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24780578 No.24780578 [Reply] [Original]

>pic very related

itt we discuss what will happen to the price of a single linkpool token once it will be made a ERC-20 token

>When did Linkpool say it was going to change over to an erc-20 token
In a twitter post, Mat Beale said this

>What will the effects of this be
Once Linkpool is an erc-20 token, it will trade on CEXs like Binance and Coinbase, instead of just on the LP dex

>What will the valuation be?
It's marketcap would be around $185,100,000, making it 74th on CMC

>When this happens, will the price go up?
Yes, most definitely. There are currently only around 700 LP holders. Once more fractional shares are introduced this number will significantly increase along with its price

>How do I buy before this all happens?

>> No.24780639

What do you know about how LP will integrate with Yearn?

>> No.24780655

jonny rims horses

>> No.24780690
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Mat Beale has been all over YFI from the start. He's said they're going to have an integration: it's going to happen.
When that happens + Linkpool being converted to ERC-20 will make the price hit the motherfucking moon

>> No.24780765

What exactly does it mean for LP to integrate YFI?

>> No.24780797

Do you guys know how the link tokens on other chains are created, is there a contract on eth that locks them up before the other chains mint theirs? Otherwise it would dilute the overall circulating supply right?

>> No.24780864
File: 786 KB, 2048x1520, Screenshot_20201209-184359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ERC-20 coming Q1

>> No.24780923

>is there a contract on eth that locks them up before the other chains mint theirs?

>> No.24780964

Today was the lowest payout in over 2 months - it's fucking disappointing man

>> No.24780988

What’s Link pool financials look like. I want to see a quarterly statement

>> No.24781058

since you receive the funds based of a percentage of REVENUE rather than Profit, there really isn't a need for a quarterly because they handle all expenses

wow, this is huge news, thank you for sharing anon

>> No.24781085

Thanks, any idea of the contract address? Couldn't find. Last time I checked for binance they just had an eth address with link in it and another on binance chain with blink in it and said they would maintain an order book with a 1/1 ratio between both, so not very trustless. Also, you would imagine that some sort of crosschain communication would be needed to manage the lock/unlock process, is Chainlink used for this? Would be cool

>> No.24781142
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>9 supported chains
>off-chain reporting live on mainnet

Blockchain agnosticism is quickly becoming a reality.

>> No.24781203
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very true fren
and they accomplished all this with <10 people
now imagine what they're going to accomplish with 80+ people!
and once the gas issue goes away, all those funds will be able to be used for something more important

>> No.24781229

checked and rimpilled

>> No.24781237

it says im a burger and cant own it :(

>> No.24781245

>he didn't know Johnny Rimso was racist

>> No.24781282

kek. he a hot dog dude not a burger dude

>> No.24781296

How does this erc20 thing affect the payouts btw? think it would mess it up when there are tokens all over the place.

>> No.24781344

These generals, specifically, are the most obviously team posted ones on the whole of biz. I hope you enjoy your SEC issues

>> No.24781366

that warning sign is only for show
you are under no penalty if you hold Linkpool
the only ones who could get in trouble are the Linkpool team and they have shown they don't really care about Americans holding


most people can't afford a whole 0.04 of Linkpool so with the fractional shares of an ERC-20 coming, more people will be able to own thus driving up the price
also, the publicity for Linkpool once it's on the front page of cmc will drive the price up so high
and the list can go on but you can see how Linkpool being made an ERC-20 will make the price skyrocket

>> No.24781403

>SEC issues
Chainlink is what all the major legacy financial institutions and public authorities need to make their long-touted blockchain projects even work.
Why do you thing the WEF is shilling it this hard?

If ANY crypto can sidestep government regulations, it's Chainlink.

>> No.24781474

fucking this
and of course Sergey will protect his employee Johnny Huxtable and Linkpool
and really the govt doesn't care as long as you cut them in on your company and Chainlink has already done this
>more regulation FUD by noLPers who are bitter they missed out on the linkpool ico

>> No.24781539

Any new news regarding early staking limits? Some have said it'll get to 10k a year after staking gets implemented, others far sooner. I'm on the fence if I should buy more LP for staking porpoises.

>> No.24781613

>It's marketcap would be around $185,100,000, making it 74th on CMC
Extremely overvalued

>> No.24781694
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>There are currently only around 700 LP holders.

>> No.24781841

i wouldn't sell any LINK to buy more LP, but any other crypto you should sell and transfer it into LP for steaking purposes. There is going to be such a rush once for Linkpool once steaking is announced that you'd regret not having more Linkpool. Also you want to have enough Linkpool to sell some when steaking is announced and then use the rest to stake your linkies. While normie DeFi like SNX and AAVE are attractive, they have nothing on the true value of LP
>just imagine ERC-20 LP AND steaking, simply mindblowing imagining the potential capital appreication

>> No.24781890

with ERC-20, LP will have like 70,000 holders
just imagine what that will do to the price

anyone who has 1LP will have fuck you money once steaking comes

>> No.24782355

I think the new total supply is 100k LP, so if you have 1 LP right now, you will have 25 LP after the token migration