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24811053 No.24811053 [Reply] [Original]

time as we know it to be is a linear path followed by history, yet in this linearity we find circularity, very similar to the implosion vortex force described by viktor shauberger that he came to recognize in the chaotic water of a mountain stream as it so effortlessly fell off the back of the mountain it sprang from. This chaotic implosion force is what propelled these electrified waters from their dark source and allowed for them to burst with life as they found their way back to the blue infinity of the oceans that wait for them. in history we see this same implosion force driving these vortex circularities along our linear pathway forcing us to speed our progress toward the present. the creation of blockchain/dlt represents one of these implosions of the linear timescale propelling us forward into depths we could not fathom, and in doing so forced us to imagine what might be. in seven days one of these circularities of vortex implosion force will express itself again, as a fractal of the inital implosion (blockchain/dlt) that it was born from, and in doing so open up an entirely new branch of time as we know it. i have been very blessed by this board and it's constituency, so it is in the spirit of this gratitude that i come to you with the hopes of allowing some of you to enter into this new vorticity of time as well. only if you have the eyes and the ears to see and hear.

By him who gave the tetrad to our generation, which holds the source and root of eternal reality. AMA.

>> No.24811444

you have my attention, which coin are you shilling?

>> No.24811552
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blessed be the repeating numerals, in all fairness, I am not shilling any coin, rather im trying to inform those with the eyes to see to look out for a chance to leave the past behind us and embrace the future with pure and potent sovereignty, the current age is dying and in its wake will leave a mighty vacuum, i am simply trying to convey this to this group which has brought me much humility, humor, and company in times of need.

>> No.24811559
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If it's expressing itself again then we already know what is is.

>> No.24811604

is this about the Great Reset?

>> No.24811612

*it is

>> No.24811702


>> No.24811705
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it is but not in the way you think, but your intuition is accurate even if lacking context.

>> No.24811806

Is link part of breaking the cycle

>> No.24811854
File: 380 KB, 2047x1713, 1601043667202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is, one could even say it is the foundation upon which this cycle will break, as well as the inspiration for the breaking

>> No.24811921

how is it that you and i come into being?

>> No.24812066
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Happy is he among men upon earth who has seen these mysteries; but he who is uninitiate and who has no part in them, never has lot of like good things once he is dead, down in the darkness and gloom.... Right blessed is he among men on earth whom they freely love

>> No.24812099
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>he still thinks his ethereum token will moon after 3 years of doing nothing and being used for nothing.

>> No.24812115

i can not freely provide the answers without being asked the right questions, i have faith in you biz, as i am of the few who know that plebbit is where dolt feign as men of knowledge and biz is where learned men cast shadows as their lesser

>> No.24812118

LINK was meant to to empower the Great Reset and globohomo control. are you suggesting the opposite and, if so, in what way?
comfy gif btw

>> No.24812255

lil maffs error for 360*3

>> No.24812292
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your digits demand i answer, firstly ill say this, you had 3 years, second ill offer you this as well, link is not a vehicle for material wealth, it is a systems of a definable ultimate source of truth, the imaginations of men are not yet evolved enough to thoroughly make use of a tool this omni in it raw existence, but soon those tools to harness this will begin to blossom and they will do so in the true spirit of the many and the one they combine to make

exactly that my fren, exactly, precisely that for that very reason, all things in this reality have their reflectional balance, or polarity. Link was not MEANT to empower the GR and its adherents, however they were the first group of authority to determine a mechanism of weaponization for it. At this very moment tho, an opposite appeared, and it appeared from this dark and dank corner of the internet, when a group of unsuspecting hyper autists recognized an ethereal pattern and took heed. They may have been few in number and low in prominence but none the less the spark was set to fuse and the rest is soon to be another block mined into the chain of history. It was from this place that the present future moment is being brought to us. in all things their is always balance in in this case the balance is driven by the intent of men...

>> No.24812331
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Will this shift focus on the individual ascending or the individual building and rising those around them? Or one through the other?

>> No.24812360

do you think it would make more sense if LINK was a stablecoin?

>> No.24812380
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how could you expect one without the other?

>> No.24812400
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there is nothing stable when prescribing an ultimate source of truth, as this is relational to is ability to be perceived and in its perception is able to grow exponentially

>> No.24812404

How can we use the truth bringing qualities of all these new tools to shine a light on evil that is bright enough for the public to see?

