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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24847435 No.24847435 [Reply] [Original]

Do you really believe Waves, a top 30 coin with a clean track record would announce on their official blog that they have partnered with Bonded without having vetted their platform and product?
There's has been a professional & orchestrated FUD campaign going on and the price is currently below ICO price. Whales are accumulating and spreading FUD.


>> No.24847629

I am scared anon i want to believe

>> No.24848341

Is that guy who put in 200,000k still around?

>> No.24848425

it's him

>> No.24849252

yeah maybe

>> No.24849322

350k chad, standing down and standing by

>> No.24849337

FOMOd in with a small bag knowing it was a gamble but got out at a minimal loss after checking the telegram group was full of pajeets and the project has 0 github commits

rooting for you bond bros, because I've been there with other coins, but the price is falling like a stone as BTC moons

>> No.24849573

18k stacklet poorfag here and god damn I hope it even goes back to .02 so I'm back to even, is it normal for a coin to oscilate so much? It's been going from .014 to .018 are we slowly getting rugged or what? Meanwhile i could've made some minor gains from btc or eth

>> No.24849638

what sirs you don't want to see the same rocket ship gif 30x as the price is dumping??

>> No.24849740

>single pajeet developer
I want all of you to really think about this.

>> No.24849836


Yeah. I'm the one who sent Milan 40k bond after he got robbed. Bonded will be huge.

>> No.24849930

sir why price down

>> No.24850115

it's over.
comp for defi?
what were we thinking...

>> No.24850336


they got us good

>> No.24850401

I literally bought at 0.022 cuz of muh V1 release, muh partnerships. Thanks /biz

>> No.24850453

nice chart kek
kill yourselves pajeets, just leave /biz/ forever

>> No.24850832
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>is it normal for a coin to oscilate so much?

>> No.24851268

BTC maxis are celebrating while bondies are on suicide watch. I should've inverted biz

>> No.24851347

how do I fucking buy this faggot shit on an exchange that won't fucking rape my anus?

>> No.24851371

uniswap??? idiot.

>> No.24851429

ok so:
>get in uniswap
>buy eth
>send eth to ???

>> No.24851473


>> No.24851495


>> No.24851553

uniswap is a rape ape with fees because it runs on a spaghetti code L1 blockchain that only does 14 txn/s

>> No.24851842

that's it I'm financially ruined, I should have sold at .22

>> No.24852102

Well which one man I'm new

>> No.24852247

Bitmax is probably easier to understand but Uni is also really ez

>> No.24852332
File: 36 KB, 637x921, DB758702-6340-4423-AD4D-DF9C25BF2B90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sameep I trusted youuuuuu!!!

>> No.24852416

Sameep sir... do the needful... Village is starving...

>> No.24852684

Where are the Bond Bros? Paper hands are getting weak.

>> No.24852720

I have 150k BOND and I'm profusely sweating

>> No.24852744


>> No.24852762

um anon.. there's no evidence that he's even involved with the project, except one (appparent) screenshot of some other pajeet supposedly PMing him on LinkedIn

>> No.24853029


>> No.24853065

300k currently on the way to the hardware store to buy the sturdiest, highest quality rope I can find.

>> No.24853071

where can you get bond

>> No.24853073
File: 257 KB, 500x358, !16069060397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of fudders, they are so scared of Sameep's unrelenting power and fortitude they try to convince us he is not real. Fudders in literal disbelief of Sameep.

>> No.24853116


>> No.24853148

he related to pradeep and vishnu?

>> No.24853216
File: 73 KB, 828x747, 80CA3FC0-82CC-48B5-B74C-5AA0C7C7FDD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy some of my bags on uniswap

>> No.24853296

Guys stop selling, you are dragging the price down.

Pleas sirs do the needful

>> No.24853329

is this your guys first time in crypto? It's never just a straight line up, stop obsessively checking the price every 15 minutes

>> No.24853383


what are some reliable platforms anon? not just for bond but in general? just dont want a virus or scam

>> No.24853414

You don't even need to shill this anymore. Everything will 5x and Bonded will 50x in January. Relax.

>> No.24853563

I bought at 16, it went up to 22 now it's back at 14, It's just making me sweaty as fuck considering the 22 unlock of initial purchase

>> No.24853710

I wonder what was the price of the tokens that will get unlocked on 22. December?

Are they going to sell at a loss or are they going wait with the dump

>> No.24853839

if they sell at current price they're gonna make X3 x5

>> No.24853884


>> No.24854021
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Ok, that's a bit stressful

>> No.24854395

Since theyre releasing or updating about V1 before the 22 I think it might be wise to sell some before the unlock

>> No.24854638

> product release V1 3rd week of dcember.

Any moment now....

>> No.24855204

They really need to release the platform before unlock, otherwise this going way lower. Opening platform may offset seeder dump.

>> No.24855243
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>> No.24856333
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https://twitter.com/Barn_Bridge is $BOND dumbasses

>> No.24856490

Wrong BOND m8

>> No.24856508

nah...if you know you know.

>> No.24857439
File: 559 KB, 624x680, 1605398155816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm repeating myself:
WAVES wouldn't put all their credibility on the line if they hadn't vetted the project.