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24866624 No.24866624 [Reply] [Original]

I am NGMI, am I?

>> No.24866718

60k is not poor, why are you holding shitcoins (link) only?

>> No.24866725
File: 221 KB, 750x1151, 661E6AE2-B92A-4E96-ACE2-8A99AF3459C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but i will

>> No.24866860
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>> No.24867063

This is my favorite type of thread. You idiots realize with 0 Bitcoin you will not make it? Sure you might gain some USD, but USD is worthless. The only thing that matters is satoshis. For anybody who heeds my advice, you’re welcome.

>> No.24867227


>> No.24867756

bitcoin is obsolete boomer tech. this bullrun is all about corporate adoption. if you aren't all in in ETH and LINK you ngmi.

>> No.24867897

Hahaha hahahaha fuck you are stupid, btc and eth is the only thing that matters.
Btc is fucking cheap right now, Just wait until the cap on mining is reached, btc Will be Worth a million in 10 yrs

>> No.24868037

Btc literally doesn't matter. We are about to go full CBDC. Stablcoins will be banned and all the fiat exchanges will require strict KYC.
After that buttcoin will go to 0 and only corporate projects will survive. Buttcoin is the BBS of the crypto. It was a cool novelty, but it's time is passing.

>> No.24868039
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>> No.24868083

bullrun is to do with btc being the next store of value
doesnt matter if it doesnt have intrinsic value
neither does gold... gold has a small intrin value but its value is historical, obvs btc dont have that historical value yet, but history is a process in the making. just watch.

>> No.24868097
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W-Who is right?

>> No.24868119 [DELETED] 

How does $420,000 sound?

>> No.24868146

No No No, and why the fuck are u afraid to kyc, you are not a secret rogue agent hacker, pay your fucking taxes retard, or set up an account in a tax haven.

>> No.24868173

ur ngmi if you keep holding that portfolio

>> No.24868179

I wish I bought it year ago.

>> No.24868202

Are are an absolute brainlet. It's not a store of value and will never be. It's a Chinese PnD based on non-existing bitcoin and unbacked stablecoins. The exchanges trade 10 times more buttcoins than they have against stablecoins that are backed by nothing. And you are the retard who pays in real money into the system to make the chinks rich.

>> No.24868266

Yeah i cant fathom why they dont understand its store of value.
Normies and boomers dont know shit about crypto yet, how Many bank account are there in the whole world, how Many crypto wallets are there in the world, Even in 2020 we are early as fuck

>> No.24868299

Store of which value? What makes buttcoins valuable? You can't even answer that, because you don't know. You are just repeating buzzowrds.

>> No.24868311

I am, he is Just a defi retard with meme tokens

>> No.24868404

so what? trad markets been doing this for years bud. its all meaningless dogshit, like, history chose gold, and now people are choosing bitcoin, we will have to see if it sticks. nobody fuckin cares about the tech... it might be useful in the future but rn its all about that store of value.

what do you even mean by "non existing bitcoin" lul, of course it doesn't physically exist u retard

"The piece on bitcoin on China's main public broadcast channel claimed it could be a safer store of value than gold. The news piece is now feeding speculation that the world's second-biggest economy could be planning to significantly invest in the digital currency."

>> No.24868407
File: 462 KB, 828x1792, 20DCAB93-D4F8-4C60-81F3-9BC68E25AB02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you do it linkchad?
Nice eth stack

Am I gonna make it guys?

>> No.24868415

What's the value of bitcoin then?

>> No.24868447

gold is valuable cos of history, btc is valuable because people think it will be the next gold, time will tell, but this is the reason its going up, and why major firms are investing, they dont care about tech!!!!!!!!

>> No.24868450

Jesus christ, are you this dense, if sweden was the number one btc mining country in the world, would you call btc a swedish pump and dump coin?
Just buy btc dude, u are not too late, swallow your pride, or you are gonna rope urself in 5 yrs

>> No.24868515

>what do you even mean by "non existing bitcoin" lul, of course it doesn't physically exist u retard
Binance trades about 4 times more bitcoin than it has. Bitmes about 20x more bitcoin etc. Because the trades are not on chain. All the exchanges are using fractional reserve. Currently there is about 120 million BTC spread across the order books and it will get worse as it gets more expensive, since the withdrawals will be smaller.

>> No.24868575

what app ?

>> No.24868603

THE real value is gonna get set, when the last bitcoin ever has been mined, and its gonna be high as fuck, because the above and that over 4 million btc has been burned in lost wallets, in 20-30 yrs Fiat is dead, paper money is dead. What dont u understand

>> No.24868606

This. If you want to hide your crypto start a business in the Bahamas/Maldives where ever and funnel it. If you don’t have enough gains for that then you obviously didn’t make it, so pay your stupid 10k tax and move on. Until you make it, hiding your crypto is pointless.

>> No.24868652

ok, and why does this matter? nobody cares retard. as long as firms make money it dont matter... regulation is non existant... same with trad markets... can do what ever you want... once in a while they might arrest someone for spoofing eg, to make an example of them, other than that it doesnt matter... bro welcome to the real world. fuckin autist, u think ur too smart for ur own good brah, u gotta fuckin understand the world economy is all based on fucking nothing, the value is made up, it doesnt matter if bitcoin is traded on binance 4x more than bitcoin than it has... LMAO

>> No.24868658

Found the brainlet

>> No.24868679


>> No.24868700

these people are the ones that tell you to buy coins / tokens and then dump on you

>> No.24868808

>this bull run is only about corporation adoption
>corporation coin portfolio is 95%+ btc

Good luck fren

>> No.24868886 [DELETED] 

What’s the difference between aave and lend?

>> No.24869018

He is prolly mad cause he is holding a neo bag

>> No.24869091
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Real poorfolio. Other coins are for observation at this moment

>> No.24869190
File: 67 KB, 647x675, 1607980331071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIR I recommend you do the needful uniswappings of 3000 linkies to pinakions thank you

>> No.24869195
File: 408 KB, 720x405, diaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful folio anon. Just missing a touch of DIA I think to compliment the rest.

>> No.24869253

i literally have 200 dollars

>> No.24869294

Just like me. I hope we'll eventually make it.