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24997044 No.24997044 [Reply] [Original]

> Sent my music to a record store in Japan
> Asked me what my wholesale prices were
> I reply with my prices
> 5 days no reply

Should I follow up?

>> No.24997116

I remember you, Yeah man send him and email on monday morning.

>> No.24997157

post music

>> No.24997162

Ok I will, thanks anon.
What should it say?

>> No.24997321


>> No.24997510

nice anon, not really my thing, but i understand what you are trying to do and its quality.

>> No.24997804

Thanks friend

>> No.24998299

Yea but don’t make it a desperate email

Make it a closing email

“Hi Retail Anon,

Following up the pricing request I sent over to you on Friday. How many copies would you like me to ship to you? I can have them express posted and in your store by X date.


Music Anon”

>> No.24998364

Thanks, that's really helpful. I'll send something like that tomorrow.

>> No.24998397

I don’t know you it what you’re trying.
I hope you make it all the same, your circumstances sound exciting.
God bless you and best of luck brother.

>> No.24998483

Hey anon I remember you, I asked you for your bandcamp yesterday

>> No.24998547

Thank you anon, you as well.

yeah I tend to ask for advice a lot on here and then end up shilling my music when someone asks lol

>> No.24998566

Wait, you're Elijah Knutsen? Elijah Knutsen Hezmum?

>> No.24998640

Never stop following up! There's a point where people are annoyed with your persistence (but this annoyance is permeated with a respect for your persistence). Then they kind of find it endearing. Then they realize you just won't ever fucking quick and they'll either have to kill you or give you a shot, if for no other reason than to get a moments peace in life.
Never. Stop. Following. Up.

>> No.24998656

I actually really like this anon. If I was a Japanese store owner, I'd buy some. I'm just gonna listen to this shit with the lights out.

>> No.24998677

For select few industries, including music, this anon is right.

>> No.24998732

Damn... this shit is pretty peaceful. nice

>> No.24998745

In case of still no replies after a few mails, here is he final try :

Hi mr toyota,

I still haven't heard from you about the proposal. Have you given up on making a deal together ?


>> No.24998820

You need to send this to spas and masseuses and such.

>> No.24998894

It's just noise. Why even try to sell such garbage? If you want to be a musician then get gud. If you can't get gud then quit while you're still (hopefully) young.

>> No.24998924

Have you actually tried selling it to vending machines?

>> No.24998928

Just sent this to a friend a that owns a spa. If she get's back to me, I'll let you know her thoughts.

>> No.24998958

I mean, they obviously have a lot of money.

>> No.24998996

Nice album art, anon. You make it?

>> No.24999048
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Is Brian Eno one of your inspirations?
Digging it dude. :)

>> No.24999088

This. Very Enoesque

>> No.24999161

Spa chick says make Purple Wisteria 2 hours long (or a cohesive album along those lines) and she'd be down. More water and birds.
It's a niche market, but you can get a toe in the door while doing something you love.
I'm sure Enya passed out a few hand jobs on her way to the top of the massage-playlist.

>> No.24999339

>More water and birds
No dude. No. Anon is not making generic shit. It may sound like that to you. It's not spa music.
Fucking birds and water.

>> No.24999460
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Then don't take my word for it. I can't tell art from a hole in the ground. I'm a heathen anon. You do you, brother. But you do you all the fucking way. Don't roll over just because someone didn't get back to you.

>> No.25000130


Not sure who that is, but I am Elijah Knutsen lol

Thanks anon, that's what my grandpa was telling me as well.

Thank you both :)

Post your music, friend :)

Wow thanks anon! If you're being serious, tell her to email me! memorycolorlabel@gmail.com

Thanks everyone for your advice and for listening, I was at the store for a while so I couldn't reply to everyone.

>> No.25000426

Thanks anon. I was actually more inspired by Hiroshi Yoshimura & Tetsu Inoue. I'm sure you've heard of them.



>> No.25000532

sweet stuff. gonna buy the album once my credit card works again.

>> No.25000583

Aw thanks anon, I appreciate it.

You still in this thread, spa-anon?

>> No.25000594

One last point about following up: Nobody makes the sale on the first call/email/meeting. It's about establishing a relationship. Even low-level sales can take 5+ interactions. When you touch-base, remember that. You should always be closing, but you should always be building the relationship too. know when it's time to flirt, and know when it's time to fuck.

>> No.25000624
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anon.....can i fuck you...

>> No.25000632

what kind of cucks actually pay for music these days?

>> No.25000676

.... Fuck it. Let's do this

>> No.25000701

Thank you anon, I just followed up with a bunch of people I hadn't gotten responses from. I appreciate your feedback. Also can you tell your spa-friend to email me? That sounds like a cool opportunity. My music is actually licensed to this Indian company for their meditation app lol.

>> No.25000729

make trap beats like a man https://clyp.it/user/ie3vnw5q

>> No.25000735
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Quite a lot of people it seems.

>> No.25000795

I already sent her your email.
And: Nice (vis-a-vis the app)

>> No.25000845

You're very talented Norse!

>> No.25000880

Please keep making these threads, It's very interesting to see the process of someone carrying out the early stages of a business.

>> No.25000885

People who have more in their audio systems than you do BTC.

>> No.25000996

I just replied to her, thanks anon! This board is slowly becoming my favorite.

Takk (I'm only like 33% Norwegian lol)

Thank you for your support anon, I'll keep you updated :)

>> No.25001161

Japanon here.
What’s the name of the store?
Getting close to New Year’s so possible the guy managing it has taken early leave. Or maybe your quoted prices were too high.

