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24918535 No.24918535 [Reply] [Original]

Getting rich didn’t cure my depression

>> No.24918545

Get help fren, you’re rich now and can afford it.

>> No.24918589

>and you can wash all day but niggers will still say you smell like a wet dog behind your back
just get some wellbutrin & you'll be ok in no time fren

>> No.24918591

How lol

>> No.24918600
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It only gets better

>> No.24918611

have you tried using your money to cure it?

>> No.24918618

Buy my ens names. Itll make you feel better and give you a good investment.

I lost my job so Im fucked if I don't sell these


>> No.24918653
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it could cure mine... care to help?

shit aside.. I know shits fucked now cause of covid but after all is done.. buy a nice place.. pick up new hobbies, start running/sporting. this does wonders for your selffeel

>> No.24918781

Have you tried making more money?

>> No.24918815

Use the money as a tool to improve your life.

>> No.24918849

maybe sharing your money with me will cure your depression

>> No.24918889

You're probably a pussy whining about simple sadness and calling that depression. If you were really depressed you had try every single treatment, way before getting rich, and now that you made it you should be content with the idea of having access at new premium treatments. So fuck off faggot

>> No.24919008

Depression is a chemical imbalance. Go to a doctor. Money alone won't fix it

>> No.24919022

Use that money to fuck high class escorts, it helps

>> No.24919033

The drugs and women you buy with your money is what cures your depression not the money itself

>> No.24919046

No shit

>> No.24919076

You was never depressed in your life

>> No.24919091

Some people are so poor that all they have is money

>> No.24919097

You need money to see a psychiatrist/psychologist. Getting rich is actually the first step towards curing depression.

>> No.24919113

I got even ECT nigger, shut the fuck up

>> No.24919114

You're not rich until you use your money, not spending frivolously but have 100 million in the bank and acting like you have 5k then you're not seeing the real benefits of your cash

>> No.24919128

No money in the world can help him

>> No.24919178

psychs don’t really help though, they’re just a shoulder to whine on which doesn’t help for long. To op We’re born alone, we die alone nobody can take pain for you and nobody else can fix you

>> No.24919188

it might be time for you to start a family with a good girl bro

>> No.24919210

Fixing the chemical imbalance in your brain won't solve your depression. You have to also fix all the thought heuristics and behaviors that have become habits while dealing with depression.

If your neurotransmitters are all in order, but you still do/think the same shit you did when you were depressed, then you aren't actually solving anything.

>> No.24919222
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"Rich and miserable"
-Powered by Chainlink

>> No.24919229

you need to find the right one with the right approach/personality/fit because everyone's minds and circumstances are different. so it does take money to embark on that search.

>> No.24919232

It also depends on who you go to. There are a lot of shit psychs and psychs that just don't work well with you. If you go to some therapist who's only good for talking about your issues, then yeah, you are just wasting your money. You gotta find someone who has studied CBT or ACT or something.

>> No.24919244

Don't fucking do that anon. Wellbutrin is nearly impossible to get off of. You think you're depressed now, imagine getting on an SSRI that makes you find your nearest gun shop so you can kill yourself when you lower your dosage. DO NOT DO SSRIs. Consider magic mushrooms instead. Cured my depression no larp.

>> No.24919306

There actually are studies out there showing that mushrooms and ketamine do a better job at treating depression than any other normal pharmaceutical.

Plus, you don't have to take them every day, and you don't have to deal with withdrawls if you forget a dose.

>> No.24919499

You can't truly cure depression. You can only learn how to minimize it and that basically boils down to not letting your mind having any time to think or being too tired to get into the loop of negative thoughts. Rich people get depressed because they don't know how to spend their free time meaningfully, they feel as if they already won and there is no point in giving a fuck anymore.

Exercise, take walks once in a while, learn new stuff, find a hobby that makes you create things rather than consume them and keep at least one IRL relationship with someone.

Meds will only make you more miserable and addicted, don't fall for that scam.

>> No.24919544

>There actually are studies out there showing that mushrooms and ketamine do a better job at treating depression than any other normal pharmaceutical.

no there arent, please stop paraphrasing joe rogan podcasts as fact

>> No.24919613

I don't know who that is, but ketamine and mushrooms have definitely been shown to do a better job relieving treatment-resistant depression than any other SSRI/SNRI/etc.

>> No.24919619

Good point, emdr worked for me it was the only thing that did

>> No.24919621


therapeutical use of microdosing shrooms!
day1 0.2 gr
day2 0
day3 0
day4 0.2 gr
and so on

>> No.24919779


>> No.24919860

ill take it

>> No.24919893


>> No.24919943

>1 post by this ID

But for anyone else - I know its cliché but exercise. Quite a few like to lift but another idea could be to get a bicycle, road or hybrid, then put some earphones in with your favourite music and just fuck off for a few hours and ride far away.
If it's a nice day pack a backpack with food and a book and visit a nearby town or village, stay away from the computer.

