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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24905073 No.24905073 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24905115

yes but you can make money on it so who cares

>> No.24905130


>> No.24905136

Yes except it will never pop at the rate at it’s going

>> No.24905185

Fiat seems like a bigger bubble, especially when you look at warhawk politicians and retards voting for gibs.

>> No.24905194

Yes. It pops, but then it inflates again.

>> No.24905210

BTC has been a bubble ever since it crossed $0.10

>> No.24905317

Life is a bubble. Everyone knows you’re going to go back to not existing some day

>> No.24905366
File: 296 KB, 1200x1600, christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you
im reincarnating till I earn redemption through Christ

>> No.24905389

Only retards would ever sell all of their crypto

>> No.24905435

I think I drank too much of the koolaid cause I unironically dont want USD anymore

>> No.24905676

Heathen. You're on this earth now, today. Make it count. Before it's too late.

>> No.24905700

>I unironically dont want USD anymore

>> No.24905707

the bible talks about reincarnation, even suggesting that redemption is the end goal of reincarnation, sorta like the final stop that you have to earn

>> No.24905724

>and thats a good thing

>> No.24905745

>t. gnostic

>> No.24905945
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If you observe the movement in BTC's price on a longterm scale, it looks like relatively continuous growth. It's only when you're looking at it go from 3800 to 23700 over 9 months that it seems like a bubble. Over the long course of things in 20 years, much like people talking about 'if only i bought amzn stock in 2000 instead of discounting it as web stock vaporware garbage' people will look at BTC in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and say "if only I bought when it was -less money than current price-".

The biggest brained thing you can say is that millennials value it, which means it'll only become more valuable over the next 50 years as boomers and gen xers get old and die and millennials become the new old people who everyone hates who control everything. Jim dumbfuck, 35 year old codemonkey, will be Jim Jewfuck, 85 year old BTC enthusiast/millionaire in 50 years and generation D (the Deltas) will be seething that zoomers and millennials have all the BTC and Deltas, betas and alphas are all priced out because they're under 50.