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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24779760 No.24779760 [Reply] [Original]

>Dont mind us just launching a whole new defi protocol alongside our main product

My body is ready for those sweet passive gains while I wait for this thing to go to 10$

>> No.24779769

yeah hopefully this stops the price from just tanking. Super frustrating

>> No.24779822

Every customer has to market buy or borrow PRQ from holders if they want to use the service. It doesn't get much better than that.

>> No.24779845

This is accumulation phase anon. Right now the token doesnt have much usage, so its nothing but an investors speculation with strong ups and downs.
But they are preparing to integrate their token into all of their services. When all that shit is good to go, you're going to wish you bought more

>> No.24779852

i've got a decently comfy stack. I have 58000, so I think I'll make it.

>> No.24780978

Sell at 10 vs staking and lending.
What should I do anons. 50k stack.

>> No.24781015

The next chainlink in making. Parsiq is undervalued gem

>> No.24781051

Stake and lend until it hits 10$? Duh.
Or I mean if the interest rates are high enough at 10$ enjoy living off passive gains

>> No.24781130

Keep buying as long as you can stomach the price, lend and use the profits to find another project early and do the same again.

>> No.24781234

I wonder if this will be integrated on Coinmetro, without the need to move them into your own wallet

>> No.24781490

Probably not, this is kind of a stand-alone defi protocol, that other tokens can also use for lending/borrowing. They made it for PRQ but its a different product

>> No.24781606

I wonder if this doesn't delist it from CM, as it would make PRQ a security rather than a utility

>> No.24781628

>PRQ being 3 years late again

>> No.24781848

Token not needed scamcoin

>> No.24781931
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found this on CM telegram, but no official source

>> No.24782013

Thats nice for CM users. Suppose its no big deal for Parsiq to integrate it into the exchange since theyre working together closely

>> No.24782147

Don't buy it. Go lose your money on the latest .finance.

>> No.24782166

Should I yolo my entire stack into it?

>> No.24782170

Bryan is as close to an official source as you can get without it being a direct employee.

>> No.24782204

Sure. Go lose your money when the start selling direct to businesses without the useless token and 'hodlium'.

>> No.24782584

lol direct b2b fiat is actually hodlium under the hood dumb dumb :^)

>> No.24782716

How much more are you trying to buy?

>> No.24782762

Shame you don't understand that a useless TOKEN is not shared in a company. Parsiq will give you nothing.


>> No.24782785


>> No.24782916
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Good thing the team is planning to integrate the token into everything Parsiq does then innit mate

>> No.24782973

The auditor of the iqprotocol is andre cronje, you heard it here first.

>> No.24783044

Kek I hope not, watch from this timestamp


>> No.24783048

Stop making threads about this piece of shit coupon token fucking russian scam

>> No.24783144

Mate you're in the wrong thread this is not a Chainlink thread

>> No.24783238

Uh-huh. Until they decided they can do perfectly well without their useless token. This will be Lition 2.0, just wait

At least Chainlink has an actual product, not just partnerships with scam defi and a scam exchange - that repaid them by 'losing' millions of tokens

>> No.24783307

>Until they decided they can do perfectly well without their useless token.
They were already doing fine without the token, look at their website now all the payment plans are in fiat, yet they are choosing to integrate the token and make all users hold or borrow PRQ to use the product. Why go through all that lenght if they are doing fine with just fiat?
Now stop with your obvious FUDing, you had 4 months to accumulate, hurry your ass up before you want to rope

>> No.24783334

To all trolls who think parsiq is a scam coin...either you want to fud to buy in cheap or you just dumb as hell. Parsiq is going to to blast the roof of any coin within 6 months. Starting with the sock of news end of december 2020. Stupid lamer trolls do not know anything of what parsiq is going to do for the entire blockchain services available.

>> No.24783434

That fucking smirk as saying yeah we are already on the moon fucking moron just buy.

>> No.24783440

Yes, temporary promises to prop up the price whilst they dump useless PRQ tokens. Straight out of the LIT playbook.

Go on then, explain it. Without meme phrases like 'reverse Chainlink '. Bonus points if you can articulate why it needs a token at all.

