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File: 61 KB, 1050x750, BTC-lumaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24953437 No.24953437 [Reply] [Original]

Can any of you anon confirm this? Make one transaction and tell us if this dinosaur is really slow if so then tha means bitcoin is trully outdated and we should move to something else.

>> No.24953488
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>> No.24953494
File: 342 KB, 1441x550, 1608224496821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

five hundred thousand sats hmmmm
i guess someone thinks its worth it

>> No.24953518

the fuck is that? where is it being traded?

>> No.24953555

not traded anywhere yet, dont let anyone fool you
open to be claimed on the blockchain
read: http://github.com/natasha-otomoski/haircomb/blob/master/WhyTheCombOfNatashaOtomoskiHas21Teeth.txt

>> No.24953568

you might be on to something

>> No.24953656

I don't know why this crap website diddn't put my title on, but it was "People are complaining the bitcoin transaction is too slow and high fees"

>> No.24953755

if it was worth anything miners would claim it for themselves for free.

>> No.24954532


there is already a lot of discussion on how this going to work. if you read the white paper it is anticipated in the very first paragraph. economically its genius because it supplements the value of the bitcoin chain as bitcoin rewards drop by half, haircomb drops only incrementally

eventually miners will reorder blocks to make sure their claim is 'first'. a lot of people have worked out that haircomb is being pushed hard to make sure people claim before this happens because believe me people are preparing for it. there are already bots.

>> No.24954566

one thing we might see is miners make arrangements with exchanges where exchanges can add claims on to all their transactions

miners could whitelist those claims while blocking others

just one an example of the interesting things haircomb tokenomics allow without ever needing anything other than the bitcoin chain

>> No.24954604

sounds cool, but these digits say you're a poorfag thats going to die in next 24.

>> No.24954718
File: 28 KB, 540x540, frogs being born therefore they made it .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your digits is also crap. damnit, you know what? reverse spell
You will get cancer in the next few days.

>> No.24954750

you cant be this fucking stupid

>> No.24954772

the pumpers only talk about what will pump it more

of course in the early days they talked about using bitcoin....

now since its shit they talk about it being digital gold

>> No.24954775

make your bitcoin king transaction and see it yourself, your stupid ape.

>> No.24954792

You are free to use paypal if you want fast transactions and like wealth confiscation.

>> No.24954807

Yes, Bitcoin is old and slow. Use Bitcoin Cash, which is fast and new.

>> No.24954813

That's what I've noticed.. they used to say "oh bitcoin is going to be digital currency and shit" not they say it's digital heaven gold, what next? "Bitcoin is a A.I creation to keep it alive and the ones who hold it will be blessed by the A.I"? wtf..

>> No.24954858

It has no use case other than proof of concept which ethereum does better.

>> No.24954955

>just buy da coin and never sell it. we all be rich

so far i guess its worked pretty well for the pumpers

>> No.24955124

i'm just saying if it was worth ANYTHING miners would bother to claim it for free of charge

>> No.24955428

claiming haircomb is speculating on the fact that this will happen
miners are already interested. its on a lot of radars. they're not going to add it without months prep are they and less well distributed the inital supply is, the less its worth to them to claim it (we saw this with bitcoin, cpu and small mining was allowed to happen for months longer than you might expect because it raised the price of the initial supply)

>> No.24955531

like i said being "interested" takes more effort than claiming it for a miner. so doubtful.

>> No.24955539
File: 4 KB, 312x117, bitcoinjumper_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24955717

actually no
claiming it via mining rather than adding it to exchange tx would take a surprising amount of effort because haircomb cares about the order of tx in a block

mining is a large industry. they're not going risk their business a few extra hundred thousand bucks over a period of months. but individuals like you? and small exchanges? a hundred thousand dollars is life changing money on that scale

i do believe miners will add sooner rather than later for reasons that arent just speculation. i know some are interested

>> No.24955823

>surprising amount of effort
you do realize miners are allowed to structure their blocks any way they like for free of charge and zero effort right?

>> No.24955915

Lightning network works fine. It just needs more adoption. You don't need to use the base layer for small amounts <$1000. If you are moving larger amounts, just increase the fee to make sure your tx is in the next block.

>> No.24955974

ofc. but i think you misunderstand. its only zero effort on a technical level.
theyre not going to add any fucking token early on its distribution are they. haircomb likely will be claimed by miners. the whitepaper anticipates this. its a core assumption of the project. no one expected it happen early. no one is totally certain it will happen.

claiming this coin takes zero effort is one hell of a marketing push, no?

>> No.24956057

youre not wrong exactly. but i see it like this
claiming haircomb is betting a tiny amount of money that miners will claim a large amount of money for free resulting in a huge reward for initial claimers
at least someone thinks this gamble is occasionally worth a few hundred thousand sats per claim

>> No.24956122

again and slower... if it was worth ANYTHING, they would claim it for $0 and no effort

>> No.24956134
File: 187 KB, 300x420, 1602477896324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny, we used to sounds like the conspiracy theorists. now its the nocoiners who come across as schizos
fuck off you piece of shit haircomb shill noone wants your gay scam

>> No.24956144

which basically means miners are defo not interested and they don't think it's worth ANYTHING

that's all i'm saying.

>> No.24956304

>noone wants your gay scam
remember that you said this

>which basically means miners are defo not interested and they don't think it's worth ANYTHING
how many years did it take people who were actively involved in ethereum and planned to use it to start adding it to their businesses? be realistic here. it took over a year for ethereum to be traded on most respectable exchanges and adding to an exchange is the definition of low effort
its a gamble, but a good one. you might be right that no miners ever adopts but im not betting against people taking free money, ever.

>> No.24956359
File: 106 KB, 994x828, 1133312631081362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you piece of shit haircomb shill noone wants your gay scam
fuck off you piece of shit haircomb shill noone wants your gay scam
fuck off you piece of shit haircomb shill noone wants your gay scam

>> No.24956387

go play vidya

>> No.24956422
File: 482 KB, 840x859, E73C9DA1-681A-4410-B84F-41677FCC4A34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but muh store of value!

>> No.24956718

I dont get this meme explain more..