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File: 111 KB, 575x475, uraniumbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24819848 No.24819848 [Reply] [Original]

>Comfy Uranium Edition


>Stock market Words

>QE Explained
https://youtu.be/j2AvU2cfXRk [Embed]

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Suggested books:


>Weekly /smg/ update
Full playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3s0W8G-F7AdlU964_8WLh1YsCtQJ4lP1
Episode 6 out now! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NBuKox4gv8 [Embed] [Embed]

>Links for (You)

Previous: >>24817388

>> No.24819859

You dumb NIGGER


>> No.24819884
File: 79 KB, 800x450, imbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to post an image of a duck sobbing on his bed while driving alcohol and listing to indie bands from the 2010's and writing about how he got fucked today, biz?

>> No.24819887

Mind med and numinus wellness. Buy now, hold for 4 years and sell just before the next liquidity/currency/debt crisis.

>> No.24819889


>> No.24819893
File: 297 KB, 819x1024, coomcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for rebound off the trend line, get in or get left behind

>> No.24819896

I got meme'd today, /biz/.
And not in a good way

>> No.24819897
File: 246 KB, 424x464, 1607933927882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Premarket opened

>> No.24819909

Can someone post the completely legal books so I can start learning this shit? Also which one to start with.

>> No.24819911

dude etfs scare the shit out of me. like qqq didnt make dime in 2018-2019 but 2019-2020 it went up 40%

i really dont want my money locked away for years but i need free money AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.24819912
File: 129 KB, 625x559, Lorgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How set is my big brother portfolio anons?


>> No.24819916

You absolute fucking retard OP

>> No.24819923

what would you do with 100k?

>> No.24819926
File: 222 KB, 870x1237, 4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if both of those stocks tank hard. I want to ride the pump but I'm scared I'll get dumped on.

>> No.24819928

Just google top 10 investing books

>> No.24819931

ETFs don't "lock your money away" retard you can buy and sell them like any other publicly traded share

>> No.24819939

Invest in numinus wellness and wait it to rise 10x and then cash out

>> No.24819943

why the fuck dont parents buy their kids stocks? literally what the fuck

even just fucking etfs. imagine if your parents got you like 1000 in an etf the day you were born and gave it to you in college or just threw like 100 in an etf for you every year. how are people so god damn stupid wtf i could have graduated with enough money for a car or some shit wtf

this should be fucking illegal. parents should be fucking jailed for not doing this

>> No.24819945
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>> No.24819959
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Nothing c:

>> No.24819980

Going to quit my job without finding a replacement. AMA

>> No.24819987
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>> No.24819990

The short answer is that boomers got cheap education and real estate then PRINTED their debt fueled manias to get effective returns that were better than the markets. Or at the very least, good enough that you didn't HAVE to go into the markets.
Unions and careers were also such that your retirement account was actually worth a damn.
All that printing has raised the effective cost of education and real estate. The concept of a career at one company also evaporated.
Now the markets are all that are left. And that is just a recipe for some ultimate pain.

>> No.24819996

Many do. Too bad those suckers blow it all on (((college))).

>> No.24820014

2 pt question
>What does your portfolio look like?
>are you a larper?

>> No.24820015

Except rich kids/trust fund kids literally do get this, they blow it all in college tho.

>> No.24820053

It is a possibility. Then again psilocybin market does not exist yet. I think it's gonna take more than four years for it to crash to its normal levels. If you wanna play it safe then buy now and sell after 1 year

>> No.24820068

cool picture what's the series about?

>> No.24820073

Who here MT?
Comfy 4% already.

>> No.24820077

Buy $LAND anon, god ain't making more of it.

>> No.24820094

There are 401k-style funds that do this to accumulate money for your children until they are going to uni

>> No.24820154

Coverdell ESAs and 529 state plans (better for most people) are the big ones.

>> No.24820175

Shit thread, couldn't find it with that distraction Boomer in the OP. We look like PMG now.

>> No.24820183
File: 148 KB, 1125x806, Rutte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard lockdown eating up my gains

>> No.24820200
File: 675 KB, 1096x1600, smug nana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying it's entirely possible NUMI and MMED will continue to do crazy upward pumps until they hit the mainstream market and we find out what the actual profit margin is? So it's 'safe' for the moment even though I was a retard and didn't buy on friday like I wanted?

Boku no pink girl stabs your dick

>> No.24820202

hiding the thread and confusing newfags is based

>> No.24820224

china is tho

>> No.24820230
File: 70 KB, 467x398, Boomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait till you see how a Biden presidency's lockdowns tanks the US market, you polder fishmonger. The boomers have sold me out.

>> No.24820240

Redpill me on uranium why has it pumped so much this year

>> No.24820257
File: 99 KB, 700x586, Kriegers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we going to war anon.

>> No.24820261

Bull Rush

>> No.24820270

Bear Cum

>> No.24820281

Can someone explain to me ''why uranium'' ?
The fact is that I red that there is no great demand for it'' unlike other energy sources oil

>> No.24820291

Unlike gold and silver, uranium and iron are not manipulated by the paper market. So we have the real price of them, cause as the Anon said, we are going to war.
I wonder if the illusion of the Spot Price for gold and silver will shatter too, would be hilarious if at the end of the day the PMG was right.

