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File: 56 KB, 300x300, stalogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24793092 No.24793092 [Reply] [Original]

So Statera deflationary token inserted in liquidity pools to reap a ton of fees. There has never existed a deflationary token with a use-case before, they have been flops. Using one in a liquidity pool and the value skyrockets. Of course, recognizing it can still fail, but what if it doesn't? Assuming Statera actually keeps evolving, what does it being deflationary imply? As I said before, there has never existed a useful deflationary project before.

>> No.24793134

It being successful is actually so close. It only needs the new UI for easier access to ecosystem and then marketing followed by some pooling. That’s it. And it’s scary to think that the pool fees grow massively as liquidity grows, so if it takes off those pooling become Jeff Bezos. Then take the deflationary aspect and you can say the same thing for price. Eventually there would be less STA than BTC as well, way less. It just needs to stay around

>> No.24793156
File: 53 KB, 777x659, 7F2B3FBC-F726-42D1-8439-AA7698EEC36F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24793183

The possibility of it happening does exist. I think due to the amount it gets shilled/fudded on biz people seem to have forgot it’s actually a pretty simple project with a nice idea. It’s the kind of project that will gain attention and pump every now and then.

>> No.24793192

Yep, I think we are getting really close now. Fuck I wish the team has marketing set up already. And imagine if we got the alpha pool back. I feel like all coins have these cycles where they get an influx of buyers then moonbois and fomoers come in a price explodes. If we get even that, with the UI people will see they could get an APY of 100-1000%, legit, with no rugpulling devs.

>> No.24793212

Probably. But pooling becomes a lot more attractive at higher prices. So if this were to happen and which I think is bound to happen during a bullrun, the ecosystem will take care of itself, self-perpetuating.

>> No.24793530

Nobody is really giving back to it though, the ATH pump should have created a permanently larger pool and even more pools but people just exited I guess and a bunch of guys fucked off, made their own thing, made even more from that and actually have so much liquidity in it they had to pull some because it looked bad having so much compared to their marketcap.

>> No.24793620

ath pump had the same problem as we have now before dashboard release. its too complicated to pool for the average moonboy

>> No.24793964

bought 500 bucks of this shit. watched it plummet to 150 and stay there. got fed up and sold. fuck statera

>> No.24794021
File: 126 KB, 588x999, 1606933429061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased my stack massively in the last week simply on the strength of the memes alone.

>> No.24794341


>> No.24794394
File: 59 KB, 1080x701, Du5oeiw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pool at $10 sell at $20. Until then, just hold.

>> No.24794424

>looks thread
>looks graph
>looks back thread

Statera. The crypto that has the most desperate bagholders!

>> No.24794476
File: 959 KB, 1329x1429, 1591259364108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most dedicated* nigger. Most of us aren't here for a 10x or even 100x at this point. This fucker can go much higher.

>> No.24794918

My patience is being obliterated by this shit. I'm selling my stack in 7...5...3...1...

>> No.24794978

Now have over 500k.
Happy with that :)

>> No.24795066

kek the memes of this coin is the best.. bought 10000

>> No.24795259

Not too many wallets actually sold during the ATH, people were expecting it to go higher

>> No.24795474

Damn why do you do this to me anon, I have around 280k now and was going to call it a day but it's clearly not enough

>> No.24795490

That's why DCAing into the pool is SUCH a huge thing.
You don't need to time it perfectly, or be a master at reading charts... You just do it
every week, twice a month, whatever.
It will make the pool stronger, earn you fees, increase the volume and make Statera less susceptible to dumps.
There's literally no downside!

>> No.24795514

280k is absolutely enough! Lol
People would kill for that stack
My problem is I've delved a little too deeply into the mechanics of this, and I know that buying now when it could literally be 20/30x the price in a month or 2 is the definition of a no-brainer.

>> No.24795705

Right that's what I feel too anon, we're thinking in the same way, you can get 25k sta for like 1.65eth at the moment, ok it's not 0.01c cheap, but it's still cheap. I've basically come to the conclusion that sta is my low cap pick, no point trying other low cap coins imo, especially as the sta token actually has a purpose more than just governance, which says alot. Im bad at trading and prefer things I can hold for a while with some degree of confidence. What else are you holding?

>> No.24795740

LOL retard

>> No.24795752

Pool 30 % of your sta now

>> No.24795799


>> No.24796048

Can't wait to watch the naysayers fomo in at $1 for a 10x and being able to tell them "we told you so"

>> No.24796284

>meme value
Unironically the reason why i bought a suicide stack of STA and PNK and RSR. And bought a bag of Chads.vc because of their website. I wonder if I'll make it

>> No.24796366

I agree
I have a heavy belief that the dashboard will be an absolute game-changer. I lost count of the times when people have asked how to pool, what are the returns, etc.
Having a clear access and a clear understanding of the EXACT APY is massive.
Nobody wants to download a fucking google doc and input their own figures.
People want nice shiny buttons they can press and see an instant answer.
And we're gonna get it

I also hold some. BTC, Eth, and a few other shitcoins
Statera is what I'm most excited about, by far

>> No.24796612

you do realise more liquidity in the pool means less apy if there are no transactions, right?

>> No.24796644

It will go up 1000x before this becomes an issue + burning takes care of the volume

>> No.24796689

it already is an issue, hence why right now the apy is low

>> No.24796703

Retard. The Balancer creates the volume. More liquidity means more volume meaning more fees. There's no cap to this and we have already seen 1000% APY. Statera is revolutionary and it's only a matter of time before Forbes mentions it

>> No.24796733

And you clearly don't understand how Statera works or are a fudder disguised as a weak shiller. Go re-read the whitepaper regardless

>> No.24796746

Fuck off commie. I'm not pooling for "the greater good". If that's required for the system to work then statera has failed.

>> No.24796763

meant for >>24795752

>> No.24796782

Volume will not be an issue in the future

>> No.24796900

put the calculations in retards, more liquidity when volume is low ie people not buying or selling statera will make the apy returns low. stop living in your delusional Statera fantasy

>> No.24798161

poorfag wanting cheap statera.