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File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, 8-different-Cryptocurrency-Bitcoin-Coin-Bit-Coin-Ripple-Litecoin-Ethereum-Metal-Physical-Coin-With-Plastic-Case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24973075 No.24973075 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24973093

Why do you lie on the internet?

>> No.24973095

what will be the name of your citadel?

>> No.24973118


>> No.24973135

giveaway now or you're a larp

>> No.24973165


>> No.24973200

Not incredibly interesting. People act like 2010 was eons ago lol.

>> No.24973252

how sad must your life be if you have infinite money and are still posting in 4chan

>> No.24973263

What's your IP address :)

>> No.24973289


>> No.24973299 [DELETED] 

Prove it


Send me a 1000 btc

>> No.24973336

get in line, cuck

>> No.24973356

>legacy address

>> No.24973368

If true, do you plan on ever selling a portion of it into FIAT?

Also can I have one?

>> No.24973403

Current Local Time in New Delhi, Delhi, India:

>> No.24973409

Satoshi here. Get on my level son.

>> No.24973446
File: 21 KB, 340x296, 082CF0ED-E7DA-45F2-B07A-651C01E148D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID

>> No.24973459

can I have one?

>> No.24973468
File: 12 KB, 250x215, 1607666869791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.24973475

how do you plan on cashing out?

>> No.24973492

>cash out

Newfag brainlet detected

>> No.24973515

he can't possibly live off his BTC, how will he buy a house and shit

>> No.24973540

>not accumulating more fake money in his goy castle


>> No.24973548

Canada, after my homeland

>> No.24973565

clearly a younglet, doesn't understand net worth
if you were selling a house, would you accept his BTC or would you want it in cash?

>> No.24973637


When we hit 100k I will consider cashing out. I haven't worked it out yet.


I've been in the process of figuring this out for a couple of years now. I wavered hard during the massacre in 2017. BTC is a store of value, but don't forget for one moment that it's still fundamentally a non-tangible asset and you can't do anything with it. Central banks are beginning to fuck with it. I have a different perspective on how much BTC is actually worth since I bought my stack when it was worth less than GRT.

I have a regular wagie job.

>> No.24973671

>waging despite having 20 million dollars
are you fucking serious?

>> No.24973711

I live in a country where I would get fucked hard by capital gains tax (twice, actually) if I withdrew. Plus, I love my job unironically (contract work for political parties)

>> No.24973761

Bitch, you could sell 10 of those bitcoins right now and quit your job. Larping FAG

>> No.24973799

Yet why would I? I've stuck it out this long. Why not stay in even longer and let the value appreciate? When you've seen your assets grow as large as mine have, you don't fuck with the formula (which is keeping everything exactly where it is)

>> No.24973836

And yet you would still be left over with $19.8 million USD.
Jesus anon, I hope you truly do find your job fulfilling if you're not larping, but you could be doing a million other things with your time.

>> No.24973837

Fuck it.

Lost my dog today. Why not? Please share.


>> No.24973856

Sharpie for .5

>> No.24973893

Are you vested in any other projects, or are you a bitcoin maximalist?

>> No.24973911

Hardware wallet or paper wallet?

>> No.24973928

you should be able to sign a message with your address proving you aren't larping. if you mysteriously can't or disappear now, mods should ban you. faggot

>> No.24973958

that site glows in the dark

>> No.24973975

because you, like OP, don't understand how bitcoin actually works, and you, like op, hold less than one bitcoin.

>> No.24974002

I'm not larping about my holdings, but I do enjoy larping at my job. I pretend I'm a high-tier political operative with major money behind him who makes all kinds of power plays. I'm already pretty fulfilled. I read books, I play with my dog, I fuck my girlfriend. She doesn't know I'm supposedly worth millions. You don't need money, or enough money so that you have 'leisure time' to be fulfilled. Leisure time is a joke. For most people, it means laying around browsing their phone.

If true, I am sorry for your loss; but I can't give you any BTC. There's just no way to confirm your story is true, and I won't ask that you do. What I can give you is some advice: please do not buy crypto (or invest in anything else really) while you are in that kind of emotional slump. Just don't.

I bought ETH back when it came out and I thought it was gonna be just like BTC. I've sold off most but keep gas fees around. I mainly fuck around with shitcoins for a dopamine fix. Graph is my squeeze right now.


Fuck off faggot, go buy some link

>> No.24974014

100% larp. Stick the big iron in your mouth and pull.