>> No.24820344

Anyone in GHIV?

>> No.24820405

the dot is broken, circuit breakers incoming

>> No.24820474
File: 88 KB, 730x783, a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stimulus will pass any day now. There is no way congress will allow mass evictions, starving lines of people near food banks, chain reaction of bussiness bankruptcies. NONE of it will be allowed to happen.

>> No.24820524


>> No.24820540

My grandparents did this for me.

>> No.24820541

Markets are at ATH and they are obviously forward looking
Recession = Cancelled
Stimulus = Not Needed

>> No.24820542

Which uranium stocks would you recommend for wartime?

>> No.24820588
File: 61 KB, 645x737, 1606404705008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gigabrain play is that it's 'green' because it's the only source of energy which can power stuff that doesn't suck. So it relies on the 'green' new deal using uranium. Also chinks.

>> No.24820589

Reminder that unemployment benefits end this week.

>> No.24820610

Markets are retarded.

>> No.24820629

Because boomers think the market is magic (except their 401k) and that you always lose money. My cousin bought stock when he was like 14 and my mother said 'and he only lost money' like it was the inevitable result of buying stock when 5 minutes of research could teach you how to not be a paperhanded retard that thinks unrealized losses matter as long as the longterm fundamentals are solid and not retarded or at least you can be like CLF tranny and spam your shit until other people buy your bags.

It just werks.

>> No.24820644



I want more unemployment gibs plus bailouts for airlines so my AAL moons.


>> No.24820650

Nobody here gonna talk about bidu?

>> No.24820664

Hey, I'm not an insider but I have some information through connections.

The hacking of the US Treasury did not happen. The country they blamed didnt really matter but Russia is usually the country they use for hacking claims, as per the narrative. The hacking story specifically mentions the treasury instead of any other government body, like the CIA or senate, because the treasury is the one that would supply the covid relief stimulus. They want you to think there's some major problem that they can use as an excuse to not pass a stimulus. The excuse will be that some of the data was compromised and they can no longer send out the stimulus. They had to do this now because time is running out and they have to say no before Friday or else the government is shut down.

Please do not cap or repost this.

>> No.24820665

The weed craze went on for like 6-12 months and stopped only when Canntrust shit the bed with unlawful practices

>> No.24820669

Noggs and Retail working retards have no input in the Stock Market. The people who actually make the market move are fine, this was a great year for them. That includes us, I'm paying mortgage from my market gains since April.

>> No.24820692

He didn't had a stimulus in a long time, Robinhood doesn't matter anymore. It's low interest rates money at this point.

>> No.24820699

Nogs and wagies share a sole but economically crucial function: to consooooooom

>> No.24820715

Then invest in companies that don't care about them, sell Apple and buy the War Industry. China will be burned away with the power of atom in our lifetime.

>> No.24820735

I need niggers to have cash to purchase used games with or I'm financially ruined

>> No.24820740

How many more stocks do I need to own to get her back?

>> No.24820741

>aurora cannibis used to be worth 129 dollars a share

Well shit, I guess I'd better hop in this illogical meme express and ride the way up as druggies throw their cash at it in hopes of doing legal drugs.

>> No.24820765

What's with low volume this week?

>> No.24820775

I stopped buying and selling

>> No.24820781

I work in the restaurant industry and I've been scraping by since March. If they don't extend the unemployment I will actually be on the street in a month. Many such cases. Something needs to be done or we won't just have a civil war, we will have a revolution.

>> No.24820787

GME will go to $8 and never be above $10 ever again. It's a dying business, you've invested into the tippity top of a bubble that was like a Blockbuster investment in 2015.

You are retarded and you deserve to be minus 70%

>> No.24820796
File: 282 KB, 1242x1461, DEF10FA1-4FFE-45AE-AF09-53CCCFDB6DFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck do I sell Tesla? It only ever has short lived dips and I’m making pretty good money on it. Everyone talks about this tesla bubble though and it makes me nervous.

>> No.24820804

Ending up homeless in 2020 is entirely your fault. Clench your teeth and go work in a warehouse of some kind. Restaurants are a terrible branch to work in anyway, virus or not.

>> No.24820824

Don't be greedy

>> No.24820830

a fine addition to my smug coom cat compliation

>> No.24820834


>> No.24820843

is MMED overvalued at 2B?

>> No.24820848

Taking a $9/hr job isn't really going to help me when my expenses are based on making $33/hr.

>> No.24820854

Only keep as much as you're comfortable losing and cash out the rest

>> No.24820863

Yes and no. I think the final valuation will be somewhere around 5-10 billion but the 2 billion is quite early at this point. Then again the hype and nasdaq listing could pump it to insane levels for a week or two.

>> No.24820864

Why do you live somewhere so expensive? Just move bro

>> No.24820869

I wish americans would "starve". Maybe after six months of "starving" the obesity epidemic would end.

>> No.24820874

Downgrade your life for the time of crisis, luxury won't be an option for the next 12 years unless you already are a millionaire.