>> No.24812420

>not using radians

>> No.24812439
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the truth needs no defense, by definition everything else is a lie, all that is needed for the light of goodness to shine upon evil is for good men to act goodly, a hammer in the hand of one man is a tool to maim and murder, yet in the hands of another it will build an immaculate shrine.


>> No.24812460
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Will we ever know the unknowable? Is it possible before ascension?

>> No.24812504
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how can an unknowable become known? instead of trying to make nothing into something, id prefer to make something better from something else.

>> No.24812553

Is there anything in particular we can do for the night of the big event? A way to max our memetic and spiritual and mental output to take most advantage of the conjunction?

>> No.24812590


>> No.24812601



>> No.24812687


>> No.24812719


>> No.24812721
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everyday is another opportunity to maximize our memetic, spiritual, and mental output. In seven days an age of chaos will part from our sphere(s) of influence. It coincides (not coincidentally however), with the longest night, after which a new season will be brought along with the new age and with it all of its blessings. During this time and for that matter, any time, ill hope to find myself being able to meditate and be mindful of my presence and its obscurity in the face of the omni, but this is not what I am here to discuss, rather, I am here to point your consciousness into the direction of the new branch in our tree of time. I'll be back to make sure those with the eyes were able to focus in on the object in question, as it will emanate from space. Once you see the object in question your path will be sufficiently lit, if only needing the aid of patience in its ability to express itself as needed, when needed.

>> No.24812730

tfw a bunch of biz autists kickstarts the Great Awakening and hijacks the 4IR from globofaggots who never wanted them in their club. anything in particular we should be on the lookout for on 21st, other than the stars?

>> No.24812729

If we can harness an equal but opposite reaction, we can build with honesty and virtue as quickly as their hold crumbled from their dishonesty and wickedness in the recent past.

>> No.24812836
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>from space
You mean...?

>> No.24812856
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this is the whole of the essence of the message i come bearing, you eyes are tuned to the sound of the spheres

this, but unironically, all you need look for is already in this thread, but i will return with this message to ensure those willing and worthy make take part in full.
a word may have many a meaning, outer space, inner space, the space between, cyber space, as above, so below...

>> No.24812881
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Praise kek

>> No.24812957
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chaos set us afire, but the math in the spheres set us free

>> No.24812997

pee pee poo poo
which of the two

>> No.24813019

...and as within, so without.
thanks anon, I will be sending my energy

>> No.24813032
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you can not have poo poo without pee pee, they exist in an existential balance, which if broken would shatter the crystalline structure of our current three dimensional material existence.

>> No.24813057

the gratitude is all mine

>> No.24813084

no idea what to ask but have a bump best thread of 2020

>> No.24813177

Every poo poo may be pee pee but not every pee pee may be poo poo

>> No.24813187

With the same ease and assurance that we expel breath, and take in nourishing constructive air, we can expel the negative elements of and pull in the positive elements of what makes this universe balanced.

They are only in power because they insist they are. Balance and restoration can be restored with as much reach and power, and more, than the vampire elite

>> No.24813199
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Fucking checked

>> No.24813206
File: 17 KB, 306x172, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too long didn't read.
the answer to 1+2+3+4 is fucking 10.

>> No.24813265


>> No.24813267
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ask what is in your heart
dubs confirm
our existence in itself is balance and restoration, once the veil is pierced anything is possible if not potential
checking the checking
proof even perfection can be profane

>> No.24813339
File: 3 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the shift that's about to occur the civ reset part of the cycle? It feels like either that or the one right before it.

>> No.24813462
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shifts occur underneath your feet every second under ever sq mile of earth in existence, yet you barely notice, if at all. i dont know if there is a civilization reset in our future or not, but i do know that soon an opportunity to build the antithesis to the old age's centralized entropy and tyranny is soon to unfold, and fittingly it will begin as the old age ends. it is not for us to wonder why, it is just for us to do and die.

>> No.24813534

So this is thread about the great Jupiter and Saturn conjunction, Chainlink and the GR?

Really thought there would be something more tangible/practical given the OP. Other than buying Chainlink at a 5B mcap and expecting a 100x out of it, I don't see anything ITT that will help anyone anytime soon. Sorry OP but ya failed.

>> No.24813591

Why’d you have to bring me back to reality

>> No.24813598

It's practical to the soul and mind, not the wallet.

