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File: 143 KB, 1200x1200, 1E4E8670-072F-4E53-908B-4018DFC829B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24964427 No.24964427 [Reply] [Original]

People are excited about the graph for good reason. The tech, the (lack of) competition, the use case, and most importantly, the network.

What people don’t appreciate so much yet is that the graph’s network is truly unprecedented for a public ICO. That’s why valuation of the project will continue to climb at an astonishing rate.

The vast majority of ICOs to date have been essentially “give us money first, and then we’ll develop a project and network.” The graph is entirely different, yet in line with traditional finance. In finance, you “start up” as a start up, get VC funding, and after you’re successful at all stages, you IPO.

This is exactly what Graph did, and that’s why you’re about to see unprecedented gains. And honestly, for a market as shilly and scammy as crypto, Graph gives me hope for the future of this industry.

>> No.24964485

>Thank you! Your post has been evaluated to be Excellent Quality by our GRT-Shill team. 10 GRT have been deposited into your wallet.

>> No.24964497

We're not at the "killer dApp" stage yet because the baseline infrastructure is still immature, but indexing is as much a part of a mature smart contract tech stack as oracles.
As a crypto fanboy as well as an investor it is great news to see this move onto its next big phase.

>> No.24964598

This. And the very successful mainnet launch and ICO will hopefully encourage other key projects to deliver first, raise money later

>> No.24965001

This. I’m finally optimistic about the future of blockchain investing

>> No.24965100
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Based thread. I unironically can feel the same levels of excitement that was there for chainlink

>> No.24965138
File: 21 KB, 224x221, 1608306055348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Graph Protocol team has truly set the standard by which all future cryptocurrency project launches should be measured by.

Product first. Token second.

Not a token with a 3-10 year roadmap bullshit hopium pipedream.

But they weren't even just a working product.
They have literally become the backbone of defi already being used by the biggest projects in DeFi with over 400 million queries a day, before day 1 of mainnet even launched.

Truly unprecedented.
And again, the standard by which all others should be measured.

>> No.24965145

That doesn't bode well for this coinlet.

>> No.24965165

Or develop the product, have something to gain investors attention, then release a working product to the market.
The days of maybe manufacturing in crypto needs to go away.

>> No.24965295

yep anyne with brain knew this shit is pumping to $1 soon after release

>> No.24965436

All I see when I zoom out is a lack of upward pressure on the price. Is this supposed to sit at .40 forever? .30? Seems like garbage because it fucking stinks and it only tool 36 hours for investors to pass it around like your mom's mouth in a monkey cage. You believe in this shit? Put your fucking money where your mouth is and show me a receipt. Otherwise you are just another cock sucker who wiped the cum out of his eyes long enough to come shit up this board with lies because you are jealous. Not even jealous of wealth just jealous that other men aren't spending all their time sucking cock at the bus station bathroom to pay for their xbox live. Kys.

>> No.24965489
File: 74 KB, 740x734, Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 8.54.39 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You believe in this shit? Put your fucking money where your mouth is and show me a receipt.
will this do?

>> No.24965514

Thats not yours.

>> No.24965545

post your ETH address and I'll send you 1 GRT

>> No.24965550


>> No.24965568


>> No.24965570

GRT is link, but real

>> No.24965577

you're gonna make it anon... im jelly

t. 16k stacklet

>> No.24965631

>>24965436 BTFO

>> No.24965985

>T-that’s not y-yours..

>> No.24966085
File: 404 KB, 1414x976, TheGraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24966119

Have no gear, your .60 GRT will be back to normal tonight. First time cowboy?

>> No.24966145


>> No.24966171

Are you a necromamcer? This shit is a zombie.

>> No.24966208

You are a child if you believe that shit. Seriously. This is the internet. Luckily for you.

>> No.24966233

Has anyone staked their GRT? How many grt to stake, 10k?
Also, what are the returns?

>> No.24966240
File: 254 KB, 335x571, 1606975548446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I hire this guy for PNK. Does he have a discord?

>> No.24966315

based as fuck

>> No.24966585

I already offered to prove it's my address, dipshit, you didn't take me up on it.

>> No.24966728

how does it feel to know that you've made it anon? How long have you been investing in crypto for

>> No.24966797

Fucking kek'd. Cheers to you, anon.

>> No.24966927

Based as fuck but you need to get a cold wallet my nigga im nervous just thinking about it

>> No.24966977

Poor mans Parsiq/PRQ

>> No.24967035

I sold my link, I sold my RSR. Should I actually hold this? I don't want to fuck it up again

>> No.24967075

i thought GRT would launch at $1. after i bought at 11 cents i cried. i knew at that moment i had made it.

>> No.24967114

All I see when I zoom out is a lack of upward pressure on the price. Is this supposed to sit at .40 forever? .30? Seems like garbage because it fucking stinks and it only tool 36 hours for investors to pass it around like your mom's mouth in a monkey cage. You believe in this shit? Put your fucking money where your mouth is and show me a receipt. Otherwise you are just another cock sucker who wiped the cum out of his eyes long enough to come shit up this board with lies because you are jealous. Not even jealous of wealth just jealous that other men aren't spending all their time sucking cock at the bus station bathroom to pay for their xbox live. Kys.

>> No.24967115

Poor newfag spotted

>> No.24967156

I wouldnt take money from you. I dont believe you.

>> No.24967159
File: 6 KB, 268x188, pmp it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pamp ettttttt

>> No.24967185

I agree with this guy. Based a f.

>> No.24967311

>I agree with this guy. Based a f.
anon, you have less than an hour until it breaks 0.50 and pumps to over $1

>> No.24967335

Nah, not that fast.
We'll get to $1 by tomorrow, yes. But in the next few hours we'll see 0.65cents max.

>> No.24967339

Same anon. God blessed us Americans with 1 hr of fairly decent accumulation time

>> No.24967349

I refuse to buy more. This is garbage and I dont regret my 100% profit on it but I am out.

>> No.24967398
File: 650 KB, 490x671, 1597335908097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sSo GRT did what RLC (IEXEC) did lol

>> No.24967435

enjoy those profits

>> No.24967550

based anon, well fucking said

>> No.24967583

The Graph > API3

take notes CLCG faggots. this is how you launch a token

>> No.24967946

1 hour until upwards breakout.

accumulate while you can anons

>> No.24968125

Unironically $2 before new year

>> No.24968152

Bought a thousand dollars worth at .26
This shit is about to go off my niggas