>> No.24783517

Link did not need the token at all too fucking moron.
They implemented and affirmed the token would be used mid 2019.

>> No.24783522
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>Temporary promises to dump the token
Haha is this the best you have

>> No.24783614

They listened to the community when we said token not needed and they designed a very clever platform that means ANY customer that wants to use their service (which will be a shitload both on and off chain) will have to hold, (market buy) borrow (from holders) or pay fiat which parsiq will then use to borrow from the lending pool.
What parsiq does is allows communication between smart contracts, something that could not be done before. Actionable smart triggers can slide around, through, in and out of the blockchain, collating and reacting to information flows and reporting and parsing them as it actions.
Everyone will be using parsiq and that means everyone will be buying or borrowing PRQ.
This is the moonshot of the decade. Get on board.

>> No.24783648

Forgot to mention, it can trigger actions from a report even before confirmation. This shit is massive.

>> No.24783718

Yep. Obviously so much worse than 'businesses will be forced to buy or loan our pointless token solely to make bagholders money'. You honestly believe this is a viable long term business model? How does Parsiq benefit from this? Maybe they're all altruists, just like Lition Energie?

I see you're swearing because you can't handle someone challenging your pointless token ponzi scheme. Why not go back to your Telegram with all your mates who 'don't get maths but Anatoly is obviously a genius so I trust him with my $500 life savings'. Real cosy in there - until you all get rugged, ofc.

>> No.24783762

4 months, tik tok anon, time is running out

>> No.24783785

3.5 actually

>> No.24783904

It's pretty obvious you are a holder looking to dump prices or just have a larp. Nobody knows this much about a token and company they are not invested in but I will humour you.
The team recently brought in a governance protocol which protects holders, they actually managed to get one lads tokens back who fell for a scam, they bailed out the idiots who lost money on Poloniex when CM was hacked, they listen to the community. I've never seen a team so commited to their investors.
The new tokenomics reward everyone, service users have a choice of packages, they can ttake the risk of holding tokens and use the services or they can derisk and borrow for a monthly fee. If they choose to pay fiat then Parsiq will borrow from the pool. We are still waiting for clarification on this but I would imagine it will be a percentage and parsiq will keep some for revenue. They need to be paid after all but it is all bullish for the future.

>> No.24784033

I do not understand, I go out do my own research on a coin and buy it and now all the sundden there is mass shilling on the coin I bought.

I bought 5 days ago and that is exactly when the shilling started. Now I feel like I bought a scam....

>> No.24784106

It's been shilled for months but nobody listened, we are about to take off so there is a bit more excitement maybe, well done dyor. Just hold and be comfy.

>> No.24784201

Thanks for actually bothering to answer me without resorting to cheap insults.

The new tokenomics package sounds wonderful and all, and I understand how it works, but it offers absolutely no advantage over businesses paying Parsiq directly. Does this not worry you at all? Maybe you trust Anatoly not to rug you, and based on his previous actions that does seem reasonable, but what about if Parsiq is sold? What about pressure from investors?

As for the actually function of Parsiq itself, do you really believe there's that much market demand for it? Chainlink have struggled to actually attain any real world adoption, beyond defi scams. What makes you honestly believe that everyone will need or want to use Parsiq?

>> No.24784520

I have to trust the team, they have given me no reason not to, quite the opposite, they have gone out of their way at their own cost to keep the community happy and after watching the last AMA from Anatoly I believe he is in this in a community based fashion. The new tokenomics are still fluid on the fiat question and they have asked for our input on the final decision. You can't get any better in any business, never mind the wild west of crypto.
Adoption? They have customers lining up for the new service which has yet to be announced. They are talking with SAP, VISA, Insurance providers and a major car manufacturer right now. The usecase for Parsiq tech is endless. Anatoly has invented something we have never seen. It is almost like a new layer protocol, it operates within, without, off chain and on any chain (eventually) and provides a service nobody else can provide, they have no competition and there seems to be great demand.
What else can I say?
Read back everything I have said and suggest me a more trustworthy project with a more trustworthy team with a larger usecase and then tell me their mcap?
Parsiq is going to make link look like a fart in the wind. This reverse oracle nonsense does not come close and comparisons to link are fud of the royal order.
Investors are not going to force a sale, their is no contracted governance for token holders so their is no mechanism to force a sale. Anatoly and the team seem commited to bringing new projects into the space, they are reinvesting profits from the existing product to develop new ones. It seems to be more of a passion with the team to design tech rather than make money. The offshoot of that will be money pouring in by default. People want what they are creating.