>> No.24813640
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i have failed in inspiring you to see beyond what is to what may be, the conjunction, cl, and the gr all play a part in what is to come, but rest assured their sum is far greater than their individuation. im here to point to tangibility and that point exists 7 day in the future. this thread isnt about 100x or what asian gf it might buy you, it is about building the future for the future, consider me a lowly minstrel singing a song of love in the hopes itll spark the memory of it toward the hope of fostering it once again.

>> No.24813687

I’m all in, I’m never selling, and all I’ve done for 3 years is win. Cheers

>> No.24813712


>> No.24813737
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it is not enough to have purchased the armor, you must wear it into battle

>> No.24813934

Are there groups outside of the linkies that will have a major part in this transition?

>> No.24814025
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even the ekklesia, boule, and the dikasteria could be led astray if not given the proper tools to decipher what is truth and what is not, a body in name is not enough to achieve the ideal, however well intended their aims
that is entirely up to those who take upon themselves the sacred work, as it is up to those able to take note of the sacred work being done to speak of it

>> No.24814134

Forgive your brothers and sisters for their sin

>> No.24814254

> xxx ID

Is the crypto blackpill a real threat? It's been forgotten but given the current state of hash power and global relations it seems far more plausible.
The timing, language, and visibility of the recent hack seems more than coincidental. Is it?

>> No.24814256

i dont understand anything u are saying but i know theres so much truth

>> No.24814284
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I'm spending my energy elsewhere tonight, but good luck with your mission, brother, and I hope you succeed with your goals :)

>> No.24814357
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>> No.24814427
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the only threat in the existence of the crypto blackpill is whether or not you take it. necessity is the mother of all invention, we forget this easily. it is for this reason that the greeks held the same word for both crisis and opportunity.
godspeed fren
truth is the ultimate understanding
forgive them, but hold them accountable

>> No.24814475

got any tips on reaching a higher state of being? i shoudlnt ask becouse i already know what to do but maybe you have something valuable for me

>> No.24814510

You can't just know what to do, you've got to know what to do to make yourself do it. We have pacts to fulfill

>> No.24814552
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asked and answered >>24814510
aint nothing to it but to do it

>> No.24814660

aristocratic solar path?

>> No.24814694

> embrace the future with pure and potent sovereignty, the current age is dying
Kindly elaborate.

>> No.24814819

Fortune cookie mother fucker, time is unidirectional. That is obvious. Your perception of circular time is simply proof of brain damage. Probably a genetic structural defect. Any rational being acts on their awareness of unidirectional time. Our galaxy is travelling through the universe and therefore time has a universal position that is constant in its progression. Your shamanistic hokum is obviously poorly contrived because you advocate action while any true believer in your lies would advocate reaction as the proper response to circularity.

>> No.24814823

centralized tyranny is in entropy, as the dying beech blesses the forest with a bloom or delectable morels so does the dying of larger organisms bare flavorful fruit, and in our myopia of existence we know no organism bigger than the age we live within. soon that fungal bloom will make itself know in this context, 7 days to be precise, and itll be our collective responsibility to see it spread. The fallacy of decentralization in its current state can not maintain its hegemon status amongst those illumined few seeking to find freedom in a world where nothing is free. if the subscript I am elucidating upon is followed a shining light will appear to those worthy in seven days, follow that light and it will bring you all that you seek.

>> No.24814851

action, reaction, and a domineering wit to boot, how Hegelian of you. this (you) was earned in malice. may it keep you warm in your solitude.

>> No.24814881

>fortune cookie mother fucker
had to dbl back on that one, it genuinely made me chuckle, might even get it embroidered onto my favorite golf shirt, have another you fren.

>> No.24814884

what exactly will happen in 7 days? is it something that directly impacts us or is it something like the beginnning of something and no one will notice

>> No.24814913

its the beginning of something and I am here now in the hopes it will help you notice

>> No.24814966
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the unknowable as a concept will always exist :)

>> No.24814967

It will be the last time LINK is under $20

>> No.24814974

i would be so amazed you couldnt believe. everytime someone told something like you, nothing happend. i just need some external input that my way of being is the right direction

>> No.24815075
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i dont intend to leave you hanging fren, and i will return to make sure the messaging is complete, and when the path is shown, i only ask that you do what you can to see it thru, what starts in 7 days doesn't end until we have built a better world, and that world is our for the building.

