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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2493755 No.2493755 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2493776

Its a continuation of the dump. The last 2 days were a bull trap.

>> No.2493785

Dead Cat

>> No.2493799

>tfw I dumped all my BTC yesterday
Feels good, bros.

>> No.2493849
File: 58 KB, 1102x527, 2013 crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the chart from 2013 if you want to get an idea of what's coming over the next year. I wouldn't be suprised if bitcoin dips under 1k by December. History has a way of repeating itself and when the panic starts it's hard to stop.

>> No.2493859


I just bought 5btc too

>> No.2493874

This time its different.

>> No.2493880

Its never different.

>> No.2493884

top kek you're fucked

>> No.2493892

an excellent opportunity to read up on shorting, practice and go big
if only I were not such a brainlet that has difficulty understanding it all

>> No.2493924
File: 1.40 MB, 4602x3852, 1495007061956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw browsing /biz/ while knowing TA and realizing the majority of your compatriots are complete dumbasses

I've been trying to tell you imbeciles for the past couple days that the crash isn't over. place your buys at 1800-1900

>> No.2493933

That would mean that the LTC surge was the official signal of the bear market.

>> No.2493938

hey smugfaggot, we all knew.

>> No.2493939

uhhhhh guys its in freefall

>> No.2493956

Aren't you used to it yet?

>> No.2493974

Mad at myself I sold a few days early, but I saw this coming.

>> No.2493982

Ma Man

>> No.2493997

Damn, I bought at the peak and was hoping I would be able to recoup my loss.

>> No.2494014

Sell now, buy back later and hold

>> No.2494017

it is not going to dip that far at all tonight. If you guys sell you are fucking retarded.

>> No.2494027

I'll keep that in mind while reading all the REEEEEEE threads tomorrow

>> No.2494036

I recommend selling ETH. It will not get back to this point for awhile. Sell now, buy back later.

>> No.2494038

Just sold and cashed out

>> No.2494060

This doesn't look good at all.

>> No.2494072

got sum way you ass can get you money.

how you feel bout them BBC? get all in you wite boi ass how bout that?

>> No.2494090

When did they let you out of prison Tyrone?

>> No.2494095

I'm surprised it's even capable of making a post desu senpai

>> No.2494105
File: 103 KB, 768x364, 05onfire1_xp-master768-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we looking at the same chart?

>> No.2494106

Suit yourself. When you see it shoot back up 10 usd/eth and you have to buy back in after you paid a transaction fee don't cry.

>> No.2494112
File: 39 KB, 358x373, 1476617826591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its another Summer friends attempt at making economic commentary episode

>> No.2494118

ah nvm i thought this thread was about eth... who gives a fuck about btc

>> No.2494121

Just playing it smart

Have you seen all the charts?
I'm convinced there will be a crash now

>> No.2494130

just people taking profits before bedtime imo... we shall see

>> No.2494134

>I'm convinced there will be a crash now
you're about 3 days late champ

>> No.2494167

Good thus far... I think the next dip is post STATUS ICO, repeat of Bancor