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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24900853 No.24900853 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: coins that were heavily shilled on /biz/ that you avoided and can laugh at now that they’re dead.
Starting with SXP, one of CZ’s many pump n dumps to further strengthen Binance.

>> No.24900899

Lost $1000 on this officially done with Binance. Also got rugged on ENG.

>> No.24900973

Its not binance fault you are a retard gambling on shit coins, you buy and hodl btc and eth, we have been saying this for years, what is so fucking hard?

>> No.24901045 [DELETED] 

Swipe is a frat product mhsve a blue card. Great value for money. Worn hsvy any additional sxp though

>> No.24901075

got scammed by this one, should have known better when I say the incompetent scammy Filipino team but greed got the best of me.

>> No.24901082

Lost $6xxx on this shit; definitely filipino scam garbage.

Thankfully, my total fiat into crypto has been ~$70,000 and I have $170,000 AUM right now.

Praise jesus for capital loss laws

>> No.24901110

>Swipe is a frat product mhsve a blue card. Great value for money. Worn hsvy any additional sxp though
Was this intentionally incoherent?

>> No.24901128

Yea whatever pikachu faggot

>> No.24901154
File: 31 KB, 424x572, 61B80C40-0E61-4588-96AA-373CA478397F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I promise I will pump your bags soon. You can trust me

>> No.24901256

>You can trust me
Fuck you and I WILL unironically travel to manila to fuck both your sister and your underpaid female employees.

>> No.24901448

still no clarification from Swipe team;

<Background for the Request>

According to the official Swipe whitepaper, the current circulating supply of the $SXP token is 78M as of November 2020 (Founder: 10M + Reserve: 8.4M + Team: 10.2M + Public Sale: 19.56M + Private Sale: 40.44M - Burn Amount: 10.6M).

The remaining tokens are to be vested and released upon its official schedule.

Recently, allegations were made that Swipe's vested tokens were moved from their original place into a Binance-tagged address. Combined with a drastic fall in price, this led to claims and rumors that the Swipe team had sold off their vested tokens on Binance.

A look at the following Etherscan links suggest that about 61.875M $SXP tokens from the Ecosystem Reserves were sent to the Binance Exchange Wallet:


When questioned about these transactions on Telegram, Joselito answered that the Ecosystem Reserves portion is controlled by Binance. However, many in the community feel that a short answer from the CEO is not enough to quash the rumors entirely.

<Request for Disclosure>

Xangle asks the project team to clearly address the market rumors by providing additional information regarding the raised issue. We ask that the project team provide proof that the custodial tokens on Binance have not been circulated/sold in an official statement.

>> No.24901464

You gotta post the reddit AMA picture where he isnt white

>> No.24901614
File: 48 KB, 848x464, B17D15DD-B95C-4C05-949E-163A6B249230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ready for an ama? As an apology for the price dumping I will print millions more sxp and send you all some

>> No.24901693

lol compare that to earlier pictures of him, he used to be skinny as fuck, now his arms look like sausages. He pulled off a succesful heist though.

>> No.24901747
File: 376 KB, 898x739, ADCDB7CC-763C-489B-9719-3EB01BE3DDA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give this man a Rolex

>> No.24901788

I unironically use the app still and it has saved me hundreds in cuckbase fees

>> No.24901800

he probably already owns many, used Binance and CZ as a proxy to scam people out of their btc.

>> No.24901879

It’s awesome that it has no fees, I’m just afraid that swipe exchange will bitgrail me one day

>> No.24902740

>watch I bought with my sick gains thread

>> No.24902872

I still have 121 SXP.

Is it really dead? Should I just fucking sell it?

>> No.24902902
File: 44 KB, 770x415, harmony-one-avis-770x415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was chilled so hard in summer 2019. Turned out to be another 'token not need'

>> No.24902961

I doubled my investment on this one. IDK it seemed like a pretty clear pump and dump to me.

>> No.24902999

Unironically I hold a small bag. It’s definitely risky, because these guys have only delivered a buggy, poor product, and doesn’t have as many perks as crypto.com. Yet it’s marketcap is so low compared to crypto.com so if they do deliver it could potentially moon to capture some of that marketcap that crypto.com has. I’m definitely not buying more and it’s risk vs reward is higher then I like, but I still hold a bag just in case. But you will definitely see me fud this shit out of this product cause fuding is fun

>> No.24903002

Im also actively using the app. It saved me a few thousand euros. Fuck, I even pay my mortgage payments with it.

>> No.24903376

Went all in at 2,70 $. Still havent sold

>> No.24903945