It's better to rent a cheaper place and have something to eat every day instead of ending up homeless because you're too stubborn to understand what's about to happen to the world from 2021.

>> No.24820877
File: 178 KB, 960x952, 8E53FB12-66EC-4866-958D-48BFE1280908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is LGVW a dead meme? Should I buy more

>> No.24820906

I have a lease. I'm moving in like 6 months.

>> No.24820917

Buy Hensoldt

>> No.24820921
File: 30 KB, 472x461, 1607460277216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime is real
>AOC begins her historic 24th consecutive term as US President
>2D waifu market is flourishing
>world governments subservient to the TEZAMON Musk-Bezos Martian Corporate Empire
>Half Life 3 is finally released, surprisingly meeting expectations
>USPS announces their EV contract decision is delayed until Q3 2073, causing WKHS stock to drop back to $20 New American Pesos (NAPs)

>> No.24820933

Why are your expenses like 70K a year if you are in the "restaurant business". Maybe stop living above your means you retard nigger.

>> No.24820943

Where did you come up with that figure? My expenses are nowhere near that. I make plenty of money to live the way I do, until covid.

>> No.24820953
File: 2.32 MB, 1223x1362, 1602788266819_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up $0.26 premarket

>> No.24820955
File: 3.44 MB, 2560x2560, tslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you think another stimulus bill would help the market at its all time high when it clearly doesnt help directly like it did in the prior stimulus bill

>> No.24820972

It will crash on the opening, search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.24820977
File: 107 KB, 864x1536, Screenshot_20201215-105231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much Telco is too much Telco?

>> No.24821028

How, AEX is still up 0.7%

>> No.24821042
File: 848 KB, 1150x1294, coomcat_vs_king_of_fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we close today green the chart is incredibly bullish

>> No.24821057
File: 236 KB, 500x500, 1502860471389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burgers, are there many uranium producers / explorers on your market?

>> No.24821069

How the fuck am I supposed to buy all time highs

>> No.24821070

Well, you could take your principle out and play on house money. Or, if your long tesla like myself. i sell when double digit growth stops.

>> No.24821080
File: 103 KB, 640x799, 867B6275-F260-4F09-86BF-65DE27C259FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has 2x more ip then cmps which is currently at 2 billion usd, MMED is only at 1.6 bil usd.

At least that’s what I keep telling myself, got a mil riding on it right now. 500k on cybn and numi.

>> No.24821087

Man I hope GME does something good today.

>> No.24821117

Just dont look at it until Q4 ER. Then sell immediately no matter what the news are

>> No.24821124

From now on I will stop being a degenerate gambler and juts put all of my money into an ETF. Thinking about IShares clean energy, any better ones?

>> No.24821145

What’s with the low volume on /smg/ today?

>> No.24821169

Retarded OP forgot to put a title so no one can find it

>> No.24821174

Taiwan ETF

>> No.24821198

It’s 3am

>> No.24821237

It's lunchtime here

>> No.24821266

I got a $100 bond once, I think it was like 18 years and 35$ profit or something.

>> No.24821267

Who eats lunch at 3am?

>> No.24821269

I think you never read your history books about the winter of 1932-1933 still during the depression and who DC allowed americans to die of hunger and cold until a new government came. The only reason there was not a revolt and all of DC burned to the ground with the head of every politician on a spike was because FDR actually understood the issue the country was facing and fought even his own party to pass the new deal.

I don't see Biden passing anything to alleviate the situation of the bottom 50% of americans

>> No.24821270

its almost 10:30 pm here

>> No.24821285
File: 207 KB, 1080x1318, 1571488814598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nickel used in EV?

>> No.24821289

INAQ looking good as always.

>> No.24821298

Someone who doesn't live in your timezone

>> No.24821299

>Nickel is the most important metal by mass in the lithium-ion battery cathodes used by EV manufacturers

>> No.24821310

It’s a joke, anon

>> No.24821316

Not a good one

>> No.24821320

>there are anons ITT who aren't experiencing Greenwich Mean Time right now


>> No.24821329

>replying in 15 seconds
Yikes bro. You’re awfully upset considering it’s so early in the morning

>> No.24821339

What's for lunch today?

>> No.24821348

pasta carbonara per primo
filetto di manzo per secondo
tiramisù come dessert

>> No.24821349

Mate let the joke go you can do better

>> No.24821358
File: 56 KB, 750x750, vxfwWei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be green today

>> No.24821384

I started posting in this general
Every time I stop lurking and start posting in any general thread, it just goes to shit.
Sucks for (You)

>> No.24821392
File: 56 KB, 606x539, 1584349958517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S&P futures up
>CLF down

>> No.24821411

Markets are scare of congress fucking shit up like they always do. I liquidated almost everything but my Tesla position that I will liquidate this Thursday/Friday or the moment there is a rumor that congress will not pass anything regarding Covid relief other than fund government shit.

>> No.24821427

just looking at nickel explorers atm

>> No.24821441

Jesus, calm down with the food anon.

