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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 1440x848, digital economy ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24827042 No.24827042 [Reply] [Original]

I know this goes over the head of many people on here especially, but blocking ads IS klling revenue for some websites and content creators who cannot do otherwise to make a living. No matter how justified your reasons might be (protecting oneself from malwares, not wasting time or even brain energy for advertisements you don't care about) the fact remains crystal clear : you are destroying the digital economy. It's not stealing, but it's as bad if not worse.

Keep using your plug-ins or pi-holes all you like, you just have to be aware of this fact, especially as a board who pretends to be focused on finance. That's all.

>> No.24827070

Of course, burn it all to the ground.

>> No.24827083
File: 724 KB, 1052x592, 1607746974683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are destroying the digital economy.

>> No.24827091

sorry I forgot to add: "digital economy" my ass

>> No.24827100

lmao'ing at your life

>> No.24827106
File: 299 KB, 894x574, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw your thread on /g/

>> No.24827110

>watching ads
time is money

>> No.24827125


>> No.24827155

fuck "content creators"
fuck jannies

>> No.24827192

not only do i use an adblocker, but my adnauseam clicks the ads for me and causes companies to pay for advertising that im not seeing

>> No.24827222
File: 59 KB, 657x527, ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are making it harder for BuzzFeed to pay jews to write articles calling you a racist
ooh bad news OP it says here that you're a nigger faggot =(

>> No.24827237

If you want me to watch ads then you should be paying me for it. If your business model depends on ads instead of a product then you don't control your destiny.

>> No.24827288
File: 1.59 MB, 3539x2409, costco_circa_30_years_ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market demand for your ads plummets to the point there are groups actively making tools to block them

>your revene from said ads goes down due to said lack of demand

>instead of readjusting your business in light of lack of demand for product/service you get your revenue from, you bitch, moan, and complain.

>> No.24827300

If you signed your life over to the ad companies that your fault. Sounds like the advertisement company is putting the fault on you for their product having a giant flaw in it. Maybe if any of you useless content creators had any balls and stood up for yourself but nah I need that ad revenue and won’t call out the ad company for being lazy and shifting the blame to me and I’ll pay out of pocket for it to the ad company because at least I’ll get a little bit. Lol crying little bitch getting his money stolen.

>> No.24827358

I personally have my addblock turned off for a few smaller websites.
But on the other hand, sites like Jewtube can lick my fucking balls, the user gets flooded with shitty adds and it keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.24827406

I do not care. Ads are cancer

>> No.24827508

I download youtube videos just to avoid ads. Idgaf

>> No.24827513


>> No.24827569
File: 10 KB, 199x253, 1595945863204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know this goes over the head of many people on here especially, but blocking ads IS klling revenue for some websites and content creators who cannot do otherwise to make a living. No matter how justified your reasons might be (protecting oneself from malwares, not wasting time or even brain energy for advertisements you don't care about) the fact remains crystal clear : you are destroying the digital economy. It's not stealing, but it's as bad if not worse.

>Keep using your plug-ins or pi-holes all you like, you just have to be aware of this fact, especially as a board who pretends to be focused on finance. That's all.

>> No.24827664

If anything it is making the digital economy (whatever that is) better. If your business model relies solely on ads, your business is jack shit. Come up with something valuable and you won't need ads.

>> No.24827665

>You are killing the digital economy.
Then go out and get a fucking real job and stop trying to live off of ((ad revenue))

>> No.24827681

Good. That means they need to adjust their business practices. Too bad; find a way for me to actually want to pay and I will. Can't find a way to make me wanna willingly pay? Oh well, not my problem.

>> No.24827686

Forgot to add that the ones killing it are the advertisement companies trying to inject their fucking shit everyfuckingwhere. They killed TV and they will kill youtube.

>> No.24827707

It would be one thing if there was like 1 ad every hour, but there are 3 minute songs that literally have 2 fucking ads before each play. Thats like 30-60 ads an hour without the blocker. Youtube has become literally unusable without an ad blocker.

>> No.24827748
File: 55 KB, 512x512, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have the option to see them or not, especially categories I'm interested in (no blacks or trannies). In comes BAT. Then when I visit a site they should except BAT and BAT should force a slow syphoning of the coin to the websites I frequent. Simple as.

