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2483344 No.2483344 [Reply] [Original]


Who here uses trading bots,
how much do you pay?

are there any free alternatives ?

>> No.2483403

I wrote my own and I'm not going to sell or share it.
Why would anyone give away a working money machine?

>> No.2483511

>implying that people would be willing to sell/give out literal money machines

>> No.2483581

Can someone explain how they work? Is it a neural network witch calculates small changes in price during the day or just some basic "buy low--sell a little higher" shit which looks at the volume change?

>> No.2483600

> which
Fucking phone swipe function.

>> No.2483618

is this even allowed?

>> No.2485180

Google meta trader expert advisor, figure out away to translate it to crypto (python). Good luck

>> No.2485229
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sheev conquered the galactic republic with robots.

>> No.2485287

Why? What do you have to lose?

>> No.2485298

Found the retard.

>> No.2485302

Are...are you actually this retarded?

>> No.2485306

what do you have to gain is also a valid question

>> No.2485407

of course it is. the exchanges make 0.15 to 0.25% of each trade, so they as many trades as possible.

>> No.2485697

No it's not allowed. Anyone who admits to using bots here better be behind at least 7 proxies because the crypto police are going to come after them.

>> No.2485729

You will know exactly what everyone else will be doing, especially if you tweak the bot slightly o that it's results are a bit different from your original copy.

>> No.2485740

watch out! The cryptocops are coooomiiiing!!!

>> No.2485781


>> No.2485903


>> No.2486154

>Why would anyone give away a working money machine?

exactly this

>Why? What do you have to lose?

Well money, obviously!

seriously how stupid are people that they buy into this stuff... do you also believe in tipster services in sports betting?

>> No.2486193

that makes little sense, assuming you had a working bot it is a retarded idea

assuming you deliberately made a bot that was of no use and wanted to market it to chumps then that, in itself, might earn you money from fees... but you're unlikely to sell it to enough people for it to make any tradable difference to the markets

the other poster seemed to be posting from the perspective of having a bot that works - the best thing to do with that is to use it to trade with...

>> No.2486231

if everyone does exactly what you do, then you lose. Having to know how to program a decent trading bot is a reasonable bar of entry.

>> No.2486242

at that point your bot will stop working, and people will stop using it.

>> No.2486341


My feelings exactly. Yes, I use a trading bot that I wrote myself. No, I'm not handing out free copies, selling it, or explaining it. As soon as the neets learn that the rest of us aren't going to carry them through life, the better off they will be in the long run.

>> No.2486392

Working on a python bot that can theoretically make about $2 every 2 minutes. I've been running it without the trades executing. Seems to actually be possible. Now I just have to handle every possible error imaginable. If one call to the API doesn't go through, everything goes wrong. Thinking of buying a gigabit VPS in the same city as the exchange for low latency access to the API. Don't bother asking for the source code, or the strategy.. because you're fucking dreaming if you think I want any competition.

>> No.2487763

>counting on anyone sharing their working bots

>> No.2488414
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Not asking for the strategy specifically but the education needed,
I know Python from my course atm but what else is good for trading to learn which you can apply to bots?
Like Logistic/linear regression, SVM, boltzmann, statistics that kind of thing??

>> No.2489382

Personally I do very simple arbitrage,
exploiting price differences. You'd be surprised how inefficient some markets still are.

The work is 95% technical, not mathematical, i.e. minimizing latency, maximizing reliability.

>> No.2489423

>Thinking of buying a gigabit VPS in the same city as the exchange for low latency access to the API
I recently needed this for a different project, where I need to be as close as possible to a server. Turns out their data center was ridiculously expensive, so I look for the next fastest link. This may be helpful to narrow down your search:
= Average pings between cities

>> No.2489559
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Dont you get fucked with transaction fees?

>> No.2489575

Yep mines better than yours though. 1000% returns a day.

>> No.2489611


Interesting stuff. I've done a little bit of work in this area, but haven't gotten around to implementing it in my trading system. I have a cool functioning prototype for identifying the arbitrage opportunities, though.

>> No.2489707

>but you're unlikely to sell it to enough people for it to make any tradable difference to the markets

a literal botnet

>> No.2489807

What programming language do you people use for your bots?