>> No.24821455

Bitterballen with bread and ice tea

>> No.24821459

Went to get a McRib yesterday. First place I waited in the drive through for 20 minutes before I was told that they had just sold out. Next place I waited another 20 minutes but managed to snag a few. Buying McDonald’s calls today for sure

>> No.24821473
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, org.dayup.stocks_Screenshot_2020.12.15_12.37.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GLSI mooning in premarket because they just announced they're working with another (unlisted) company on covid vaccines.

>> No.24821475
File: 283 KB, 1214x1754, 006ub5nCly1glcrhfd06gj30xq1cqahm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america where people line up for cafeteria food

>> No.24821515

Don't buy the clean energy meme. Buy VEA or les preferably spxx. Spxx is a CEF that sells covered calls on spy for a sideways market. Bearish on the us, and in general.

>> No.24821517

I’ve never had a McRib but I know what one tastes like. Don’t know why.

>> No.24821536

I am in Fill and crak mostly (not joking). I have money in epol as well. Otherwise I'm mostly in VEA and VPL.

>> No.24821551

CRSR price target raised to $42 from $30 at Macquarie

>> No.24821556

Fellow CLF fags how's it gonna go today? I'm hopeful. But of it starts shitting itself, don't know what to do lads.

I'm a noob tho, so anything I say is garbage

>> No.24821557

Should I touch SWI? I could be tempted if it drops below 15, it has to rebound, right?

>> No.24821560

Meme or not, the only thing that matters is that politicians push it, forcing everyone else to adopt it.

>> No.24821610
File: 193 KB, 641x388, 1582822982218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd probably buy at $15

>> No.24821623

What's a good point of entry for AirBNB?

>> No.24821624

>got a mil riding on it right now. 500k on cybn and numi.
how much of your portfolio is that?

>> No.24821627

Why is CVS not having any pre-market movement? Hold me.

>> No.24821631

Could be. The only issue is guess who owns most of the renewable energy farms? Also this would be such an assrape the entire world would colapse leaving nothing but cheap fuel to fuel our economies. Or who knows, communist takeover is sounding more and more like it needs to be priced in. Look at the p/e of these companies. Basically if I hold for 8 years I break even on dividends alone. I could sell rn and be up 20-30% on oil. Don't buy the meme dude. if you feel that way just buy vxus. Because this will fuck us. Hard.

>> No.24821634


>> No.24821640

If you're just looking at the past couple days things look bleak but keep in mind the stock is still up +4% over the week and +50% this month.

Honestly it could go either way unfortunately. Since the stock is up so much there's plenty of room to go down (12.80 or so would be the first big line of resistance). I don't think this pullback will continue as the stock has shown dips very similar to this after a run up. It always seems to recover and run more.

>> No.24821645

You can't defeat me unless you force the US to default on their bonds and crash Germany's most successful companies.
All you dipping is just fuel for my laughter

>> No.24821649

Possibly after first earnings

>> No.24821654

Is AI a good buy now if I missed the IPO, or will it drop further?

>> No.24821655

who are you?

>> No.24821656
File: 69 KB, 667x797, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entry for AirBNB

try down 100x

>> No.24821663

1 mil MMED
500k numi
500k cybn
200k tcnnf
200k SRAC
200k BFT
130k condo
20k cash
A bitcoin

My goals 3.3 mil, I’m at 2.9 million right now. All cdn though so like tree fiddle total usd.

>> No.24821676

*tree fiddy

>> No.24821690
File: 347 KB, 1437x1043, 1603996558748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> more and more bad news every day
> stocks go up anways
> print a new vaccine or stimulus news if stocks go down

my face

>> No.24821701

yes, and you call me the 26 year old boomer

>> No.24821702

I got 18th calls, still hopeful

>> No.24821710

Good luck retiring at 85

>> No.24821712

The dump yesterday on your top two must have made you quite nervous. I'm about 20% MMED 20% NUMI and the rest is regular biotech. What's CDN?

>> No.24821720

What strikes? You might be fucked at this point. My calls are for 29-Jan and even I need $14 by at least christmas to be hopeful

>> No.24821736

listen man I don't think I even want to see 30 atp

>> No.24821747
File: 83 KB, 1200x720, FBE8946D-3B93-4433-8121-5FFD38CD7105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea, but it’s been a hard slog, I hate to put on stop losses now when I’m so close though. I know I’m going to have to suffer some epic painful day but if cmps is 2 billion and MMED is 1.6 billion and CYBN is 200 million I just feel I’ll get that last 400k eventually.

>> No.24821767

Yeah that's why I don't put stop losses, it can screw you over badly. Better to have price alerts or just keep an eye out.

>> No.24821772


>> No.24821778
File: 27 KB, 425x301, 1607912417015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24821794
File: 39 KB, 665x582, projections.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$20 New American Pesos (NAPs)
Audibly keked. Jokes aside Mexico is projected to be the 6th largest economy and upper income by then so the prospect of a shared currency isn't completely unlikely.

Mexico is already at 11th place with a $2.7 trillion GDP and a $21,000 per capita income. They just need their boomers to die off.

>> No.24821801
File: 144 KB, 1024x762, pepemath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13.5 to 12.5. like I said ima noob and got my feet wet with clf and was very positive after initial gains but feeling sick lately

>> No.24821802


>> No.24821809

jesus what price did you buy into these memes?

