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File: 33 KB, 760x380, 9FC43F54-0632-4CE5-86F9-581A8EDF51FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24864118 No.24864118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did pornhub go full retard? They just fucked over their entire user base of coomers.

>> No.24864148

In what way?

>> No.24864166

They obviously were threatened with jailtime or something

>> No.24864176


>> No.24864184
File: 12 KB, 205x245, 1606669117430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

removed non verified porn, so now i cant watch amateur sissy faggots choking on bbc

>> No.24864208

They were probably facing charges for cheddar pepperoni

>> No.24864210
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Because they’re hosting a metric shitton of child porn? They need to maintain a sheen of legitimacy to keep the gravy train rolling. It’ll pop up in another mindgeek property instead.

Fucking coombrains take your hands off your dicks for a second.

>> No.24864212

I’m still confused on who is paying for porn. It’s not even that I have a problem with it if you do, I just don’t see the advantage when I still have 900,000,000 hours left of free stuff I haven’t seen yet.

Paying for porn is like buying all the tiers of a battle pass up front when your just gonna get it for free in a few weeks anyways.


>> No.24864281

Visa and Mastercard cut them off from processing any payments. They fell back on crypto, but that's about it.
It's entirely possible that BTC jump is entirely due to coomers.

>> No.24864282

A lot of it was ad revenue, so you're paying with your time/impression hit basically

>> No.24864307

>jewyork times
unironically kys. i had 400hours of times spent over the last year searching for the best amateur porn videos on YT. I had built up a perfect playlist over 2.5 years, and everything is now gone. I will never be able to see any of those videos AGAIN who GIVES a fuck abou8t CP

>> No.24864313

because the payment processors are the ones really with the power. Pornhub don't really make much money of other things besides subscriptions due to advertises not wanting much to do with porn so when the payment processors stopped Pornhub had to adapt.

Also liability reasons it sees they are in a legal war atm.


>> No.24864317

It's ok, it's all ripped to vk.com and pornolab.net torrent.

>> No.24864353


Based coomers

>> No.24865158

That's why you should always download your favorite shit. I bought a 12TB drive specifically for this very reason.

>> No.24865345

this is your brain on porn

>> No.24865443
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>> No.24865957


>mummy found the porn vault

>> No.24866239

90% of all videos you can still find on daftsex / biqle, and at full length more often than not. Just gotta deal with the occasional spammy ads.

>> No.24866351
File: 49 KB, 313x426, 5E9A0BB0-FED9-4183-81B9-559D08176B08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had built up a perfect playlist over 2.5 years, and everything is now gone. I will never be able to see any of those videos AGAIN

>> No.24866417

He's right though, after nyaa went down (RIP) I spent 10k on a NAS and downloaded every anime I could get my grubby mitts on. I'm fucking READY this time. Next step is everything on e-hentai but I need a scraper for that.

>> No.24866471

was there actually any?

>> No.24866474
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Fuck I might be a neet with no friends but I'll never be as pathetic as you

>> No.24866588



>> No.24866666
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You are in no position to criticize jews you filthy coomer .

>> No.24866691

>those digits

>> No.24866707

pornhub actually thinks bending the knee to manufactured SJW outrage will benefit their bottom line
they're wrong

>> No.24867417
File: 43 KB, 600x578, 1605471800737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coom to the boota.

>> No.24867421

fucking kill yourself you pathetic cumbrain

>> No.24867431

I honestly doubt it. The non con stuff yeah, but there was no child porn on porn hub. The smaller tube sites are more questionable with their amateur stuff

>> No.24867454

based and checked

>> No.24867455

based and check

>> No.24867461

>sjw outrage
>literal cheese pepperoni

>> No.24867473

Fuck them. They're a degenerate sjw jew company.

>> No.24867482

These jews consider a 17 year old "child porn" even if she's legal in most of the country.

>> No.24867507

You see this is more like the shit people say is on porn hub. That’s clearly a high school class room, no colleges have those shitty desks or anything on the walls since multiple professors use the same rooms.

>> No.24867516

that is just the narrative
the actual motive for taking out pornhub was girlsdoporn and other "non-consensual" stuff being on there

>> No.24867523


>> No.24867562

Coomers BTFO

>> No.24867587


look at this coomer criticizing kek

you have issues

>> No.24867637

Pornhub isn't the only porn website, you guys know that right?

>> No.24867654


>> No.24867681

So porn is going to be responsible for the normie adoption of crypto?
In retrospect, I should have seen that cuming.

>> No.24867689

Stop cooming losers, its mentally self castration.

>> No.24867732

I've had much better luck with my oddly specific fat chick fetish on xhamster, myself.

>> No.24867746
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damn nice one

>> No.24867758

Pretty much the whole internet as we know if developed because of porn. Video Streaming particularly, almost all of the early (pre-youtube) tech stack is from adult stuff.

I put my every last tiny bit of cash in BTC the moment I heard that pornhub switches to crypto payments only.

>> No.24867798

I have a gf who I fuck pretty much every day. Regardless I watch porn and coom as much as I want as soon as we are apart for a day or so. Honestly in some ways it is better than sex.

>> No.24867841

Everyone was just waiting for the Pornhub news, what do you think why this pump is known as the black bullrun ?

>> No.24867872

Fake outrage similar to the GDP scandal.