>> No.2490276

C# is best for this type of apps, hands down. anyone telling you otherwise is either a dinosaur or a script-kiddie.

>> No.2490424

I don't run bots but if I did I'd use elexir-lang.org.

>> No.2490433


>> No.2490442


I guess I'm a dinosaur. I mostly work with C++ and Python for this application.

>> No.2490496

why C# ?

>> No.2490775

Care to provide any actual reasons? I am pretty sure Python would be the best due to how fast you could write the code. The only reason i see language being super important is if you're doing high frequency trading and you need to squeeze out milliseconds in optimizations, but no one does that as far as i know.

>> No.2490876

anyone got experience with tradderdaddy?

>> No.2491103

just download VS 2017 (community, not the early preview version) and try it.

because, for example, gui comes very handy with these applications, and C# is far more suited for gui programming (both winforms and wpf) than python.
i think for most applications > 10,000 loc, you gain more from strict(er) typing than you pay by having to type a little bit more

>language being super important
it's not super important at all, but it comes handy.

and if you need to optimize to the fullest for some reason, you'll have to use assembly anyways. but it's also super fast to call assembly (compiled to a dll) from C#, a simple direct register load, then a jmp. it's faster than from C++, due to the fact that C++ uses an indirect jmp for dll calls, but as C# is JITed, it's trivial for the compiler to directly compile the address of the method into the code. Only works on the new .NET Core though.

but if you're now getting familiar with languages, you probably won't need to squeeze out everything from the hardware for a long time.

>> No.2491113

forgot url


>> No.2491164


As someone who used to be a C# maximalist... I have to say that there are lots of other fun languages that can do similar easily.

Go, F#, even Python would be decent choices.

Just don't code in JavaScript, we need to let it die.

>> No.2491182

Sell your real time trades, your followers are only going to push the price in your favour

>> No.2491188


You lost me at VS 2017. Linux only here, breh. I live in a microsoft-free zone.

>> No.2491192

well in my experience, while F# has a lot of cool things about it, it's absolutely horrible for prototyping.

e.g. restricted ordering of definitions. literally made that way, because it's far easier to write the compiler in a functional way if they don't allow unrestricted ordering, but it fucks up any application of considerable size.

any example of a _serious_ _money making_ software written in F#?

>> No.2491207

java (or kotlin) + javafx

static typed languages > dynamic shit like python

>> No.2491210


thanks i did. but ...
i use typescript with angular 2 (and html canvas) and run all my applications on g cloud computing ( more than enough in house resources and API's) and its a wet dream for Gui programing

sorry whatever lol . i just love gushing about my tech stack , but

isn't c#/.net basically redundant outside of enterprise infrastructural maintenance ?

>> No.2491223

yeah then don't use C#.
While .NET Core ( https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr ) runs on linux, and it's actually really nice, by far the biggest advantage of C# is that it has been co-evolving with Visual Studio since its birth.
Pretty senseless to use it without it, and nothing (mono, or the jetbrains ide) come close.
i suppose python is probs your best choice then.

>> No.2491227
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forgot my cheeky png

>> No.2491245

if you use typescript why would you use Visual Studio? you should be using VS code.
and i just like C# much more for applications that don't have the restriction of having to run in the browser.

Nah C# wasn't at all designed for Enterprise, that's Java.

>> No.2491249


Then use VS Code + OmniSharp plugins that run .NET Core.

I mean shit, MS SQL Server runs natively on Linux now.

Microsoft might be a big ship, but they've turned it around over the last few years.

Visual Studio for Mac is pretty damn good too.

>> No.2491257

but seriously, angular 2 doesn't come close to WPF if you need a good looking UI, or WinForms if you need an easy-to-throw-together functional one.

>> No.2491265

VS for Mac is actually just rebranded Mono. Not saying it's bad, but..

>> No.2491271


As much as I dislike JavaScript, the React and React Native frameworks are pretty good.

I really wish they'd make a WPF (XAML) UI system that would be cross platform and utilize .NET Core.

>> No.2491277


Hey, I'm a java fan. Writing java code made me a lot of money at one time. I like python for playing with the data and I use C++ for the heavy lifting, like model building and managing the gpu-related activities.

>> No.2491282


Oh for sure, I used Xamarin Studio for mobile dev a bit before MS bought them up.

