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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24870907 No.24870907 [Reply] [Original]

I just got put on a PIP at my sales job which is basically the kiss of death. If I get fired for performance will I still be able to collect unemployment in Florida? From what I’ve read, under performance doesn’t count as gross neglect/misconduct for unemployment to be denied.

>> No.24871086
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If you get fired, you can still get it, but only after you get declined (which you will initially) and you appeal, which unfortunately due to covid, may take several months.
Start looking for another job asap, a PIP is basically meaning dead man walking. Good luck, I've been in your position years ago...no good answer unfortunately.

>> No.24871321
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Damn thanks for lacing me up. Good to know. Guess I won’t get to be a NEET any time soon

>> No.24871353

All in XRP and you'll never have to worry about work or "performance assessement BS".

God Bless

>> No.24871526

Thanks, pajeet

>> No.24871604

Unironically who is this semen demon.

Not sure about Retardistan, but in civilized America, you can get unemployment benefits if they fail to get a hold of your employer as to why you no longer have a job there.

>> No.24871841

why dont you just sell more stuff?

>> No.24871934

i randomly started getting UI deposited on my debit card yesterday. I got cut off in june/july. I didn't fill out any additional forms or anything. I think they're gonna roll out super stimmies (hopefully). Send in an app and ride the wave brah