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File: 317 KB, 454x640, stack bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24950224 No.24950224 [Reply] [Original]

Terra Virtua token TVK just jumped in price with a volume surge. Everyone is hopping in this project.

Not just for short term ROI, but it's a solid fucking digital collectibles platform. GL ALL!

>> No.24950279

never heard of this shitcoin, thanks for the intro OP

>> No.24950314

ok idk about the token, but they're platform is fucking dope

fyi: https://terravirtua.io/

>> No.24950387


>> No.24950434

this one launched recently. i tried to get some pre-launch and it was oversubscribed by 5x. like uhhh what the fuck

>> No.24950553
File: 280 KB, 928x523, virtua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a shitshow, but not it's more avilable. im stacking at these prices. solid fucking project

>> No.24950668

6 cents now. dont be surprised if its 10 cents by year end

>> No.24950703

they have some amazing art on there not gonna lie. those people got mad skills

>> No.24950718

they are upending the NFT space. Wax and Rari are shook!!

>> No.24950784

just saw the marketplace. WOW badass shit. didnt realize they make that much bank

>> No.24950831
File: 1.52 MB, 1947x2048, EINSTEIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wise investors are taking note and loading the fucking boat

>> No.24950956

einstein would buy bitcoin and ethereum sorry bitch

>> No.24951009

pump and dump incoming, hold tight!

>> No.24951059

bullshit. this is as legit as it gets. if you can't see, then you're clearly a dumb motherfucker

>> No.24951087

Wow I'm also from the telegram group, this project looks amazing! 10000x EOY confirmed!

>> No.24951104

this will take off in the VR world. incredible stuff on here, why im bullish af

>> No.24951146
File: 317 KB, 500x685, moon ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you guys on the moon. got my spacesuit ready for liftoff

>> No.24951218

you must be in SpaceX. they're now called Guardians of the Galaxy. thank you for serving our country

>> No.24951247

yep my VR mansion will be decked with Picasso paintings. the bitches will love it

>> No.24951271

so you bid on the digital collectible like ebay. interestinggg

>> No.24951317

scam me one, shame on you... scam me 5 times, shame on me... im done holding shitcoin bags!

>> No.24951404
File: 400 KB, 1124x751, KOOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terra Virtua is far from a scam. I encourage you to explore their site. It's remarkable. This one will pay you well bro.

>> No.24951447

i know nothing about NFTs, now i have some weekend research to do

>> No.24951485

this space is blowing up. 2021 will be insane. I dont own TVK but im getting involved one my Christmas bonus check hits

>> No.24951501

shitcoin overload sheesh

>> No.24951549

I want to see the price stabilize before investing. Volatility aint my cup of tea

>> No.24951552

Holy shit wait wait wait
Digital collectibles?
Like youre just buying pictures?

>> No.24951607
File: 430 KB, 710x1000, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than just pictures. go to their marketplace: https://terravirtua.io/marketplace?page=1

there's some badass shit on there

>> No.24951677

dude all i hear about on TG and CT are NFTs. it's getting a tad annoying

>> No.24951737

Pretty sure OVR already has the lock on it.
They mapped the entire earth and made every piece of land an NFT, to do anything on.

>> No.24951745

uh mate if you don't like volatility, you're in the wrong space. go buy shares of Walmart

>> No.24951769

huh? so you can buy a piece of California? that shithole should be on sale for a discount

>> No.24951819

it's simple 4channers, just buy BTC and ignore the noise

>> No.24952028

can someone send me some TVK so i can sample it??

>> No.24952096
File: 388 KB, 1600x900, t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry chief my bag only increases. i never send it to anyone lololol

>> No.24952158

closed minded thinking. BTC is nice for store of value, but it doesnt do shit

>> No.24952171

all hype- it will crash and you will lose everything!

>> No.24952227

stupid statement. Fancave and Terra Dome are fucking amazing

>> No.24952300
File: 9 KB, 300x160, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you this guy gets it. TVK will 20x with ease in 2021.

>> No.24952317

i mean you can make bank just buying and selling the collectibles

>> No.24952363

Only in beta??? Too risky for my blood OP

>> No.24952420

The name is too complicated for me wtf

>> No.24952430

Umm all projects go through beta. Look at how much action they have in their marketplace before you judge.

>> No.24952461
File: 140 KB, 736x736, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my TVK stack in 2 months. Im telling you NFTs will explode in Q1 2021

>> No.24952522

you're right, but the question is which one will lead the pack...

>> No.24952545

just look at the competition.. i mean Terra Virtua is new level comparatively

>> No.24952557

LOL you wish faggot

>> No.24952566

it will be TVK easily. i've spoken to many artists and collectors. this one wins hands down

>> No.24952590
File: 14 KB, 262x193, scram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here for the memes, not the crypto bullshit

>> No.24952614

huh? then gtfoh this is about learning crypto especially NFT. most dumb cunts here know nothing about it

>> No.24952626

Loaded my bag $5k worth. Do not let me down TVK or ima be pissed!!!