>> No.24821826

I hear you, but once I hit that 3.3 my plan is to put on some stop losses at 10% less and let it ride.

Finally stop coming here and other websites looking at stocks 2 hours a day, quit my job, and walk the Appalachian Trail. Hopefully come back to a bigger account, but ok with 3 mil cash after.

I’m so tired, and so close...

>> No.24821841

There are two anons making this joke, I'm not the anon you were replying to before

>> No.24821850
File: 398 KB, 1600x900, 1598211952330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone remember the old ice poseidon streams where he would play viewer songs and the song would suddenly just go BLACK NIGGERS BLACK NIGGERS BLACK NIGGERS

also SPY 380+ EOY

>> No.24821859

I’m up around 400% on the mushrooms, but I put in 500k. The other non mushroom ones are all from doubling 450k on tcnnf, and then pulling out 200k into each position.

>> No.24821861

You might be okay then. Depending on how much you invested, hanging on until Friday could be the right call. But if it goes south or crabs you’re going to lose your investment unless you exercise your call which I’m assuming you can’t. Just use your better judgement. It hurts but taking a big loss is better than losing everything.

>> No.24821868
File: 190 KB, 400x400, 1504502469707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is tin so expensive? i thought this shit was common as fuck

>> No.24821879
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1511481395702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an absolute mad man i hope it pays off for you

>> No.24821896
File: 250 KB, 360x594, 1606691950126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needed for tinfoil hats

>> No.24821911

thanks for advice fren. Bought GameStop like an idiot, overall been at this for 2 months took 500$ to 2k. I know that's nothing, but a start. watching the minor gains bleed out hurts tho.

>> No.24821914

I did this Unemployed for 3 months. Oh well.

>> No.24821916
File: 29 KB, 525x525, AFB16D37-A1BA-49DC-826A-B1C102D5DC53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I’m in my late 30s and jealous of all the guys starting in there 20s here. I know we are all going to make it.

>> No.24821922

Read a walk in the woods. Bill Bryson, top kek book

>> No.24821942

Is the 400k a mental thing or what's up with that?

>> No.24821946

take two 9$/hr jobs
cut expenses
don't give up

>> No.24821968

How long did it take you bro? I'm about to start with $10K initial investment, probably will use even less until I get confident in what I'm doing.

>> No.24821969
File: 440 KB, 1200x1200, 1525227296563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please anon dont make me laugh

>> No.24822008

Can somebody please explain LPL to me?
It's up more than 5% PM?

>> No.24822031

Kek, I'm at 900k and my wife would kill me if I gamble on penny stocks. Don't mind getting rich slow.

>> No.24822037

So now that Trump has a clear path to victory, what do you think will happen? The media of course is trying desperately to create the image that Joe is President and Trump has no hope, but that's clearly false to anyone who doesn't watch the news. Is the pump fake?

>> No.24822056

take your meds and buy more CLF

>> No.24822060

>hurr durr revenue

>> No.24822083

So...Whats up with Canada and the
penny mining stocks and
penny bio/pharma/druggy stocks
What exactly, is going on up there??

>> No.24822084

Not true. It still shows up because of the "weekly smg update".

>> No.24822085
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>> No.24822087

when will you guys realize elon musk is the 2nd richest in the world based entirely on giving a rich psycho infinite money to create fake cures to problems that dont exist

climate change and space both dont exist

>> No.24822088

You really need to accept that there is life outside 4chan. Take your meds, friend. Jokes are funny but don't believe in an Alternate reality.

>> No.24822095

Long medication

>> No.24822109
File: 165 KB, 1400x1000, https___d6c748xw2pzm8.cloudfront.net_prod_91e32e30-3e51-11eb-9022-d5c706399514-standard[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much longer can the lines keep going down? We're due a correction ;^)

>> No.24822127
File: 147 KB, 1242x305, 8C3C3A32-49AA-485D-B7D4-7965F029AEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice anything weird?

>> No.24822128

But you need to accept that the media is not your ally. It lies to you. I am actually more in the real world than you because I actually follow what's happening, not what someone tells me is happening.

>> No.24822134
File: 69 KB, 888x499, gainful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All as options.

Post your holds.

>> No.24822139

Get on LPL anons. It's crushed it's 52 week high AH off the back of no news. Expect news soon which will be very bullish.

>> No.24822162

All as options
If my id is green, UUUU will go to $5 this week, otherwise it will go to $4.

>> No.24822170

Like I said, make sure you take your meds.
Life is fun, learn to stop being a faggot.

>> No.24822192

What's funny is that you are actually upset at just the fact that one anonymous person doesn't accept that Joe Biden is President. That's how invested you are in the globohomo agenda.

>> No.24822196


>> No.24822201

>because I actually follow what's happening, not what someone tells me is happening.
Keep the /pol/ hot takes to /pol/. We are here to make money, and to make way more money than most of the trash that calls that place home.

>> No.24822213

>We are here to make money
Which is why I asked what you think the market will do when it becomes clear Trump will win. I feel like we have a failure to communicate here.

