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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24971999 No.24971999 [Reply] [Original]

Ok how screwed am I financially be honest? 39 Male 12000aud in savings, 270000aud mortgage, no car and 50000aud pa casual store man job.

>> No.24972036

I can supply some other information but this is really only what I am comfortable sharing here.

>> No.24972070

Really screwed. Especially the fact you spend your money on gay faggot coffee. Just put it all int GRT and you can actually do something better than drinking fag coffee

>> No.24972106

Could be worse but no crypto, no refinement

>> No.24972115

haha i know who u are, the casual store man guy in australia, hahah ur fucked dude you gained so much weight these past few months

>> No.24972119

You never even stood a chance OP.

>> No.24972147

actually lost 2.5 kg at the new place and love the physicality of the job also getting cut af

>> No.24972165

that's not the worst of what I spend my cash on

>> No.24972184

Yep missed the crypto buss and I actually had a seat

>> No.24972231


>> No.24972293

if you pay off your mortgage aggressively not actually that screwed. you're gonna have to live like a pauper tho

>> No.24972334

wow ok

>> No.24972351

that is my goal atm but looking for other options

>> No.24972371

casual store man does not sound like a job you get 50k for

>> No.24972384

wow looks like I missed out on Grt ans well lol

>> No.24972414

before tax and with some over time 28aud and hour I am a shift leading hand

>> No.24972494

If I go permanent drops to 24/25aud and hour but get benefits holidays sick pay you know standard shit. I am more of a labor contractor atm I feel.

>> No.24972641

Unironically being an aussie, just take the PH pile bro.

The philippines are great anon. I have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

>> No.24972714

op here yep I know about Flip shit been to Tacloban for 2 week to visit extended family I had armed guard pretty much every where I went.

>> No.24973176

unironically this

>> No.24973313

You're not fucked beyond repair but you're far behind where you should be.

>> No.24973435

How many btc

>> No.24973553

yep what I think to hence the reason I here in biz and not /b/

>> No.24973589

I am also single which doesn't help my situation the market in Australia is gears towards couples if you earn under 100k pa

>> No.24973607

Geared toward sorry

>> No.24973629

no btc missed out years ago and really shouldn't have

>> No.24973735

op here well I am off to a Christmas lunch with senpai so thanks for the heads up guy and gals lets see how I go financially in the new year

>> No.24974230

suck your govvies balls bogan cunt

>> No.24974257

i don't even know what aud is but i can already tell you're pretty screwed by this one word alone

>> No.24974280

>years ago
most of /biz literally started this year tho

>> No.24974328

Stale pasta

>> No.24974509
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Read this m8.
Personally I avoided the stocks advice and jumped straight into crypto, the rest might help you.
Also, maybe Fastlane Millionaire after for a complete different perspective.

>> No.24974527

I should add it is pretty Aussie specific. Will help you with super, morgage, bank acct and learning to save.

>> No.24974658

Not the best but if you got a house that is worth a lot then pretty good, much better then a rent cuck. You need to get some bags for the coming bullrun