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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24900797 No.24900797 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24900816

Sorry my internet is really spotty right now and bandwidth is limited. I have to do voice only.

>> No.24900820
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>> No.24900845
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>You're laughing. I asked you to say his name and you're laughing.

>> No.24900847

I can't wagie the next day after a night drinking, can't concentrate on the code

>> No.24900894


>> No.24901014

Sorry, busy fucking your mum. Will be down soon... son.

>> No.24901089

i have a virtual lunch tomorrow and they want us to eat together with our webcams on, fuck that.

>> No.24901102


>> No.24901116

This is why I live off welfare

>> No.24901138

what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.24901309

For what?What could possibly be said when you’re trying to stuff your face with a sandwich?

>> No.24901423
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Had a job interview last week. Hiring manager wanted a video call (no in-person because lol coronahoax). I said I can't because no webcam, which is actually true (not that I'd do a fucking video call even if I had one).

guess who's still unemployed

>> No.24901773

>can you turn your webcam on during the meetings anon?
>lie about not having one
>they're going to mail me a webcam
what the fuck man

>> No.24901808
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tell them you don't have one duhhhhhhhh

>> No.24901868

What kind of fucking job do you people even have? I’ve worked in manufacturing and I couldn’t even imagine sitting in a shitty office on a computer all day

>> No.24901896

I did last week. jfc it was so fucking boring

>> No.24901900
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Same but they also want to have some fucking virtual escape room shit.

>> No.24902009

I'll tell them I have a dentist appointment and skip the lunch. I'm glad tomorrow is my last day before going on vacation for 3 weeks

>> No.24902102
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Oh ah my webcam is broken, it just did fall off the PC

>> No.24902115

Things OP has never heard anyone say to him

>> No.24902858

customer service
i am not even important whatsoever, but they keep shilling 'culture' at us

>> No.24903230

>tfw when last time used my webcam a year ago to KYC on an exchange.

>> No.24903642


we did this and i silently drank 3 white claws on cam. my boss started slurring

>> No.24903649
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>anon, you're the only one with your webcam off
>come on man, put the camera on haha!

>> No.24903737
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>> No.24903769
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my webcam has been "broken" since covid started

>> No.24903802


youre boned

>> No.24903828

>can't concentrate on the code
Just do what I did and stop concentrating most of the time

>> No.24903866
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>no reply

>> No.24903893
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This shit happened with my dad
>have to simulate a hypothetical meeting and "act" on camera as if it was before covid
>then do it again as if it was full on lockdown
>then do it again as if covid ended
I wanted to fucking puke wjen I read the excel they sent him detailing this.
We unironically need to go back to monke

>> No.24903904

Sounds like thats just playing online videogame.

>> No.24903919

So you're expecting to get a job without a Webcam during a time when you won't be going into an office for another 6 months? Guess who is a dumb faggot. Also who doesn't have a Webcam lol? You don't even have a smart phone you can use? Jesus christ

>> No.24904001
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>Location: microsoft teams meeting

>> No.24904006

There are some lonely people in this world. Be thankful you aren't one of them. Your coworkers might be going through some things and could use some company. Idk man I think a lot of people on here take what they have for granted there are some people who are just totally cucked and not in a funny way.

>> No.24904008

Cs has a high turnover so one of the ways they think to keep you around is too push the company "culture" on you. They'll also do things like "customer care week" where you get treated like a child and have pizza delivered and given 5 dollar Starbucks cards. Its just another way of saying they don't want to pay you jack shit so here's some bs to make it seem like we care.

>> No.24904040

Kinda, I guess, although it's probably going to be extremely awkward.

>> No.24904043

What service did they want to use?
Whatever it was you could have done it on your phone.

>> No.24904073

I've never met anyone who enjoys that shit unless they're either nuts or super extroverted. Shut up, dummy.

>> No.24904087

I had a fucking "virtual" Christmas party, 5.30pm to 6.30pm today. I work with these people I don't want to socialise with the cunts. After working hours too..

