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24964256 No.24964256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

had mega-romantic plans tonight with the girl i've been seeing the last few months. shes eons out of my league and i have no idea why the fuck she's into me. and i'm bailing on her tonight because i don't see how her and i go any further without me getting my soul completely fucking crushed. and i ate almost a full pizza last night due to stress and my stomach still feels like its going to explode 12+ hours later. and now i feel like a fat fucking pathetic loser because i hate myself for bailing on her because i dont want her to see how fat, stupid and fucking disgusting i am. we were gonna exchange gifts tonight too and i hate myself for not getting her better gifts. she won't understand any of these reasons why i bailed because she's probably too super fucking pissed at me right now. i wanna fucking neck myself right now. FUCK

>> No.24964288

you're a fucking pussy and crypto won't save you. if you need to send your money anywhere lmk.

>> No.24964305

She's only out of your league if you think she is anon

>> No.24964315

If anything bailing on her makes her want you more.
Women want what they can’t have after all

>> No.24964332

Bro, get a more confident mindset. You have to be the one who is strong in the relationship, *especially* early on.

Man-up and go out with her tonight.

>> No.24964337

Drink a ton of water, caffeine, and take a laxative. you'll feel lean AF by tonight

>> No.24964339

Do you have money you? That’s probably why you fat fuck

>> No.24964348

Get help you retard fuck

Read release your brakes by jim newman

>> No.24964351
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I am so fucking angry from reading this
man up and GO you FAG

>> No.24964356
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now kill yourself like the braindead apu poster you are

>> No.24964379

Before you give up at least try to stick your tongue down her throat and see what happens first

>> No.24964382

Get a fucking grip, man

>> No.24964429
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fake it till you make it anon!

>> No.24964438

Damn, this is some pro-level self-sabotage.

>> No.24964448

calm down faggot. I was also ultra fucking nervous before the first dates with my current gf. Chances are high that she is also nervous.
Also, "fake it till you make it". Overused advice, but still works wonders. If you are that afraid of fucking it up, pretend you are an actor playing a guy you wanna be.
Also what do you mean with "better gifts"? Something self made and personal is usually quite cheap and will work way better on any decent girl than overpriced shit

>> No.24964463

crossroads right now
which direction do you want your life to go
you will set a habit from this decision
do what you want, I dont give a shit
you're the one who has to live with yourself

>> No.24964523

My bro, just go with it, that's what I did and 2 years later I'm living In a foreign country drinking good beer and partying all night long living the neet life

>> No.24964558

well now you've guaranteed the outcome you were afraid of. the upside is if you can identify this self-sabotaging behavior for what it is you have a chance to identify the thought patterns that lead to it and act differently in the future. you still have a chance to apologize and remake these plans but do not, I repeat DO NOT tell her about the insecurity that made you cancel in the first place. if you validate yourself as a fat loser by expressing it in words to someone you feel has misidentified you, you are giving away your only advantage. I don't mean advantage in a hurrdurr female psychology PUA lifehack way either. The world you live in is a form of ideation. Take ownership.

>> No.24964594
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>we were gonna exchange gifts tonight too

What the literal beta cuck am I reading

>> No.24964607


>> No.24964779
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Been there bro. Its not too late. If she's way hotter than you then she probably wants a guy that is non threatening, vulnerable and easy to control. She wants an autist with crippling insecurity and good financial instincts, which is what you are. Now go out and buy her the best tendies your village has to offer. Trust me anon these girls are way more insecure than you are. Just b ursef

>> No.24965005

anon pls dont neck yourself were rooting for you m8

>> No.24965063

shit larp
surely no one can hate themselves this much, right?

>> No.24965072
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really good friend ive known over the years is visiting near where i live for some expo and wants to meet. but ive gotten fatter and more depressed the past year and hes gotten fit. i never even leave to house and i want to meet but i dont want to be seen. depression sucks

>> No.24965200

Just go pussy

>> No.24965223

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.24965349

thanks to some of you for your replies, but it's too late to go now... i've tried calling her and she won't answer. now my mental whateverthefuckthisis is REALLY starting to choke the life out of me

>> No.24965522
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Do it like the movies and show up to her place with gifts. Tell her you got nervous and very drunk because youre really into her. She wouldnt be interested in you if she wasnt looking for a reclamation project. Vulnerability can be endearing, but ya know dont mention the whole pizza and /biz/ therapy

>> No.24965544

height weight where you live and cock size and i will tell you if you can be with her or not

>> No.24965766

you sound like a loser. anyways, does she know about your crypto? if so, runaway, and if she doesn't know and likes you for a more wholesome reason, then man the fuck up and enjoy life.

>> No.24965806

Just don't get her a gift, don't shower. If she doesn't run away you really hit the jackpot

>> No.24965835

why dont you tell her what you told us

>> No.24965852

Ty for self sabotage. I just slipped into her

>> No.24965868

just go outside. its easy as hell. you literally just take one step out the door

>> No.24965943
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Stop it. You are worth it. Admit your faults.

>> No.24965967

I'm sorry man, I made quite a few fuckups with women before I got to where I am, shit happens, take it as a learning experience and move forward, if you want to save it, say something important came up and come up with a realistic excuse, otherwise, leave her be and on to the next one, being desperate will only hurt you more

>> No.24965984

If it seems too good to be true it probably is. I was hit on by a girl way out of my league back in july, I took it at face value and agreed to date her. She dumped me a week after we fucked, and she was my coworker so I had to see her every day for the next 5 months. Shit wasn’t worth it

>> No.24966022

Kys anon. You are creating your own hell

>> No.24966048

Nah leave old mate alone, we've all been here

>> No.24966051

similar situation here, I literally got to fuck my dream girl, but she basically ended up ghosting me and psychologically abusing me for like three months before I ended things. Cluster B af, all the hot ones are unfortunately.

>> No.24966096

I also snag a fuck out of my league this summer

She had a great time but on all of our subsequent "dates" seen it up lecturing me about everything that's wrong with me .

Still going to say it was worth it though

>> No.24966658

Do the plans or you're a pussy and you'll regret the never taking the chance of a lifetime, you'll never get it again. Just do it. Just do it.