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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24967917 No.24967917 [Reply] [Original]

It just hit me.
The Graph Protocol is like unreal engine but for API's
Unreal engine lets game developers build video games without having to develop their own engine by simply paying a fee to use the unreal engine and then they get to spend their time immediately creating games upon the game engine.

The Graph Protocol does the same exact thing, but instead of video games it's dapps and instead of a video game engine it's an API.

The Graph Protocol is the Unreal Engine of dapps.

Devs will pay to use the graph protocol api so they don't have to waste their valuable time developing their own api. That way they can immediately get to work developing dapps instead of wasting time developing an api first.

Millions of dapps will be built using the graph protocol api. Many of the biggest names in crypto already are. The amount of fees that get paid daily are going to be insane. And massively beneficial to those staking GRT.

Now i'm beginning to see why GRT is in the top 10 in 24 hour trading volume in just 3 days of trading.

Holy fuck guys
It's the bridge that crosses the lake, and all the devs will have to pay the fee to cross, or waste a massive amount of time driving around.

Graph is the foundation upon which web 3.0 will be built, and could very well be a trillion dollar marketcap gem someday.

Holy fucking shit fuck.

>> No.24967990

literal vaporware. short it with 10x leverage if you have any brains.

>> No.24968006

Yeah if you really get it, it's pretty obvious this should be top 5 if not replace XRP as #3

>> No.24968063


>> No.24968112
File: 217 KB, 680x425, 1607890075188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this solve the oracle problem

>> No.24968118

Close, it's an addon that lets you pull up database data in Unreal Engine in a nice and easy way. You can't build a dapp with only Graph.

>> No.24968180

It is not the "Unreal engine for API's"
It lets you search stuff on the blockchain, which is basically invaluable. It also has to pro of being decentralized. Your analogy is kinda wrong because you probably don't even know what Unreal really is, but you got the basics of the protocol.
What I really don't get is all the FUD. And I also don't get why people want to sell at 1 or 5 or 10. Bullrun has just started and I will hold for a year more or less

>> No.24968225

if you can learn tricks to auction houses in mmorpg you can find a niche in any market.
crypto,stocks,collectibles, etc.

>> No.24968270
File: 192 KB, 626x442, EpoV_Q2W8AAfnFz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's symbiotic with chainlink, fren.

>> No.24968313

In a way yes, i compare it more to tokenized GraphQL. Web 2.0 apps all need data base querying. This is how Facebook knows what is on everyone's profile, what twitter has for your tweet back on December 19th, 2017 etc. Every Web 2.0 app uses this. GraphQL is a much more powerful SQL because it requires less computation resources within your application and is easier to integrate once you learn it.

The Graph, is essientially tokenized GraphQL for Web3 applications. Every DeFi and Gaming protocol uses it to index data from the blockchain brought on by Chainlink. It is top 4 project.


>> No.24968380

So so so soooo grateful i found this while it is still under $1.

>> No.24968435

really contemlating to swap all my eRSDL to GRT. bBought a measly 915 GRT at 0.13

>> No.24968504

It's the real deal. There's a reason it got listed on the big exchanges on day one.

>> No.24968515
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>Graph is the foundation upon which web 3.0 will be built

>> No.24968577

Do you like investing in future blue chips or lowcaps? GRT launched the public sale at a low valuation (same Marketcap API3 ended their sale at 30m). It opened 3x higher around $100M. People are blown away by the pump but in reality it is completely warranted. This is why they launched at a low valuation and not something exurbanite like Filecoin. Its going to pump to its actual value and that is around 12-15B FDV.

>> No.24968586

kay, swapped myy Freedom reserve stack. smoll plus, 1 k+ holder now lol. I'll be DCA'ing into this until i'm satisfied with my entry price

>> No.24968609
File: 21 KB, 224x221, 1608306055348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the big names in crypto are already using the graph protocol, so they knew immediately the value of the GRT token, and now you see why GRT is in the top ten in 24 hour volume in the first 3 days it's started trading.

This shit is about to go parabolic.

>> No.24968624

>if not replace XRP as #3

>> No.24968658

it completes the solution

>> No.24968667


Do you understand also that at this price GRT is already over $3.5 billion market cap? its a top 10 token right now with token releasing within 6 months time. Buying now is a gamble.

>> No.24968669
File: 1.02 MB, 1068x2239, 4E601CA8-D61B-403F-A832-3DD5A38EE292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24968696


Let me simplify it for you. When a website is pulls data so that it shows on the UI it uses GRAPH. Thats pretty much it, data queries.

>> No.24968697
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 1603383276344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>future trillion dollar marketcap gem

>> No.24968718

>need to put it into gamer-terms to understand
So these are the kinds of people I share this board with, huh.

>> No.24968750

lmao, you do understand XRP is going to be #1 by a fucking MILE soon? you DO UNDERSTAND, DON'T YOU?

