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24837432 No.24837432 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve got no friends, no money, no social skills, no charisma, no skills, no talents, no good looks, and no future. I can’t cope any longer, I am a low IQ fucking zero status ugly autistic loser.

I can’t believe I’m actually me

>> No.24837443


>> No.24837472

Imagine if heroes like dylan roof or sam hyde thought like this. Get a grip

>> No.24837498

hit the gym. it sounds retarded but it works.

>> No.24837586
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I'm laughing with you, not at you

>> No.24837641

Been there done that. Just gotta decide: live life to the fullest or kys. I chose life. I hope you do the same

>> No.24837699

I’m right there with you anon. It feels bad. I don’t know what to do anymore. I fucked up on a job interview today that would have let me get out of my wagie service job into something more longterm. I envy how normal people have it so easy while being is ignorant.

>> No.24837720

You don't type like someone who's low IQ. You're at least a midwit fren

>> No.24837732

**so ignorant

>> No.24837735

What looks like the end is just the start. Most people get competent at something through sheer repetition. Do something sellable that has low entry bar but hard to master and is actually rewarding. Like soldering, it's a guareteed job, pay can be shit but as you get good on it and specialize like doing boat soldering, you get more money. Regarding friends relations, just get more social exposure, like go to the church, take music classes, take dancing classes, go to places where youll be able to meet people.

If you're a man and your family isnt rich, dont ever expect to things fall on your lap.

>> No.24837745

take some LSD or Psylo and you'll never be the same again

>> No.24837792

What’s psylo? Mushrooms?

>> No.24837853


>> No.24837897


>> No.24838199

Yo I failed 2 degrees. Wasted 4 years on college. Never felt that bad before in my life. Was addicted (only to Weed but still horrible routine if you get daily stoned for years). Tried becoming a lawyer and engineer.
I was alone, broke and felt like a failure.

Fast forward 1,5 years I got hired by the state to get a paid degree (no idea if you have an equivalent) like an apprenticeship combined with state college.

Now I am on my third try to get a degree but I am working parallel for the German justice system. It really helps to change the circumstances in your life. I stopped getting high. Got some money on the bank, a car, and I am even seing a nice girl I knew from high school.
Oh and my parent's are no longer paying for my shit.

I have a decent stable job get very cool benefits by being a state official and it's quite easy work since I am a lazy fuck.

If I pull this through and get my degree I have finally a stable job to build upon. I hope you somehow make it. Psychedelics helped me to get out of my fucked up routine. Also seing new people, moving into a new city. Just change the circumstances.

>> No.24838284

Yeah, he will be the same low IQ loser but with schizo.

>> No.24838506
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go with a bang

>> No.24838597

Don't be harsh on yourself, fren. You were invited to life. Get a grip and start fixing what has been fucked up step-by-step. In few years, you will look back and thank yourself for doing it.

>> No.24838654

In a globalized economy where the median wage is extreme poverty midwit may as well be retarded.

>> No.24839985

at least you're conscious enough to realise your circumstances are bad, most people only come to the realisation that they wasted their lives when they're 50-60

>> No.24840025

pretty much the same except I have money. What do?

>> No.24840220
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Go watch Paul stamets on Joe rogan podcast. Psilocybin cured my depression back in 2012, after years of feeling everything is a empty pointless void. Changed my life honestly, it's a medicine. Few people will get it tho, unironically a lot of research is finally coming out on the subject now. Good luck frens, there is never too late for a change, but sometimes you need a wakeup call.

>> No.24840270
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>> No.24840633

Bump for change

>> No.24840722
File: 58 KB, 195x195, 1606123882312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two years ago I had basically no money, now I've got 100x what I had. Of course nothing to nothing isn't great but it's something and I have above-average savings as far as the average burgerino goes. I too thought life sucked 2 years ago, but assuming the USA gets better at some point life will also get better.

It helps girls think I'm attractive even when I wear dumpy clothes and don't shave.