>> No.24974035

kill yourself larping faggot. these threads are glorified beggar threads made by LARPING faggots. you should be banned

>> No.24974054
File: 11 KB, 804x743, 1518298800225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've held 1000 BTC since 2010. AMA.
Why are you still lurking here?

>> No.24974056


>> No.24974057
File: 108 KB, 861x812, vidt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24974076

satoshi was a fucking genius, he literally implemented a way to verify you own bitcoin that you say you own, that's why faggots like OP and craig wright are seething daily that nobody believes their nonsense. they think that because it's an 'anonymous' currency they can LARP that they have 'held since 2010' and nobody will call them on their shit.
same bullshit, different venue.

>> No.24974082

I like to see what people are shilling and jump on the pumps for fun

I have no clue. I'd get out of it.

>> No.24974094
File: 113 KB, 1125x787, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you own zero bitcoin and don't even know what cryptography is. you had 11 years. faggot

>> No.24974103

>I have a different perspective on how much BTC is actually worth

and what is your perspective? how much do you think its actually worth?

>> No.24974104

Take a fucking chill pill retard

>> No.24974110


>> No.24974116

i found bitcoin in 2010/2011 too when it was $2. on bitcointalk.org $100k was first target for most of us to start cashing out some. all in GRT right now

>> No.24974128

>take a chill pill and stop ruining my LARP!
every time a coconut a faggot like you makes a thread it turns into a beggar thread. you should be banned for encouraging begging. faggot

>> No.24974134

elaborate GRT shill nice try pajeet

>> No.24974148
File: 992 KB, 2150x1303, FaceApp_1608434725984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on ETH?
looks like you're fucked. your heirs will have to pay capital gains even after you die in leafland. if they don't know you have crypto you might want to move to another country or something.

>> No.24974178

I think it's worth something around what an ounce of gold is, because when I bought BTC, it was pitched to me by a friend as a store of value, like gold.
A crash like 2017 is still possible if enough normies pile in. Gold hasn't ever really had something that disastrous.

>> No.24974180

It’s literally the grt samefag

>> No.24974183

he cant do that because he has no money, let alone btc. do you think people that LARP on an internet board have money to move country?

>> No.24974198

You should look into Snowblossom if you a truly Bitcoin OG
I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.24974199

>it was pitched to me by a friend as a store of value, like gold.
nah, never happened. i dispute this claim

>> No.24974202

This, I have a hdd with saved 4chan pics from 2008. Batman begins was 2005. Germany beat brazil 7-1 in 2010.

>> No.24974206
File: 51 KB, 640x640, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u glowie

>> No.24974236

yeah and i have 10,000 btc. ask me anything

>> No.24974243

As I mentioned above, I bought hard into ETH thinking it was gonna be just like BTC. I cashed out the majority of what I once owned but keep enough around for gas fees. Do you want a price prediction or my general thoughts on it?

>> No.24974272

why not both?

>> No.24974283

What about Bitcoin cash? Does it more closely resemble what people wanted in 2010 from Btc (ie a payment network).
>shared name
>bitcoin fork
>lower transaction fees
>accepted almost everywhere btc is accepted
>6th largest volume and cap
>shilled on bitcoin.com

Has Btc grown into something that it was not originally meant to be?

>> No.24974287

Dilate. He was a real conspiracy nut who thought the government was going to enslave us all (he was right) and told me they couldn't touch BTC.

>> No.24974319

nah, never happened.

>> No.24974392

right here OP is lying , move on GRT shiller

>> No.24974463

I originally held metals, so I see ETH as analogous to silver, as well as it being the cost of doing business in altcoins and shitcoins. In terms of functionality, I see it as superior to BTC. I predict $800 EOY 2021.

Yes, cash does resemble moreso what some of us thought BTC was going to turn into. I remember about 5 years ago when physical stores, mostly bars, installed crypto ATMs and I thought the time had neared. But, since then, I haven't seen any more movement on that front. I live in Canada, so it might be different elsewhere. BTC has turned into something completely different than what was originally intended, I think. The change is more about the culture that surrounds it than anything. It used to be a weird thing autists bought, now you've got hucksters and grifters selling books and running podcasts to fleece normies.

>> No.24974482

How did you understand it so early?

>> No.24974501

A friend of mine told me about it in great detail and pushed it on me for weeks until I finally caved, did my own research, and bought. Then I forgot about it for a while until the value started climbing.

>> No.24974525


>> No.24974560

This is a 1/10 larp, not even slightly believable
Probably can't even sign a 1 btc message on ichibtc.

