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24885265 No.24885265 [Reply] [Original]

Traditional derivatives markets are currently 14x greater than traditional equity markets*. With an estimated value of over $1 quadrillion, derivatives are almost available on every investment asset type you can think of.

Futures trading has been dominating the derivatives space for years. Although Deribit and OKEx introduced crypto options last year, the volume of options trading is still low due to its stiff learning curve.

Innovating new financial instruments requires extensive knowledge in both finance and cryptocurrency.

To drive the industry forward, more major innovations are definitely needed.

Do you think ACDX will become a leader in crypto derivatives trading?

>> No.24885879

Tbh, I still don't understand options. Of all the instruments, I'm most familiar with good old derivatives but futures is coming up in my book. ACDX really getting the ball when it comes to all of those tho, props to them.

>> No.24885900

Not enough derivatives players in the crypto market, maybe because crypto's volatility is alredy pretty high. A double edged sword if you ask me, but good for those who want to make bank

>> No.24885921

Yeah just be careful, way easier to get rekt too. Lots of people i know. make or break situation

>> No.24885936

Either way, volatility is good for exchanges like ACDX. with btc breaking ath and the 20k mark, it's a good way to intro normies to crypto. I for one, welcome the crowd.

>> No.24885960

Yeah, not enough exchanges to handle the flow of cash that's going to come in with this new wave. ACDX, even if it just gets a piece of the pie, is going to be yuuuge imo.

>> No.24885985

kidding me? ACDX is leading the way when it comes to derivatives in the space. Alts getting some serious pro treatment unlike they've ever seen befo. Coming from a currencies background, I'm impressed.

>> No.24886000

Still too early to see, But Andy cheung on board makes me feel a lil better. The guy knows how to run an exchange.

>> No.24886021

If Binance doesn't buy them up first. But then again, they'd probably want that too LOL.

>> No.24886186

Crypto derivatives are growing faster than CZs bank balance. Forex and stonk traders are all over crypto now, it's a 24/7 market for them. Its a Chad trader's wet dream. Algo traders are up our buts too incase you didn't notice anon. Shot got real for derivatives and institutional trading in 2020

Proper trading, not wimpy spot investing has liquidtion risk, so if anons learn and practice on dummy accounts until they know where to place stop losses it's all good. Takes a while not to totally pleb it with leverage

Exchanges come and go, if ACDX is the real deal it'll grow and fond a position with the others

>> No.24886272

Not saying it's impossible, but i dont see it happening. You don't build something the opposite to Binance and then hand over the keys for a bag of bitcoin.
There's so much money to be made right now with crypto growing really fast, what price would you put on a derivatives exchange?

Thats where all the institutional money is headed

>> No.24886405
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Current market is going in the direction of stonks if you ask me. I'm seeing all the hedge and insurance funds buying up BTC and now ETH. Those guys dont usually sit their fat asses down on it if they can trade and max it out. All derivatives are fair game, they all have traders on the payroll. If ACDX or any new derivatives exchanges have what it takes to attract them, they will moon long term. Massive volumes incoming like we cant imagine

>> No.24887356

If you love derivatives platforms, then have a look into Injective Protocol. There is nothing better out there, and they have the backing of Binance.

>> No.24887400

I do a few trades a week on derivatives exchanges, nothing huge but enough to make me sweaty and get a rush. There's been big changes since last year on exchanges, and i'm seeing volumes go up a lot lately and bigger order books since last year. ACDX is still a small fish, it's still in Beta but it's got a very real chance to do really well because its in the right part of the market.
I bought some ACXT on there ready for the DGCL launch, but thats taking so long i ended up staking it kek. Not a bad investment to be fair

>> No.24887563

You dont know why theyre buying ETH and BTC?

>> No.24887570

Lots of exchanges have added some type of derivatives features in the last 12-18 months. Lots of them are just simple BTC up, BTC down kinda things. It's a big market, no, not big, fucking gigantic and none of them want to miss out.

To compete with established players like phemex and bybit, ACDX had better have their game heads on. Crypto is still the wild west, weve seen plenty of exchanges come and go. So if they're dedicated and don't fuck around they'll get market share, expecially if they have their shit together with regulation which is a real fucker for exchanges

>> No.24887745

I have no idea what goes on in traditional markets, the only investments I've done are in crypto and when i see the market cap in a bull market is less than $660B and you're talking about a quadrillion, i realised i've never even seen a number written that big.
Whats that a 1 with 4 sets of 000 behind it. My head hurts thinking what our alts would be worth if money like that floods into crypto.

Get rich or get rekt in 2021 anons

>> No.24888184

Don't get me wrong but nothing can be better then Binance. It's hard to achieve all that and desu people don't trade derivatives that much.

>> No.24888757

Derivatives are huge marketplace and pls don't tell me that you think people will not buying gold for example. Seems like you don't know much about derivatives. If ACDX accomplish everything what they are aiming to do, that will be great. But that's a hard work. Really

>> No.24889452

You don't see the same picture most of the anons can see, you might want to zoom out a bit
good info anon
more or less how i see it. The game has changed since we used to mine Doge kek

Andy's the fucking boss. Pretty anything he touches grows and makes money

>> No.24889598
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Phemex sounds like cough medicine kek
Pretty true what you said though. Between exchanges that pretend regulations are someone elses problem, those that get caught trying to cheat them cough CZ cough and the ruggy fuckery, new exchanges like ACDX will likely do well.
I wouldn't expect it will be easy for them, it's a cutthoat game. Litterally hundreds of millions a year in fees, and any exchanges not charging you fees, still have their hand in your pocket, you just don't realise.

>> No.24889919

I really don't know much about derivatives but reading this I can see they are big. Not sure how they will handle that because it sounds really complicated. I know Andy from Okex so I hope he knows what is he doing, haha. Cuz I don't know shit about it.

>> No.24890712

There is no way derivatives will ever join the blockchain. It is impossible someone can handle that. With all respect, you guys are crazy.

>> No.24891740

Innovations are always needed, so in this field as well. It is a huge marketplace to cover and I'm not sure who will be able to put that all together. I didn't hear about that ACDX but I hope they are capable to do that. Would be great to have a place where we can buy derivatives easily.

>> No.24892212

Crypto Derivatives are on the rise and it was about the time that someone starts talking about it. Investor interest in crypto-derivatives seems to be surging thanks to the explosion in DeFi that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. In turn, this has added a tremendous amount of bullish sentiment to space this year, particularly for ether, which is the second most valuable cryptocurrency after bitcoin. Inovations to help us trade derivatives easier? Hell yeah, bring it on!

>> No.24893303

This is advanced trading. Out of my league. I need to learn a lot more to be able to even think about this one. For me, Cryptocurrencies are enough but I hope I will be able to find some good literature to learn more about derivatives.

>> No.24893630
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