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24938537 No.24938537 [Reply] [Original]

>just finished my bachelors degree
>want to start my journey in the working world
>search for a job in the field I have done my degree in

>minimum 5 years of experience
>minimum 10 years of experience
>minimum 8 years of experience

And the list goes on.

Wtf is this shit? How can I get that 'experience' if everyone already wants somebody with experience? This doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.24938748

You gotta hit the bricks and go door to door, look the manager square in the eye and give him a firm handshake

>> No.24938786
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Thanks, dad.

>> No.24938830
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This 100% reads like a sealab 2021 skit

>> No.24938892

welcome to the real world

>> No.24939005

So are people supposed to be unemployed after college? I thought the whole reason to go to college was to get a job after you graduate

>> No.24939012


>> No.24939035

It's just a thing they put there so they have an excuse to not have to hire undesirables without getting sued. Just apply anyway if you're white male.

>> No.24939054
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You fell for Jewish tricks.
Sorry, anon.

>> No.24939057

College is an IQ test which you just failed

>> No.24939078

>So are people supposed to be unemployed after college? I thought the whole reason to go to college was to get a job after you graduate
College is for networking and getting connections. An elite social club. Which is how you would get a job afterwards. If you went to a shit college (scam) or didn't network (fucked up), you wasted your time. Sorry.

>> No.24939086

Catch 22 thanks for playing

>> No.24939089

Nothing is “supposed” ever. Your whole life is a lie.

Unironically pull yourself by your bootstraps and study some economics while you’re at it, GL

>> No.24939109

You’re supposed to “network” and become friendly with someone who has some pull and can get you in. Only shit tier jobs hire randos.

>> No.24939156

>didn't network (fucked up)
This was me btw. I was pretty much autistic up until my late 20’s so I never networked with anyone and has to work retail after graduating.

>> No.24939228

Yep if you can do this at least once you’re golden. The first job I had in my field was networked, then several others after that were done through regular applications.

>> No.24939243
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 00C0E637-D8F0-43F8-9CD3-07F56E51D63B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he doesn’t know

>> No.24939255

bruh you were supposed to get summer jobs and internships in your field. you did do that right?

>> No.24939399

Why? I thought you just do the exams and that's it

>> No.24939412

Which country you from? Britbong here, and the best bet for a britbong graduate is what we call a Graduate Scheme. All the big companies have one (Big 4 consulting, Tesco, BP, Shell, literally any boomer blue chip company you can think of). Good thing about these are you need no experience. Bad things are
>Very long interview process: online numerical/verbal tests, phone interview, then 'Assessment Centre'
>VERY competitive
The payoff is nice though, as it gives you a jump start in your career. You'll climb the wagie ladder in 2 years what a normal entry would in 5 years (on average). Starting salary are mostly above £30,000 ($40,000), and rises accordingly. You can even go into some bullshit 'management consulting' if you don't have a STEM degree. Expect to be in a tight wage cage though. Long hours, mandatory travel to client sites (out of town for days, sometimes weeks, at a time). This also improves with time though

>> No.24939456

a bloke at work retired today and shared a story of his 44 years with the company. started out in a completely unrelated job and got laid off. then "frantically applied for jobs" and got an engineering job the next fucking week.
No qualifications, no experience. Just fucking joined and was just trained on the job. Then had the temerity to complain how little he was paid and that his rent was about half his pay. (rent is about 75% of full time pay going by the pay for the job today and average rent in UK).

For the same entry position in engineering I have needed a 4 year degree and had to spend ages on an application, interview and give a presentation on my engineering experience (for an entry level trainee job) separate to the interview. The whole application process taking around 6 weeks.

>> No.24939525

Lemme guess, you did the bare minimum in college and spent your free time playing WoW or someshit instead of getting an internship.

>> No.24939547

Kinda like 99,99% of the people here? We were all just chillin'.

>> No.24939554

>I thought you just do the exams and that's it


Oh man, you wasted 4 years of your life.

>> No.24939574

>Why? I thought you just do the exams and that's it
It isn't about the education because all the info they distribute can be found for free everywhere. The tests only show you did the work of studying free information you're paying a premium for. At the end you get a piece of paper which shows that you completed a course of learning work in a particular field and therefore have potentially met the baseline requirements for having the aptitude for that field.

The only point is networking and having that piece of paper (a status symbol).

>> No.24939645

He did more than waste 4 years, he racked up debt while wasting that 4 years, ahahahaha.

>> No.24939657

>Kinda like 99,99% of the people here?
And those fags probably aren’t getting jobs either.

How’s your GPA? I’d go to grad school to stall for time while you look for an internship.

>> No.24939660

... In my case, I payed $5000 for an online diploma at a tier one university (i.e. I paid for a status symbol; I'm too lazy and autistic for anything else).

>> No.24939680

>he racked up debt while wasting that 4 years
Which is liquid time.

>> No.24939701

College is for getting internships and networking so you have a job lined up when you graduate. If you failed to accomplish this then congrats, you're a fucking retard who just wasted a whole lot of time, energy, and money.

>> No.24939783

Well I got my degree so technically I can apply to ALL jobs who require a degree as a minimum and just hope for the best

>> No.24939793

>Well I got my degree so technically I can apply to ALL jobs who require a degree as a minimum and just hope for the best

>> No.24939822

Enjoy shotgunning 200 apps a month for six months.

>> No.24939828

I really wasn't ready for my degree. I was way too immature and wish I had waited a few years.

Being a huge autismo spergelord I didn't do any networking and completely stressed out over my exams, bringing my average grades of 80-90% on coursework down to around 50-60% on exams. with one of my exams getting 35%. unfortunately the whole degree had s huge weighting on exams so I had a shit final grade.

I tried to get any work I could but being fucking poor (<£500 to my name at time of graduating) I couldn't afford to learn to drive, buy a car or get insured, which locked me out of so many jobs. It also made the prospect of an internship or working for free to get experience quite difficult

Only saving grace is I'm in the UK so the degree was basically free. Finally landed an engineering job 7 years after graduating and feel less of a fuckup but boy my 20's should have gone so much better

>> No.24939904

Entry level jobs for common fields are being automated out of existence or out sourced. If you can't find an entry level jobs in your field that means you're in a field with too much supply and or it's being automated away. Try picking a niche field or a new career field that's part of the 4th industrial revolution. Unironically the WEF has a list of future jobs that's a good reference.

>> No.24940039

uni is the real graduate *scheme*, my plaster-skinned friend

>> No.24940217

>He doesn't know

>> No.24940379

Tell me. I want money now that I finished college

>> No.24940522
