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File: 482 KB, 853x671, shwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24927513 No.24927513 [Reply] [Original]

>watching documentary
>guy in third world country lives in the mountains
>raises yaks and forgages mushrooms for a living
>has his own property
>has a cute wife and kid
>appears mentally and physically happy

>live in first world country
>spend 10-12 hours in off my day in a cramped box working for Mr.Shekelberg, half of which goes towards rent on a property I'll never own
>health going downhill because of constant stress
>dating market is a complete hellscape, get glares from 2/10 landwhales
>spend the little bit of money I have left over on internet tokens hoping to escape this hell, only slowly beginning to realize it's all hopeless and futile.

There's no point anymore is there

>> No.24927571

You think that mountain dwelling goat fucker is going to advance society? Pull up your bootstraps white man

>> No.24927591
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>you live in the best period of all history
>public education will teach you how to live
Working out really well is it not?

>> No.24927599
File: 1.12 MB, 1437x1425, 1597690649939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were born into a timeline where the good guys lost. Also called dystopian hellscape. It will only get worse from now on. Meanwhile in a parallel universe... pic somwehat related.

>> No.24927601

White men have lost control of the carriage a long time ago. Society is deteriorating

>> No.24927629

shut up you blue pilled faggot, its over we lost
op do the needful

>> No.24927641

No need to shit on the guy, jesus. He's in his country living like his ancestors, in a traditional lifestyle. You edgelords are so annoying.

>> No.24927644
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>the pic

>> No.24927709
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Life is what you make out of it anon. Everyone in every age has had hardships, these are yours. Find out what makes you truly happy (contentment, not just pleasure) and do it. Read pic related, it will help you on this quest.

>> No.24927733

Yes you dumb nigger that's why we're all here, to escape the rat race. I just want a few million, then I'll move to a midwest shithole low cost of living city and I'll live out the rest of my days doing whatever I want

>> No.24927764

>advance society
>looks at modern thots
Go back to /polcuck

>> No.24927827


Let's be honest, that cant be you. Your eyesight disqualifies you. Your knees would give out on the first jump. You cant make the 5k run every morning, you cant do 20 pull ups, if you can, then you cant do 315 for reps. It was never going to be you. Sparta would throw you in the pit.

>> No.24928041

Excuse me but for the longest time I though porn and vidya whould satiate me. I am 20 and I only realised how retarded I really was.
I have just started to get my feet when with women, this year I almost reached bw on my bench press until the ZOGaids closed everything again.
My eyesight is not the best, I have an operated knee, I can run 5k but can not do 1 pull-up.
I am trying but it feels like an infinite mountain to climb.
I have to catch up when everyone is 1km ahead.

>> No.24928051


Yeah, our guy here needs to recognize that his ancestors died from not having enough potatoes or some shit and here he is bitching about having food delivered to him and a VR headset where he can go to different planets on a whim.

>> No.24928099

You talk like an autistic faggot

>> No.24928140

>advance society
>invests in get rich quick schemes

>> No.24928168

Oh no! Capitalism is good! Stay in your cubicle!

>> No.24928178

>literally land lord charges him monthly he can never pay off
>so he has to harvest coconut
>harvesting coconut absolutely sucks but he’s cloned the agricultural ladder and only cuts down the coconut. Be careful cuz it falls on your or anyone’s head you’re absolutely fucked. There’s no neuro unit in shitlandias rural farmland.
>his son will be the dehusker—basically doing sit ups all day with a 50lb sack of rice on your chest. Makes abs of steel look like pancakes
>if he’s lucky the landlord will split 50/50 but more likely 70/30 cuz landlord gonna landlord
>still not enough to make it. Starts to drink and bet on fighting cocks. Loses. Wife freaks out cuz now there’s no Money for rice which they only have a 1-2 day supply of cuz it’s shitlandia
>farmer comes begging to landlord: please sir I beg of ya, the needful
>landlord: ok but now raise the animals
>while he’s raising water Buffalo, landlord fucks his wife rawdog off because there’s no condoms in shitlandia or planned parenthood and he’s too fat to give af about pulling out
>somehow has 10 kids to raise while busy raising the landlords animals, harvesting his 50 hectares of coconuts, harvesting the rice, along with managing his landlords personal estate
>but at least the landlord pays for his children’s education
>neighbors get jealous
>call the local cops on him, talk about him behind his back, break into his house when he’s not there, play loud pay-trance/death rap/latest top 10 western music from 5 years ago all night, and other generally annoying shit but that’s how it is with the new generation
>if he complains to the local police, they beat him
>as he gazes out in a moment of quiet at his landlords ever growing water Buffalo herd that he himself grew from 2 to now 30, he sighs proudly at his work.
>a water Buffalo hooks him in the stomach. His entrails hanging from him. There’s no trauma hospital in shitlandia. His last word is: america

>> No.24928203


>> No.24928227
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Ease of life doesn't always bring happiness. It brings a complacency, a sense of no progression, stagnancy, wasteful living with no purpose or achievement, just getting your daily dopamine fix which is less pleasurable each time. There's no work to be done, and work can be fulfilling if it's for the self and family instead of Goldstein. A wife and kids brings happiness more than money ever could.

