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24790095 No.24790095 [Reply] [Original]

They’re never gonna give us another stimulus without tying it to the fucking goyvax, are they

>> No.24790416

14th amendment.

>> No.24790431

what's wrong with the vaccine?

>> No.24790469

First test it on the jews, if they the jews refuse to take, don't take it

>> No.24790472
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>they're never going to hand away other people's money with no strings attached again are they

>> No.24790482

Motherfucker I pay exorbitant taxes. It’s my money.

>> No.24790509

I'm Jewish and I want to take it as soon as I can get it. This year has really sucked and I'm hoping that if people get these shots maybe next year will be better. I'd like to be able to go to theater again.

>> No.24790593

It re-writes your DNA and is going to purposely cause sterility. Think of it like this. Gaytes talks all the time about the need to reduce the population and now all of a sudden he’s backing mass vacc1nations. Why would he promote something actually meant to protect you instead of something to keep you from making more humans. It gets even deeper than that but that’s the long and short of it.

>> No.24790607

They'll just go back to stealing everyones money through inflation

>> No.24790623

>movie theater
People still go to those things?

>> No.24790628

Oldest j*w trick in the book. You aren't fooling me.

>> No.24790720
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EPIC is your stimulus, you just don't realize it yet.

>> No.24790758

>he still hasn’t heard of the Banking For All Act

>> No.24790928

yes, but I was thinking more like Broadway theaters. Prior to the pandemic I was seeing multiple plays every week, its a real passion of mine. So its really sucked with all of that completely shut down since March with no real end in sight.

That seems a little farfetched, don't you think?

>> No.24790937

wow what type of faggot goes to broadway plays that’s gay

>> No.24790953


>> No.24790963

Have you ever actually been to a Broadway show?

>> No.24790974

I don't really understand why people harp on this so much. Protein is protein, if you think eating bugs is disgusting but eating the beef chicken or pork you can buy at the supermarket isn't, then you don't know enough about the state of industrialized agriculture.

>> No.24790975

Fuck jews. Don't kill Palestinian kids.

>> No.24790996
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>That seems a little farfetched, don't you think?
>After you all take it things can go back to normal

>> No.24791000

It's mRNA, not a retrovirus. Lrn2biology.

>> No.24791005

I'm not Israeli, and I don't automatically approve of or excuse everything Israel does just because I'm Jewish.

>> No.24791026

I'm more thinking that after everyone takes it and the resistance wears off after a few months we'll all just collectively shrug our shoulders and say fuck it. I wish that's what we did in the first place instead of shutting everything down with no plan to get it back running again.

>> No.24791060

What’s farfetched is a virus that almost no one dies from needing mass injections to be cured.

>> No.24791077

Yeah but id rather have a steak over a bug. Id rather have a chicken leg over some peanuts. Protein is protein is a retarded argument. Go back to your shit hut, pajeet.

>> No.24791083

Bases and red pilled

>> No.24791086

it's still killed a lot of people though, and some it didn't kill have developed long term complications from it as a result. A relative of mine has developed a kind of low grade dementia from it. He gets confused and forgets things sometimes, that didn't happen before he got Covid.

>> No.24791107

I'm American and not Indian. I just find the whole argument inane. Insect matter can be prepared however you want, yet people act like its some dehumanizing horror.

>> No.24791117

>Protein is protein
>still buys groceries from the store instead of eating free bugs
get fucked nigger kike!

>> No.24791147

So you think we should let people die and a virus run rampant forever rather than go with proven science? What if it mutates? What happens when you get over 80? Killing anyone is the whole point of stopping it. I mean in the big picture nukes don't kill a lot of people but I don't want my neighbor to have one.

>> No.24791175

epitranscriptomics brainlet. this mRNA shot will sterilize young women.

>> No.24791240
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>> No.24791248

proven science? it's a fast-tracked mRNA vaccine. mRNA has never been used on humans up until a few months ago. cost to benefit ration has not been established and in many countries the mfg has no liability under law. c-19 is a mutation from a lab already. it wont hang around long like natural strains do.

>> No.24791260

>muh science, never question muh science

please stop watching cable news.

>> No.24791265

you sound very confident of this. What led you to this conclusion exactly?

>> No.24791285

numbers were manipulated. your relative reacted to iv antibiotics.

>> No.24791309

>anecdotal examples now count as evidence
Sure moishe

>> No.24791353

>comparing a harmless virus to a nuclear bomb
1 FNR has been deposited to your account. You have 1 hour to buy a consoomer good until your negative interest rate goes into effect. Negative interest rates carry an additional fee.

>> No.24791418

This is just one of many examples. https://www.wodarg.com/app/download/9033912514/Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signed_with_Exhibits_geschwa%CC%88rzt.pdf

>> No.24791516

Guess what, if a vaccine induces anti-spike antibodies that prevent placenta formation *so does a Wu Flu infection*.

And considering how antibody levels drop off post infection/vaccine (ramping back up upon future contact), your most likely outcome is people being less fertile while infected with Chinkenpox.

>> No.24791588
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>inbred old jew gets older
>develops dementia on top of their schizophrenia, tay sachs disease and gaucher disease
>'oy gevalt grand uncler Moishe was always sharp as a tack, it's how he survived 17 gassings in Nazi Germany death camps, clearly this must be the work of the devastating corona virus, ALL cattl- goyim must be injected IMMEDIATELY'

>> No.24791598

what you just typed makes no fucking sense at all. this is mRNA. you become the monsanto round up ready dent corn. you modify your DNA and produces the spikes, not a foreign agent in your blood system. are you fucking 12?

