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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1254x333, firefox_BpbYGsXa04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24982511 No.24982511 [Reply] [Original]

Is this anon right on the money?

>> No.24982559

No. GraphQL is 2015 tech

>> No.24982752

isnt that bullish

>> No.24982754

sub 80 IQ LINK holder here
i remember about a year and a half ago watching a podcast i couldn't understand by allen day while i was trying to understand LINKs relationship with googles bigquery. he mentioned something about using oracles with 'Graph' and bigquery bla bla technobabble ect. also some high IQ anons at the time were talking about 'Graph' when discussing this on biz. were they talking about GRT or is graph a common term? i remember it being capitalized like it was the name of something.
i bought GRT because of this. have i really just stumbled into 2 amazing projects listening to biz even though im a brainlet?

>> No.24982789

Ask yourself one question: is there a use case for the token besides selling it at a higher price to someone else?

>> No.24982845

No. We should take into account locked supply, Those will come into circulation during the next 2 years which isn't that far off. Graph is currently valued at 4B going by supply that unlock in 6 months and 6.5B going by full unlocked supply. Seems like fair value but anything above it start to look iffy (One of the reasons in the paragraph below).

Graph rightnow doesn't generate any revenue, They'll once they'll fully move to the decentralized network but this could take a full year, Rightnow i don't see why their costumers couldn't just keep using the centralized free testnet like they did until now.

Great project but we're at the peak of the euphoria i would guess (I could very well be wrong but it should be taken into consideration).

>> No.24982893

$3bil trade volume right now, wtf

>> No.24982919

Just look at the volume and compare it to any other project. Take profits when you want. 1 Bil MC guaranteed.

>> No.24982923
File: 128 KB, 283x236, dapps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% right on the money.
What we are seeing is Sheer utility buying pressure.
The big names in crypto NEED grt.
They are accumulating.
And they are accumulating as much as they can before this shit truly takes off.
Because they all know how important this is to ALL of their projects.

>> No.24983084
File: 1.27 MB, 626x1280, Graph 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes right anon.

Pic related is also right.

>> No.24983123

I am hemorraging my gains on GRT and LINK, I hope you faggots are right.

>> No.24983167

why is everyone saying parsiq is the better hold? I am already balls deep in GRT, you phaggots are going to financially ruin me aren't you

>> No.24983169

What's the query fees tho? It's likely close to the fifth paragraph from valuation standpoint, Meaning Graph is already valued correctly for a revenue it doesn't even start generating (Like i said it could take even a year).

>> No.24983192


>> No.24983261

So? GraphQL is still uniquely the best at what it does. It’s very rare to have that in CS since tech almost always has tradeoffs. I would refuse to work for a company still using REST.

>> No.24983362

you are a retard

>> No.24983450

My 150k/yr job disagrees. If you weren’t retarded you would be able to explain why I’m wrong. But you can’t.

>> No.24983625

+1 he is a retard

>> No.24983664

>My 150k/yr job
Here you go, Pradeep. Enjoy California while it lasts:

>> No.24983665

Cool y’all got any internship spots open? Currently starting sophomore year semester 2 of my BS in CS and looking for a cool internship for my sick resume!

>> No.24983707

Conventional tech companies use extremely high multiples for company valuation, there is no reason novel tech like this shouldnt be valued at a 20-40x current rev

>> No.24983720

Smart people don’t talk like you do. When they disagree with someone they can easily articulate why. You don’t do that because you’re incapable of it. Deep down even you realize that.

>> No.24983731

The transactional volumes are insane, billion dollars on Binance in just USD. Is it large projects trying to accumulate as much cheap graph as they can for when mainnet launches and they have to start paying for graphs service? The amount of wallet holders seems low versus the ridiculous volume.

Chainlink has tiny fractions of that volume despite being a top 10 project.

How the fuck are people STILL fudding GRT?

>> No.24983746

>1 shill article that shits on graph for own gain

>> No.24983758

So is Chainlink. So is Ethereum. Name a single competitor with a working product already implemented already around the entire crypto space. I wait.

>> No.24983780

You won't be able to use thegraph services without the token in the future. Simple as that. Token needed. Unilke LINK or 99.9% of all other shitcoins.

>> No.24983785

They still need time to accumulate.

I missed the ico so had to fud every graph thread the past month to scoop up my cheap 100k bag. Not like this shitter matters but one does everything ine ones power

>> No.24983788

I've noticed the low holder count as well. It's insane that retail hasn't even jumped into this shit yet. We're super early.

>> No.24983797

But what's the query fees? 0.001$ sound expansive let alone 0.01$.

And the current revenue is ZERO. Like i said it'll take months to move to the decentralized network, Rightnow 99.9% of their costumers use their centralized free testnet

>> No.24983796

I’m whiter than you. Also that article basically boils down to “if you use GraphQL wrong you could run into problems”. None of those things are an issue in the codebase I work on.

