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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24862091 No.24862091 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24862234


>> No.24862269


>> No.24862287


>> No.24862289
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>the next LINK...

>> No.24862356

few understand how big is this, lol current price is still cheap. its like buying link at 0.20

>> No.24862357

Buying PRQ is retarded, it has pumped a strong amount already. Never buy on top of a green candle unless you're certain the token is never coming back down

>> No.24862410

No it's not. It's like buying link at $20

>> No.24862442

Your mommie was also not needed and look...there you are...

>> No.24862452

He bought the top last night and now would love to dump on newfag

>> No.24862465

Elliotrades also shilled falconswap...Kek.

>> No.24862494

You mean just like Jefferson Capital shilling buidl, 2keys and other garbage this summer? Who gives a shit, "we" know more about cryptos than those faggots

>> No.24862590
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>> No.24862909


Stay poor


Stay poor


Stay poor


Stay poor


Stay poor

>> No.24863001

based shizo

>> No.24863038
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>> No.24863072
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U guys better not be fucking w me lol this would have to be a pretty elaborate shill

>> No.24863074

they sold like at $3 hahah fucking retards

>> No.24863145

Ellio is a brainlet.

>> No.24863153

Slav scam and TnN

>> No.24863315
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Shitty thread OP, at least provide some goddamn info


>> No.24863355
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>> No.24863397
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>> No.24863420
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Bonus, coming announcements in mid-late December

>> No.24863426

buy you fucks! this is going to $1 plus

>> No.24863435

Kek same, the most shilled coins here since LINk and ETH have some anons who bake decent treads with a lot of links saying why it has real use cases and who is buying. Here we have some ada vapor waves promises tier saying "buy it because "

>> No.24863563

Cant really control who makes threads or not, some people cant explain Parsiq because they dont understand it themselves.
If you want to learn more read the article I shared that Elliot was talking about

>> No.24863582

fuck info, bizfags don't deserve info

>> No.24863709

ParsIQ will be listed on coinbase Q1 2021. I see it at around $30 Q3 2021. Screenshot this for reference.

>> No.24863718

they tried to fud, now they watch price rise hahahahhahahahahahha stay poor nonbelievers

>> No.24863925

Where's the parsiq pepe meme lol

>> No.24864051
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>> No.24865230

1$ Q1 2021

Screencap this

>> No.24865266

You're not needed either but your cunting mother had you, so?

>> No.24865268

Bearish hype bull crap

>> No.24865501
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partnership with AAVE inbound

>> No.24865714

Based and actuallyunderstandshowcryptotradingworkspilled

>> No.24865821


>> No.24865858

Stansberry is literally a known fraud pnd house

>> No.24865958

It's gone from 0.13 to 0.20 it'll hit over a dollar within a month

>> No.24865977

It's pumped more than that before.

>> No.24866021

What was the ICO price though?

Also, literal brainlet here, but what does this offer that LINK can’t already do? Can’t you connect a blockchain event to a legacy system using chainlink?

>> No.24866121
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>> No.24866161

I'll do a worse job explaining the differences than these guys, DYOR and make up you're own mind


>> No.24866235

why do you think chainlink had them on their youtube and collabed with them?? You think they invited their competition on? They will work together.

>> No.24866365

Just like they did with Base?

>> No.24866462


>> No.24866618

you two goofy motherfuckers are going to feel even more retarded when parsiq hits 1 billion q1. Have fun staying poor

>> No.24866647

I don’t see what is unique about a ‘smart trigger’ when chainlink can relay data off chain. Also ‘hodlium’? Seriously?

>> No.24866694

Screenshotted, printed and framed

>> No.24866702

that's what most low iq people said about chainlink last year, they hate until they fomo in.

>> No.24866743

The only guy who gets it

>> No.24866984


>> No.24867016

Link is just a json parser

>> No.24867323

This. I would love to see a Parsiq shill explain this

>> No.24867442

that's like saying why would anyone buy a toyota when you can buy a honda. Why would anyone buy anything other than what someone says is the standard. There's a reason chainlink brought them on an ama. The technology is most likely far advanced than your brain can handle

>> No.24867678

It doesn't have a team dumping a million tokens a week.

>> No.24867945

If you want a more serious answer, here's my understanding. And I don't claim to be a chainlink expert because if I was I would have bought before it hit a dollar.

What Chainlink is doing is taking external data and putting it in a format that anything that interacts with smart contracts can use can interact with. The network is constantly verifying that data before anybody uses it and that's what makes it a good network. Smart contracts can then call on that information by paying the network and using it for what it needs to.