>> No.24791620

A massive faggot wrote this

>> No.24791689

Jesus, you didn't even read your link? Here: file:///tmp/mozilla_alex0/Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signed_with_Exhibits_geschwa%CC%88rzt-1.pdf

Section C, point XI.

>Several vaccine candidates are expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Syncytin-1 (see Gallaher, B., “Response to nCoV2019 Against Backdrop of Endogenous Retroviruses” - http://virological.org/t/response-to-ncov2019-against-backdrop-of-endogenous-retroviruses/396)), which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses. There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies.

>> No.24791721

My bad: https://www.wodarg.com/app/download/9033912514/Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signed_with_Exhibits_geschwa%CC%88rzt.pdf

See what that's saying? He's asking for the stay because the antibodies the vaccine produces might target one of the proteins for placental formation. Those exact same antibodies are generated by an actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Nothing to do with the mRNA delivery method.

>> No.24791759


>> No.24791779

Far fetched? We have been using mRNA encoding nucleases (CRISPRCas9) and gRNA to edit DNA in target cells for over ten years now. This "vaccine" is an mRNA therapy that will make your body create a problem in your system that your body will fight. It's like giving yourself an immune disorder by editing God's code. Never roll your own.

>> No.24791798

Again, I'll point out it's mRNA for the spike protein. There is no retrovirus component to the Moderna vaccine. There is no mysteriously hidden CRISPR component.

The spike proteins are produced by ribosomes reading the mRNA. Your DNA is unchanged and literally never enters into the picture.

>> No.24791821

Very nice. What plays were you seeing? I'm still really hoping they will go back on tour with Hamilton after the pandemic but it doesn't seem likely

>> No.24791835

similar but not exactly the same. once you alter your dna, there is no going back either. this is just one of the many obvious concerns. for over a decade, we were unable to test this shit on humans in any scale. never let a crisis go to waste.

>> No.24791876

You're not altering your DNA. How do you not understand that?

>> No.24791887

You know what, maybe you're just confused about what DNA and RNA actually are. Here, this is worth 5 minutes of your time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKIpDtJdK8Q

>> No.24791931
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who is this bot autist stumping for the goyvax ITT

>> No.24792001

mRNA-1273 has a direct effect on DNA and your DNA will react and remember, altering it. We really don't have the slightest clue what the fuck is going to happen 4 years after treatment. https://www.med.uio.no/imb/english/research/news-and-events/news/2020/Modified-RNA-has-a-direct-effect-on-DNA.html

>> No.24792057

Nope, I'm straight.

>> No.24792204
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Between New Years and the pandemic shutdown this year I saw on broadway:
-Jagged Little Pill
-A Soldier's Play
-The Minutes
-Phantom of the Opera (what a piece of shit that was, it was the last thing I got to see as well)
-Grand Horizons

Off Broadway I saw
-Emojiland (actually saw this a few times, it was that good)
-Harry Townsend's Last Stand
-Katsura Sunshine
-The play that goes wrong
-Paradise Lost

I had tickets for Hadestown and a dance performance by Pilobolus for the next week when the shutdown happened, really bummed I didn't get to see those.

I was also going to the movies and cabaret shows in addition to seeing these shows. I hadn't realized just how important of a coping mechanism this stuff had become to helping me keep my emotional state positive. It was pretty hard to keep from getting depressed those first few months after it was gone.

How about you?

>> No.24792382
File: 15 KB, 480x293, Wow it's fucking nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beating up on morons and schizos is fun. Plus it keeps the information here from being low-IQ garbage.

>pic related
You really need to learn more about the vaccine before spouting off about it or polluting the board with irrelevant links.

>> No.24792494

Shut up Globalist shill. Your act is transparent

>> No.24792515


>> No.24792524

I hate the globalists as much as anyone. But your efforts are better focused on shit like the FDA blocking testing at the start of the pandemic than throwing out easily disproven nonsense or wild, clickbaity conjecture.

Facebook-tier thinking never won anything.

>> No.24792528

gates has been pushing for vaccines in africa for the last 20 years
there is a worse truth in that our civil liberties are being eroded day by day with each new move, whether that's a lockdown, having to wear the mask or taking the vaccine; all events with a dual purpose of their stated intent + enforcing compliance
feel free to stick to childish conspiracy theories where a big bad man wants to genocide you in one fell swoop. no doubt it's more comforting to think of pure evil than of the mix of incompetence, personal greed and moral depravity that is characteristic of "the elites" you likely call as such without having ever interacted with one

>> No.24792559

>there is a worse truth in that our civil liberties are being eroded day by day with each new move, whether that's a lockdown, having to wear the mask or taking the vaccine
personally what worries me more than having to wear a mask are the people in Washington attempting a coup. 100+ congressmen supporting an effort to get the supreme court to throw out 10 million people's votes just because.

>> No.24792747

a coup is a military insurrection. ignoring fraudulent votes is a good thing moishe.

>> No.24792802

But that's the best thing the Jews ever did.

>> No.24792902

How can I become Jewish

>> No.24792920

Why are you worried? The system is rigged and the US economy will collapse in our life time, along with Europe and Canada. You think your votes really matter? You think voting for the lesser evil is going to save the US? The great depression is coming, the last chance to redirect this trajectory was in the late 80's before Bush Sr.

That... is... evil.

>> No.24793568
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