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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25001197 No.25001197 [Reply] [Original]

If you dumbasses didn't know, this is practically a fucking "leak", because the "official news" will probably be announced today monday eurofag time

You can ALREADY stake your GRT to indexers today
Upside : make hella bank without losing capital
Downside : lock for 28 days minimum, you can withdraw any time after that passes
>but muh price volatility, they're gonna rugpull in 1 week
There is 400.000.000+ GRT STAKED RIGHT NOW in the entire ecosystem of indexers
Check the contract : etherscan.io/address/f55041e37e12cd407ad00ce2910b8269b01263b9
>ok but im a complete negro with 20 iq, how do i stake?
1. Get your GRT off goybase/scamnance
2. Send it to metamask, ledger (+ metamask), or anything that supports WalletConnect
3. Connect your wallet to network.thegraph.com
4. Pick an indexer
5. Delegate your entire shit
6. Rake in the profits
Some people are already making 1-10% daily because theres so little people staked and its so early, that the 3% inflation rewards are distributed on much less people
>but who do I stake to?
Here is the link to the discord message of the absolute chads of indexing in GRT, they're part of the graph council. Remember, index to lower staked people so you make more bank.
>discord com/channels/438038660412342282/789260797620650065/789956218968997939
Godspeed faggots. Again, if any of you niggers comments about 28 day lockdown just neck, we get it, not everyone is gonna stake, but literally half this fucking board is already 3x or above, just stake 30% you massive pussy.

>> No.25001263

>there is no risk to being slashed or losing money on staking
>only risk is -0.5% on delegating
there is also the risk of the person you delegate to being a complete dick and changing the fees, so that's why you stake to the people in the link genius, or just join the discord, lurk, and find honest indexers

>> No.25001297

bullish as fuck
just purchased 500 more.

>> No.25001346

im dumb and I think this is a way for you to steal my grt. explain better

>> No.25001363

yes anon, im gonna steal your grt if you visit the main graph website and click buttons on it

>> No.25001422

>when you can't transfer out of coinbase due to pending bank transfers
waaaah i'll try tommorow

>> No.25001485

Would love to, only a 4.5k stacklet though. I still need to ride to the moon. Thanks anon for the spoonfeed

>> No.25001492

Planned on selling my innitial investment and holding the rest. Guess I'll stake, minimum amount?

>> No.25001556

I installed Metamask and connect wallet is doing nothing. What do i need to do? It just says "Connecting" and nothing happens.

>> No.25001575

gonna stake my 10,000 grt since i never plan on selling them until $100

>> No.25001583

Seems too complicated for a newfag such as myself

>> No.25001592

no minimum stacklet

>> No.25001628

fuck grt, if you weren't in sub 10 cents then u missed out and now ur gonna lose money

>> No.25001637

honestly im not arsed to be rajeet tech support, go bug them in the discord

>> No.25001653

Your link doesn't work

>> No.25001716

you need to be in the discord server for this link to work, i wanted to paste the message text, but its too long

>> No.25001718

not too late bro

>> No.25001719

>outpumps LINK
>better staking than ETH
>comfier hold than BTC
Whole cryptoverse BTFO

>> No.25001738

kek, I feel attacked!
I got in early with what I could afford, after a 7x I may as well let the free money work, what can I say.

>> No.25001795

thanks for posting this anon


>> No.25001817

hopefully coinbase will create a switch for auto-staking

also, is there a staking calculator for GRT?

>> No.25001827
File: 14 KB, 500x375, 1607922235767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw WA resident, GRT locked in my account until 6 days from now

>> No.25001860

I don't know which index to pick. I don't know what to do.

>> No.25001942

I connected the wallet, but how do i add the token to metamask? I can't find Graph in token search. So i have to add a custom token? Where do i get the info?

>> No.25001975

i dont know how much more spoonfeed i can give you
just join the discord and ask for indexers that need stake, so if they change the fees public shame them kek

>> No.25002012


paste the token address in custom token metamask

>> No.25002129

I'm guessing you want me to go the GRT official Discord. I'm guessing that because you didn't post an invite to the server that you're talking about.