>> No.24968784

>What I really don't get is all the FUD. And I also don't get why people want to sell at 1 or 5 or 10
You new here? Peak /biz/ operates through FUD dispelling discussion. No I'm not talking about pajeet shill points such as
>you will miss out
>stay poor
>it's the next link
I'm talking about real people that have taken an interest in the project and are autistic in their belief of dispelling FUD

>> No.24968789
File: 29 KB, 730x413, Cloud69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight. Crypto is fucking space tech floating on clouds and this is the shit that has been fueling the fucking city. If you just heard of GRT today YOU DID NOT KNOW ABOUT CRYPTO.

>> No.24968799


Is it though?

When we need barcharts made from data on the blockchain it uses Graph. does a tech like this have proprietary dominance or was it just the first? Why can't another company offer a better faster service?

Graphs network is huge but can easily be taken over by a better service. As a customer I just want consistent uptime and cheaper costs. right?

>> No.24968811

>Do you like investing in future blue chips or lowcaps? GRT launched the public sale at a low valuation (same Marketcap API3 ended their sale at 30m). It opened 3x higher around $100M. People are blown away by the pump but in reality it is completely warranted. This is why they launched at a low valuation and not something exurbanite like Filecoin. Its going to pump to its actual value and that is around 12-15B FDV

>> No.24968826

If it even sniffs bitcoin I’ll eat a bag of dicks and film it before performing a Cleveland steamer on my dog you fucking schizo

>> No.24968832


Its queries data. Can you explain to me why another company can't do the same.

>> No.24968836

FUD because you believe in the project, so the price drops? To be honest I think a ton of people here are dumb

>> No.24968843

Sure, let another company try to even begin. I'll buy their token too in 2 years.

>> No.24968851

i'm gonna do some DCA baby. my entry price went up from 0.13 to 0.2 so i'm still pretty good. Just annoyed that i didn't put more in this, I'm techillitarete, i saw every GRT thread the last few weeks and by coincidence i end up here the night it gets listed everywhere. either way, i'm in, in profit and hodling strong. GL frens! WGMI! never have I ever seen anything like this in crypto.

>> No.24968855

Ok now I get forget this >>24968836
FUD creates discussion and that's what biz wants. Makes sense.

>> No.24968859

so then why doesn't unreal engine have a token?

>> No.24968909

At any given time I only hold the 8 best coins. I think GRT is one of them.

>> No.24968934

Got in at 36c... I am very happy with that, only 2k right now but will add more when possible until I have 5k... feels good man

>> No.24968982

What country these guys from?

>> No.24969008

name the other 7

>> No.24969009

Retarded ape, go back to your rathole. You are literally a retarded gorilla nigger.

>> No.24969081

Do you realize filecoin has a $36B FDV? Do you realize LINK is 13.5B?

STFU with this argument

>> No.24969118

Its just a json parser right bro?

>> No.24969177

im not talking about FDV, im talking about token release within 6 months. that puts GRT at almost 2.5 billion marketcap. Thats top 15 coin at .45c.

>> No.24969214

no its not.
Chainlink is a protocol that has dominance in this space do to network effects. There is no network effect with Graph. It has a large network but that isn't the same thing. Graph is literally data queries on the blockchain and is the first to do so.

>> No.24969244


LOL, my point is. Why even use a company that has a token.

GRAPH dominated this space without a token. You may not understand this right now. but token not needed to offer this type of service.

>> No.24969263

I remember buying a json parser in June for a couple bucks and selling it for $18. Lmao

>> No.24969267

I expect total crypto market cap to be $1T+ by then so warranted. Everything in the top 10 will have $10B+ cap. (They are at min. $5B right now & total cap is ~650B)

>> No.24969285

there is no project that is just a json parser. stop lying.

>> No.24969296

oh my god yawn who cares faggot I'm making money off it.

>> No.24969309

fair point. but i hate investing in things that rely on overall market expanding by that much just to maintain value or grow in value.

My point is GRT is a bit maxed out right now until the overall crypto market cap grows.

>> No.24969317

The token is to create this network effect + decentralize it. Once the network is completed with curators and delegators there would be no reason to use anything but The Graph

>> No.24969339

>The Graph Protocol is like unreal engine but for API's
so its vaporware

>> No.24969357


You do realize adding curators and delagators is something completely different than its past strategy.

My point is that any company that offers what they do now better than what they do and at a cheaper costs easily wins.

Graph is service. its not a network effect protocol

>> No.24969372

Thats a fair investing strategy but I think the fair market value of Graph is 10B FDV which would put it at $1.20

>> No.24969389

Did you buy into the API3 scam too?

>> No.24969394

Wouldn't this token represent the company's profits either way?

>> No.24969435

The network effects are the developers using it and now buying in to become curators and delegators. The Graph is a blue chip project.

>> No.24969529

we could but we aint gonna fag

>> No.24969676

This is the perfect simplification of these two projects. My mom can understand this.

>> No.24969704

it's a graphql wrapper dude

>> No.24969733

Fuck man, this alone makes me want to buy LINK.