>> No.24784710

now that x-c-m is at a higer mcap im considering going all in if the before mentioned coin is going down

>> No.24784749

>enjoy living off passive gains
anon say that again I'll be going to the bathroom

>> No.24784766

kevin said they want to incorporate ALL staking/lending things possible into cm

>> No.24784803

>least Chainlink has an actual product
both have a product, i feel you heard about this coin at 0.009 but thought it was a bad idea
then missed out hard and now you cant handle it whenever you hear about this coin

>> No.24784823

I should probably mention that the new service/product will be announced in the next two weeks, customers are apparently lining up to buy it including Coin Metro which was confirmed by Kevin Murcko, we are also expecting an announcement regarding a partnership/integration with a layer 1 protocol project and there will also be a partnership/protocol with a top defi project. This is all expected in the next two weeks.
Then we get the new tokenomics in Q1 next year and the team have said they have more announcements than they know what to do with.
TBHWY anyone not buying PRQ at these prices is missing large chunks of neurological matter.
Basically, buy or forever be a spastic.

>> No.24784863

imagine wasting your time writing all that for some retard anon
spend the time you try helping retards with helping people who want help, or call ur mum ask her how she's been

>> No.24784867
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In Kevin and Anatoly we trust

>> No.24784869

That would be a very good idea, it would make people more likely to remain on the exchange and prefer it over others.

>> No.24784884

>tik tok anon
nimiq ?

>> No.24784894
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>> No.24784984

My mother is a cunt and I have this need to help those who cannot help themselves. I'm a charitable sort.

>> No.24785059
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sorry about that anon,
let's talk crypto then, what other projects are you looking at, for me, it's pic

>> No.24785188

The team are incentivized to see the token price increase. They have shown time and time again that they are good faith actors (see: bailing out retards who got scammed, following through on announcements). The new tokenomics make it so that the token must be held and there is a constant buy pressure. The services
address needs that the team identified from previous experience building products and services in this space. Shame you don't have a brain. You won't buy PRQ and you will get NOTHING. lel!

>> No.24785247

Velo is my other. They are about to commit half of south east asia to using the token and they won't even know it. Mass adoption won't be normans buying bitcoin. It will be companies like Visa (velo are partnered already) switching their transactions from the swift network to the blockchain. Nobody will even notice the change.

>> No.24785298

It is in the team interest to see token price growth, they hold dev and team tokens locked in wallets that gain in value, they have marketing funds in PRQ that will increase in value. If you pay an executive in stock options they tend to work hard to add value to the company. This is no different.

>> No.24785299

Dunno man I am certain xcm will keep making their floor higher but prq is just better.

>> No.24785326

Look, I genuinely appreciate that you're going to the effort of typing out actually coherent responses.

But re-read your description of what Parsiq does. They have a service, which no-one knows what it is, but which lots of big companies want - apparently. 'Talks' mean nothing - almost every project in crypto has 'talks' or 'partnerships '. Means fuck all.

As for Parsiq tech: something new has been invented by Anatoly. It's a layer protocol. It works everywhere, including off blockchain, despite being blockchain tech. No one else can do this. No one else will do this. 'There seems to be great demand'.

I honestly think that you're and the other shilling Parsiq, don't understand what it is supposed to be at all. I see the same in the Telegram group. I think this is just a cult of personality around Anatoly. Fine, he seems like a nice guy. If that's the case, at least admit it to biz anons, don't lie.

And a final point - don't confuse token holders with investors. I certainly wasn't when I made that comment.

>> No.24785393

thanks for the info haven't heard about it yet.
not so interesting to me though looking at that 150m mcap

>> No.24785462

Ah yes, you're both geniuses who completely understand Parsiq tech, yet cannot explain it.

