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File: 109 KB, 897x627, rubioisrael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25007126 No.25007126 [Reply] [Original]

How come we get such a shitty "stimulus", yet this passes Congress?

>> No.25007151

Israel stands for democracy in the Middle East.

What do you do?

>> No.25007165

we're a republic. no one gives a shit about democracy except the chicom shills.

>> No.25007176

What is Israel defending itself from?

>> No.25007178
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Don't ask questions goy

>> No.25007192


>> No.25007196

Isreal is not a legitimate state. It and the US causes nothing but instability in the middle east.

>> No.25007216

Rubio is a shitty Cuban Traitor who shills for the Deep State and for the Jews.

>> No.25007226

Israel has universal healthcare.

Instead of giving money to them, maybe we should work on 3.3 billion dollars to help secure vaccination against the ongoing spread of an infectious disease going around this country. :-/

>> No.25007266

Pay for all of it with my taxes faggot

>> No.25007277
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>> No.25007285

Many such cases.

>> No.25007316

I can't believe no one understands the whole Israel thing. The US has been in the Middle East for like 30 years. It's not about Israel, it's about Israel being the only stable country and ally there. If you own Israel and allow it to dominate the Middle East, you own the Middle East. Israel doesn't own shit, it's a puppet state to make normal people happy and to mask the huge American flag looming over the desert in the shadows. If Israel tries to go independent, then the plug gets pulled and we take the whole thing over via controlled chaos that destroys Israel to the point only America going in guns blazing, forcibly occupying and seizing could fix.

>> No.25007330
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>> No.25007332

It really sucks being American right now. I was planning on finishing my degree in aus and looking for a job overseas, but there's no way I'm going to shithole America at this rate

>> No.25007339

>this fucking cope
>this fucking level of ignorance
man i feel sad for americans

>> No.25007342
File: 58 KB, 793x1024, AD38F2D7-8C56-4EE5-BE12-6286E1C53C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morsi stood for democracy but the US helped Sisi so shut the fuck up. Israel stands for globohomo imperialism and apartheid against goyim.

>> No.25007344

Goys actually believe this

>> No.25007353

It’s just a giveaway to US arms tech, the money comes right back to us.

>> No.25007401

Lol meanwhile in reality the USAmericans have to pay out the nose for healthcare and they give billions in aid to a cuntry with Universal Healthcare. Because AIPAC owns both parties and all legacy media.

>> No.25007409

Israel has no significantly successful businessmen, no significant innovations, and all American Jews are just that, American born with parents mostly from Europe.

>> No.25007421

Also I've been to Israel and they literally shit in the streets.

>> No.25007427

Nice cope. USA could do what every other country does and sell on the open market for actual profits instead of giving free shit and then saying “aid to Israel creates jobs.”

>> No.25007546


I'm going to puke. How can a medieval country from the middle east ever be treated as anything above a list of medieval places we have to genocide for science?

>Hue hue we're just pretending to help them to get their oil.
>Throws 3.3 billion at them.
>Allows immigrants.
>Allows Jews in Hollywood
>Allows China and India to evolve , but not Japan.
Who's fooling who here? Who the fuck is fooling who here?

>> No.25007595
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The US also gives billions away to other shitty countries but I rarely see natsocs bitching about that. If it was up to me we wouldn’t give a single dime to ANY country.

>> No.25007615

>it's about Israel being the only stable country and ally there.


Gypsies are a plague, a parasite, to kill them all would be the benevolent thing to do. To torture them for the eons they've lived would be the most justice thing to do.

Gypsies want to turn the entire planet into gypsyville.

>> No.25007621

Start bribing them if you want them on your side.

>> No.25007733

The only thing Africans have above gypsies is that they're not naturally sadistic religious freaks with 10,000 religions that are all shit willing to kill each other.
Africans are at least capable of laughing at their own bullshit, incompetence and take life easy.
Gypsies are intense, they are capable of creating mafias and terrorist groups, Africans are too incompetent to create major Mafia organizations because they never take anything seriously.
Gypsies are all about taking things seriously when it comes to religion, deceit, building something to destroy others and parasitism.
Africans are too irresponsible to ever be a coordinated force. Africans are the retarded koala bears who shit their pants.
Gypsies are the scheming rats who steal Caucasian genes to elevate their IQ and are literally a Jekyll and Hyde bipolar race of freaks.
Africans are just dumb.

>> No.25007751

Israel runs the US government because they have politicians on tape fucking kids (Epstein Island). Plus many dual israeli jew politicians.

Most of you boomers will die totally oblivious to reality.

>> No.25007754

America does that because being #1 means being generous enough that everyone doesn't hate you.

>> No.25007755

Like I give a single shitoshi about the mideast. Totally irrelevant sandpit now that we're energy independent. Let them carry on chopping hands off and praying, I'm not scared

>> No.25007822

It pisses me off. Politicians are such absolute pieces of shit. We should not have to pay taxes when it goes to such stupid and sickeningly wasteful things like this. No stimulus, no food stamps, no social security, make Israel pay back everything they received in aid + interest.
We should not have to pay taxes if this is how its used. We obviously are running at way too much of a surplus if they can't even find a repair needed to our infrastructure.
Rubio is a fucking traitor and is funding the enemy with money he stole from us.

