I never ordered a ledger but shit is so fucked. I looked at the txt file. 18 people within a few min drive from me. One guy has a nice million dollar house as you can look at the purchase price on zillow or har. I feel bad now

>> No.25012970

does Ledger have a stock?

>> No.25013021
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>> No.25013050

guys my full name, address, phone number, and email were leaked. and im going to be traveling soon. what is the best way to secure my seed phrase?

>> No.25013127

might be smart to not leave it at your leaked address.
the leaked addresses are not safe to store any crypto related secrets anymore. also if possible, move.

>> No.25013157

yeah im thinking of renting a safety deposit box at my bank. any anons do this?

>> No.25013192

>crypto was supposed to be a safe haven from banks
>now people are storing their crypto at banks

oh the ironing

>> No.25013371

Get creative, there are so many places in a home that would never get found. I don't know what your seed it on but let's presume it's on paper:
>Tape it to the underside of a floorboard under a carpeted floor.
>Small hole in wall, insert, fill and paint
>Put in waterproof bag, bury in waterproof box wrapped in a black bag

>> No.25013402
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Isn't it?

>> No.25013454

good idea

>> No.25013473


lol I don't think so

>> No.25013509

It's a basic personal info database hack. Those happen all the time on all kinds of websites.

>> No.25013563

>>covid 2.0 in europe fud
Literal globohomo fud.

There have been mutations the entire time, and they keep getting more infectious but less harmful, which is the normal mutation evolution for viruses like this.

>> No.25013667

Its only for sync for backups. I just used an anon email address and pay for transfers using crypto so I don't have to provide a credit card

>> No.25013760

>Client data was not encrypted
>Ledger: "data breach affected 1 million email addresses and ONLY A SUBSET OF ONLY 9,500 CUSTOMERS' CONTACT DETAIL HAS BEEN COMPROMISED
>database gets leaked
>more than 250k customers data is compromised
Well, it looks like a nice day for a lawsuit for GDPR violation, isn't it?

>> No.25013792

I've seen at least three threads about it, not including your one.

>> No.25013883

GDPR would categorise this as the highest level of breach as it contains sufficient personal data to ID specific individuals, AND the nature of the leak directly threatens the safety and freedoms of those affected. Under GDPR ledger would have had to have notified their data authority within 24 hours of being made aware of this breach. If any anon has evidence that they were told of this breach and did not act immediately, they are on the hook big time.

>> No.25013994
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>"hon hon, le customer data is safe"
Opportunity for a YouTuber, funds are safu style.

>> No.25014160
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just for you anon

>> No.25014232


>> No.25015287
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I saw someone recommend a dummy ledger and I might just do that because I have the S and the X. It might be the only reason I invest in XRP kek.

I'm kind of spooked. I live in a shitty apartment. There's like three people on my street alone who are on this list of addresses. Terrifying. Should I move? My roommate and I were talking about it and I didn't want to because it sounds like a pain but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.25015300

It's comfier to pretend it didn't happen

>> No.25015325

We were too busy dumping our coins lmao.

>> No.25015922

will my nano s be useless after they go backrupt through lawsuits?

>> No.25015955



>> No.25015987

what is there to talk about? you are retarded if you bought ledger to begin with.
the market is trezor vs ledger. Ledger ALREADY had shit previously with their client.
Trezor has been the only option even before the hack.

>> No.25016022

not storing your shitcoins on a kike exchange knowing kikes will keep your shitcoins safe and treasure them as if they were their own

>> No.25016027

And just how do you generate addresses from private keys on paper? You gonna do the math by hand?

>> No.25016138

Why not just write both the private and public key on paper??

>> No.25016141

You mean your laptop?

>> No.25016224

Prone to mistakes, inconvenient.

>> No.25016309


>> No.25016323

already looked up some people in my neighborhood

>> No.25016391 [DELETED] 

1. Non-primary email
2. Fake name
3. PO box address

This is what people should have been doing all along

>> No.25016417

1. Non-primary email address
2. Fake name
3. PO box address

This is what people should have been doing all along

>> No.25016466

i have learned a powerful lesson

>> No.25016496

Use the catalog you stupid fuck.