>> No.24983855

Here you go, Rajesh:

>> No.24983856

because they don't research and think its a pajeet scam.

>> No.24983872


Kek im glad you are at least admitting it so I won't judge. Its making me schizophrenic reading two sentences that are completely opposite in sentiment. GRT is amazing, GRT IS A SCAM STAY AWAY. It fucks your brain up.

>> No.24983901

you stated a blank statement "I would refuse to.."
what you should have said going by your own virtue was "I would refuse to .. because x"

>> No.24983904

>None of those things are an issue in the codebase I work on
Of course nothing is an issue with curry code so long as your employer doesn't know. Enjoy California while it lasts.

>> No.24983931

fully diluted mc is outrageously high even right now

>> No.24983993

fuck you i sold at yesterday's bottom

>> No.24983997

also let me guess
you live in California
your job title is Technology Evangelist

>> No.24984014

>t. Retard

>> No.24984021

Most developers will tell you they didn't learn GraphQL yet because it's too new lol.

>> No.24984037

>My 150k/yr job disagrees
My 150 IQ agrees with >>24983362

>> No.24984042

Some real mental gymnastics in here, yikes.

>> No.24984065

This topic is going right to hell so I will check how you will lose with your fucking shitcoins, lol
>Base tokens is already on my portfolio so I just launching on you

>> No.24984081


>> No.24984121

Short answer: yes. Midwits don't get it. High IQs and guys like you usually do. You followed your gut feeling and did well.

>> No.24984163

It's not better but it's good. GRT, PRQ., LINK are like the holy trinity. You simpley cannot lose if you have a bag of all three.

>> No.24984266
File: 514 KB, 1361x925, 400million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400 million queries per day.
10 billion queries per month.

If they want to keep using the graph services they will need GRT tokens.
That's why you see the volume spiking so crazy.
They are accumulating as much as they can.

"They" being the top crypto projects in the world.

GRT is so undervalued right now it's INSANE.

>> No.24984311

Fuck off shill and answer my questions

>> No.24984320

I see. I am low on fiat so only have graph and link at the moment... hopefully that will be good enough

>> No.24984367

the graph is million dollar tech valued at a billion

go on their site for 10min and you'll realized how useless the project is


>> No.24984398

Amazon and Google charge a fortune for serveless services.
And people still conspicuously throw their cash at it.

>> No.24984521

Fees will probs be closer to 0.001 than 1cent desu. No one knows yet.
However, graph is positioned to take over the market so even with laughable fees the increasing queries will result in revenue which is unparallel in crypto (revenues barely exist in the space, goodwill is everything in terms of valuation)

>> No.24984528

I think there aren't any flat fees, indexers can choose how much to charge, which is why this is so powerful

>> No.24984533


>> No.24984552

This guy gets it.

But let the fudders fud, its sad that some of biz aren’t done accumulating even though this has been shilled straight for a month.

>> No.24984570

you really need to go back lmao

>> No.24984580

This. You guys only convinced me last night that this might not just be the latest Indian pumpndump. I was just hiding the threads before.
Still not convinced desu. Graph not needed lol.

>> No.24984651

Yes. The shit is tiny in terms of volume. Somehow success scared people away? Lol what? Once it hits $1 and stabilizes the cautious chud will buy in until it hits 20 or so. Maybe higher. The sheer girth of this fucker is astounding

>> No.24984732

Haven’t seen such girth in a project since LINK

>> No.24984801
File: 133 KB, 640x960, ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many GRT will I need for a girl like this in 2032?

>> No.24984820

I'm here to thank everyone who shilled this. I'm no whale heck even a fry. I doubled my measly 20$ and took out my initial as soon as I could. I now don't give a shit if this tanks or moons. I'm just here for the ride.
Also this is the first time I've ever played with crypto. Thanks everyone for the wonderful experience.

>> No.24984849
File: 98 KB, 723x720, soy brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took out my initial

>> No.24984863

I just bought 450k GRT AMA

>> No.24984865

I'm not disagreeing but at current moment it's either overvalued or valued correctly.

>> No.24984866

whats a $100k in 2022 stack?

>> No.24984889

Thank you for painting the chart so beautifully

>> No.24984892

i asked in the discord and the fees are set by indexers like i said, there isnt a minimum and it will be decentralized, so indexers need to think of their best profit

>> No.24984966

Best profits relative to actual demand. If the fees will be too high nobody will use it, That's why i think even 0.001$ is expansive for large applications costumers.

Again, even if the fees are 0.0001$ Graph should do very well in revenue but my point is that it'll take months if not more than a year to fully capture the decentralized network and monetization effect. Meaning Graph is overvalued rightnow as there's zero revenue.

>> No.24985025

anon in the OP says they're moving fast, but idk.. why dont you think people would accumulate now because of the future value? Most projects get priced in based on just whitepapers, like Polkadot and stuff, if they have a product that is already used then its stupid not to buy no?

