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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24937208 No.24937208 [Reply] [Original]

Pls help. I'm a wageslave and i just got 200$, it isnt much but i want to invest it and make it grow, but btc, eth, the big ones, are unaffordable to me rn. So all i can afford are

>> No.24937247

Puma pay tokens.

>> No.24937267


>> No.24937280

TSLA calls anon. If you lose it all it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.24937282
File: 499 KB, 2880x1616, grt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these paid shills here are going to say grt
but only because it's the number one scam right now

>> No.24937300

link, vidt, grt

>> No.24937380

$100 into ETH, $100 into TCORE, then stake it until you make it.

>> No.24937573
File: 11 KB, 1720x1024, logotype-light-preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think reputable team with well known businessman in the lead with track record of success building product technology superior to current DEXes can match market cap of meme coin of shitty meme DEX like pancake swap.
Then buy pic related and enjoy 20x gains in comming months.

>> No.24938009

Get into avax and wait for mooning in january

>> No.24938063

what the shit is tcore

>> No.24938123

buy INJ, backed by binance, low and early entry with tons of growth coming

>> No.24938164

look it up on dextools and dyor. If you think its reached the top, oh man you have no idea

>> No.24938198

Umex, margin trade dex

>> No.24938226


Eth is still a good investment for the future. Short term HEX is the way to go. It's not on major exchanges yet and already has a great community behind it.

>> No.24938264

don't listen to this faggot. He has been here all day trying to get people away from GRT because he knows he missed his chance at real money. GRT will be at $1 usd by Sunday screen cap this.

>> No.24938322
File: 4 KB, 225x224, EC476800-4535-423F-A9D7-D1525DEEB6AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>non-anonymous team
>new AI oracle
>on sale right now, been steadily dipping for a couple weeks now
>charts show it’s prime for its next leg up
>buy and stake in vault til February
>self half, let rest ride
>thank me later

>> No.24938324

>away from GRT because he knows he missed his chance at real money.

Bro it has not even been on coinbase for 24 hours and your saying he missed his chance? lol sounds scammy AF.

I bought $150 last night sold it at 2x and have $100~ left for free. If it ever hits 50 I will sell it off.

>> No.24938354

>only 5 million MC

forgot to add that

>> No.24938418
File: 66 KB, 658x1061, 511-5113870_post-starship-troopers-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to any of these faggots
are you ready to join the red army?

>> No.24938444

exchange live this month