>> No.24827757
File: 50 KB, 487x771, 1607033072188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only do I use an adblocker, I pirate just about every form of digital content I can find. I even pirate shit I'm not interested in to seed it out of spite.
Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.24827758


Normally I would agree with you. But you have to understand that the only parts of the digital economy being "destroyed" are the small fish who can't afford any insult to their revenues. This is like everyone shopping online and stopping buying from little local stores; Capitalism didn't end or get better, in fact it got worse as walmart and amazon became the only remaining options. Sapping ad revenue from tons of sites will just kill off the smaller players with more eccentric content, consolidating the internet and services into a handful of small players who, like Amazon and Walmart, will simply secure a monopoly.

This will be a disaster not only for prices you pay as these surviving sites are now free of competition to keep their prices down, but also a disaster for culture and availability of unusual goods and services. The eccentric, one-off, unusual things you consume on smaller, more financially precarious websites will disappear or become more scarce along with those sites, and you can't expect that their monopolistic counterparts will subsume the goods/services the smaller fish once provided. One thing that happens with economies getting "killed" is that the ways and infrastructures that cultures outside the mainstream use to connect and buy from/sell to one another disappear. A past example: imagine loving music in a way that pushes you to consume strange and uncommon material found at a record store. The economy sours and that store is the first to die, and suddenly you find you can only buy CDs at Barnes and Noble or something. That's pretty much what happened back when SoundCloud announced (without warning) that it was about to shut down and everything on it would be lost. There was a massive crisis in the music community that not only would they lose a crucial music venue, but also all the music they love that's stored on there would be deleted. Luckily the crisis was averted, but that would've been a massive cultural loss.

>> No.24827766

checked but the joke is on you if you read kike papers, I disable adblock for content creators I deem worthy

>> No.24827767

I should really think before clicking on post...
Digital ads are a fake economy anyways. What's the point of disabling ad blocker and having them make revenue if I'm going to ignore the ads anyways. I won't ever click on one unless I missclick on it. How is that any good for a healthy economy?

>> No.24827869

Take donations or require subscription then. I'm not letting you rape my brain with brainwashing bullshit. Deal with it. I'd rather see the entire internet collapse as unprofitable than watch an ad.

>> No.24827879

didn't read still blocking ads lol

>> No.24827886

I'm torn between false clicking advertisers I don't like vs giving that money to Google who I also don't like.

>> No.24827907
File: 177 KB, 852x581, 1587819198153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr. Small fries are hurt by ads because they're forced to mold their content into a silver plate that delivers ads first and content second.

Ads are the reason why mainstream media has gone to such shit, why social media has gone to shit, why youtube has gone to shit, etc. The list goes on. Not reading your justifications for it. Look at the current state of the internet and tell me ads are "good" for it. I'd much rather a less active internet like the old days where people only published content that was worth viewing on its own merit than masses pumping out content like a tsunami with clickbait just for the sake of making you see ads. Fuck modern internet, fuck ads, and most importantly fuck jannies. Not reading your post.

>> No.24827920
File: 18 KB, 557x418, adblock-plus-detector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat do

>> No.24827931

Adblock for YT is great, you don't realize how fucking bad it's got until you use someone else's computer or phone.
Fellas if you're on Android install Youtube Vanced. It's not on the store but it's easy to install. Blocks all ads, and you can play videos with the screen off too (to listen to music).

>> No.24827941

I don't care. The elites do the most corrupt acts and go unpunished. I'm not NOT going to steal shit I can get for free.

Fuck you.

>> No.24827963

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.24827970

Enter Super Male Vitality

>> No.24827972
File: 130 KB, 1152x1152, C21813DF-D2CA-4C01-892C-F6FA1AF3EE47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right click popup
>Go to click "block element"
>View site they try to block you from

>> No.24827973

Ads can change to a jpeg or gif and not be annoying. Think non animated banner ad from the 90s. No instead they went to extreme mode dozens of flash ads on one page to the point I can literally feel my phone burn my hands from the CPU trying to process the page.

>> No.24828008

Pirates have no problem with sites shutting down because we already download everything instead of streaming like a chump.

Get good. You're not entitled to my money or attention.

>> No.24828076
File: 117 KB, 640x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. I've been using adlbock for so long that I only remember youtube very rarely having a 5 second ad in front of a video. Now they have unskippable 1 minute long ads at the start and several ads sprinkled throughout the actual runtime of the video. What the hell? They expect you to actually accept that? A 10 minute video cut into 4 segments with ads?

And now EVERYONE on Youtube sponsors crap mid-video, so you end up with:
>"But before I get to my interesting topic that you actually clicked this video for, let me sell you on this product! -3 minute ad-"

So glad someone developed SponsorBlock for this purpose. You'll be amazed at how much a video length gets cut down when you remove the stupid opening video, mid-vid advertisement, ending credits thanking, etc. Works really well too. I'm surprised how fast the community is at blocking stuff.

