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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24948556 No.24948556 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be sitting pretty in my stable oil.

>> No.24948567

>not being in on both

I'm not even gonna say it

>> No.24948649

I've been on /biz/ since it was created as a containment board. I ignored crypto as a whole because of the dogecoin shilling, and I thought crypto was retarded, who would use "fake money" wtf.
I also don't do drugs so the whole silk road use was irrelevant to me. So I ignored crypto until 2017 when I finally bought in because of the bubble. I bought $1000 worth of qtum at ATH and became a bag holder, I also bought AMB, FUN, and link. I luckily avoided becoming a fun bagholder and consolidated into link.
All I have is my link and still am holding for at least a 20B MC to be a millionaire post tax
I've always liked RLC as a concept but when I was going to buy in at like .20c binance was going to ban US users and no other exchanges had it so I figured best not to risk getting locked out of $10,000 or so

anyway OP I want to say you're based and I can't parse any shitcoins on /biz/ anymore and have been getting major FOMO. Are there any actual non-scam alts anymore?

>> No.24948684

>Are there any actual non-scam alts anymore?
Not that I've seen. If you find one it's basically a miracle now. RLC is the last of it's kind.
GRT is experiencing initial hype and will dump in the coming weeks. Not touching it when RLC is primed to go 100x in a year or two anyway.

>> No.24948743

i like rlc shills because it shows you aren't this new cohort of discord tranny raiders or tw*tter trannies that currently run /biz/
the tw*tter trannies ruined link but at the same time I guess them being a cult pumped it to top ten better than sergey.
I may just start DCAing into rlc but I can't say I believe in it as much as link, link had enough evidence to speculate on that I could justify going all in on it
Still like RLC as a project though, one of the more interesting uses of blockchain.

>> No.24948829


>> No.24948871

Anons what is the best way to leverage crypto profits into traditional stocks?

Betting on some shit coins and putting some profit away in oil and pharma stocks. Is the IRS gonna fuck with me for shifting money all around creation?

>> No.24948890

>muh line go up forever

>> No.24948956
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Dogecoin was the most profitable and playful altcoin to get into late 2013 and early 2014. The fact you refused to hop on board means you don't deserve the title of a /biz/nessman. ngmi, e-god looks down on you.

>> No.24948996

Depends on the coin.
I have a ton invested in bat since it has an actual product behind it that the general pop use. Most coins here I don't understand for shit.

>> No.24949003

RLC has a loooooot of breadcrumbs and hopium possibilities attached to it plus the digital oil meme is actually real but it's just going to take some time before people actually realize why. I can sit here and explain to anyone here why it is but I'm the end it won't matter because if you aren't smart enough to understand you will just deny it through ignorance.

>> No.24949077
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>digital dogshit dipshits trying to pick a fight with THE biz token

You know what I think is funny? RLC volume went down from 5 million to 3 million, but the price increase from 1.02 to 1.05. Really joggin the noggin there. Can't wait for the whale PND that literally always happens when the price is going up but volume going down.

>> No.24949094

Literally don't fomo right now. The last time RLC was doing a meme price pump like this with low volume it ended up dumping hard. It's a real project but the fact all the volume is on fucking chinese binance (not even the US version) means that it's heavily manipulated to create fomo.

>> No.24949134

Yes being 1$ after 4 years of development is definitely manipulation, buy when it pumps, just look at the chart, definitely do not buy this dip sirs

>> No.24949155

umm bros its supposed to be a $1 stablecoin im getting worried

>> No.24949171

oh bro, you're going to be financially ruined froma new market player.

>> No.24949180
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fuck dogecoin i will never forgive you fags for making me ignore eth. had dogecoin never been a thing i may have actually fucked read about eth and saw the potential. at least i got my linkies.

>> No.24949196

Notice how nobody talks about QNT anymore? They went from QNT to API3 to GRT. RLC stays. If you can pull it off riding the pnd's, great. If you want to hold, buy RLC.

>> No.24949208

If you can swing other coins into RLC that's the way to go

>> No.24949314
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It's gone from 1.02 to 1.05 in a relatively short time while volume continues to average downwards, this is clearly an artificial price movement caused by a relatively small number of big players pushing the price upwards on binance so they can swing their stack downwards. You can literally check the volume vs. price history and see a pattern of increasing price and decreasing daily volume always precedes a dump.

>> No.24949330
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>> No.24949331