>> No.24985047

Why are you saying it will take so long to capture the effect? And what is LINKS revenue atm?

>> No.24985049


>> No.24985109


>> No.24985171

can someone dispel this FUD, in their website they say projects could spin up their own subgraphs and API, but they choose to use Graph because its easier. When they have to pay to use Graph, what's stopping them from making their own APIs to avoid paying for this service?

>> No.24985241

I just sold all my bags. It's a fucking scam. Check out the leads most recent medium post. He literally admits to it.

>> No.24985258
File: 44 KB, 832x868, ILIYAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros yesterday I bought graph which is my firsto crypto purchase ever. I'm in the green but I don't know what is happening I'm getting overwhelmed and I don't know what I got myself into

>im cryptotarded
>please help

>> No.24985323


>> No.24985623

You're going to get wrecked on the short term

>> No.24985673

It costs money to make your own APIs as well. Most companies don't home bake all their tech. E.g. most startups use AWS, etc.

>> No.24985701
File: 113 KB, 467x333, Graphlets_Get_The_Rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, absolutely, because he prbly bought less than 20k GRT.


>> No.24985721

take profit. unrealised gains are the silent killer.

>> No.24985755

yeah running your own server indexing all that data is probably more expenive than using decentralized grt, you can just run an indexer on the same network and profit

>> No.24985820

depends how profitable you are and how much dosh to burn you have. There are many companies that nearly bankrupt themselves using shit like AWS

>> No.24985826

>sheer utility
Top fucking kek.
the entire ecosystem of shitcoins is just a huge circlejerk.
They are tryiong to find solutions to problems that don't exist. Oracles, smart contracts, those have been here for years and there's still no use cases for this crap.

>> No.24985853

Costs time as well. If you are starting a new company and want to get your proof of concept product up asap, it's better to avoid reinventing the wheel. Even later on it's usually a bad investment to go back and rewrite things to theoretically save pennies vs expanding functionality / addressing urgent customer concerns, etc. Tldr your business will be a business faster if you leverage products like graph

>> No.24985935

this is the perfect representation of the low iqs and high iqs understanding fundamental truths in this world
yes they were talking about grt, it powers nearly all of defi and other projects

>> No.24985945

laugh at this retard guys

>> No.24985962
File: 192 KB, 626x442, EpoV_Q2W8AAfnFz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.24985970

imagine being proud of being a wage slave
now imagine using it as an identity or a proof of intelligence
holy shit lol

>> No.24985972
File: 232 KB, 640x653, the envy of artisans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold unless you got a better use for the cash. better use being irl emergencies or more promising tokens.
don't sell prematurely or out of panic, you'll regret it

>> No.24986126

As a midwits, the problem with being a midwit is that you are easily manipulated (the manipulators generally target midwits since there are a lot of them). Doing my best to keep a connection with the low iq part of myself

>> No.24986533
File: 302 KB, 508x503, 1598797984672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the problem with being a midwit is that you are easily manipulated
In most social environments being a midwit is a good thing because conformity is rewarded. In trading, mass delusion always gets punished in the long run. A lot of twitter fags who get led by influencers fall under that category. Serves them right.
look up stuff like #forexlifstyle in tw*tt*r and try not to laugh, it's a haven for grifters and charlatans. I'd take a thousand pajeet scamcoins on /biz/ over their advice any day of the week.

>> No.24986561


>> No.24986593


This was a group of (well paid) shills with prepared memes, numbers, and a plan to spam during the mass listing event

their job was to promote a coin that venture capitalists were rewarded with at .003 cents, and dump it on the normies at a 12 cent listing price for insane gains, and then keep the pump going as long as possible while normies flooded in to provided liquidity

it worked pretty damn well, but like all pump and dumps, even the most wildly successful ones run out of steam

the shills fucked off and now thats left are a bunch of bewildered bagholders trying to sustain their own threads, but lacking the psychotic energy of a paid shill riding a 20x from dumping their tokens

>> No.24986651

Lol now a new fud copy pasta. Pathetic

>> No.24986717

Just buy PRQ and wait till January. Youll never need to trade ever again . Its that easy

>> No.24986761

>low holder count
>high trading volume
why is that a good thing? people are just chasing the pump

>> No.24987376

yo where the fuck do i buy this shit? binance and bitrex arent available to me....will waiting to buy GRT on Kraken tomorrow be shorter than verifying an account?

>> No.24987533

Thanks. What's your discord or telegram, I share the same views.

>> No.24987823

is it tho??

>> No.24987941

My 151k/yr job disagrees. See what I did there? I larped just like you did.

>> No.24987989

There's a big wall at .7. This isn't going anywhere near $1.

>> No.24988128

Acting like 150k/yr is anything special..

>> No.24988927

buy on coinbase, move to wallet, use uniswap using the coin gecko address.

to sell you uniswap to DAI and cash out for fiat.

>> No.24989322

> Buy PRQ

>> No.24989575