Parsiq on the other hand is there to take that data on the blockchain and pop it back out in a format that other programs and softwares can parse, and you can use their API to actually do things with that data. I've never seen that chainlink has a way to do this (not that I'm calling you a liar, if you know what page in the WP this is on I could look). That's why PRQ x LINK is a really great combination. Parsiq can access the price feeds and other information contained on Chainlink and through the way Chainlink deals with informaiton, it becomes a source more reliable than just a single API.

>> No.24868137

Okay Sir, please elaborate the following:
A good usecase

>> No.24868222

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.24868240

Read the screen shots of the report you lazy nigger

>> No.24868259

Good answer desu

>> No.24868350

if it didn't have a good use case it wouldn't have 30k users already and plenty of big partners. Anybody who says parsiq doesn't have a good use case is just a pajeet who hasn't done any research

>> No.24868370

You fucking retards.
Printing out an airline ticket when I pay with Crypto is not a usecase. It's a fucking worthless piece of shit idea.
Airline xyz can just integrate a payment provider for crypto and it's done.
Give me one fucking useful thing that this shitcoin can do.
>send a textmessage to a telegram bot
Yeah, thought so already.
Bunch of retards. It's just another flavour of the week shitcoin. You missed out on LINK and that's your own fault

>> No.24868458

>I run an exchange
>I have Parsiq
>See things moving out of my exchange wallet
>Parsiq catches this and activates a smart trigger
>smart trigger halts trading and moves out all funds and/or pulls out liquidity on pool in uniswap

probably the best example I have. I'm not gonna pretend I'm in bed with crypto to the point where I can tell you every use case.

>> No.24868496

he thinks it's easier for the entire world to integrate into crypto rather for crypto to integrate into it

>> No.24868503

Okay an airbnb. When you pay your rental the token sends you a code and that code activates the door lock until the end of your payment period and then it changes the door lock code.

>> No.24868640

imagine stating something obvious and thinking you're saying something important

thats like saying

>tomorrow sky is blue
>Screencap this

>> No.24868699

Like I thought, an absolute useless garbage with no proper unique usecase

>> No.24868749

if 1 retard out of 1000 people thinks the idea is dumb, then who's right?

>> No.24868829

wtf was that

>> No.24868927

I'm not going to actually humor him with real answers, guy can go suck a fat one

>> No.24869017

another good usecase would be integrated in chainlink, receiving overseas containers, once the smart contract finishes it could be automatically uploaded to a spreadsheet through parsiq for logging, If anyone is looking at the fud retards on this thread they most likely are 17 and have $100 in crypto. Parsiq has some pretty good tech behind it.

>> No.24869068

are you expecting everyone to go "omg an internet anonymous pajeet says its a dumb idea, they should just shut down the company"

>> No.24869118

Those ideas are beyond retarded and the token is not even needed
Fucking bagholders, really

>> No.24869141
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Think you misunderstood my post? That or I misunderstood your post

what im saying it he's not going to get good replies about prq's use case, there are fantastic ones but i don't think anyone who values their time will spend it explaining real use cases to an anon who is actively insulting people

pee pee poo poo

>> No.24869163

bro that's how I know you did no research lmao, they have new tokenomics already announced

>> No.24869193

>he wants to help people who insult him.. FOR FREE

>> No.24869217
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Nah, I'll keep stacking API3 instead.

>> No.24869272

It's doing pretty good for now

>> No.24869278

Wtf is happening boys

>> No.24869296

smart contract created for shipping container overseas, once the container reaches destination funds are distributed, parsiq sees the funds reach the account and automatically logs it on the spreadsheet, once the set number of containers reaches destination a notification can be sent to corporate. You can come up with endless ideas.

>> No.24869329
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>hey faggots buy PRQ
So only faggot hold PRQ, k got it

>> No.24869402

where should i buy if its not on coinbase halp

>> No.24869409


>> No.24869451

This is where you should buy all things desu. Fuck coinbase

>> No.24869468


>> No.24869545

Real /biz/ lurkers know that $prq is literally as important as $link in a reverse way

>> No.24869609

No man. I have the token from fucking long and it stayed for really long at 18-19 to drop to 13 and now it’s just above 20. It’s still a good buy. Especially low marketcap and no exchanges

>> No.24869618

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.24870030
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Making my 50k stack feel small :(

>> No.24870596

here is your dip

>> No.24870702

There is one wallet transferring 50k to a series of other wallets, and then those wallets are divesting in 50k batches. This same wallet put a damper on the original pump as well. It isn’t a dev or team wallet from the looks of it, just an early investor taking profits. I’d say if the coin remains about 0.2 through his barrage, it will bounce once he’s done

>> No.24870899

What is this. Can it go to $1?

>> No.24871080

It will go beyond that sometime in 2021.

See PDFs in this thread for details

>> No.24871246

No, it can go to 10, not joking also not this year tho.

>> No.24871946

Look into Solarwinds, and what has been happening with them lately, and what their product does. Then realize you need to buy more prq