The fact that 'you don't understand the tokenomics' - even though I have made it very obvious that I do - and 'I'm gonna make lots of money so fuck you' are your arguments for PRQ just absolutely screams SCAM. I could list several thousand other projects spilled on this board on exactly the same grounds.

>> No.24785495

>But re-read your description of what Parsiq does. They have a service, which no-one knows what it is, but which lots of big companies want - apparently
I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're saying.
riddle my this, why would bitfury partner with some no name shitcoin? exactly
not every project can just walk up to bitfury and get a partnership, the fact that they did should tell you something

he is saying crypto people don't know about it, which is true, and companies do, why else would Chainlink partner with them.

and no it's not all just useless partnerships, they explain in detail why prq is helping them.
fuck you
eat a dick

>> No.24785643


Yes, so exclusive to get a partnership with Bitfury. Only the best of crypto. As for Chainlink, it's be quicker to list projects they haven't partnered with.

And crypto people, whoever they are, don't get it, but you, the rare genius you are, and the rest of the maths illiterate Telegram group, have somehow spotted this paradigm breaking technology? A tech so advanced that you cannot even explain it.

Nice ad hominem btw, I'll assume that's you conceding the point.

>> No.24785817

The service they already provide is a gem that has not yet realised its potential. As I understand it the service is profitable.It is a monitoring service that can generate reports and respond with notifications, sure, nothing mind blowing as it stands but underneath that is the tech that most fail to understand. A smart contract is actually pretty dumb, it does its thing and that is it. Parsiq smart triggers can take information from one smart contract and react to it and then trigger a response on another contract. As far as I understand it. It can do this on and off chain and cross chain (eventually) Compared to an oracle like link Parsiq is the equivelant of a multi warhead missile, It goes the same ballistic path but it delivers multiple data transfers and variable options. I'm no specialist, but what I took from the recent AMA was that Parsiq have found a space they can penetrate, manipulate, collate and report on, all before confirmation even happens. Show me anything similar?
The new service/product is apparently in demand. I have no reason to disbelieve this and I personally asked Kevin Murcko about this and he said, ready and waiting. That's good enough for me. Kevin is no lightweight.
I am no follower of people, Anatoly is a genius, that much is clear from his CV but we all have our skills and I rate no man better than me. We all have our skills and our place. If anything I think Anatoly doesn't realise quite what he has created.
Token holders are not investors is fair comment but we provided confidence in the team when they saw us buying into their idea early days. We are seed investors, seed capital almost. Investor, profiteer, adopter. There are many things you can label us, the one that will become the umbrella for all thoise labels will be rich.
We are all going to make it.

>> No.24785969

Binance added Parsiq as an incubation project with millions gifted to them as an investment, access to their marketing team and access to their expertise. Why do you think they are throwing money and expertise at this? For fun?

>> No.24786114

it must be, i passed up on buy some and now everything good that happens to them means it's bad for me!!
eat a dick

>> No.24786418

>Thanks for actually bothering to answer me without resorting to cheap insults.

>> No.24786652

unfathomably based

>> No.24786667
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Don't buy Parsiq terrible company, they killed my hamster.

>> No.24786861

Parsiq, live monitoring, transformation and smart triggers. Consider the ethereum use case. Event-driven dApp architecture is totally impractical, as tx fee must be paid for all computations e.g. for all subbed contracts. Parsiq event monitoring and smart trigger can bridge the gap, with value add (transparent off-chain computation, analysis, reporting). Customers: e.g. regulators, exchanges, trading firms. Enough explaining to u faggot. Look it up urself.

>> No.24787735

I'm in the top 30 holders and fuck you for shilling this before I finished accumulating. I wanted a mil of these.

>> No.24787768

Is there an ETA for lending? Or still a generic Q1 2021?

>> No.24787786

Actually that's not a hundred percent the case. Because the tokens are used to facilitate a community function. Basically you maintain the community smart contract interface snd the owner gets paid in prq. You could argue that they could only get paid in dollars instead and I'd agree, but I think they have more plans to expand community infrastructure.