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24807438 No.24807438 [Reply] [Original]

>including home equity in your net worth

Is there a bigger cope than this?

>> No.24807459


>> No.24807617

> including ovaries you weren't born with in your gender identity
I think this isn't a good look OP

>> No.24807632


t. “My home is my biggest investment” cuck

>> No.24807672

what kind of retarded post is this

equity is equity

>> No.24807754


On paper yeah. But it’s really a cope used by Boomers and middle class cucks to make them feel like big shots when they really aren’t. Imagine thinking some teacher with $1mil cuck shed in San Fran is the same as a $1mil worth of dividend stock.

>> No.24807974

The stock is 90% over inflated through money printing, the cuck shed only 50%. Bitcoin is slightly undervalued for now and silver is seriously undervalued.

>> No.24807982

this is why the boomer wealth meme has persisted. they are not liquid rich. have a house from 1975 that appreciated thats it

>> No.24808010

not only this, but they aren't even willing to sell it because they can't move their shit or their fat asses out of it. worthless.

>> No.24808014

Cuck shed is really only worth $50k, anon.

>> No.24808138


Yes this is the other key point.

>> No.24808506

Not really, it’s pretty much the ultimate cope.

>> No.24808536

>Is there a bigger cope than this?

Not owning a home and only fake internet coins as your only asset?

>> No.24808555

It’s fine as long as you minus your debt

It’s your ‘net’ wealth anyway

If you want to include your home equity you should call it ‘gross’ wealth and it would be accurate

>> No.24808580
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>> No.24808590

tfw renting

>> No.24808592

>not liquid

You are incredibly retarded. Real estate market has been crazy this year. My friend who’s a realtor has never made so much money

>> No.24808710

It counts, deal with it

>> No.24808816

I include the current highest market value of my car. Covid made me theoretically rich, since all cars jumped in price.

>> No.24808969

It is. Wealth can be measured by the main holdings in one's networth. If you don't have any significant networth, you're poor. If your network is mostly in your house, you're middle class. If your networth is mostly investments which you can live off of, you are rich.

The big difference between rich and middle class and poor is that even the affluent middle class still need to work. Rich people don't have a job, but they make it their job to manage their wealth.

>> No.24808974

What? You're supposed to include debt in your net worth, so it would still be a net negative. If you got a home loan for 200k and own 20k of it, then you're worth -180k.

>> No.24809024

Boomer sells home and....
Have to live somewhere cuckboi.
Boomers have all of their $ tied up in real estate.
If boomers had their $ tied up in an index fund from the 80s.... 100x today.

>> No.24809084


Do you plan on living in a van once you sell your house?

>> No.24809491

>Imagine thinking some teacher with $1mil cuck shed in San Fran is the same as a $1mil worth of dividend stock.
It is, though. Both can sell their assets and end up with $1 million in cash. And if they don't sell, the stocks will generate some revenue in dividends and the property can generate some revenue from letting. What's the difference?

>> No.24809594

Lmao cope harder boomer

>> No.24809719

You're fucking retarded.
Go attend a lesson of basic accounting or managerial financials.
The house is an asset of which the claim on it is the equity.
Go back trading your shitcoins faggot

>> No.24809801

There isn't any, OP's just mad that he can't afford one.

>> No.24809889


That’s as retarded as saying a homeless man with a Honus Wagner baseball card is a millionaire.

>> No.24810177

Cope more, but don't forget to give Mr. Shekelblatt his rent this month!

>> No.24810210

If you think houses are illiquid you're unironically under the age of 25 with no real life experience in the real estate market.
A house is an asset. Period. If you want to claim your equity fast just sell the damn thing at a 10% discount, you'll still be in a huge profit since real estate is a self inflating bubble.
Now please leave this board and go to fucking uni or something pajeet

>> No.24810220

Rentcucks btfo

>> No.24810247

Underrated post

>> No.24810565



>> No.24810595

Make sure you have your rent on time to your kike boomer overlord, wagie

>> No.24810706

Then where are you gonna live anon? You’re gonna have to spend all that money you just made selling your house in order to move somewhere else. It’s not the same as if I were to sell some crypto/stocks, that would be straight profit. I don’t need to reinvest that just to have a roof over my head. You’re a fucking retard, unironically

>> No.24811144

Where did you go anon? I wanna hear your boomer cope reply to this

>> No.24811199

If that card is worth 1 million dollars and he has no debt the homeless man is literally a millionaire though. He may be a very illiquid millionaire but he’s still a millionaire by any reasonable definition.

>> No.24811350


That's what equity is you casual, your home value minus mortgage

>> No.24811466


It is the same, because both assets are worth 1M.

Source: how markets work

>> No.24812097

Absolutely BTFO. Kek

>> No.24812178

Not a fan of owning a house, but this isn’t true. Your house as collateral is part of your net worth. House and house loan cancel each other out so it isn’t negative net worth