>> No.24822222

>Keep the /pol/ hot takes to /pol/.
He's right though.

>> No.24822235

niggers tongue my anus WKHS to 50

>> No.24822243

>>Keep the /pol/ hot takes to /pol/.
>He's right though.
I'm transfering these digits to the following statement:
UUUU will be $5 in a month.

>> No.24822245

What's happening with Apple guys. It hasn't done anything in months

>> No.24822246
File: 9 KB, 210x240, 1604849328401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? They keep pricing in vaccines 10 times and stimulus which won´t be as high as they think. On the other hand they don´t price in job numbers and evictions + no deal Brexit + economic decline because of lockdowns

>> No.24822252

>Which is why I asked what you think the market will do when it becomes clear Trump will win
If the constitution is trashed, then all in gold and get the hell out of here.
More "stim talks progress" news today.

>> No.24822265

>If the constitution is trashed, then all in gold and get the hell out of here.
I hope Biden doesn't steal it, then.

>> No.24822266

>But you need to accept that the media is not your ally
What media? The news? No one here watches the news faggot. This is 4chan not stocktwits. Take your weird political rant elsewhere. Pretty sure most of the people here think Trump and Biden are both morons.

>> No.24822279


>> No.24822281

You would only think Joe won if you watch or listen to news. Or you listen to people who listen to the news. No one else believes that.

>> No.24822298


>> No.24822312

>You would only think Joe won if you watch or listen to news.
Where else would you find out the result of the election though? Magical information fairies?

>> No.24822318

>I hope Biden doesn't steal it, then.
Are you serious or trolling

>> No.24822323

>Pretty sure most of the people here think Trump and Biden are both morons.
Oh yeah, you guys are so above it all, what glorious ubermensch you are. Wonder who it is that gives me 5 replies every time I mention Trump, then.

>> No.24822328

You need to go back

>> No.24822336

Looking at the counts? Which look suspect as fuck?

>> No.24822339

Is “the news” anything that contradicts your opinion? Because everything says Joe Biden won. Not just “the news”. Literally everything, except (ironically) right wing extreme news. I don’t even like Joe Biden (or Trump). I voted for Andrew Yang lol. You need to accept reality and move on. Politicians won’t lose sleep over your shortcomings. Don’t get bent out of shape over theirs.

>> No.24822348

Or the supreme court. Or the electoral college.
Are there still Qoomers donating money to people on betting sites?
>betfair closed
Fed's been doing the same thing with "inflation is REALLY coming to the economy" for decades though.

>> No.24822354


>What is a feedback loop?

>> No.24822368

>Oh yeah, you guys are so above it all, what glorious ubermensch you are. Wonder who it is that gives me 5 replies every time I mention Trump, then.
Cause it's kind of silly to think Donald Trump is going to be president in 2021. None of us know what happened in those vote counting rooms, we can't say if there was or wasn't a significant amount of cheating. But the idea that the result of the election is going to be overturned on some rumors is absolutely insane. It's too late. If you want to help the GOP, help get out the vote in Georgia. If Republicans spent this much energy talking about Georgia they would lock the senate.

>> No.24822384

>If you want to help the GOP
No, I do not want to fucking do that. I'm team Trump.

>> No.24822389

>boomers talking about BTC again
Is it finally time to short?

>> No.24822397

Nigger you are going full retard now and I literally cannot decipher whether or not you are trolling

>> No.24822398

>No, I do not want to fucking do that. I'm team Trump.
Well Trump is gone. It happens.

>> No.24822404

Was overvalued pre split, no real reason for further upward movement.

>> No.24822405
File: 1.41 MB, 498x354, moon shiba rocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24822411
File: 263 KB, 713x520, 1607995046311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy pre-workout supplement
>manufacturer warning that a full serving is equal to 3 cups of coffee
Bros, I'm finna die.

>> No.24822415

I want /pol/ to leave.
I want to know what the biggest mover will be today.

>> No.24822418

>>If you want to help the GOP
>No, I do not want to fucking do that. I'm team Trump.
Also if Trump hardcore fans are ok with the Dems taking the Senate then it sounds like Trump fans are the real RINOs.

>> No.24822428


>> No.24822441

>I want /pol/ to leave.
Nigger faggot....

I told you.


>> No.24822444

DE just got a fat upgrade. Gonna buy in pre-market. You guys still talking about Trump?

>> No.24822447

>another day of PLTR failing to make it past 30

>> No.24822453

Looking at who the electoral college voted for?

>> No.24822458

Gotta admit, for the last month, PLTR was an incredible lover. But am I overextending or is the climax yet to to come...?

>> No.24822460

CDPR at the current dip a good idea or not?

>> No.24822465
File: 16 KB, 570x139, LPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24822472

>>buy pre-workout supplement
>>manufacturer warning that a full serving is equal to 3 cups of coffee
I used to take these diet pills so I could get more work done when I was an entry level programmer. One day I went home shaking, laid down in bed, and I don't remember the effects but I remember clearly thinking that I was minutes away from death.

>> No.24822481

Literally contested the election. That's what I mean.