>> No.25002178

my bad, thought it was obvious

>> No.25002206

yeah can we get an invite link for the app?
maybe I'm just paranoid but I'm not entering any sort of login info from a browser link on /biz/

>> No.25002234

Can someone explain how this works? There's a lot of numbers on that site and idk what any of it means

>> No.25002281

can we get fucked over somehow by the indexers? I see that stake from the delegators can't be slashed, but is there any other way? i.e. indexers withdraw their stake. would i still be locked in for 28 days?

>> No.25002305

nvm thanks king

>> No.25002306

Can someone give me the link for the invite to the server? The one provided does not work for me .

>> No.25002309

the state of

>> No.25002349

Thanks got it, never used such networks personally. Any risks involved in this?

>> No.25002352

damn i cant use coinbase wallet with it, fucking coinbase man

>> No.25002387

>visit thegraph.com
>scroll straight to the bottom
>discord link

like i said, the only issue is that the indexer can change the fees, so you dont get as much share of the rewards, which is retarded because you'll have to wait <28 days, so just join the discord, click the link i said and pick one of those, but if theyre saturated, just try to find one of the indexers shilling their node, tag them and some shit say you delegated to them, if they change the fee go shame them until they dont lmao
if they get slashed you dont get slashed, dont believe me ask in the discord
in fact im fucking off for a while, just fucking spam their discord for tech support niggers

>> No.25002432

Didn’t buy at .10
Didn’t buy at .20
Didn’t buy at .30
Didn’t buy at .40
Didn’t buy at .50
Didn’t buy at .70 <—- you are here
Not gonna buy at .80
Not gonna buy at .90
Not gonna buy at $1
Gonna rope at $10

>> No.25002441

i bought 100 dollars worth at 20 cents am i based

>> No.25002478

I was retarded and somehow skipped .60 but you get the point

>> No.25002485

Anyone here staked? What is a reasonable minimum amount to stake to make some reasonable returns?
I'm thinking about staking, but currently only have 7k.
I'll be able to buy more at the end of the week and hope it just dumps a little.. I'm just thinking that anything under 10k qrt is not worth staking or is it?

>> No.25002489

hey you skipped .60

>> No.25002504

How does $500 sound?

>> No.25002641


my GiRTh is under 700 which is fucking ridiculous

>> No.25002644 [DELETED] 

Poor fag with 540 grt. Is it worth to get in with that amount? Can somebody explain to me quick how staking works?

>> No.25002700

lmao the absolute state

>> No.25002725

well 500 can get you a ps5 so thats pretty cool lmao

>> No.25002903
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>> No.25002924


>> No.25002938

should i delegate to these Staking Facilities guys in the discord? they seem trustworthy but they also keep 80% of indexer rewards. am i being too greedy? is 20% a nice auxiliary income stream?

>> No.25002972

What's a good indexer?
People on Discord are talking about a lot of stuff. Not shilling indexers

>> No.25002979

What the fuck?

>> No.25002998

That's to be an indexer (i.e.: run your node)
Not a delegator, which is what we're talking about here

>> No.25003000

The discord people are trying to rip people off.

>> No.25003017

custom token and the copy and paste the token address, don't worry your question is the 1# most asked in regards to metamask

>> No.25003026


>> No.25003036
File: 77 KB, 726x583, 2020-12-21 03_29_12-#🗣general - Discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25003047


jesus christ im sorry for that out of context dumbass screenshot

>> No.25003050

What are fair numbers to look for in an indexer?

>> No.25003051

Will it fall at $1. Looks like its struggling to get past 80 c.

>> No.25003070

Discord link for me isn't working.

>> No.25003142

So what is the minimum WORTH delegating?

>> No.25003159

Probably the most bullish thing about this. I hope link works like this, but with the original 10k make it stack

>> No.25003185

somebody explain how it can have this volume with only 9k holders RIGHT NOW.

>> No.25003218

So how do I find a legit indexer? They can change their fees as they like lmao

>> No.25003245

How do I know if this shit is legit and what exactly are indexers and delegates in this case?
I have a 1.3k stack, what could I do with that here to benefit me?
I feel this is either a way to scam me out of my GRT or someone once again really loves /biz/ and is giving us the heads up.