>> No.24815093

> They may have been few in number and low in prominence but none the less the spark was set to fuse and the rest is soon to be another block mined into the chain of history. It was from this place that the present future moment is being brought to us. in all things their is always balance in in this case the balance is driven by the intent of men...

There's a curious duality to this statement. On one hand, you're saying the current timeline was initially aligned by a few weaponized autists. On the other, you state that balance in that timeline is driven by the intent of men -- but how can a cadre of dissociated hodlers balance out a globohomo regime of avaricious, vampire pizzalovers?
I understand that we will soon have God's Protocol in full, but how do we shine the light onto those that hide in the darkness. What is the correspondent polarity to a social credit score, or a vaccine pass, or other instruments of socioeconomic constraint?

>> No.24815128

could you elaborate on whats happening? is it some news or idk... i want to now where to look

>> No.24815130
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Which number does what? Do they all point to the same end?

42? 7777777? 216? 666?

>> No.24815142

>7 days
You're referring to the conjunction. But how does one follow a light in the sky?

>> No.24815236
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i am saying that in this timeline the intent of men has been brought forward through these lowly and odorous corridors by the meek to act in balance with the malicious intentions of the vaulted few, what trajectory this may spin is yet to be seen, but i know this much, it will not be for a lack of trying, as in all things big and small there is a beginning. a butterfly flaps its wings....
when the message is delivered itll shine bright enough for those with the eyes to see
>do they all point to the same end?
who is to say it is not a beginning?
i have made reference to the alignment of the conjunction to the event of which i act as a harbinger of, but however conjoined the two may be, they are also distinctly unique. additionally consider my words rhetorical, allegorical, metaphorical, and all the same.

>> No.24815262

where do you get your knowledge from? ive heard from other sources that stuff will happen in the near future but how does someone know?

>> No.24815284

By making it happen

>> No.24815288

Why 7 days? Are you privy to special information? Or is this just schizo posting

>> No.24815302

Planetary alignment

>> No.24815344

He is a developmentally abnormal cretin. Ignore FAST. He is taking advantage of credulous fools who always blunder about in public during times like these. The exact same nonsense was rampant before y2k and that really didn't have any sort of astrological component. I have a feeling this chap is going to be selling space ship rides to the next comet that flies past.

>> No.24815439

again with this chainlink shit.. chainlink is centralized.. overvalued. time to move on. tellor is the better oracle since it's actually decentralized.

>> No.24815449
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my gnosis is derived from the fortification of the boule into logos and my eternal eros of epinoia
this too
checked, yes, and yes
also this but also something else
everyone knows you sell the koolaide and tracksuits, the spaceship is implied, also checked, what i am hoping to bring to the awareness of this fine board of miscreants and mysticals alike, is a set of tools soon to be offered to them which the future can be built upon, nothing more nothing less, but i understand in this unforgiving current of pajeet shit and shilling that one would be weary of a slick tonged evangelist speaking of a better way. i am not here to sell or shill, simply to show a path, if those i have shown it to decide to follow it, itll be theirs for the doing.

>> No.24815495

>who is to say it is not a beginning?

The genesis seed of the universe

>> No.24815503

lurking this thread

>> No.24815511


7 days is a particular number, right? It is both the number of days until the solstice, conjunction, but also the number of days god took to create the earth, resting on the seventh day. Cute duality there. I think it means there's also a creation of something that will complete then. The moonboi within wants it to be staking/mainnet but tend to fixate on the things I want.

>> No.24815525

The only thing slick about your tongue is the shit on it. Go back to Hell you devil and take your lies and your tools with you. Imbecile.

>> No.24815598
File: 227 KB, 900x675, SINGULARITY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all things exist from a point emerging
>a creation of something that will complete then
actually, it'll just be beginning
doing the needful sirs, thank you for the consideration of my tounge, the shit resting upon it, and my eternally doomed soul alike.
ill leave you with this before you depart from us
>If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer: “He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.”

>> No.24815607

Like a waterloo moment where instead of the usurers using the gathering of information early to trick the people into giving them power using lies, we address the userers using the early gathering of information to empower others and mankind as a whole using protocol enforced truth.