>> No.24822488

>Looking at the counts? Which look suspect as fuck?

>> No.24822490

I'm selling calls on my 1000+ shares

>> No.24822495

>help the gop
yeah no I don't help commie enablers

>> No.24822502

the TSX is 1/3 big 5 banks, 1/3 oil, 1/3 mining companies pillaging the 3rd world. the TSXV is 3/4 mining or oil exploration

>> No.24822503

>yeah no I don't help commie enablers
Cool, when Dems have the full congress I'm sure things will get much better on that front.

>> No.24822505

What's the catalyst here?

>> No.24822506
File: 147 KB, 686x686, 1595255921730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's "the play" today lads?

>> No.24822520

Let the country have 4 years of what it thinks it wants. It will have them missing Trump real quick.

>> No.24822527

They've been compromised by the woke brigade, make of that what you will. Might be a decent short term flip.

>> No.24822530


>> No.24822532

Buy calls yesterday

>> No.24822534

Jesus, where did you get your starting capital?

>> No.24822535

That's a man with nice "BOOBA"

>> No.24822540

based, sounds like aus the the exception of oil

>> No.24822550


>> No.24822553

Why in the flying fuck would you hold canadian dollars?

>> No.24822564


>> No.24822569

I don't think you get it, now that Trump's out the country is fixed. Remember when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for getting elected? Kinda like that

>> No.24822571

What's happening today?

>> No.24822572
File: 86 KB, 831x1024, 1607983543165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to throw some money into bitf.vn

Pls no bog.

>> No.24822577

Bad idea imo, in /v was a thread about the shareholder meeting. The management is incompetent and they try to hide their failures instead of fixing them. According to the management the console versions are so bad, because they focused on the pc. No comment about possible refunds, there won´t be a free DLC, the multiplayer will come out in 2022/2023 etc. etc.

>> No.24822582

So why did Trump win, if Obama was our savior?

>> No.24822585

Yeah that’s why I don’t fuck with preworkout or anything that’s a thermogenic. I like Kratom, Phenibut, Modafinil, CBD, and coffee. Had a similar experience as yours on preworkout but mine was in a meeting and I couldn’t leave.

>> No.24822594
File: 171 KB, 750x937, 1607654911189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b o o b a

>> No.24822595

I have no clue. It is a stock I've been following for a while as I've some money invested in it. I can't find any news which would have caused the overnight jump. There might be some news in South Korean which hasn't been translated to English yet. Price target ranges are $8 to $8.80. Whatever is happening seems extremely bullish.

>> No.24822608

>Let the country have 4 years of what it thinks it wants. It will have them missing Trump real quick.
In 2 years if the Democrats bomb, Republicans might get the house back. In 4 years if Democrats bomb, some Republican whom we don't care about right now will be the president. Donald Trump will not be president again. That's it. It's over. He's done. Sorry not sorry. I liked that he was a fighter, but he blew so many opportunities with his childish attitude.

>> No.24822611


>> No.24822624

I agree Trump will never get elected again. That's why this election is so important, and why Trump supporters will never give up. Even after he's gone.

>> No.24822629

He still has one last chance to redeem himself.
Hang all the fucking traitors, abolish CIA, and declassify everything.

>> No.24822632

Hmm I wanted to play CP2077 but I don't have a gaming pc, only a PS4 unpro. Hopefully they'll make it playable in a patch so I can get it eventually..

>> No.24822638
File: 579 KB, 3000x2083, borat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great success!!

bros I still have so much cash, what do I buy? I got PLTR at 10.50 ... now what?

>> No.24822640

>not also carpet bombing the Fed

>> No.24822643

Damn those JAN calls are very cheap, I'll throw some money at it.

>> No.24822650

the country is saved every time a democrat wins. kinda like how Borat comes out of retirement to criticize America whenever a republican is in office, it's inexplicable. Now that Biden won the coronavirus is over (if it isn't it's trumps fault), the black man is free, and the world is at peace (even if Biden starts a war)

>> No.24822652


>> No.24822654
File: 44 KB, 474x711, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24822677

Fucking globalists...

>> No.24822688


found this on r/investing and it's probably the dumbest shit i've ever read. and it's by fucking VANGUARD. like holy shit.

>> No.24822693

>The gigabrain play is that it's 'green'
Sun is green too. But you don't make money on it

>> No.24822698

That would not only redeem him but make him the greatest president on earth.
How would the economy be different under a treasury controlled bank?

>> No.24822699
File: 156 KB, 1470x786, 1490596593179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding what I bought yesterday that failed to go up. S-surely it will go up today...

>> No.24822703
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>> No.24822704
File: 186 KB, 719x1298, SmartSelect_20201215-080725_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wjats the reason not to buy UUUU calls that are already at the breakeven price??

>> No.24822706

Is HZON merging with big booba?

>> No.24822716


>> No.24822722

It's actually a pretty decent write up on the pros and cons of each strategy...

>> No.24822726

How exactly is that dumb? Seems pretty reasonable to me.