>> No.25016508

no one is coming to your house you dumb incels. If you're retarded enough to fall for phishing you deserve to lose everything.

>> No.25016528

Please don’t do this. Don’t try to come up with your security protocol that’s better than what Xperia have agreed on.

It’s safe to buy a ledger now more than ever since they definitely audited their network recently. Just follow the regular instructions on How to store your crypto in a hardware wallet with your safe seed backups. It’s cheap and easy and the best compromise and balance of safety, usability and recoverability.

BIP-39 hardware wallet
Laminated seed phrase written on paper(all paper is acid free and good quality in the US) with pencil and put it in a tamper proof envelope, keep two copies in different places in a locked drawer

Have your pin and pass phrase set up in other places.

It’s literally so easy and cheap to get Fort Knox level security

>> No.25016652


>> No.25016683

found the ledger employee

>> No.25016694

This, when you get hundreds of thousands/millions of names and emails, it basically just becomes like having a phone book and the individual names are meaningless

>t. Anon with a massive email list that I regularly market to (not phishing; it's definitely not really things people "need", but not scamming either)

>> No.25016729

Not a shill faggot nigger

It’s literally what experts recommend. Any hardware wallet properly set up with a pin and pass phrase and your back up seeds on pencil paper and kept safe is bough for 99.9% of cases

>> No.25016759

Fucking losers who don't care about crypto users.

>> No.25016760

It sounds like a hardware wallet of ANY type or brand is a humongous pain in the fucking ass

>> No.25016804

Because not everyone is so stupid to buy a usb stick and trust the company so much to transfer his holdings on it while at the same time you could simply open up an Electrum wallet and write your Seed on a piece of paper.

>> No.25016816

Feels that way I’m the beginning because it’s like a 3-4 hour process of thinking buying and preparing. But it’s a great feeling once you’re done because you feel truly safe and independent holding your crypto.

That said I tell my parents and gf to just use the coin base hot wallet and I make sure they have strong passwords and their seed backup that’s literally the best most nor Ives can do and it’s good enough

>> No.25016879
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>Currency traders of any kind be it dollar, deutsche mark, or douchecoin are all cancer.

Change my mind.

>> No.25016918

Some of the higher IQ burglars will check the ledger list before targeting a house so they know what to be on the lookout for, that said even if they steal the ledger (and your playstation lol) they can't do anything with it without the pin or seed, so I would expect they'd just ransom it back for a set amount to try to get more money out of the victim.

Other burglars will just check the addresses for people in their target area who might be stealthmoding as poorfags while actually having a bit of money. Owning a hardware wallet indicates not only the money to buy and hold crypto, but also some foresight to protect it, meaning they're even more likely to have nice things.

I myself am stealth-moding. I'm not on the list but if I were, I'd move immediately, breaking my current lease. I'd also consider changing my legal name just so people going the extra mile can't target me based on public records. Life is different when you're holding significantly more than a make it stack.

>> No.25016965

Obvious ideas. How retarded are you

>> No.25017078

Yet with all of this btc hit ath yesterday at 24.2k

>> No.25017150
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>ctrl + f
>[my city]
>38 names
>7 within 10 miles of me
>some in nice neighborhoods
>three of them are in a ghetto

>> No.25017315

Bought mine from Amazon. Thanks based Jeff

>> No.25017326


>> No.25017344

We did yesterday, check the archives. Sergey is on that list

>> No.25017447

Thieves use machines to see through walls, so you fucked

>> No.25017460

your leaked seed phrase might be compromised. never buy thing like these from the 3rd party

>> No.25017474
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>> No.25017516 [DELETED] 
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what is this pattern called for?

>> No.25017661

Yes, they have pictures of the hardware on their sites, you can compare the pictures of the circuit board on their sites to the device you received from your purchase.

>> No.25017664

so why didn't you open up an electrum wallet and write down the seed. Takes 5 min.

>> No.25017675

kek found a multi-millionaire, several hundred mil, local baron from my city.

>> No.25017707

How can I look at this file from my phone?