>> No.24815635
File: 1.59 MB, 736x1112, 1528245253846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, a pale horse

>> No.24815647

Im not telling you that someone else doesnt like your breath. I am saying your shilling belongs within the borders of the nation of India where even the flies vomit from the smell. Get it out of here. Amd if you were in front of me now I would say it all to your face and more and give you as much of a whipping as I could because I find you so distasteful. I hope your house burns down and your cow dies and your shoes fall apart.

>> No.24815665

I'm genuinely thinking of investing in this, because I love the idea, but I just don't see why Etherium couldn't implement the same thing themselves? Or why competitors couldn't just do something similar?

I am NOT trying to FUD, I am genuinely trying to research this project.

>> No.24815681

how kind of you to continually bump this thread even tho you distaste me and my message so, i shall sacrifice my home, cow, and shoes in your honor.

>> No.24815694
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>schizo thread
I wish I had some drugs so I could understand this

>> No.24815735
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the only means of investing in this is by virtue, energy, time, and the application of your imagination into the creation of what might be.
dream on it

>> No.24815837

I don't understand what the reference to death is a call back to in this regard. Ghee userer power structure dying?

>> No.24815914

thats actually a fair interpretation even if unintended, i was actually referencing the apocalypse which is in essence the unveiling of reality at the end of this age of Pisces, you succinctly expressed the tip of the spear to pierce that veil allowing for the apocalypse of the dying age and the awareness to be birthed in its wake.

>> No.24815951

people fearing the "mark of the beast" need to see the duality of power(s) when held by men of good intent and dark intent. For example it is easy to see how the traceability of a blockchain can be used in a communism-style oppression but imagine if all government employees must be paid on the blockchain. Want donations? Must be sent from a verified KYC wallet into your declared fundraising wallet. All info verified using the open source framework of CL. This is just one example. But I see how the world is changing for the better, with righteous men willing to sacrifice. As is life.

>> No.24815990

To me, it's more duality.
> actually, it'll just be beginning

Along with the birth of a new creation, comes death of an elder regime. Sin entered the world through the Feminine eating from the tree of life, perhaps Sin is then excised from the world by the Masculine shining the light of truth.

>> No.24816026

time isn't line
its circle

>> No.24816079

In real life 1+2+3+4=/=10
In real life is synergy 1+1 may be 3

>> No.24816097
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>with righteous men willing to sacrifice.
like a flame in the night
linearity and circularity are complimentary, not mutually exclusive.
we are all going to make it.

>> No.24816152
File: 232 KB, 1043x1500, 245c7d72b0c0c5ae0ab6345c6bd409eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1+2+3+4= perfection (fourness) tetrad)

i appreciate your vigor but unfortunately this sessions has come to an end, as the window i was allotted to deliver this message has concluded. here is to the future and all it may bring.

>> No.24816395


>> No.24817085


>> No.24817124

etzsche. Make yourself useful by reading his works instead playing faggy 4chan games you vapid cunt.

>> No.24817272

Nice this OC? I know the different pics you used


>> No.24817300

>1+2+3+4= perfection (fourness) tetrad)
look into the relationship between 55 and 10

>> No.24817514

i see what you’re getting at OP, interesting flavors

here’s to the best possible outcome ;)

>> No.24818177


>> No.24818210
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>> No.24818618
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>> No.24818903
File: 1.22 MB, 2545x3474, E035EF7A-5167-4FF1-A8FD-BFF5843FF271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24819310

Is this about saturn and Jupiter crossing?

>> No.24819679

Why do you schizos speak in riddles. Tell me exactly what’s happening or you fags are just larping and sliding good threads with distractions and riddles.

>> No.24820126

I've been sensing something out of the ordinary for a while now, figured it either had something to do with the conjunction or I was starting to lose my mind. Thanks for the hopium, I'll be on the lookout. Good bread!

>> No.24820205


>> No.24820462


>> No.24821352


>> No.24821368


>> No.24821374


>> No.24821395

Still trying to stay alive with fucking shit tokens trading? Kek, reckted with new base protocol, go hoome tards

>> No.24821443
File: 117 KB, 977x558, 792A383E-D75E-4D6E-8BF5-8214E27FDF18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you fags into dirt yet? It’s gonna be big.

>> No.24822251
File: 69 KB, 417x345, pepe wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudded 3 years in a row.
Outperformed wall street 3 years in a row.
600% ytd gains in a global economic collapse.

It's for a reason. The same reason google, Microsoft, oracle, swift, santander, BSN and the US federal government are using link.