>> No.25003256

we all swap cum

>> No.25003263
File: 217 KB, 680x425, 1607890075188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone fucking tell me how this benefits my fuckingn 20k stack

>> No.25003273

you better look at where you're getting your numbers, kemosabe

>> No.25003286

Ridiculous system.
Complete joke.
Worse than other shitcoins.
desu I'm not staking, this thing will grow for some weeks and tank when all early adoptors cash out their stake locked for 28 days.
Not to mention early buyers get unlocked in a month.

>> No.25003304

I don't understand SHIT about indexer

How can i pick? Which one should i pick damnit, i'm afraid to lose my stack doing something stupid.

>> No.25003347

How do you know how many holders there are?
9k wallets sounds reasonable.
But 99% of people who own this still have it in exchanges.

>> No.25003376


>> No.25003510

Newfag here. All you niggers needing handholding and spoon feeding, how about having a little agency? Read things to understand them. Jesus Christ.

>> No.25003530

Look at the backers and you will find your answer. Much rope will be needed. Buy PRQ instead, find out what they both do and why PRQ is better.

>> No.25003694 [DELETED] 

mate I'm extremely new to this. Am I supposed to be seeing CB Ventures and DCG and inferring that the volume is fabricated by CB? I feel like im going full schizo

>> No.25003810

how did you look at the backers?

>> No.25003851

Them manipulating the volume is a good thing.
As long as you sell before the dump, obviously.
Don't worry, they won't dump at least a couple weeks from now.

The rug pull is after 90% of people have staked with a 28-day lock.

>> No.25003859

the graph website dude. The backers are all big money crypto capital groups

>> No.25003906

If this is indeed the case, how is no-one else talking about this here? Is /biz/ just a bunch of blind hopeful idiots?

>> No.25003940

I know this and I'm still all in on it.
It doesn't matter if it's a scam, as long as you flow with it.
In the end, all crypto is scam.
(And so is all of the stock market, btw)

>> No.25003952

>There is 400.000.000+ GRT STAKED RIGHT NOW
>Some people are already making 1-10% daily because theres so little people staked
These statements don't add up. fuck you.

>> No.25003980

Saying this is a rug pull is like saying link is a rug pull.

>> No.25003995

>he doesn't know

>> No.25003999

>Is /biz/ just a bunch of blind hopeful idiots?

Do you even need to ask?

>> No.25004015

its my second day on the board mate

>> No.25004057


>> No.25004086

Also, just look at their service design for indexers and delegators.
The indexers can just freely change how much they pay you AFTER you locked in for 28 days.

If that doesn't sound like a scammish company to you...

>> No.25004101
File: 28 KB, 512x336, DCCF4EA6-DE43-4E3E-867A-5064459BC4BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck staking with lock ins. Last time I staked 2k wozx I got raked over the coals and the price dropped 100+ percent. Fuck you nigger. I control my own destiny. I’ll sell when I motherfucking please.

>> No.25004107
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1608442394678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is staking I don't understand

>> No.25004196

how long before the rug pull on this? i know it's gonna happen as soon as i buy in

>> No.25004216

You give your money to random people, they lock your stack for given amount of time, they using your money to doing some shit and give you some profit for this.

>> No.25004269
File: 260 KB, 942x692, f62f16bdabcecad3734a71b0eaa8e8ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fee cut 80%
That cannot mean what it sounds like it means.

>> No.25004270

It already does for ALGO, so I don't see why it wouldn't.

>> No.25004285

There's people with "100%" on both columns. That means they wont give you shit and they keep all?

>> No.25004288

Staking now is very stupid imo. In 1 month early buyers will dump their bags, so as stackers.

>> No.25004361
File: 154 KB, 1849x781, 2020-12-21_04-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah honestly staking to random people who can lock my money for a month and get 100% profit... I fucked up. I should've read more the discord before. In a thread, a legit guy posted this.
The links :
Node 1: 0x7ab4cf25330ed7277ac7ab59380b68eea68abb0e

Node 2: 0x8e297141f9dc76f4d71741da1a1e47294cf0fde2

>> No.25004439

>metamask refuses to connect
I'm taking this as a sign fellas

>> No.25004497

so staking is a horribly bad idea since you have to trust that the stakee won't lock you out of your money seconds after you give it to them

roger i'm going to leave my 600 stack in coinbase