>> No.24928234

By design

>> No.24928253
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 9C0680A3-F922-4FD6-A3BA-22C41467C676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advance society

>> No.24928255

>health going downhill because of constant stress

I thought this was a meme but I feel it now

>> No.24928284

go outside

>> No.24928297

Based anon, I started it a few weeks ago and not even halfway through because I only read 1 chapter every night and have to process it. Have you been practicing transurfing for a while? Any tips or care to share your experiences?

>> No.24928314

>hate slaving for ZOG
>BTFO the banking jew and the Fed by trading all your fiat for crypto
>BTFO the jew even harder by investing your wealth into your people

>> No.24928318

idk dude.
I might be in the end an autist.

>> No.24928381


Hit the kikes where it hurts

>> No.24928397

so then move into the 3rd world and live in the mountains
whats stopping you cuckhead

>> No.24928409

>advance society
Who cares about that crap. I just want to be happy.

>> No.24928436

Eat bugs faggot

>> No.24928458

>tfw I'm a landlord

>> No.24928473

Do you think you could acclimate yourself to that kind of lifestyle? We've been spoiled by technology

>> No.24928513

jfl didnt you watch the news this summer? Its literary big investment banks like JPMorgan that are causing the prices to inflate, bitcoin is a brrrrrrrr machine retard, you are not gonna make any kike mad with this.

>> No.24928571
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advance society

>> No.24928573

What's the name of the documentary and what channel or platform did you see it?
>ignores the question or makes some lame excuse to avoid an answer or has somehow forgotten

>> No.24928671

The third worlders that fall for the industrialization meme have it even worse.
>sure my grandfather used to herd yaks
>but now my entire family strips down oil tankers for a living
>we all die at 20 from black lung but we have a tv

>> No.24928751

youre 20, you'll be fine... just keep working on yourself and don't give up

god i wish i could go back to when i was 20...

>> No.24928812


>advancing society

Nigger the west has been under the claws of jewish financial capitalism that pressures the goyim to consoom. This isn’t the 1900s anymore.

>> No.24928878

It is not that great. Your desires are maturing but you are stuck with your adolecent layouts.
You will end up just mindlessly playing vidya but barely enjoying.
Also most friends are still adolecent in behaviour, so that does not help.

>> No.24929038

This guy was a complete and literal incel btw. He did it because peeps were mean to him

>> No.24929138

You think that's bad, the BBC (Uk Media) was full on propaganda that some land owning farmer in africa couldn't afford some goats and private school fees for his kids.
Then they were asking people in the UK to pay for it all.

>> No.24929143

most based post in this thread

>> No.24929253

Sounds about how people in the provinces lived in the philippines. You forgot how the people on the plantations work 10 hours a day 6 days a week and as soon as they get home just drink until they fall asleep. I was there for 4 years lol

>> No.24929309

In a parallel universe pol neckbeards like you would he losers too

>> No.24929396


>> No.24929485
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Yeah, I agree. The bad guys lost

>the cold war

>> No.24929498
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I mean won. Fuck it I ruined the joke fuck me

>> No.24929501
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Have trad wife, have two beautiful blonde blue-eyed kids, have house, have no debt, have science Ph. D. Stop projecting. I just see things for what they are. And they are not good. At all.

>> No.24929519


>> No.24929562

>this joke has never been tried
>next time I'll do it perfectly

>> No.24929590
File: 10 KB, 210x240, 9807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advance society

>> No.24929656

Why are nativists such hopeless romantics? What can you expect from an ideology literally born from a faggot who wrote romance novels - a total yearning for a past that never was, based on 'aesthetics' and hot takes - fueled by the money of industrialists and the very financiers their stupid ideology clamors to fight. The enemy is weak, but strong. The enemy is intelligent, but dumb. The enemy controls everything, but is incompetent. An idiosyncratic worldview for people with amygdalae as large as golfballs. You will be used as shock troops by a faction of the elites, just like communists, then discarded after maybe 10% of your ideology influences the masses.