>> No.25017904

That's what I actually did using an airgapped PC. Recently I bought a Trezor for shitcoins so I could do more active trading and staking. The larger point of my post was how important opsec is.

>> No.25018038

Well I mean you're only writing it on paper for if something happens, not for everyday use. Inconvenience really isn't a factor here.

>> No.25018095

ooga booga.

>> No.25018239

ah ok, i wonder often what happens if sth with electrum is wrong. could i get back my holdings only with the seed? you know that maybe? so does the seed help elsewhere if eg electrum is down?

>> No.25018384

I dunno, I still have the electrum exe because I save everything, so I expect to be able to regenerate the wallet no matter what and get the private keys if nothing else. If you're worried about it you should probably display and write down the raw private key somewhere safe just like you would with a seed phrase, so that you can just plug it into bitcoin core and go from there if need be. Don't forget, the whole point of a seed phrase is that it's easier to memorize than a raw private key, so if you're not going to memorize it you might as well also write the raw private key on paper too (a separate piece of paper, obviously).

>> No.25018564
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Yea bro I forgot about the X ray specs, only 3.99 on eBay!

>> No.25018583

A real shitshow, so mcuh data compromised

>> No.25018613
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>Reddit spacing
Go back faggot.

>> No.25019104

Targeting someone with the capability and willing to custody their own crypto with money and foresight seems like a way to get shot or caught

>> No.25019202

i trust the open source and decentralized authority of cryptography and security experts who design and recommend the standards for self-custody of crypto.

Sorry you're the one being a basedboy and buying into the hivemind

>> No.25019248

fucking kek

>> No.25019494
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>It’s literally what experts recommend
Why do redditors have the vocabulary of a 14 yr old girl?

>> No.25019619

already received a phishing email. do these fuckers also have my home address now?

>> No.25019742


>> No.25019818
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>> No.25019843

implying third parties cant be hacked or leak, retard.

>> No.25019927

Dude this is LEDGER who has all the info on a database somewhere. This has nothing to do with "Cryptography" fucking kek

>> No.25020420

What are you even talking about, you are a retard, that's not how any of this works.

>> No.25020717

be your own bank they said

>> No.25020777

>buys ledger from 3rd party in amazon

yeah sure nobody wouldn't tamper the package, write the seed phrase down and reseal the package and sell forward to retards who gets scammed right after

>> No.25020847

Where's the list? I'd like to search it, but the pastebin I found was deleted.

>> No.25020987


>> No.25021004

It generates a seed phrase you dumbass, you can buy it off of amazon or whatever, the only risk would be someone messed with the hardware

>> No.25021071

>buy our propietary device and trust us your money
>also lol we got hacked
Yeah, I'm fine with my wallet on Linux, thanks.

>> No.25021187 [DELETED] 
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Holy shit

>> No.25021268
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Holy shit

>> No.25021575

shut up nigger

>> No.25021643

Whenever you want to invest in something, it's a good idea to learn how that something works. The 1st and only time I used a Ledger it required a fucking google chrome app. No one really seems to understand how this shit works. This is why it's not going to end well for most.

>> No.25021773

>reddit spacing
Hello newfriend!

>> No.25022025

I'm finding big crypto youtubers on the fucking leak holy smokes.

>> No.25022219

tfw none of my personal info is leaked, just a burner acc

>> No.25022273

Real addresses are listed. Wouldn't want to live in a large city where people could show up at your home.

>> No.25022287

You generate a random key on the device. If someone can guess a key phrase then more than everyone is screwed. These guys got no hits on the ledger bait that’s been around for three months so they are giving the list away. It’s costs too much money to sms people, 3-5c per message. I strongly doubt that the actual key generation tech would be compromised as ledger isn’t even in charge of that. Anything could happen, even with paper wallets.

>> No.25022318

enjoy the IRS audit ledgerfags

>> No.25022784
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I was about to buy one early in the year and didn't go through it for some reason, thank god.
Living in Niggertina this leak === guaranteed home invasion. And in this forsaken third world shithole you are sent to jail for defending yourself.

>> No.25022871

anyone have a link to the daabase?