You will sleep better and a good nights sleep will always improve mood.
If you are a fat ass you won't be for long if you keep this up which will improve confidence.
Easy way to make new friends if you join cycling clubs.
You are not sitting at home wallowing in your own thoughts.
You explore areas, see and hear life in a way that you don't when you drive everywhere and whiz past at 60mph.

>> No.24920286


well just because you are stupid to understand anything doesnt mean its not working

>> No.24920307

Cured my depression (yes, I should be millionare) Just give this a go -

1. Don’t take SSRI. Take Mg-L-Threonate for 30-40 days. 2x morning- night.

2. Test your neurotransmitter using urine OAT (organic acid test). It will also test your mitochondrial status and crebs cycle etc. Great Plains Lab. It worth it.

3. Fix your Tryptophan-Serotonin-melatonin pathway. For many there is a thing call “Tryptophan Steal”. Either take NR or IDO inhibitors (such as L-thianine - green tea one) or Longvida Turneric to address runaway brain inflammation. They work.

4. Take 300mcg melatonin.

5. Up your cardio (endurance) and strength both. But do in a 3x endurance (MICT) and 3x HIIT (freehand is better like Tabata with frog jumps etc).

6. Fix your gut. 90% serotonin Synthethis happen in gut. Eat inulin and whatever that produces Butyrate. Gut Brain axis is super powerful.

7. At morning sing a song loudly, but with melody,till your partner kick you out. Get forest or tree bathing as much as you can.

8. Play with a kid for sure. Teach someone something with compassion, may be over internet.

9. Do active charity. Get involved in charitable projects you feel volunteering to. Practice gratitude.

10. Observe your thoughts, esp the most dominant one atm. Watch it but don’t engage. Acknowledge it’s presence but don’t judge it as good or bad. After a while the thought will die and another consciousness will wake up. It works. Have tried this. You will feel tranquil with no-thought for a while before clouds of thought again wrap you around. Keep practicing. This one is from “Power of Now” by ET.

As you practice this thoughtlessness, you may find the “voidness” disturbing / alarming. After some time as you enter into that void state, you may find some light or some shit like that. Anchor it. May god help you.

>> No.24920332

only a sybian and prostate massage can cure a depression

>> No.24920335

you just covered up your depression with a bunch of weird coping mechanisms

>> No.24920339

BTW, sometime root cause of depression is the environment or place or people. Observe and change it, if necessary

>> No.24920356

I feel ya, I've made more money than I could ever dream of the last 6 months. almost wish I had suicidal tendencies so I could just get shit over with.

>> No.24920363

No. I’m blissful even though challenges in my life only increased. It works. It’s a mix of neurochemistry and beyond-neurochemistry. And fuck psychologists. 300$/hr. Put that money in LINK, seriously

>> No.24920447

>You can't truly cure depression.
I don't believe that. If modern environment necessitates depression then that still doesn't mean depression isn't curable.

>Rich people get depressed because they don't know how to spend their free time meaningfully
Yeah, the ennui is terrible. That's why new money usually goes fast down the gutter. Especially the children. They have no framing for their success other than their personal struggle, and once that's in the past, they have nothing. Old money has traditions and dynasties to keep themselves sane and busy and framed on a longer timeframe.

>and keep at least one IRL relationship with someone.
People are the only thing you can never master nor get enough. Introvert or extrovert, doesn't matter - it only changes the type of human interaction you need. Other people is the only dynamic and thus a non-exhaustible source of stimulation in life. Cherish the fulfilling people you have.

>> No.24920624

>If modern environment necessitates depression then that still doesn't mean depression isn't curable.

This. Again, based on my travel and observations, it seems depression has strong correlation with economic developments. Traditional societies has less of it. That’s the curse when you are brainwashed to focus only on material accumulation. There is a book called “Abundance without Affluence”. You may call it “don’t show me those African niggas”, but go and stay with Bushmen for a week (there are eco-tours) when COVID shit vanishes. Some westerner made a very interesting point after his stay “they don’t have that aspirational ego to be very big. It’s simple life, rich bonding within the tribe and sustainable relationship with nature”

They day you realise that you are not special just because you are a human, something will click. Depression pandemic in western world (now in eastern too as they dump their tradition for western Jew culture) is a systemic reflection of something deeper - our belief on materialism and QoL are based on unproven assumptions.

TL;DR: goo live in a eco-village.

>> No.24920663

false: i got a lot better after taking meds (combo of SSRI/xanax). took it for years and i became "normal". able to "contribute to society", and now $700k net worth even excluding real estate equity. get help, OP

>> No.24921074

>he took the drugs
Hello there drone x7547. Get more jimmies and lets keep the money making the go world go around instead of fixing the shit that made you depressed!

>> No.24921109

>anon gets help
>fixes his life
>suggests someone else does the same

>> No.24921179

150mg of Venlafaxin helps me

>> No.24921260

You're not broken, the world is, fren.
I'd say being well-adjusted would be a sign there is something wrong with you.