>> No.24929741

- welcome to your life
There's no turning back

>> No.24929818

>idiot for the nth time regurgitates bullshit someone else wrote while thinking it’s his own thoughts and that he is intelligent
you’re a zombie

>> No.24929853

yes goy, now you understand the true purpose of the (((industrial revolution)))

>> No.24929888

>advance society
Please be ironic

>> No.24929975

>muh progress
>muh white
This is why I hate whites. Literally an entire race of willing soldiers for globohomo.

>> No.24930031

And he isn't? Everything is ideology retard, all we do is regurgitate things other people smarter than us have said in political discourse.

What a brave opinion faggot

>> No.24930131

>advance society
You know that most of real works in tech and science is done by those so-called 3rd world immigrants from India, Iran, China and other places and most of western men are busy deciding their sexuality and faggotory. right anon?

>> No.24930156

Jpm won’t rig a small fry market like crypto he is too busy with precious metals.

>> No.24930215

lol who the fuck is this guy

>> No.24930248
File: 146 KB, 1005x628, 1574900177118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything of value is done by very rare males who are almost always white. In every field the shitskins and women are footsoldiers following plans set up by white men.

>> No.24930272

Fucking based.

Weak men create hard times

>> No.24930291

Waaaah! I'm superior! Mommy!

>> No.24930317

What grand plans have you done?

>> No.24930337

delusional faggot. Will see you in 10-20 years when sucking dick.

>> No.24930684

Where to start? I rebuilt the small town I grew up in and made it desirable to the market again. As a kid I manipulated the international media for fun.
The question implies successfully executing a grand plan is some kind of fantasy which says a lot about you.
The statement you're replying to wasn't about me anyway but my experience with the world and all the data I've been exposed to. Men are biologically set up to experiment which produces more outliers both good and bad. This means almost all the great people are and always will be men. Asian men or whatever may eventually outcompete whites in producing positive outliers but women will never outcompete men and niggers would 50k years.

>> No.24930774
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Fuck it. That is why we are in crypto. Money has lost its value, we have no acquisitive power, boomers dominate workspaces, two financial crisis, two pandemics, feminism, tinder, etc.
Crypto is the resistance of these times.
Our golden days will come. Be patient bros.

>> No.24930814
File: 270 KB, 1024x1024, wojak blackpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24930988

How is a soldier a symbol of a good timeline? There are plenty of soldiers created by the current system. Traditional women and men living a blessed homesteader life in the country, not so much.
But what can we expect from an ideology who says Europe for the Europeans but forgets to mention that South Africa and Rhodesia and New Zealand are for the Europeans too, and pretty much anywhere else in the world is for the Europeans as long as the evil natives don't manage to kill their conquerors (who would have no issue killing anyone who opposes the regime but that's fine because we're white and shitskins aren't human anyway).

>> No.24931104

Not sure how anyone can actually deny this.

>> No.24931567

because their were civilizations throughout the middle east, afghanistan, south asia and in asia. as great as the european ones. and in all civilizations even the white ones the vast 99% of population aren't leading it or have capacity to do so. you are a foot solider too

>> No.24931635
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>that mountain dwelling goat fucker

>> No.24932340

no point in advancing society if you leave everyone behind

>> No.24932811

God white babies with blond hair are so ugly, but then normalize into Childhood. I have no problems with blonds or whites but damn the babies are just weird. AF looking

>> No.24932822

Money doesn't buy happiness. Family, friends and a community makes you happy. Move to the poornfarmlands and start working in a farm or something. Throw away your smart phone/tv/internet. Just enjoy the beauty of life. You will be happier like that.

>> No.24932860

It was always meant to be like this.

>> No.24932911
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This is ultimate copium
I hate wagecucking, this corona bullshit prevents me from switching slavejobs

>> No.24932921

Babies in general look weird as shit. Their heads are fuckin massive

>> No.24933010

yup. corona was the last nail in the coffin

>> No.24933137

What is the house of Eorl but a thatched barn where the brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll on the floor among the dogs?

>> No.24933141

>High tech assault rifle
>Tactical boots
>Tactical helmet
>Flashlight which require batteries
>Body armor
>Synthetic coat
>Tactical backpack
You know these items are produced in factories right? Not in your traditional fantasy land.
We destroy the old world, to create a new one. Not to return back. For the last centuries the new world was shaped by the merchants. But something is changing. The world will belong to those who truly built it.

>> No.24933277
File: 807 KB, 1828x1435, schwabpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the schwabpill

>> No.24933414


>> No.24933539

I don’t understand why all the (you)s from pol niggers. Literally told y’all pussys to bo’ up lmao