>> No.25022880

my email's not on haveibeenpwned so i guess i'm alright
god i fucking hate ledger

>> No.25022904


>> No.25022919

Luckily I always pay my taxes on crypto, but I'm still pissed off that I'm on that list.

>> No.25022974

check the ledger subreddit
people are spamming an anonfiles link with a 28mb txt that has all the data in the comments
I would post it here but I don't feel like getting banned

>> No.25022980

how do i check the list?

>> No.25023006

These guys are absolute trash. Their device is a buggy piece of shit that doesn't even work right in Windows 10. What a shame I supported these faggots

>> No.25023009
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>> No.25023034

i feel like even downloading that would put you on a list of some sort

>> No.25023050

I just tried some leaked email addresses on
and it seems to have the right database

>> No.25023269

If you feel queasy about that site (I don't blame you) you can check the better known:

Just scroll down to see the list of sites your email has been leaked from.

>> No.25023531

So what can they do with just my phone number? Thankfully I no longer live at the address that leaked

>> No.25023712

Bought my lever off of amazon through a third party. Feels good :)

>> No.25023820

Duplicate your SIM by tricking some pajeet support agent and use it to get accounts linked to it.

>> No.25023851

Is there an official way to audit the device to guarantee it hasn't been tampered?

>> No.25023897

I thought my parents got me one for Christmas so I looked and didn’t find our address. Thank god

>> No.25023930


>> No.25024063

so what's the best alternative to a hardware wallet?

>> No.25024165

Glocks don't feel too good in my hand, so I got a P365 with the intention of carrying it. I am now on the hunt for a VP9 for my nightstand handgun

I have not been to the range in almost 6 months though because I can't find any ammo when will this nightmare end

>> No.25024192


>> No.25024210

because it's meaningless.

>> No.25024213

Your house will be sorrounded by atleast five people with guns.
You're going to need more hands buddy.

>> No.25024269

>Glock 43 in text
>Glock 48 in image
Help I think my autism is terminal

>> No.25024358

joke is on you I am an apartment cuck.

I'm just gonna convert a Nano S to a dummy one. I'm gonna fill it with something useless like shitcoins, then I'll fill a passphrase wallet with some XRP (also a shitcoin but a believable one) and go from there so if they torture me, they can have 1000 dollars of ripple.

I am thinking maybe I should move though...

>> No.25024596

The ledger software verifies the device when you plug it in. Someone would have to compromise their hardened chips to clone the device.

>> No.25024752

Fuck off Ledger wagie

>> No.25025224

kek all the smug dickheads who wouldnt shut the fuck up about how ppl should buy hardware wallets gonna get beaten up in their homes now

>> No.25025370
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Retard, they will keep using the new strain bullshit to perpetuate this lockdown shit and to keep you injected with poison. Welcome to the best normal goyim.

>> No.25025444
File: 516 KB, 496x498, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much fucking fear mongering LMAO

We live in a world where everyone knows everything about everybody. People are so delusional they willingly post their children online on social media. And some make it fucking public.

You can easily look someone up, look up their net worth, look up how much they own, look up their known associates, their home address, their phone number, email, AND YOU CAN DO IT FOR FUCKING FREE!

I mean, fuck! I can get good pictures of your home address by just going on google maps. People can literally map out how to find you.

The fact of the matter is that criminals that are stupid tend to do stupid things, and tend to get physical, and these kinds of criminals arent even going to be in the crypto space to begin with, dumb niggers dont give a fuck about crypto right now and never heard of a ledger.

The criminals that do know about crypto are going to try to scam you from the comfort of their own abode, they sure as fuck arent going to want to leave their chair and fly on over to the nearest human settlement and start trying every ledger home address when they dont even know how much crypto you really own.

The cost-benefit ratio doesnt add up to physically get out of the chair and abandon what they do best (phish and scam) to try to break into someone's home and steal their ledger, which they need the pass phrase anyway to get into.

This is a nothingburger in the long run especially if you do what you should be doing if your info is leaked (changing your email and phone number)

>> No.25025489

Anyone else notice Trezor has very obviously paid shills they browse and advertise on /biz/?