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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24974758 No.24974758 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here holding Saffron? There's going to be some huge news next week lads. This is going to explode during the bull run

>gigantic innovation in the Defi sector (hint: always look for those to invest in) by using risk averse tranches to
>rolling out partnerships every other day with all the other prominent defi projects, most recently sushiswap and alpha finance labs
>announced two days ago that they're hiring multiple positions, hinting at rapid expansion coming in the following days
>loosely hinting at some massive partnerships happening next week that will catapult this into the stratosphere
>devs anonymous but apparently extremely well connected in the defi sector and media sectors
>devs had a chance to rugpull 54 million dollars worth of money, when there was an error during epoch 1, chose not to, clearly this ecosystem they're building is worth much, much more
>gigantic comparisons to andre from Yearn and how it got started, suspicions that their main dev IS actually andre from Yearn
>token is a month old and already trading at $300-$400

This project is a long term hold but is damn near one of the best hidden gems you can find right now. It's not operating on hype, its basically operating on a "IYKY" principle - if you understand the DeFi space and the niche that this project is filling this is a gigantic steal at sub $500 in price.

This has the potential to do YFI (Yearn Finance) scale style growth - meaning that $375 today will be around $10,000+ in six months. /biz/, despite all of its shit, does have good gems every now and then. /biz/ literally changed my life introducing me to LINK but I just blindly aped in without actually understanding it. Years later I have a much bigger appreciation for the space in general and this remains one of the most undervalued and under the radar projects I've ever seen - it's literally a powder keg until this thing explodes.


>> No.24974776

sold it all for GRT, might get back in later

>> No.24974886


I honestly don’t think I have the balls to. This thing could go parabolic at any second. It feels like the team is about to announce something huge that’ll make the price skyrocket. They keep on talking about a game changing partnership coming soon. What price point are you waiting for GRT to buy back into SFI?

>> No.24975129


Glitch. Wait for Glitch. January or February

>> No.24975170

I have 5.2 staked in the SFI pool right now and kind of regret it

>> No.24975202


I'm bullish about the teams interaction on Discord and the super high quality medium posts though

>> No.24975390

Yeah, if it can successfully mitigate IL and gets rolled into yearn strategies, these tokens will be worth 10k easily. If not, it’ll bleed down to 200. It’s a risk, but a really good one.

>> No.24975404

Nobody wants this trash. Price and volume continues to drop. Glad I got out when I did.

>> No.24975493


Price drops because a bunch of people are trying to swing trade it expecting it to x10 in a week. Like I said earlier, this is a long term hold and a really good one to get in this cheaply.

>> No.24975752


What is Glitch?

>> No.24975783

Whenever a post has Lads in it, I run like hell.

>> No.24976001

Nah people do, top 10 holder now because I know what the announcement is and I'm behind the scenes. Bought heavily sub $100, I put in 500k usd in epoch 0 and made nearly 700 tokens free. Used 200k buying sub $100 then bought 200k more buying on the 50 mill bug.

The benefit for people with money vs people without is there patience.

I have alot of patience and don't need to jump from shitcoin to shitcoin. Those of us who got into yf1 sub $500 new it was a fundamental home run.

Similar to saffron, the only threat was the adaptors, if they plugged into credible defi banks and they are aiming to do that.

I think it's just too early in the space, alot of people don't read and unfortunately there's more education even outside of saffron, learning about tranching and shifting rates etc.

Those who do learn this already loaded up, impermanent loss insurance and protection from rugs are the 2 big problems in DeFi right now.

P.s. the dev is one of the wealthiest ppl in crypto, his business b4 this was sold for just under $1 billion. And funnily enough his last 4 projects were created due to problems he found that new would make him wealthy, he doesn't care about money anymore, he's building a really useful tool for the space that actually involves the token. Barnbridge is shit in that regard. Whether this goes to $100 $200 or $10000... I know this will moon.

DeFiGod and chainlinkgod will be more active with SFI, they know the team.

Time will tell.

>> No.24976307


This guy gets it. It solves a huge problem in the DeFi space and I hate to be one of those "IYKY" guys but this is a token that shows value if you dig deep into the tokenomics of it - this isn't a meme coin. That's not where the effort is going, there are real world applicable uses that it solves and the people that can recognize this early will reap the benefits gigantically.

When this starts to dominate headlines next year, just know that well, you will have had your shot to get in early.

>> No.24976339
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thanks for the hopium. I was about to sell but you guys convinced me to hold a bit more.

>> No.24976475

roughly when can we expect that announcement?

>> No.24976504


There's a lot of secrecy around the team for this project, but if you're able to connect the dots you can figure out that something big is brewing:

>anon team that had a chance to run off with 54 million dollars, didnt
>extremely well connected in the defi space
>day one listings on CMC, dextools, etc
>caught insider crypto personalities' attention immediately
>creator of Barnbridge taking an extreme interest in them

I'm honestly inclined to believe the anon above me that claims he knows the dev.

Just have patience, anon. Hold.

>> No.24976567
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thanks fren. we are all gonna make it!

>> No.24976572

its charlie lee right?

>> No.24976790

>Grammar checks out.

>> No.24976842

Nah I'm not saying anything, I really hate idiots in this space, I can't stand telegram, discord because it's filled with insecure people that need to hold each other's hand to hold an investment.

That's not how you invest, if you know the value of something you shouldn't need a second opinion, especially from people that take information but provide no value in return.

I'm done with poor people mainly because it takes a solid 3 hours to learn how valuable this project or YF1 was and you made it. Can't even spend 3 hours reading anything so they come to 4chan/Twitter and listen to random people, like I said I couldn't give a shit if people buy or it dumps. I don't even know the price of SFI, I just live my life and focus on my business.

>> No.24976922

fair. I'll look more into it, thanks for the breadcrumbs

>> No.24977096


This might unironically be the most based post I've seen on /biz/

Props anon

>> No.24977187

All I need to see is the logo of this shitcoin to know it has no future. Altcoins live and die by their branding, and this looks more like some kind of occultist summoning rune than a legitimate financial product.

Abandon ship this is a bag you’ll be holding forever

>> No.24977938


On the flip side this is probably the weirdest FUD i've seen on /biz/ lmao

>> No.24978019

There's a coin called polkadot in the top 10. Are people really this stupid? Like how can you judge anythjng until you research it? How about the boomers not investing in "bitcoin" because apparently noone uses digital currencies? And its full of drug lords washing money? So that's gone up 2.6M%, do as you please but history repeats itself, dumbasses and one dimensional investors never win, whether it's crypto or stocks. I personally have no emotional attachment, if crypto didn't make sense id bounce. But enjoy investing in (according to you) awesome projects purely based on there branding. I don't even think SFI is a bad brand, the most expensive herb in the world, fits with trying to be the most expensive coin in the world.