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24805210 No.24805210 [Reply] [Original]

I request the recommendation of books.

>> No.24805333


>> No.24805444
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White Fragility

>Because race is constructed as residing in people of color, whites don’t bear the social burden of race. We move easily through our society without a sense of our- selves as racialized subjects (Dyer, 1997). We see race as operating when people of color are present, but all-white spaces as “pure” spaces – untainted by race vis á vis the absence of the carriers of race (and thereby the racial polluters) – people of color. This perspective is perfectly captured in a familiar white statement, “I was lucky. I grew up in an all-white neighborhood so I didn’t learn anything about ra-

>In this discursive move, whiteness gains its meaning through its purported lack of encounter with non-whiteness (Nakayama & Martin, 1999). Because ra- cial segregation is deemed socially valuable while simultaneously unracial and unremarkable, we rarely, if ever, have to think about race and racism, and receive no penalty for not thinking about it. In fact, whites are more likely to be penalized (primarily by other whites) for bringing race up in a social justice context than for ignoring it (however, it is acceptable to bring race up indirectly and in ways that reinforce racist attitudes, i.e. warning other whites to stay away from certain neighborhoods, etc.). This frees whites from carrying the psychic burden of race. Race is for people of color to think about – it is what happens to “them” – they can bring it up if it is an issue for them (although if they do, we can dismiss it as a personal problem, the “race card”, or the reason for their problems). This allows whites to devote much more psychological energy to other issues, and prevents us from developing the stamina to sustain attention on an issue as charged and uncomfortable as race.

>> No.24805488

Holy Bible, King James version

>> No.24805490

Based as fuck

>> No.24805507
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>> No.24805509

>white cucks will actually buy and read this

clown world

>> No.24805525
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If you are a hwite male in Ameriland, read pic related, then buy a firearm.

>> No.24805604
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The Bible.

>> No.24805672
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I'm not sure if there is an audio version or not

>> No.24805766

The Jefferson Bible

>> No.24805812
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>> No.24805833

Read No Longer Human if you're suicidal

>> No.24805845

There's this beautiful book called the Tanakh.
Read it and you too shall become part of G-d His Chosen people.

>> No.24805874
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48 laws of power, get the audio book and take notes.

>> No.24806020

On the Road. Just give yourself a little break from being yourself. Remember that the world is a big ugly place and any happiness we stumble into is as impermanent as the cherry blossoms

>> No.24806100
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.24806177

How are you supposed to kiss a man like this? Fucking nerd virgin lmfao

>> No.24806200
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>> No.24806225
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>> No.24806269

i have no mouth but i must scream

>> No.24806287
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>> No.24806317
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>> No.24806848

very good. 10/10. would recommend.

>> No.24806861

Start with Brzezinski's Between Two Ages (1969). One of the pioneers of modern globalist technocracy. From there you can trace the activities of think tanks like the Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome, all the way to the current United Nations system as well as related NGOs like WEF, Gates and Rockefeller foundations. These appear to be the defining strings of history right now.

>> No.24806863

Titan - Biography of John D Rockfeller
The sovereign Individual
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

If you’re a zoom zoom and really want to make money to improve your life:
The Millionaire Fastlane MJ DMarco
The richest Man in Babylon

I seriously wish someone would’ve for ed me to read these at 18. I’ve made it but I’m in my mid 30s now. I missed the golden days.

>> No.24806958

>The Millionaire Fastlane MJ DMarco
Came here to post this. Excellent book for developing a winning mindset. Thh hi is book unironically changed my life and set me in the path to getting into investing

>> No.24807056

Consistency is the key. Stay on the path anon. Good luck!

>> No.24807068

Literally all of that is covered in Tragedy & Hope by Quigley.

>> No.24807142

>The Millionaire Fastlane MJ DMarco
OP here, I already read this book and I confess that it is really good, but I'm still poor, because I haven't developed any product with marketing yet, how about you?

>> No.24807151

Good one too but that was written at a time when things like sustainability as a tool for manipulation weren't invented yet, and that's just one single author who is easily dismissed and must be taken with a grain of salt. There are lits of verifiable developments that came after Quigley. Bernays and Manufacturing Consent are good to add too.

>> No.24807238

fucking based

>> No.24807384

It’s not just about becoming a successful entrepreneur, although that’s obviously the goal. It’s equally important to get rid of your poor person mindset. Once you start working towards your goal, it’s only a matter of time until you succeed. Just gotta work at it. Like the other anon said, consistency is key