>> No.25001356

"Tobira records." It's a pretty small store I think. My prices were pretty low actually. $130 for 50 CDs (and so on.) I'll email him again tomorrow.

>> No.25001497

Yeah, this isn't a zero sum game. You do better, we do better.

>> No.25001538

i don't get it

>> No.25001589

Hire someone as an agent. You are ngmi unless you focus 100% on creative endeavors not this beancounting bullshit.

>> No.25001642

I landed my biggest client with absolutely no idea how to bid the project he wanted us to do. It was a proposed recurring thing, so I just told him, "Send it over, we'll do it. You don't like it? No pay. You like it? We'll work out the price."
We've been doing business for four years now.
Sometimes, you just need to acknowledge what you don't know (like pricing, in my case) and put together an initial deal that works.

>> No.25001843

What would an agent be doing for me?

What don't you get?

Smart way of thinking. I'm always worried when I send people my prices if it'll turn them off, but of course I've got to get paid for my work.

>> No.25003004


>> No.25003621

OP, how much did you quote him?
I’ve done a little legwork for you
It looks like he sells cassettes at 780-1380 JPY.
If you consider he’s doing (minimum) 25% mark up on his wares you can assume he’s buying them for 585-1,000 jpy (at most, his markup is probably higher since he’s running a physical store)
Did you discuss shipping/who is responsible for shipping to Japan?
Shipping to Japan is expensive as fuck if you use air, and even freight shipping is usually on a “single box” basis where even the cost for a small box is probably around $100 or so. Let’s say you wanna sell 20 tapes and you choose freight shipping that’s already $5/tape of costs which you’ll need to eat out of yo profit or you’ll have to ask him to cover (which I doubt he would given the low purchase price of his goods already)

Just curious how much money you asked per tape.

>> No.25004136

He actually replied after I sent him a follow up email. He's going to take 6 of my tapes (3 of each release) to start off with. Which is what I expected. Hopefully this will be the start of a long business relationship!

Tapes are quoted at $3.08 each.

>> No.25004163

Shipping was $14.50 per order (flat rate intl,) but I'm going to put them all in one box so it'll just be one order.

>> No.25004275

Where in the fuck did you find shipping that cheap?
Maybe since it’s a small order and the tapes are so light it wasn’t as bad I guess?

>> No.25004348

Thanks anon!

USPS small padded envelope seems to be a flat rate of $14.50 anywhere in the world. I sell a lot of tapes to the U.K, and it's usually around that price. The envelope costs only $1.69 as well.

Excited to have my music in a Japanese record store! It was one of my goals when I started this label a few months ago.

>> No.25004819
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>> No.25005034

we did it bros

>> No.25005074

im on shrooms and this music slaps

>> No.25005293

Post it well with good packaging. Japs like sincerity and quality.

>> No.25005407

After it arrived or after all copies are sold offer to set up a short video call to thanks them and ask for their feedback, futher steps etc.

>> No.25005445

I'm an actual musician and I'm gonna kick your ass if I ever see you.

>> No.25005487

Okay, post it then. As well as your sales.

Thanks anon

I will make sure to.

Okay, I'll make sure to check in with him :)

>> No.25005524

i expected this to be shit but its actually based

>> No.25005619

Thanks anon :) glad you like it

>> No.25005662

Some of it reminds me of one of my favorite albums.

>> No.25005695

Haven't heard of this album before, liking how it sounds so far

>> No.25005696
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I was thinking the exact same thing when I listened to it. Thanks for the confirm

>> No.25005753

nice brian eno wannabe. i like it
send me the FLAC pls so i can upload it to my private tracker pls

>> No.25005846

This was always the definite shroom music for me. You'll be talking to someone and suddenly a train or a mongolian throat singer flies over your head.

>> No.25005861

>brian eno wannabe

I don't listen to Eno

Buy the album and you'll get the .wavs

>> No.25005891

Pretty good Elijah!

>> No.25005939

>music for vending machines
yeah yeah
music's okay, good luck. i dont pay for music.

>> No.25005983

Dude, they don’t like your prices. Nuff said. Good tunes though. Put your music on traktrain and get zoomer money

>> No.25006022

Didn’t read this post before posting my first post

>> No.25006150
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>actual musician
Musicians are söi as fuck. Whenever I meet some faggot who describes himself as a musician, or god forbid starts playing some shitty guitar at a party, I go out of my way to shit on them. Just really immature bullying for immature musician faggots desperately clinging onto your teenage delusions of rockstardom. I'll slap the back of your head, knock the drink out of your hand, even pick you up and place you in the corner for a timeout if I see you trying to impress a girl. I've done this multiple times and only once has one of you worms ever tried to talk back. I smashed the guys guitar and knocked out two of his teeth, he quicjly learnt his place.
You're not fooling anybody with this tough guy act you little faggot, grow up and face reality. You have no talent, you have no future, you should have learnt a real skill, you will never be famous.

>> No.25006296

Squeaky wheel gets the oil bro

>> No.25006333

tell them they can pay you in SFX. it's ecommerce anyway, might as well double down

>> No.25006614

Thanks anon!

lol, chekd

Based as fuck

Every "actual musician" I've met plays in some shittygeneric pop punk or stoner rock band and uses it to pick up underaged girls at the 20 person basement venue they play at. Reddit tier musicians making the same songs over and over wondering why they aren't getting any recognition.