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File: 60 KB, 800x500, Flag-Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24811962 No.24811962 [Reply] [Original]

Argentina Becomes A Global Technology Leader by Leveraging Morpheus.Network $MRPH

Argentina's National Organization SENASA has made it mandatory for all importers / exporters of products requiring a Phytosanitary Certificate to use the Morpheus.Network platform.

This is a $60 billion industry.

From Jorge Marcos Madrid on Telegram (the man behind the MRPH + SENASA deal):

"This is the phytosanitary fiscalization that involves companies like Bayer, YPF, Monsanto, Atanor, Nutrien and 40 others that have to track the deliver to the market of 160M lt of glyphosate. Thats a 600M usd market."


>> No.24812169

Mrph is a monster! One of the best projects in crypto with a real world use that all centers around Mrph token. Mrph will be $3-$5 before people know it.

>> No.24812188

Glad I bought this beast while it was ignored. Slowly being adopted by some of the most powerful Governments and Fortune500.

A lifechanging returns ahead of us....

>> No.24812239

2 confirmed government contracts done Coke done multiple multi $B clients done . Masternodes sharing % of a yearly rev done this is a monster here

>> No.24812298
File: 104 KB, 2000x1250, 1602536426870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an argie myself all I have to say is that this country is an absolute joke, irrespective to the news of course; that would be all. Have a fine night gentlemen.

>> No.24812339

haha - I guess this is a step in the right direction to be taken seriously :P

>> No.24812342

absolute bullshit, anybody who believes this deserves to get dumped on

>> No.24812344

That's hella impressive for a cap at 20 million

>> No.24812435

it's actually the tip of the iceberg amigo. $MRPH will do a $VET like run - you will see

>> No.24812455

yea? show me some .ar sources, none of that medium bullshit

>> No.24812629
File: 56 KB, 705x686, rejectedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Argentinean economic growth REJECTED

>> No.24812740

It’s because of people like you that the country is doing poorly. Surely you’re some Macri loving dude with $1k to his name.

>> No.24812834
File: 368 KB, 473x386, white_argentinan_man_vector_meme_by_bat_pony-d7l1do0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being adopted by a country
>the country is argentina
Today I will remind you

>> No.24812850

"show me" .. I've done enough for u, rando kemosabe

>> No.24812892

>Slowly being adopted by some of the most powerful Governments
Argentina is collapsing fren

>> No.24812952

Argie here, this is bullshit.

>> No.24813017
File: 53 KB, 600x600, 26d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentina makes anything it touches into a flaming pile of shit.

If anything this news is a strong FUD.

>> No.24813070

lmao and what the fuck would you know about it?

>> No.24813086

stay poor, autist

>> No.24813113
File: 114 KB, 527x431, 1591739664388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the country is not "doing poorly", its stuck in an inflationary cycle while at the same time being in an 11 year long slow recession with no signs of life whatsoever, a feat almost impossible to conceptualize, but Argentina manages the impossible, especially whenyou take into account that during that same time period, Argentina's favorite export, cheap onions, 4x in price syncing perfectly with a china s growth boom. What would you expect from people who do nothing but looking back at their past and expect big leaders to save them? look at your post for the record, literall ape mentality.

>> No.24813140

Searched anything related and nothing showed up, only that Medium shit
Delete your posts
Delete your thread
Delete your coin
And kill yourself pajeet

>> No.24813169

Look at the bagholder and laugh, lads.

>> No.24813262

From MRPH Telegram, by Jorge Marcos Madrid on this news:
Hi you all guys!!! I am very excited and can say that the process of getting Bayer onboard has begun! Last friday we received the communication that we have been selected to provide the solution for Senasa's norm of phytosanitary fiscalization requierements. Today we were provided with access to the suppliers Module of Bayer to see the RPF and now we are studying carefully which are those requierements that as i said before exceed the fulfillment of the norm.Finally starts the time of reaping what we saw!!!.Dan,Noam,Karl and all the team are working to complete this first goal with success.Thanks to them all and nice times ahead for MN and Polaris!!!

Just happened as of last Friday - stay tuned for more, and kys when you realize how bad you fucked up

>> No.24813386

*laughs as bagholder becomes rich from national government adoption of a token*

*looks at portfolio*

*stops laughing*

>> No.24813421

*Ass music stops*

>> No.24813714

So your source is a fucking telegram message.
Says nothing about your shitcoin

>> No.24814805


>> No.24814869

>As an argie
argentino uon

>> No.24814891
File: 70 KB, 1024x989, 1510987284279m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pick three

>> No.24815090

So I was right, just a poor supporter of Macri. Keep watching TN pal!

>> No.24816187

No, while the right hand distracts you the left one takes money from under your nose, while the left one distracts you the right one does the same, the magician, or should I say, thief doing the dead is the same both times, but you still blame the hands, exactly as a monkee would do. While the left one distracts you the right one does the same, the magician, or should I say, thief doing the dead is the same both times, but you still blame the hands, exactly as a monkey fooled by a cheap trick would do. When both sides can profit, they'll always reach a mutually beneficial solution under the desk, a simple sleight of hand, I've worked as a statist for both governments, and in the social security system for 12+ years,you just have no idea whats going on.

>> No.24816213

This thread sucks. The real Alpha is Sentinel. If you know you know.

>> No.24816333

I guess you mean monkey you idiot, not monkee. But look at you, all depressed and blaming the gov for not making enough money. You have the internet, if you wanted to be successful you could by being a digital nomad and making dollars and spending them in Argentina. Yet you prefer to blame others and complain. Sheep mentality but have fun watching TN :)