>> No.25007826

This is the truth, really. Without the Jews over there, the rag heads would totally shit up our corporate interests. That's why we keep them loaded up with all our latest technology and equipment. The Jews are serving us. Deal with it.

>> No.25007849

Yeah, it would be a fucking paradise if we let the muzzies off the leash. Fucking EU cunt.

>> No.25007853

He is a crypto-jew

>> No.25007873

We could have Israel bomb the level 4 labs doing gain of function and we wouldn't have new colds to worry about.

>> No.25007875

It’s the only stable country because ypu bombed the rest causing mass flight to Europe.

>> No.25007882

Okay but I do because it provides me with more money. Reminder /biz/ is an American board. We are the only ones who know how to make money so listen to us.

>> No.25007897

Goto hell you dirty rat kike

>> No.25007898

You can read the bill yourself. It's not necessarily liquid funds. It's tied up in mutual development programs that require matching financial contributions, along with essentially giving old military equipment (guided missile defense) that the US theoretically doesn't need and practically has never used (though the bill doesn't use that same language).
I don't think we've gotten anything from the Israeli lobby. They're hacks and liars and the politicians supporting them are getting fat off the deal while lying about it. They're not our ally. They're a proxy state and untrustworthy. However, it is not the same as giving free money with basically no responsibility, like the stimulus.

>> No.25007901

Not true, they punch above their weight

>> No.25007918

Egypt and Jordan literally get aid to have a truce with Israel. It’s part of the Camp David Accords. USA pays protection money for your shitty little cuntry.

>> No.25007935

Because Republicans.

>> No.25007952
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I like you, anon.

>> No.25007958
File: 297 KB, 640x646, E3061AA9-45AE-4917-87B8-CD37F520D4C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you have a lot of chutzpah listing countries that the USA invaded and destroyed and they still receive less than 1/2 or 1/4 of the per capita aid you kikes get.

>> No.25007974

stop asking questions goy

>> No.25007981

If it wasn’t for America and our oil companies, Arabs would still be riding camels everywhere they go and using the wind in their tents as air conditioning.

>> No.25008009
File: 114 KB, 965x591, DMGglowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the more reason to take a heavy look at DMG and the DMM ecosystem (6% stable APR with USDT)

mTokens are the future.

>> No.25008052

that single tweet has made me hate this persons guts. I did not know who he was until today, but he is most certainly scum

>> No.25008072

Muhammad was a con artist who fucked little boys. The enemy of my enemy.

>> No.25008115

Another 3.3 billion?

>> No.25008124

Giving them this money (and it's not just money, many times) is actually a great way to keep them fairly impotent and stable, rather than volatile and dangerous. It's backfired a handful of times (Afghanistan), but most of the countries who receive lots of aid will never get to their feet in whatever area of aid they receive. For one, nations relying on foreign technological import (at least directly, instead of a supplement) will never develop a homegrown arms industry, or even doctrinal innovation. Israel has decent doctrinal and technological competency, and it's enough to beat the arabs. However, they're far thinner as a force than people realize. They rely a lot on the US for tech and missile defense, and many of their designs are adapted from European engineering. And their army itself is a substandard conscript one. If Norway or Finland were in the region, I'd expect them to do as well, but that doesn't speak of them as a conventional powerhouse.

>> No.25008165

The industrial revolution ravaged the US and Europe and they have never and will never recover from it socially, politically, psychologically, or spiritually. Trad countries that have been able to reap the fruits of that via leapfrogging will inherit the Earth. Thank you for your snackrifice.

>> No.25008217

If I make it I want to go to Israel and search for the 1st Temple

>> No.25008328
File: 171 KB, 1024x780, F5746181-7AEF-4290-96A7-873A7D09E2F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel came before the enemies, kike.
Your lot likes to act tough like your ‘lil buddy’ Israel is doing your bidding in a Holy Jewsade but the truth is they extract resources from you and relocate the refugees they create directly from occupation and indirectly from incited wars/interventions into western countries. Your country is a dumping ground and you still tongue kike anus.

>> No.25008369
File: 310 KB, 750x754, 1608346001888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do me a favor when you get there? Can you pray for the children?

>> No.25008393

Democracy my ass! Israel already occupied Palestinians lands and kills their kids every day and is the cancer of that region.

Also what this cancerous regime anything to do with the US whose congressman, secretary states and presidents suck their dick every day when American people need that money and suffering for malnutrition?

>> No.25008470

i think you’re missing the point. when they hit the limit of how much they can spend on AMERICAN defense, they start spending money on the defense of other nations too. it’s a way to give more american tax dollars to their cronies in the defense industry. really all they care about is buying as much shit from beoing as possible.

>> No.25008524
File: 316 KB, 750x1624, 582C493E-4880-4746-9D2E-B8A13B22235C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I hate fiat welfare queen companies like Boeing/Palantir. They literally shouldnt exist. Maybe that is why I should stick to crypto threads here because half this board are kids from r/wsb jerking to stocks and rocks who have no appreciation or respect for basic human dignity/privacy much less hard currency.

>> No.25008544

They’re ALL crypto jews. If he gets elected to high office he’s a jew. Voting machines run on unaudited code. All elections are fake. And gay.

>> No.25008569

what exactly is isreal defending from?