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24887811 No.24887811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Intro to crypto services thread, in this post I will have referrals, but hopefully there will also be some usefu free tools and information for anybody who might feel their tools art as sharp as they could be.
Intermediate knowledge and above will know to look elsewhere, but there might be some useful tools below regardless especially for anyone new just starting out.

Hello anon. Your’re choosing to get into crypto at a historic time, you’re a little late to the game, but that is ok. You can still get into trading crypto.
Welcome new trading frens, your financial future awaits you. Please trade keeping your risk in mind. Don’t buy the tops unless you can hold, never miss buying the dips. I’d recommend against shorting until you have a firm grasp on what mechanics that actually entails.
>Some general thoughts
Yes BTC is over 22k right now, it jumped a few thousand points just today.
You can buy alt and stablecoins to provide you an entry to the crypto markets or buying into a dip, if you feel up to it you could try to take advantage of the inevitable volatility. But Hodling in crypto has proven to be useful advice, even if you bought the last top.
If it’s low grab whatever you can afford (with research) most coins in the alt-space have had a good run.
I would recommend getting an external wallet to both coinbase and finance, (trust wallet works well as a multi-coin wallet)
Always triple check transfers withdrawals and deposits to and from any wallet address, there’s generally very little to do about reversing a transaction after its confirmed.
On a long enough timescale you will make money.
Make a trading plan and establish risk analysis and add to your folio whenever your strategy tells you to buy. Do not use instinct or emotions to trade. No stress now anon, you’ve only just started to make it by choosing to control your investments. Welcome to intro to crypto on /Biz here’s the helpful stuff

>> No.24887856
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>> No.24887873

Here are some free signals and tools that can be very helpful in trading.
https://www.poobahcryptoservices.com/scanners-poobah-one (Free Crypto Scanner)
https://3commas.io/blog/best-crypto-trading-signals (Free signals to use for trading or bots)
https://telegram.org/ (Many signal/analysis/pump groups can be found searching on telegram)
Bitstamp.com (Where many exchanges get their price (less trading interference closer to true prices)
https://coin360.com/ (Market Capitalisation)
https://www.tensorcharts.com/ (free trade heat map vis)
https://www.tradingview.com/ (free charting software and free community ideas)

Both of these are blockchain explorers (Useful for exploring transactions)

>> No.24887924
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Kill yourself namefag


>> No.24888058

Don’t feel like actively trading? Interested in using or creating a trading bot?
Have a look at 3 Commas dot com
Or if you want a free trading bot (with Binance) you could use: 3c dot exchange

Here is an article about setting up your trading bot:
medium com /@cryptotfstrategy/how-to-automate-crypto-trend-following-strategy-with-3commas-io-or-3c-exchange-5bd894d191ea (How to automate Crypto Trend Following Strategy with 3commas io or 3c dot exchange)

There are good youtube videos available from channels like mooninpapa
youtube com /watch?v=P_H--Hnqd74 (simple vs composite bots)
If you don’t like using peoples referral links and you could create an account with no referrals and earn rewards just the same, (without the free btc) but you could earn it by creating your own referrals once you create an account. Just search the services and sites and sign up.

>> No.24888115

Binance Exchange, Decent beginner exchange to move your tokens to after converting them however you like. (Check the listings) (10% commission for each of us) It has one of the largest range of markets available, but it doesn’t have everything
binance com/register? ref=RKW9BZLU
If you join using my link we’ll both gain a commission on deposits. The benefit is you can create your own links
>i heard you can even trade link

>> No.24888305

CELO: An open platform for digital payments
Earn $6 CGLD
CELO Answers:
A1: By making crypto accessible on mobile phones
A2: Staking, governance
A3: Using the Valora mobile app

Maker MKR: A protocol for generating Dai stablecoins
Earn $6 MKR
MKR Answers:
A1: MKR and DAI
A2: MKR holders
A3: A crypto wallet and crypto collateral

>> No.24888475


slash xlm slash invite slash 51fg b2zc
XLM Answers:
A1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world financial infrastructure.
A2: Facilitating low cost, universal payments.
A3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
A4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
A5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions

slash comp slash invite slash 1tg0 rv8p
COMP Answers:
A1: Earn interest on crypto
A2: Supply crypto asset as collateral
A3: COMP token holders

slash band slash invite slash 3h7 vc2mt
BAND Answers:
A1: Real World Data
A2: Oracles
A3: Earn crypto rewards

Spaces and dot com missing from links
coinbase slash earn slash suffix

>> No.24888504

Thats not nice fren.

>> No.24888554
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>> No.24888881

bump for the fuck of it, might help someone lurking

>> No.24889236

last one and ill let it die