>> No.24974604

the faggiest part by far is him claiming someone was talking about bitcoin as a 'store of value' like gold in 2010. that's a gay normie meme that only exists since 2017 bullrun. the state of this board i tell you

>> No.24974649

Yeah I bought in 2013, and HODL wasn't even invented yet, what a straight up faggot.

>> No.24974686

Oh you have 1000 bitcoin? Then sign some 10 addresses with at least 10 bitcoin each in them or sign a 1000 btc address

>> No.24974859

How much did it cost you to buy that much bitcoin back in the day?

>> No.24975070

do you actively promote btc to others?
if so, why?
like, cuz they'll make money, or as a rebellion to fiat/banking system/etc?

>> No.24975088


You wouldn't? I love this place. I could become a billionaire tomorrow and I'd still shitpost on here. I love this website and I love you guys.

>> No.24975157

>sign a 1 btc message
Can you explain what it means?

>> No.24975181

firstly, do you understand how a bitcoin transaction works? as in how double spending is prevented on the ledger? not bullshitting, genuine question

>> No.24975185

Congrats anon, it must have been very tempting to sell all these years.

What are your thoughts on ada? I'm too late to have a huge btc stack so I'm thinking of going in on ada...

>> No.24975199

his thoughts matter zilch because he made it up.

>> No.24975209


can I join you?

>t. vanigger

>> No.24975392

I was having conversations in grad school around that time about Bitcoin. It's been on a lot of people's radars for a long time. Not everyone is motivated by wealth, though. It's been interesting for a long time for many reasons--all this getting rich for doing nothing stuff is new and likely part of the massive bubble that is so obvious everyone is ignoring it. If we admit the truth the game is over.

>> No.24975597

I don't understand the process completely but I have BTC and ETH and few LTC.

>> No.24975706

you can prove with 100% certainty that you have control over an address on the btc blockchain by sending a new message that is attached to that address.

>> No.24975720

This is a two-part question
1) How big are your balls?
2) Have you considered investing in mirror.one?

>> No.24975771

Post chadfolio

>> No.24975865

in a bitcoin transaction, a private key, derived from the wallet seed, is used to cryptographically sign a transaction with a corresponding public key. it's trivial to prove a public key corresponds to an address, but not trivial to figure out the private key from the public key. i.e. we can broadcast transactions on the blockchain without people being able to use the broadcasted information to figure out the private key and access the wallet. this is what makes the cryptocurrency trustless.

now, because it's just a simple cryptographic function, you can actually sign anything with your private key, generating a corresponding public key for that thing, which verifies that you are in possession of the private key, because of the way the cryptographic function works. because satoshi nakamoto is smart, he knew that at some point, people would need to be able to prove that they control funds without shifting them. i.e. to prove you have 10 btc if you want to buy a lambo off someone, so they dont waste their time driving it to your house only to find out you were LARPING (like op). thus, almost every bitcoin wallet since the original wallet allows you to sign a message. in this case it is trivial for OP to sign a message from his address which would categorically prove he has 1000 btc or even a fraction of that but he can't because he doesn't.

>> No.24975973
File: 45 KB, 500x335, 1595630314193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a regular wagie job
I don't believe you.
Being a wagie is soul-crushing and degrading. As soon as I got the hang of trading, built up some savings, and was consistently making more than enough to support myself through trading I fucking stopped waging.
At this point I would rather kill myself than even consider going back.

>> No.24976039

Damn I remember those days. I must have SPENT nearly 10000 BTC that year. Remember that it jumping to 0.08 USD was big. Also remember things on silkroad being priced at 25000 BTC, which came out to be like $50. Pains me to think that I didn't hodl it all.

Where did you buy your BTC, OP? member VirWox?

>> No.24976070
File: 111 KB, 929x1175, fuck you faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, as an example, I just signed this message with a junk wallet, which if you check any blockchain explorer you can see has been active since 2011. Far, far before OP began LARPing. You can verify this message in almost any wallet software.



OP is a fucking faggot and probably doesn't even own any bitcoin, and if he does, he brought it after the 2017 peak. Faggot


>> No.24976661

Oh I see. I have my keys but never got how signing works. Thanks for reminding it to me dear Anon I will watch some youtube videos to further educate myself on that subject. So far I only have my 12 word recovery thing and use blockchain.com to store my crypto.

>> No.24976775

What do you think of Bitcoin SV and CSW