>> No.24828098

your comparison is bullshit
hobby websites can rely on their userbase, personal websotes can rely on their owners, most other sites can be a loss leader for whatever product or service they are offering
ad-supported content is nearly always bottom of the barrell cancer

>> No.24828150
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, 1595167320403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open site
>Article headline is immediately followed by ads that you're forced to scroll by before you can read content
>Middle of the page has more adverts
>Article body is, in itself, a computer generated advert and the title of the article was just vaguely related clickbait that they didn't even discuss properly
>Author's portrait proudly displayed at the end of the article along with a brief bio

>> No.24828177

Whoops, I also forgot:
>Source of the article's claims are literally twitter screencaps from literal whos

>> No.24828197
File: 167 KB, 1508x1457, 7895234214225676981239847129381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned ad blocker once for a couple of hours. Almost lost all my sanity points. Never again.

>> No.24828215

Whats the catch? Do they steal your data or something?

>> No.24828227

hopefully it hurts google ad revenue when companies stop paying per click

>> No.24828236
File: 1.30 MB, 1402x3290, paywall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open developer tools on your browser, enable the selection too, click on the div container that the popup is in, go to the CSS for that div and type display: none
Doesn't always work and you have to find the right div but sometimes it works great.
Works for some paywalls too!

>> No.24828265

No catch that I can tell, I think it was just made by some guy trying to stick it to Google and be able to use YT without all the ads. I think it strips tracking data too.

>> No.24828276

No catch. See, when you force people to eat shit, they'll actively work willingly on something to avoid eating shit. Funny how that works, right?

>> No.24828285

Internet is better without advertisement. I don't want all content to be clickbaiting normies. One could say that normies ruin everything and they definitely have ruined internet.

>> No.24828369

Get with the program, if ads are being blocked maybe find a new business tactic, you dont see me complaining when what i did 4 years ago for side money is completely irrelevant now

>> No.24828482
File: 491 KB, 220x165, itstime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet pre-normie migration:
>Closely knit communities of niche interests with actual discussion
>Individual sites with their own personalities and creative designs
>Actual friendships to organically develop from low traffic meaning you'll almost certainly cross paths with the same individuals if you have similar interests
>Small static advertisements if any
>News articles made to be actually interesting and engaging, pushing people to put effort and proper research into their stories before publishing instead of shotgunning a billion articles
>RSS feeds actually a viable option for aggregating a personalized newsfeed of only articles that you want to see
>Content creators make content just for the enjoyment of it, peak SOUL
>Things only go "viral" out of genuine merit
>You can actually trust reviews because they're made for the average consumer by the average consumer
>No infinitely nested/hidden menus for user interfaces - everything is easily displayed on navigation bars for you to ctrl+f into if needed
>Anonymity is an expectation, not a rarity
>News cycle is slow enough to actually let topics settle in and be properly evaluated rather than swept under the rug within a matter of days

I miss it so much, bros.

>> No.24828549
File: 174 KB, 299x240, 1558458671908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use two adblockers on top of the built-in adblocker of my browser

>> No.24828647

good those people should get real jobs. Construction is waiting. As if i would waste my precious time on ads i only live once and i don't want to lose 30 mins of my day because of ads i'll never get them back.

>> No.24828686

You know what actually grinds my gears? Watching a e-celeb podcast and they show a screen capture of their laptops and you can clearly see 2 or 3 add blockers. They make their money from ads then deny that to others. Pieces of shit.

>> No.24829051

yeah youtube on my smart tv is absolutely disgusting. haven't figured out how to block ads on it yet.

i can't imagine youtube without adblock on my computer. honest question. do advertisers on youtube REALLY think that forcing people to see their products in the middle of watching things they want to watch will help people want to buy their product? because whenever I see an ad while watching youtube i get filled with the rage of a thousand suns.

>> No.24829100

>do advertisers on youtube REALLY think that forcing people to see their products in the middle of watching things they want to watch will help people want to buy their product?
Not only do they really think that, they have data showing that it is effective and really does drive more sales of products. Most people are fucking idiots and let themselves be brainwashed with no resistance at all.

>> No.24829119

>apply to job

I always use an adblocker so I don't think any of these people are making money lmao.