>> No.24822738

>Is HZON merging with big booba?
Rumor is only fans but that's probably bs

>> No.24822739

nah just a lot of bagholders from yesterday trying to unload because they bought on hype of a rumor started on plebbit that HZON was a SPAC for onlyfans. The thread in question simply suggested it would be cool if onlyfans got it. So today, it's bag holder central. Don't get caught.

>> No.24822741
File: 47 KB, 587x440, 2020-12-15 14.10.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NUMIbros is this bullish?

>> No.24822761
File: 2.68 MB, 1072x6432, Be-Sarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24822776

how the fuck are her tits so massive

>> No.24822790

DCA into NAK, got it.

>> No.24822792

>nah just a lot of bagholders from yesterday trying to unload because they bought on hype of a rumor started on plebbit that HZON was a SPAC for onlyfans. The thread in question simply suggested it would be cool if onlyfans got it.
It's still trending up. It's trending up on the elite leadership team. The OnlyFans meme was def a pump and dumper but everyone knows it's not merging OnlyFans.

>> No.24822794
File: 92 KB, 615x692, gretaforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's called "God" maybe youve heard of it?

>> No.24822806

What calls do you have for Jan?

>> No.24822811

They are freakishly large. Only a fetishist would want those.

>> No.24822815

Do NOT ask questions, you must buy.

>> No.24822817

Any MT chads in here?

>> No.24822819

Britanny is hot.

>> No.24822820

>markets going up?
>our research says to put all your money in to take advantage of it
>but what if they go down?
>oh well then you should probably DCA i guess i don't fucking know

>advantages of putting all your money in at once
>if it goes up you make more money
>cons: if it goes down you lose more
>advantages of DCA'ing
>if it goes down you can buy more until you don't have any more money
>cons: if it goes up you don't make much

what sort of mouthbreather needs this advice?

>> No.24822830


>> No.24822838

Lol, more than Chad

>> No.24822840
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 1602619987029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCRX is the stock of the day

>> No.24822845

>what sort of mouthbreather needs this advice?
It's obviously advice for new investors. I don't know why you are shocked that it's basic information. It's still not wrong, at all.

>> No.24822854

$7.5 01/15/21 @0.4
Breakeven $7.9

>> No.24822866

It’s the stock of every day, friend

>> No.24822871

99.5% of the population would be best served doing a lump sum + a pseudo DCA with % of pay per month invested into an index fund like the VTSAX
It is nothing short of astounding to them that something this simple and stupid does better than spending more money and/or time

>> No.24822876
File: 90 KB, 1080x810, 7hy1r8ntcbjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't call me that, i'm not a racist.

>> No.24822880

Have you never talked with people you know about investing? Don't they go to you for advice? Then you should know what are the basics that they need to know first.

>> No.24822892


>> No.24822904

what a goddess

>> No.24822909
File: 49 KB, 619x387, birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's "the play" today lads?
Oi, wudya lookit these birds? Celebrating a nice week after they bought UUUU and CLF options.

>> No.24822910

>We are here to make money
only the plebs say this lmao

>> No.24822936

Nice. I hope we both make it.

>> No.24822953

Starlink may disrupt telco in the next decade

>> No.24822958
File: 73 KB, 321x480, Rud_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychedelics are unironically safe as fuck.
>Silicon valley microdoses as a widely accepted performance booster with no side effects and many benefits
>Ergo all the richest millennials and zoomers who perform the top in their field are doing it
>People who do psychedelics tend to adopt a "share the love" mentality and want others to try as well
>Serious research and approvals being made across the globe for treatments utilizing psychedelics
>Mental health is declining rapidly and it's obvious our current treatments aren't working
>Opioid crisis accelerating with no brakes and we still lack real treatment for addiction
>Boomers are still afraid from D.A.R.E. programs so are avoiding it for now, but can't when they see money pouring in
>2020 elections removing cannabis regulations for almost half the country proved that the general population is ready and willing to challenge the war on drugs
>Celebrities like Joe Rogan are educating the masses and destroying stigma

If you ask me, psychedelics are a no brainier right now. Buy it. I'd it dips, buy more. It WILL become big. We are at the start of something huge. There's 0% chance that psychedelics aren't used as legitimate treatment. I'll keep repeating this. We are at the start of something massive and any price you can buy right now is a good price. Buy an ETF if you're scared of individual stocks, but ideally you should DD on a few companies and pick the most promising one. Companies that are using more than just shrooms, treating more than just depression, actually have a roadmap, are getting funds/grants, are getting FDA approvals, etc. For me, it's MMEDF and SHRMF. I'd also go into NUMI but I haven't done my full research on them yet nor have the money on hand since I'm still accumulating those two. I'll diversify as the sector develops more.

I can't stress it enough. Anyone who has tried psychedelics knows - they're the future.

>> No.24823036

They got swindled into bullshit like the "Gerber life group plan" that pretty much just siphoned their money away and lost to inflation. Remember seeing commercials for that as a kid?

>> No.24823130

I hold tens of thousands in ARKK. So my answer is hold forever.

>> No.24823663

yeah i will do the same, xmr and psychedelic stocks, HOWEVER biotech might override some things

>> No.24823862

That image has been disproved so many times in so many different ways with different backtesting strategies that involve timing the market, it's retarded.