I just didn't dial in, suspect something will be said tomorrow but I'm past giving a fuck.

>> No.24904113
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HR needs to be abolished
what exactly am I taking for granted? The ability to be antisocial and remain sane?
I'm fairly certain no one except HR wants these things to exist

>> No.24904138

Yes company, not some pixels on a screen surveilled by the government.

>> No.24904187
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>was gonna buy a house pre corona
>bought stonks after the crash
>up bigly
>still live in a trailer (I grew up poor as fuck and inherited a trailer)
Thankfully, I work for a boomer company so no happy hours.

>> No.24904246

>virtual escape room
Fuck that

That's called work

>> No.24904286

>"customer care week" where you get treated like a child and have pizza delivered and given 5 dollar Starbucks cards. Its just another way of saying they don't want to pay you jack shit so here's some bs to make it seem like we care.
I suppose the end goal is to have it fully staffed by appeal appeased by these relative trinkets

>> No.24904310

Fucking what is the trend with this bullshit, same here, just another fucking meeting for me to decline.

I don't want to do your virtual escape room
I don't want to do the group cocktail mixing classes (with ingredients sent to your house)
I don't want to dial into the weekly "social"
I don't want to spend time with you CUNTS

>> No.24904349

sure, except you can't banter with the boys and have a good time
instead, you have to act like you're having fun while closely monitoring your speech and reactions to make sure they meet company policy™
what's even the point? This is hell

>> No.24904366

When you are interviewing you can’t be picky retard. Get a webcam.

>> No.24904394

I just don't show up to these retarded type of things. I still have my job and good prospects.. Stop being betas.

>> No.24904428

Lol. My christmas lunch got cancelled and they just added an extra $50 to our paycheck this week

>> No.24904448
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So one of these flash games?

>> No.24904451 [DELETED] 

>got caught jerking off at the virtual lunch again

>> No.24904461

How else would they know you’re not black?

>> No.24904464

is this real? do wagies really have to do this shit?

>> No.24904542
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>> No.24904648

It's an optional thing lol, /biz/ is full of retarded whiners

>> No.24904780
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>we have to dial into a gay ass team con call every morning
>usually wake up 1 minute before then go back to sleep after
>my webcam is usually set to be default off and I don't turn it on either
>log in as normal last week and set laptop down on my legs while everyone does the usual small talk bullshit and lie down to snooze a bit more
>suddenly can hear my boss asking if I'm there and that I should move the laptop
>'wtf is he on about how can he see its not even on'
>look down, webcam light is on
>look at screen
>whole team of 10 people can see my girlfriends tits while she's asleep
>not told her kek as she would go nuts at me

>> No.24904826

This is me. I'm not putting on decent clothes for your meeting sorry

>> No.24905030

I actually like the people I work with. We have no HR so we just hire people we like, and we aren't forced to do Karen-style activities like zoom karaoke - usually we just set up some games and whoever wants to join can do so.

>> No.24905216

I’ll take “Things that never happened” for $200 Alex

>> No.24905691

>he thinks it’s optional
Lmao yea ya know technically it is but if you don’t attempt to play the wagie game you become the outcast/one all the other wagies blame their problems on. Threads like this and 2 years wagecucking an IT job in an office is what gave me the resentment/motivation to quit the rat race and become a crypto NEET. Couldn’t be happier and I literally thank god for it multiple times a week. It’s exactly like>>24904349
says and if you don’t play along you get ostracized from the turbo normies and if there’s one thing normies don’t like it’s someone that won’t conform to their Jewish matrix.

>> No.24905698

>white claw
Are you some type of Faggot??

>> No.24905842

it can be based if the situation is like yours, but there's no point to deluding yourself into thinking most jobs are like that
you're lucky, and
>We have no HR so we just hire people we like
won't last forever

>> No.24906400
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>triggered incel can't believe other people have sex