Very obvious what happened there but I have to give MS props for really going hard on the project. I mean, Xamarin pretty much was the IDE you wish you had on Mac anyways.

Still hilarious to me that MS came up with a better Android emulator than Google. Like what the fuck?

>> No.2491303

Not sure how much I can trust your opinion if you don't like JavaScript. Have you even tried it since ES6? The new syntax is sexy, especially the fat arrows.

>> No.2491349

i use googles Material Design for that stuff.


its so slick.
i have never used wpf , but i have a feeling compared to material it looks and feel extremely dated

>> No.2491388


I get your point, but I don't see what I need any of that stuff for, for what I'm doing. mysql works great for me. I don't give a fuck about a creating a gui because I don't need one for this. I use C++ because, well, I've been using it for my machine learning work for the past nearly 20 years and I have a lot of useful stuff already written.

>> No.2491403

The thing with C# and .NET in general is that it’s considered to be an Enterprise level programming platform. As such they are usually used to build software that is used by corporate clients. This software is usually massive and cost ranging from 10 of thousands to 100s of thousands dollars.

>Nah C# wasn't at all designed for Enterprise, that's Java.

not sure why C# was "designed" but....


i'm not convinced that it , like java , is basically redundant outside of enterprise codebase maintenance

>> No.2491520

fucked around with this a little bit.

feels like netbeans.

i prefer xcode for this sort of thing.

>> No.2491553

like every api is for python kek

>> No.2491692

I've written some Python code to scrape data from the Bittrex API and do some basic sorting/plotting, moving averages, highest and lowest percentage changers or volumes, that sort of thing. I'm considering making it into a bot, though I'm only really a hobbyist programmer.

>> No.2491753

pretty much same thing I have done but in Node.js. Got it to access various exchanges Public APIs for market prices and have it so it loops ever 20sec and some scripts written for 2 exchanges on Private API. Currently wanting to connect to bittrex private, and then open a second account so I can toy around with it as a bot.

>> No.2491765

how do you get moving average etc? which python library

>> No.2491773

Lol you only need a script. If anyone says you need to compile a binary, they're just being an autist. Theres no significant performance increase when scripting as opposed to compiling software for the purpose of calling json APIs. Python is perfectly fine. But use whatever you're fluent in. Whatever is easiest for you is the best call.

>> No.2491800

cant you just make all that shit yourself with a math module

>> No.2492815


>> No.2493915


If you can't calculate a moving average without resorting to a library, you're in over your head.

>> No.2494101

MS bought Xamarin. It wasn't developed by MS.

>> No.2494142

Can someone give me details on what the bot will do? I'm willing to program a bot and open source it.

I'm the guy behind this btw:

>> No.2494458

Let me guess. Trading one crypto to another, then back to crypto #1 on a different exchange. Dismissed.

>> No.2494465

Just out of curiosity what's your average $ gain per day?

>> No.2494470


im interested in learning more about java's practical web applications.

how do you install/run this code ?

>> No.2494475

Download project and select open existing project

>> No.2494493

This is in eclipse btw

>> No.2494521

ok thanks ill chek it out.

>> No.2494534

can it be opened in netbeans ?

>> No.2494577
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Bitcoin (BTC): 209 [Latest post: https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/2492516#p2492593]
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Golem (GNT): 28 [Latest post: >>248

thats cool .

>> No.2494646

could you run this code in the browser somehow?

perhaps with html gui

>> No.2494654

just have your bot play with fake money (IE, don't actually send the trade orders) and see how it works. Find a system that works well on paper then once you're confident give it a little bit of money to play with and see what happens.

>> No.2494828

Can someone recommed some free available phyton trading bots, only for the purpose to know how they work?

I do not intend to use them for trading.
I simply want to read the technical stuff and algorithms to get an idea how they work.

>> No.2495345

How much money do your bots make a day?

>> No.2495418

This thread is so stupid. People expecting other people to give so many hard worked hours away for free, always make me chuckle.

>> No.2495562


That's why I'm just asking for an open source bot that is not totaly retarded just to get an idea how they work.

I'm gonna put in a lot of my own time to build one suited for me.
Yes I can google fo them but it would be better if someone knows a few that are good for learning.