>> No.24829126

>Watching a e-celeb podcast
you deserve it desu

>> No.24829177

Sell shit I care about
I didn't start blocking ads on Twitch until they drastically raised ad frequency and duration this year
I don't watch TV, eat out, or chew gum so all those ads are pointless

>> No.24829188

>do advertisers on youtube REALLY think that forcing people to see their products in the middle of watching things they want to watch will help people want to buy their product?
They probably think that because their data shows that it really do be like that. And I don't mean "run ad, revenue goes up" data, I mean "this specific perrson saw these ads at these times for this duration and then a while later he bought something from us" data

>> No.24829214

I decide what my client renders. Get fucked adcucks

>> No.24829318

Yeah I'm starting to get pissed off with them too, if they didn't make them so fucking annoying. I don't use adblockers but they are making me want to.

>> No.24829500

I didnt start really caring about ad blocking sites till they started making full.screen ads and 30 second commercials to watch a 5 second clip.

>> No.24829535

>A past example: imagine loving music in a way that pushes you to consume strange and uncommon material found at a record store. The economy sours and that store is the first to die, and suddenly you find you can only buy CDs at Barnes and Noble or something.
I am a metal autist and the underground metal scene is doing fine with Bandcamp and niche record labels. It's not my problem if mumble rappers and their fans couldn't sustain soundcloud.

>> No.24829638


What I would pay to beat that guy to death with no repurcussions

>> No.24829843

that just sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. i really wouldn't be able to associate those brands with anything positive after being interrupted. the best case scenario is nothing registers and i don't have any negative feelings about them. are normalfags that easy?

i've been browsing the web for over two decades and i trained myself at a very young age to never fucking click ads or links and ignore them completely because of malware/virus/random porn popups. so i always had this disdain for ads online. i guess most people didn't encounter that kind of internet era.

>> No.24829884

I've been blocking ads for about 15 years now, before it was cool, and I will continue to do so until the day I die.
Get rekt, seethe, cope and dilate.

>> No.24830743

>are normalfags that easy?
Yes, yes they are. They also don't resent being interrupted because they think it's a fair trade, a little tiny sliver of their life and attention for access to whatever stupid bullshit they're watching. The worst ones are not only aware of adblockers, they get indignant about them because they believe it's stealing from the advertisers. Normalfags deserve everything they get.

>> No.24830800
File: 171 KB, 850x1663, 1607612220853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just installed ad blocker on all my parents computers. Somehoe my mom didnt know that was possible and she was super happy with it. Any website that asks me to remove adblocker i just back out and never use again. Not giving them any (you)s.

>> No.24830977

>i've been browsing the web for over two decades and i trained myself at a very young age
Pretty sure its boomers clicking it mainly. Anyone under 30 has an instinct to block ads or ignore them when scrolling.

>> No.24831273

i don't give a shit and i make it a point to not visit websites with these obnoxious pop-ups. fucking insufferable, as if what you're offering is so invaluable to me that i'd budge an inch to help you meet your ends, go fuck yourself

>> No.24831319
File: 315 KB, 288x216, 1433856982952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay me for watching ads, and i'll watch them

>> No.24831374

What are ads for Web 3.0 going to look like?

>> No.24831432

Yeah well you know what, fuck you. We tried, but we give you an inch and you take everything. I started using AB because it became fucking annoying. So you can shove your "muhh digital economy" up your fkn ass.

You talk about finance? Yeah this is a free market, tough love faggot. Change your business model if you rely solely on ads. You're not Facebook or Youtube (with those you dont have a lot of choices, you cant do anything).

Believe me when I go on your website or any other and I see a popup that says "please disable your AB", simple, I close and try to find another website. It's 2020, there are plenty of choices out there

>> No.24831465
File: 54 KB, 740x925, 9e80667e861654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that's some scary ass shit if that was suddenly popping out fullscreen
How long untill we get straight out jumpscares just because it detected an adblock?

>> No.24831479
File: 31 KB, 962x539, aaaaaahhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys, check out this mixed race tranny couple and their new iFag tablets.
>Haha, wow so cool