>GDP: "Strong powerful independent woman" does porn then gets found out. i'm just a poor innocent girl they tricked me!!!
>PH: Upload videos getting railed by a pack of Tyrones. Billy Betabuxx finds the videos and leaves her. "I never said they could upload those videos! I was just going through a phase. I'm a reformed Christian now teehee!"

>> No.24868018

Anon you're telling secrets again, knock it off.

>> No.24868101


Yeah I fuck my gf too but porn is better FML I hate being a coomer

>> No.24868196
File: 71 KB, 829x1080, PornhubPremium-Atlas-ProBiller-Brave-15_12_2020-03_31_26~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's nice of Pornhub to give us a crypto watch list

>> No.24868353


good for you guys. Unfortunately for me, if I coom to porn, my peepee no work good, or even work at all. Guess I never had the virility to simultaneously have sex with women and coom to porn. My friends could and I was always jelly. Feelsbadman.

>> No.24868364

>Porn adopting crypto
This is unironically bullish

>> No.24868390
File: 19 KB, 460x324, 1347259225076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting cucked by a porn hosting service

>> No.24868428

The actual motive was getting Hunter's shit wiped before Joe assumes office

>> No.24868627

When the chosen payment method of 98.4% of the idiots who actually pay for your shit is Visa/Mastercard.. being banned by both of them is not Good News. idk, did they even get unbanned yet? but doing nothing would have been commercial suicide

>> No.24868718

WTF. I thought they accepted Puma Pay now. I stacked up 2 days ago.

But seriously imagine being a normie all frustrated trying to get off and having to figure out 10 decimal places of BTC to get a month subscription. This shit is not going to go well

>> No.24868780

If you haven't figured out that this entire thing is a game between porn producers and content distributors and who controls what slice of the industry's profits then you haven't thought about it. Why do you think that Hollywood has been calling Pornhub trafficking hub?

>> No.24868792
File: 1.14 MB, 750x920, plebbiter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The state of coomers

>> No.24868793

So we're gonna ID whoever pays the coomcorp, right? We're gonna monitor this shit?

>> No.24868877

What? No. We want coomers to buy en mass. They will waste it on porn and we will get rich.
Do everything possible to encourage the coomes to rise up! They have a right to porn and crypto is their key!

>> No.24869644
File: 605 KB, 317x487, AD9A9175-F426-4ACC-93F7-8989B544CD72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit is not going to go well
And here’s where you’re wrong. Porn has been the driving force behind the advancement and implementation of several other technologies in the past. You don’t think they will create a system that’s as easy as possible for the most mindless double digit IQ COOMER to be able to use on one of his 7 hour porn binges? They will make it easy for pajeet villagers to use it because they will. It’s almost poetic justice of clown world that one of the Jews most powerful weapons will be used against them as it paves the way for a future of crypto/moving away from imaginary paper Jewish dollars. The infighting among Jews on this has got to be hysterical. I can just imagine MOISHE at the federal reserve screaming on the phone at chaim over at MindGeek that he needs to knock it off and him screaming back “THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN GET MY SHEKELS!!!!”

>> No.24869678

They have a user base of addicts, and now they're going to force them to open their wallets.
They'll have less traffic, and associated costs, but more income.

>> No.24869721

>all foot fetish and trampling porn i used to watch is gone
i honestly have no reason to visit this website ever gain and i guess other fetishes got fucked just as hard
it's unironically over for pornhub

>> No.24870200

It's distressing but there is really only 2 videos from PH that I'm really upset over losing. What stinks is that I just found a way on my phone to screen record, but I didn't inow about it til now. Im going over my favorite vids from other sotes as we speak.

I'm really hoping that I can find this one video in particular from PH though.

>> No.24870478

PH is responding to a combo of factors
>GDP scandal
>Almost all the SCOTUS justices on the left or right are okay with civil liability that effectively chills free speech (except maybe Sotomayor and Gorsuch)
>Federal district courts and appeals courts are packed with evangelical judges (Trump) or will get Biden's feminist appointees.
>Trump was against section 230 and got the gears turning to weaken it
>Biden and his crew would also like to weaken Section 230 for corporatist reasons
>Social media companies don't want to have to invest huge sums on moderation when other content providers do not. They are lobbying for everyone to suffer
>credit card companies probably think that the Biden administration will ruthlessly pursue financial funding of criminal behavior. And they probably will

>> No.24870540

this is bullish for monero(private) and xrp(fast)

>> No.24870607

Kinda. Elles_club was uploading her vids since she was 16.

>> No.24870610

yes bch
no bsv

blown out again

>> No.24870681

based coomlord. if there was CP on pornhub, this anon would have seen it.

>> No.24870690

They didn't. It still has plenty of fuckin content. At this point the platform has gotten so big and they want it to be more legitimate. They made the right decision.

>> No.24870730

vk.con is in russian or something. Would the video have the same title as it did on PH?

>> No.24870761

>Visa and Mastercard cut them off from processing any payments.

This shit genuinely needs to stop. If no laws are being broken, they shouldn't be allowed to do that.

>> No.24870909

>At this point the platform has gotten so big and they want it to be more legitimate
You dont actually believe that do you?

>> No.24871031

>screen recording porn videos on your phone instead of just downloading them
Anon... How tech retarded are you

>> No.24871058

There aren’t any men left, thats the real problem

>> No.24871599

Pretty sure there's an option to switch to english somewhere, it's basically facebook, except not shit. Sometimes, yes. Make sure to check "no limits" in the search parameters. All of porn is there.