>> No.24831496
File: 42 KB, 1465x966, FUCK YOUR STUPID ADS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If websites didn't want me to block ads they shouldn't have implemented pop ups that jump in the way of link and buttons and "close ad" buttons that open another ad and then ads over play buttons and those stupid fucking ads that aren't properly implemented into the website code that'll load after the page loads and rearrange the whole layout as you scroll or click along and ads that play sound out of nowhere and ads that completely obliterate the mobile usability of a website and porn ads on non-porn websites. Online advertisers and websites that use ads have overplayed the fuck out of their hand, I never gave a shit about having like 5 banner ads on my screen or some shit but the fucking audacity of some of these ads makes me not give two shits about the websites revenue and I will gladly block all ads possible besides jewtube because they're implemented tolerably and I'm happy to support those creators.
>pic related
Websites moved so far to the right of this graph now they can never recover because they managed to piss off the entire online ecosystem into downloading ad blockers and now noone will be fucked to uninstall them, they need to use stupid liitle adblock detection popups that tell you to turn it off which probably just costs them more money lol. This is what you get when you make half the ads on regular websites fucking malware links, you get the entire population to install ad blockers and never remove them. They did this to themselves

>> No.24831542

those interactive ads that i think microsoft copyrighted

>> No.24831569

they will get uploaded directly to the victims brain as memories. obviously artificial good memories of using the product or service.

>> No.24831642

i use adblock and wouldnt use the internet, and especially jewtube without it, then on the other side i want to start a webpage which would be quite useful, but will only be able to (and want to make money with it of courset, why would i do it otherwise) with ads

>> No.24831643

remember when we had pop-under ads lel
>close the browser
>oh hey 1000 ads

>> No.24831661

If you were making legit money, you wouldn't be relying on advertisers to pay you.

Only the lowest of the low (youtubers, celebrities, etc.) rely on advertiser deals with the networks they work with to pay them a paycheck.

The meek will inherit the land.

>> No.24831662

lmao i forgot they were even ads on youtube, thank you ublock

by the way this post is sponsored by Skillshare, you can access thousands of audiobooks for free and never have to worry about losing your passwords ever again by using code FUCKNIGGERS during checkout at nordvpn. com/telaviv

>> No.24831736

btw, what is 4chan policy on real ads in individual posts? considering how /biz/ operates I guess it's fine.

>> No.24831773

just pirate everything, they can't stop you from watching content if it's literally on your hard drive, archiving everything they like should be a duty of every content loving citizen

>> No.24831780

you ever asked yourself why /biz background color is light blue ?
its cause /biz is a sentinel board

>> No.24831802

also, i feel like i already paid my dues by clicking on fire hydrants to post in this hellish website every day, the internet can't expect anymore from me, it's too much, i've given enough

>> No.24831819

>1 post by this ID
God you newfags are getting baited hard

>> No.24831821
File: 50 KB, 929x1175, 1608001926913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advertising should unironically be illegal

>> No.24831858

who cares it's better than most threads on here

>> No.24832241

Dangerously based

>> No.24832509
File: 114 KB, 925x925, race-mixing-advertising-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based.

Niggerfaggot (((ads))) are tools of (((them))) even when you're not reading obviously pozzed content like news media. I actually will pay decent content creators directly, in general though anyone creating (((content))) should be v viewed with suspicion. Only sociopaths seek to influence and control opinion generally.

>> No.24832593
File: 18 KB, 600x300, 6e5ec745b2335d82ab37b3ccc0c95ce604d4e087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only sociopaths seek to influence and control opinion generally.
Fug, this is literally me...

>> No.24832641

They should join the BAT ecosystem if they want a shot at getting revenue out of me.

>> No.24832645

Fuck em. The business model is cancer and I have no sympathy for anyone that participates. I'm not allowing ads that are obnoxious, install malware, are miners, or profile me.

Even 4chan is infested with maladware.

>> No.24832720

>blocking ads IS klling revenue for some websites and content creators
>you are destroying the digital economy
I AM the digital economy you fucking child

>> No.24832734

Google has been trying to solve this problem for almost a decade with very little luck. Youtube had an "adpocalypse" a few years ago because advertisers were pulling out due to virtually no attachment for the amount they spent. Youtube blamed it on beheading videos, but that wasn't it.

>> No.24832864

Youtube should have just become a premium service only. They want $9.99 a month now, which I will not pay their zog propaganda, but most people would pay $2.99 a month to use it. It would reduce their server costs a lot because it would drive all the third worlders away. Alphabet won't do that though because making a google profile of every person on the planet is more important than being profitable

>> No.24833088
File: 515 KB, 680x588, 1592148741823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restrict ads to un-intrusive, safe, non-data miner banners at the top and bottom of the page and I'll stop blocking them. Anything beyond that gets the block.

>> No.24833202

I'm not giving google money by looking at ads, fuck that.

>> No.24834354

your mind on reddit

>> No.24834393

not a single time in my my 20 years of being on the internet have i bought something because of an ad. STOP WASTING MY FUCKING TIME AND DO SOME MORE EFFICIENT